Disclaimer: I own nothing, except my own creations.

As Frank continued to drone on at the Annual General Meeting, Geraldine noticed the person sitting next was dozing off, sliding further and further down in their chair.

Said person was actually her husband and she struggled to hide her laugh. She knew he was tired, as the financial year had just finished and he'd been putting in long hours to finish all the accounts of Dibley (in their varying states).

Resting a hand on his thigh, she turned back to Frank with what she hoped was an attentive face. It wasn't long before she felt a weight on her shoulder and Harry Kennedy slept on oblivious.

That was until the time neared where he would be required to stand up to agree to be the honorary accountant for the Dibley council. He was unceremoniously poked in the side and snapped upright, trying to collect his bearings.

Mortified, Harry was gratified to discover that no one had noticed his impromptu nap – just his highly amused wife. "You're up next," she whispered.

He ran his hands over his haggard face. Running his fingers through his hair, he pressed a quick kiss to Geraldine's lips before rising when David called his name.

The motion was passed without a fuss – and actually with a round of applause (much to Harry's embarrassment) – before he took a seat once again.

"Did I miss anything important?" he whispered to his wife.

"Not at all," she whispered back. "The best is yet to come."

David cleared his throat and referred to the paper before him. "And now a few words from our esteemed vicar..."
