Title: Hot Blooded

Author: Sesshomaru-gal

Fandom: Supernatural

Summary: In an AU where men are either omegas or alphas, Dean goes into heat in the middle of a hunt. Knowing it's not safe to travel with an omega in heat near other alphas, John and Sam make the trek to spend the week at Bobby's to wait out Dean's heat.

Characters: Dean, Sam, John, Bobby, Castiel.

Chapters: 17/?

Status: Incomplete

Disclaimer: All Supernatural characters are the property of the CW network and Eric Kripke. I do not own any rights to the show or characters. This fiction is for entertainment purposes only and I do not make any money off of it.

Notes/Warnings: This story contains in heat male, knotting, brotherly schmoop, mpreg, teen mpreg and miscarriage. This is not wincest. Omegas are physically built like alphas and are commonly bisexual, though some of them are not. The difference is that they do in fact have a womb and a birth canal just behind their testicles. Omegas are in heat for a full week out of every month. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy! Comments are welcome and appreciated.

Author's note: Okay, I am soooo sorry this took so long to update, I hope it was worth the wait!

Chapter 17

Sam and Dean are finishing their dinner when the door flies open and they see John carrying a bloody and unconscious Castiel. They jump up from the table and follow John as he places Castiel on the couch. Dean kneels down beside the couch as best as his large belly will allow and looks back up at his father.

"What the hell happened?"

Bobby runs over with the first aid kit and starts cleaning up Castiel and tending to the injuries.

"A demon had him tied up in a storage warehouse and was torturing him."

Dean's eyes widen and he looks back at Castiel. He starts running his hand through Castiel's hair before rage starts coursing through him. He jumps up and stares down his father.

"That was the hunt?! You guys have been gone for days and it didn't occur to you to call and tell us what was going on?! What the hell?!"

"Dean, it was for your own good. If we'd called and told you what happened, you'd do nothing but stress yourself out again. After what happened last time I couldn't risk you going into labor again so soon. We both know the doctors wouldn't be able to stop it again."

Before Dean can respond Bobby pushes between them to get to Castiel. Dean looks over and watches Bobby tend to the man that Dean loves so much. After another week Castiel is patched up and John practically shoves him out of the door. As Castiel pulls away from the house, he can see Dean standing on the porch. It breaks his heart to drive away from Dean like that, but he has a few things to take care of before he can pull Dean to him again.

Dean is finishing up his breakfast quietly when his phone rings. He doesn't look at the display before answering it.


"Dean? I was wondering if you were available to come over and talk?"

Dean closes his eyes and rubs them before sighing and replying.

"Cass…I don't know if that's a good idea. I think maybe we played this out as far as we could. You should just move on."

"…Move on? Dean, I can never move on from you. I really need to see you. Please? I need to show you something."

Dean looks at his brother for a moment before returning his attention to his phone.

"Alright, fine. Where do you want to meet?"

"Come out to the house. This is something I really need you to see. I need to know if you can ever forgive me for being such an ass when all you were trying to do was tell me the truth."

"Fine. I'll be there in an hour."

They hang up and Dean leans back in the chair he is sitting in, rubbing his large belly where the baby has just kicked. He is startled when Sam speaks up.

"I'm coming with you."

Dean looks over at him and gets up from the table.

"Sam, I'll be fine."

"No, Dean, I'm coming with you. Where does he want you to meet him?"

"At his house."

"Alright, well let's go. No point putting this off any longer than we need to. The sooner we see what he wants the sooner we can get back."

Dean doesn't say anything as they climb into the impala and drive down to Castiel's house. He finally quit grumbling about not being able to drive when he hit seven months along when he tried to get behind the wheel and got stuck. He sits quietly with his thoughts as they pull up in front of Castiel's house. They walk to the door and only manage to knock once before its being pulled open to reveal an extremely nervous looking Castiel.

"Hey, Dean…Sam. Please come in."

They enter and stand their awkwardly before Dean clears his throat and starts speaking.

"So…What did you need to show me?"

Castiel grins shyly before leading the Winchesters to what Dean knows to be his office. He stops just outside the closed door and turns to Dean.

"It's in here."

Dean frowns and glances at Sam before returning his gaze to Castiel.

"Cass, this is your office. You've never let me in here."

"Yes, but I had a good reason. Honestly, this room hasn't really been my office since I realized that I couldn't live without you."

Before Dean can say more, Castiel opens the door and stands aside. Sam gasps beside him and Dean wordlessly enters the room. He looks around at the animal covered wall paper and stuffed animals lining the room. He walks to the light oak colored crib and looks at the neutral bedding. He runs his fingers over the smooth wood of the matching changing table and walks over to a table in the corner of the room. There is a photo album lying on top and he picks it up. The picture on the front is the last ultrasound picture that Castiel was present for. It was done with one of those 3D imaging machines and the baby was in the perfect position to get the full profile of the little face. Dean takes the album over to a vintage wooden rocking chair with wicker back and bottom. He opens the book as he sits and flips through the pages. As it turns out, the album which he thought was only going to be ultrasound images is really a collection of moments of the life that he and Castiel have shared so far. There are sonogram pictures, pictures of him and Castiel separately and together. He even comes across the picture that he told Castiel to delete of him shirtless. By the time he reaches the end of the pictures he is sobbing quietly. When he looks up, Castiel has stepped forward and is crouched in front of him.

"Dean, baby, I am so sorry for hurting you. If you can ever forgive me, I swear that I will do everything in my power to make it up to you."

He leans forward and gently grabs Dean's face and places a kiss to each cheek before reaching up and kissing his forehead. He slowly pulls away and stands up.

"I have one more thing for you but I want you to just sit there. I'll bring it to you."

He leaves the room for several minutes before returning with a small black box.

"I wanted to do this before…well, just before I screwed everything up."

He hands the box to Dean and starts speaking again as Dean opens it.

"I want you to move in with me. I've wanted you to move in with me for the last couple of months but I was afraid you'd think I was moving too fast and say no. I hoped that if I finished the baby's room you might say yes."

Dean looks between the box and Castiel a few times before turning his gaze to his brother. Sam looks like he's on the fence about it. Emotions flutter across his face like he hopes that it could really be that easy and fear that it will blow up in Dean's face. Finally, he sighs and shrugs his shoulders.

"It's your decision, Dean. I know how miserable you've been since Castiel has been gone and I think after everything that has happened that you more than any of us deserve to be happy."

Dean looks back at Castiel when he kneels back down in front of him and clasps Dean's hands in his own.

"Baby, I swear that I will make it up to you. Please, just give me one more chance. You're it for me. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I will not find another that I love half as much as you."

Dean stares quietly at him for several moments before nodding his head slowly. Castiel grins so wide that Dean feels he should be blinded by its brilliance. Castiel jumps up and throws his arms around Dean, kissing him passionately and Dean starts chuckling before pulling away.

"But, if you ever do anything to jeopardize this again, I will not hesitate to kick your ass."

Castiel nods his head vigorously.


Sam just laughs quietly before leaving them alone. He figures the least he can do is head back to Bobby's to start packing some of Dean's things and tell Bobby and John the news. He figures this way their anger can be taken out on him while Dean isn't there. He doesn't see a reason to put Dean in another situation where he'll just get stressed out again. Needless to say, Bobby is skeptical and John is thoroughly pissed, but after everyone has calmed down they all work together to get at least Deans clothes and a few other necessary things taken to the house. When they get there, Bobby's argument dies on his lips when he sees how truly happy Dean looks. He hasn't seen Dean look this happy since his apparent break up with Castiel and he doesn't have the heart to disrupt his happiness now. John is another story as he keeps grumbling about how Dean is too close to his due date to be moving anywhere. Eventually everything gets settled and Dean and Castiel are able to sit back and just relax in each other's company.

Over the next month, Dean and Castiel fall into a comfortable routine. Dean gets up in the morning with Castiel and has breakfast with him and steals a kiss when it is time for his boyfriend to go to work. He has one more doctor's appointment before his due date and they are ecstatic to learn that everything is right on track. They get one more ultrasound picture for their album and spend the rest of the afternoon on the couch watching TV while Castiel rubs Dean's swollen feet. As Dean's due date draws nearer, Sam starts coming over after Castiel leaves for work. It is on one of these days that Dean feels the first twinges of labor. He's lying in bed after Castiel leaves for work when a strong pang starts in his lower back and works its way around his front, taking his breath away. After he feels a few more he calls out to Sam.


Sam is watching the TV and eating popcorn. He sighs as he munches on his snack, assuming his brother needs help off of the bed again or something.

"What do you need now, Dean?"

He hears a muffled groan before nearly spilling his popcorn in his haste to get off of the couch. He runs into the bedroom to see Dean with his face buried in a pillow and rubbing circles into his large belly.

"Shit, Dean! Hey, are you okay?"

He runs over to the bed and starts rubbing his brothers back through the contraction.

"Easy, Dean, just breathe man."

After a few moments Dean finally relaxes and turns back to look at Sam.

"Sammy, we gotta call Cass. These are coming quick. I think they're only about fifteen minutes apart."

Sam sees the panic written all over Dean's face and knows he has to get him to stay calm.

"Hey, listen to me. It's going to be fine. This is normal, remember? You'll be fine. You know that it feels fast paced, but it's still going to be awhile. I'll call Cass and he'll come home and we'll wait it out until it's time to get to the hospital. Remember your doctor said that you can stay home until the contractions are five minutes apart since you can't have the epidural anyway."

Dean's lower lip is trembling and silent tears are falling as they stare at each other. Sam's heart breaks at the sight.

"What if something goes wrong, Sammy? I'm scared, I don't think I can stand to lose another one."

Sam moves to sit beside Dean on the bed and pulls him into his side. Dean sits up straighter and runs a hand down his face but the tears keep falling. He sobs into his hand as he leans into his little brother. Sam just pulls him in tighter and tries to calm him down.

"You're not going to lose the baby, Dean. Dr. Watson said everything looks fine. The baby is fine, I promise. When all of this is done, you're going to be bringing home a beautiful and healthy baby."

"Sammy, I need Cass. I don't think I can do this without him."

"I know you need him, Dean. I'm going to call him but you'll be great no matter what. Even if you had never met Castiel, you'd be great. Just calm down and relax. I have to go get my phone so I can call him."

Sam leaves Dean long enough to make the call but has to leave a message with the receptionist. After several hours go buy with no word from Castiel and the contractions becoming more intense Dean is finding it harder to keep it together. Sam had also called John and Bobby who were out of town on a hunt. They make it to the house and run into the bedroom in the middle of an extremely painful contraction.

"Ow! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Where the fuck is Castiel?!"

Sam is sitting on the bed rubbing Dean's back,

"Breathe, Dean, breathe. I'll try him again in a minute."

Dean groans loudly into his pillow before responding.

"Fuck my breathing Sam! Quit telling what to fucking do and tell Castiel to get his ass back here now!"

He turns his face back into his pillow to groan again as Bobby chuckles at the distressed look on Sam's face. He leaves the room to make the call as the older men cautiously approach the bed. John sits on the edge and starts rubbing Dean's back.

"Hey, son, how you holding up?"

Dean turns back over and runs a hand down his face. John helps him sit up and prop some pillows behind his back. Once he gets settled Dean responds.

"I've been better. We can't reach Cass. Sam's called several times already and he hasn't called back or anything. The contractions started after ten this morning and we keep having to leave fucking messages with his god damn receptionist and I know that bitch has never liked me and I don't think she wants this to work out because she's always had a thing for Cass even though he denies it and..."

He's interrupted when John puts his hand over his oldest son's mouth. Dean is nearly hysterical now with worry and pain and John knows he needs to get Dean to calm back down before he hyperventilates.

"Dean. You need to take several deep breaths and relax. Everything's going to be fine. We've got you. Maybe he got pulled into a meeting or whatever it is he does during work and she wasn't able to get the message to him."

He removes his hand and moves to sit beside Dean against the headboard. He throws an arm around Dean's shoulders and pulls him in as Dean turns his face into John's shoulder.

"I need Cass. What if something goes wrong?"

John places a kiss to the top of Dean's head.

"Nothing's going to go wrong. You're healthy, the baby's healthy. Brook said everything is normal. Whether or not Castiel is here, you're going to be fine."

"Dad, I can't lose another one. Not after everything."

"I know, son. You won't. We're going to take care of you. You and that baby will both be just fine."

Once Dean finally calms down he is able to fall asleep. Sam comes back in and announces that he couldn't reach anybody at the office. They all watch Dean sleep for a few more hours before Bobby gets fed up with no response from Castiel. He storms into the office building and heads up to Castiel's floor, startling the receptionist. He practically drags the young man down to his car but can barely keep up once they reach the house. Castiel all but runs into the bedroom once he hears Dean screaming through another contraction. He kneels beside the bed and brushes the hair off of his forehead. He grabs the hand that Dean holds out to him and starts apologizing immediately.

"Oh my god, baby, I'm so sorry! Linda never told me you had called or I swear I would have been here!"

Dean whimpers through the last of the contraction before turning an accusing glare at his family.

"I told you that fucking bitch hated me!"

Castiel shushes him while climbing up beside him.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I promise you I will find a new receptionist as soon as I get back to work. But first we're going to have a baby. And then we are going to spend the next couple of months just the three of us getting to know each other and we are going to spoil that baby rotten. And then after you've gotten tired of me mother henning you I'll go back to work and fire Linda and look for a new receptionist."

He kisses Dean gently and gets them settled as John gets up to give them some space. Dean leans into Castiel and starts mumbling sleepily.

"I'd never get tired of you mother henning. I don't care if you never go back to work."

Castiel chuckles at that.

"I have to go back sometime. Have to earn a living so I can spoil my new family rotten."

Dean yawns and falls asleep beside Castiel. He drifts on and off through the night as the contractions get more intense and closer together. By the time they are close enough to head to the hospital Dean is a complete wreck. It takes them twenty minutes to get to the hospital and Dean is in the middle of a contraction right as they pull up to the doors. Castiel's hand has long since lost any feeling with the strength Dean is putting into squeezing it. He screams painfully into Castiel's chest as Bobby opens the rear door to help them out.

"Oh fuck! God it fucking hurts!"

He whimpers through the end of the contraction as Castiel rubs his back.

"Ssh, baby, you're doing so well. Just breathe."

Once the contraction lets up they get him checked in and settled into his own room they're in there for fifteen minutes before Dean's doctor, Brook, enters. Dean is lying on his left side groaning into his pillow while Castiel cards his fingers through Dean's hair and continues rubbing his back. Dr. Watson looks through his chart as she waits for the contraction to end. When it does she puts the chart back and speaks.

"So, Dean, I understand you've been in labor for nearly a full day now. I want to get you into position so I can see how far dilated you are. How are you doing?"

Dean turns over onto his back and the doctor helps him get his feet into the stirrups.

"I've been better. Please give me good news. These contractions are killing me and I just want the baby out now."

"Well, I'll see what I can do."

She dons a pair of latex gloves does the physical examination. With a smile on her face she removes her hand and tosses the gloves away.

"Good news, Dean, you're almost there. Already seven centimeters. I imagine in a few more hours you'll be ready to start pushing."

She helps him get his legs back down onto the bed and he tries to get comfortable again as another contraction starts up. The next few hours pass slowly as the contractions keep getting closer. They're nearly on top of each other and Dean grabs onto Castiel and screams into his chest.

"Ow ow ow ow! Stop, please god stop!"

"Breathe, baby, just take deep breaths! You're doing so well!"

"Fuck you and your deep breaths! This fucking hurts so damn much!"

He ends the sentence on a deep sob as he continues crying into Castiel's chest.

"Cass, it fucking hurts! I want it to stop now!"

"I know, sweetheart. I know it hurts but you're almost there. You're doing so good."

"Well I don't feel good. I'm tired and I hurt and I just want it to be over."

"I know, baby. It'll be over soon."

Just then Dr. Watson comes back into the room.

"I understand we're getting a little impatient."

Dean rolls over and tries cutting his sobs back.

"I'm tired of doing this, Brook. I just want him out now, please?"

"Oh honey, its okay. You need to calm down so I can check you and see where we're at, okay?"

Dean only nods as they help get him into position but the tears keep falling. Dr. Watson finishes her exam and gives Dean a beaming smile.

"Congratulations, Dean, you did it sweetie. You're at ten centimeters. Are you ready to meet your baby?"

Dean whimpers and starts to nod his head but stops abruptly.

"What if I mess up and I hurt him?"

"Sweetie, you're not going to hurt the baby. You'll be just fine. I've got you, you'll be just fine. We're just going to raise the back of the bed and get you into position. The only thing I need to know from you is who you want to stay with you."

Dean gets a panicked expression as he looks around the room at his family. Dean reaches with his free hand and grabs onto John and starts crying harder.

"Please don't make them leave! Please! I need them; I don't want them to leave!"

She rushes to reassure him.

"Easy sweetie, they don't have to leave. If you want them to stay they can stay. Whatever you need to get through this is what's going to happen. Okay?"

Dean takes a deep breath and slowly starts calming down. They get the back of the bed raised and get Dean into position to start pushing. He pushes for about forty five minutes when the baby starts crowning. He falls back against the pillows gasping for air as the doctor starts speaking.

"Good, Dean! I can see the head. A few more pushes and the head will be out."

Dean nods his head and pushes through the next few contractions before he feels a burning sensation and starts whimpering.

"Push, push, push! Keep going, Dean, the head's almost out!"

As the contraction ends he leans into Castiel panting and trying to focus on the doctor.

"Great job! The head's completely out. Okay, Dean? I want you to hold off on pushing for a minute so I can clear the baby's airways. If you feel like you need to push I want you to just puff your breaths like your blowing the candles out on a birthday cake."

Dean's too exhausted to reply so he just nods and starts back up on the breathing when he feels another contraction starting. After several more minutes the doctor speaks again.

"Alright, on the next contraction I want you to give me a good, strong push! Let's see how far the baby can get. Ready? Push!"

Dean pushes for another half hour before he feels the doctor help pull the baby from his body and sharp wails fill the room. He starts sobbing in relief. The doctor clamps the cord before addressing Dean.

"Congratulations, daddy! You have a beautiful and healthy baby girl!"

She turns to Castiel.

"Would you like to cut the cord?"

He gives Dean a questioning look and Dean just smiles back at him before nodding. Castiel turns to smile back at the doctor.

"Yes! I'd love too!"

He cuts the cord and then the baby gets handed off to a nurse to be cleaned. Dr. Watson finishes helping Dean deliver the afterbirth and once he is cleaned up and settled they bring the baby over and place her in Dean's arms. She is still crying loudly and Dean places a gentle kiss on her forehead. Castiel reaches down and kisses Dean passionately before placing a kiss on the baby as well. He is openly crying when he quietly speaks.

"What's her name, baby?"

Dean looks around at his family, lingering on John's face, before turning back to the baby.

"Her name is Mary Elizabeth."

John squeezes Dean's shoulder briefly before motioning to Sam and Bobby.

"We're going to go get some coffee or something. Give you guys some time to yourselves."

Dean looks up and gives him a grateful smile.

"Thanks, dad."

John nods and seems to hesitate before leaning down and wrapping his arms around Dean. He whispers low enough that nobody else can hear him.

"I am so proud of you, Dean. She's so beautiful."

With that he kisses Dean's temple and stands up. Bobby and Sam lead the way out but John turns back for a moment before exiting.

"And I expect that little one to be free when we get back."

Dean just chuckles at him.

"I promise, when you get back you'll be the first one to hold her."

"I better be."

He turns and leaves the room, leaving the new parents to bask in their love for each other and the baby.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay, so this is The End for now. I do have other ideas on how I want this story to lead with Dean and Castiel's lives with the baby, but I have a few other stories that have been begging me to write them and I really need to focus on them for a while. This is the temporary end to this story and I do plan on adding more to it at a future date but it will be a while before I do. Thanks to all of you who have read and enjoyed this! It was a pleasure to write!