Gaining and Losing


Leon smirked inwardly as he leaned back in his chair and examined the scene carefully. The well known group of Tidus, Wakka, Selphie, Kairi, and of course Riku and Sora were sitting in numeorus places around the room. He watched as Cloud wondered in from the kitchen holding a drink right before sitting next to him.

"Let me see. How about we liven things up."

The others looked at him oddly as he crossed his arms.

"What do you mean?" Kairi leaned back against the couch while Sora placed his arm on the top of it.

"I know that this is a reunion and all but there has been something on my mind for a while now." The brunette noticed Riku quirk an eyebrow.

Tidus rolled his eyes. "Well are ya gonna say it?"

"I wanna make a bet."

Cloud shook his head right before Sora looked at him slightly interested.

"With who? All of us?"

"No. Just one person. But it does involve you."

Sora looked around at the others while Leon stood up and walked around the room. Everyone felt a bit anxious as to what he was going to do next, but when he stopped in front of Riku the group listened in closely.

"What?" The boy's aqua eyes stared up at Leon's blue ones as he smirked at him.

"Well Riku you're the lucky person that I wanna make a bet with."

The younger boy leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms.

"What kind of a bet?"

"Like I said earlier something has been on my mind since I last saw you and Sora."

Sora glanced at Riku confused and shrugged his shoulders.

"Then spit it out already." The silver-haired boy was getting sick of being led on.

"The bet is that you have to be Sora's boyfriend for two weeks."


Both boys stood up and were looking wide eyed at Leon as he smirked in triumph.

"What the hell kind of bet is that?"

"Yeah I mean c'mon Leon! Riku is a guy! And so am I!"

Kairi stood up right as Riku began to glare daggers at the boy standing near him.

"Now listen. I'm sure Leon has a perfectly good explanation as to why he would propose something like this."

"I never finished my bet."

All the teens became silent again as Riku silently seethed at the man.

"Along with being his boyfriend, I bet that at the end of the two weeks you will have fallen in love with him."

This time Sora just stood there as Riku was speechless. Cloud stood up now and walked over to the two boys.

"Why would you ever-?" Selphie asked both curious and lost at the same time.

"Honestly. I just thought of a good way to torture Riku and wanted to give it a whirl. Because I know that he could never turn down a bet, especially something as big as this."

"What are the terms ya?" Wakka was very intrigued by this because anything that involved Riku being beaten was something he wanted a front row seat on.

"If I win then you have to give me your most precious possession."

Kairi glanced over at Sora to see him staring at the ground in utter disbelief. As soon as Riku's voice was heard though, she instantly listened in.

"...Fine. If I win then you have to do the dirty with Cloud."

The blonde stood in the corner and shook his head in silence while Leon rolled his eyes and held out his hand.

"You've got yourself a bet."

Riku slowly placed his hand in Leon's and nodded.

"All right then."

A few hours later, Sora stood on the pier overlooking the sunset gazing over the dark blue ocean waters. His spiky chestnut hair swayed to the side a bit as a small breeze passed providing no comfort. His entire universe had been altered by just one sentence-one declaration.

'How can things get anymore complicated?'

His eyes roamed the gleam scattered across the horizon as his thoughts seem to do just the same. He had thought that when they returned back to the island together, that everything and everyone would be normal again. The battles they had fought together had strengthened his, Riku's, and Kairi's bond now and forever. Nothing could ever tear them apart-not after being torn from one another for two years time. Two years time they were scattered across the universe but now they were together. How is it that when you're apart the heart becomes stronger? That is something that they were finally able to answer.

He clutched his hand into a fist and stared down at the ground with a sigh.

'This is so stupid.'

His heart had belonged to Kairi for many years. And during the last year of his fighting he had began to realize even more that he wanted nothing more than to be with her. When they had finally reached home things were a bit different though. The two had been close for a while, practically inseperable. But...for some odd reason they did not click like they had when they were separated. Perhaps the longing they had had for so long was just to be reunited, to know that the other was all right. Neither were hurt when they had decided to just be friends.

But there was one person left out of the equation.


"Hey you ran off before I could talk to you."

Sora's thoughts were put on hold as the silver-haired boy appeared walking over to him.

"Oh sorry."

Both stood there in silence for a few minutes as Riku tried to think of how to begin the conversation.

"Well...I'm sure you're wondering why I accepted that bet."


"Don't take it the wrong way. I don't like guys it's just I have to keep my pride and if I didn't go along with it then-"

"It's all right Riku. I probably would have done the same thing."

Sora glanced up at his friend to see him smile.

"Well don't worry we don't have to do anything. We just have to put up with a few people thinking we're together is all."

"Okay but...what do you think people at school are gonna say?"

Riku sat up on the tree as Sora leaned back against it with his hands behind his head. This was the duo's normal stance. The older boy peered down beside Sora's face and smirked.

"Why are you worried?"

"No!" The boy had looked to the side to see his friend close and quickly looked back down. "It's just well..."

"Screw what people say. They won't have a reason to think too much about it as long as we don't do anything intimate. So like I said don't worry."

Sora sighed inwardly and closed his eyes.

'But it's so hard not to.'