A/N: This as promised is the continuation of The Rogue. Although this is set about a year before that one shot. If anyone hasn't read it yet I would recommend reading it, although this story can be read on its own.
This story will lead up to the happenings in The Rogue and continue further to after what happens.


Renee looked at me dread and panic causing her forehead to crease. My gut twisted in anticipation. I recognized the look on her face.

"Run Isabella! Don't look back!" she whispered her words rushed and laced with panic. She quickly thrust a light slightly bulging rucksack into my hands after clipping her necklace along with my father's dog tags around my neck.

"Your father and I love you, now go!" She whispered kissing my forehead before pushing me further into the trees. I hesitated for a moment as I watched her turn around and run in the oppose direction from me. I sprinted into the trees when I heard a ferocious roar slice through the tense silence. I was instantly on alert. I tried hard not to cry as I continued to run through the tree. I was now officially an orphan. Renee and my father Charlie we're both dead. I was alone, alone in a world now controlled by vampires.

Four years ago when I was fifteen vampires came out of hiding. They wanted to take control over the planet. They didn't want to be ruled over by a race that they thought of as lower than them. There was a war that lasted only a year. Thousands of us were killed. The vampires wanted total control and dominance over us. We surrendered when the government realized thousands where dying in a battle they couldn't win. So we gave up and let the vampires take control. We let them control us. We let them give us a number and catalogue us like sheep. When the vampires came to catalogue my family and the rest of our town we went into hiding. We formed a group with other humans who wouldn't submit. We fled our town leaving our old lives behind. We became the Rogues.

That was four years ago.

Now there is only one of us left.


And this…

Is my battle to survive…