No One Will Cry

A Hetalia Fanfiction

Prologue – The New Era

Summary: World War III. It happened. And a millennia later, the world is far different. A mass monarchy, and the one person leading this new civilization was never even recognized by the world as a country. Human Names. Rating may change. Blood/Gore. Character deaths. Language.

World War III

It was a horrendous event in history that no one ever intended to make happen.

The world had known they didn't get along – but no tried to stop them.

It wasn't recorded who fired the first missile – all we really know is that the land has changed since then. The continents have all been reformed, giant craters where cities once stood, and over the centuries they have become great lakes, overflowing and connecting to the world's oceans. The Earth has become predominantly water.

Before the war, the earth's surface was 70% water.

After the war, it is now 83% water. The great continents that were huge masses of land are now greatly divided by oceans and the huge lakes feeding into them. The ancient buildings of the old civilizations? Oh, some of them still stand. In fact, many of them are inhabited as homes still.

Recycling is very common in the New Era.

With the shift of land and water, a new way of living and connecting the world was discovered.

Steel forts and bridges.

World War III was at least a millennia ago.

Nations have been rebuilt, and most have adopted a connected monarchy of sorts.

A collection of princes and princesses rule over sections of the bridges, while one mighty King rules over them all.

Our king is known by the name of Peter Kirkland, and he and his princes and princesses are of a special case. For you see, they are the remainders of the Old Era, of what was wrong with the Earth.

King Peter vows never to let such things happen again.

Afterall, he was one of the few not involved in any sort of war or battle.

He wasn't even recognized as a nation.

End of Prologue

Hello everyone! I am Ebony S. White, but please call me Ebony. For those of you that know me, hello again! For those of you that don't know me, thank you for reading one of my fics! I promise this will be a pretty intense fic – Sealand is in charge!

I will be using predominantly human names, and the rating will probably change as this progresses. My first hetalia fic, yay!

I am very excited to write this story for all of you, and I hope you guys will enjoy the ride, too! Reviews are always enjoyed!

~Ebony S. White