So this is my first Fairy Tail fanfic…technically it was supposed to be my second but I got impatient. Oh well :P There is only one OC in this story so you've been warned :D
OC Profile: Ruth Ancient
Appearance: She is 5'3" with a fully developed curvy body; her green eyes are slightly slanted upward; her nose is small and pointed; small mouth; she's fair but a bit tanned; long, layered auburn hair; she always has a red bandana wrapped around her wrist; the rest of her clothes vary depending on her mood.
Personality: She's very calculating and mischievous. Whenever she's bored she does experiments on people for her own entertainment. She enjoys causing trouble to people, hence why she does experiments on people.
Ability:…well I don't think it's really necessary to say since she's not going to use her magic in this story :P
Declaimer: Don't own Fairy Tail.
Lucy trembled under the ice mage as he continued to thrust into her hot, wet opening. Her hips bucked up to meet her lover's thrusts as she unconsciously gripped onto the sheets below her. She could feel his cold breath over her breasts which sent shivers down her spine. Lucy moaned loudly when he took one of her nipples into his mouth to gently suck on while his cold, large hand teased the other.
Gray flicked his tongue against Lucy's erected nipple several times, knowing that it sends waves of pleasure throughout her body. He released her nipple, leaving a trail of saliva as he switched his attention to the other nipple. Hearing her cries of pleasure pleases Gray since it told him that he can successful please his lover.
"G-Gray…I'm going to…cum…" Lucy whimpered before arching her back.
Gray decided it was time to give Lucy her release so he stopped playing with her nipples and straightened up his back. Momentarily his thrusts stopped making Lucy groan with want. Gray gazed at his lover, her golden locks spread out under her; her lust-filled chocolate colored eyes pleading for a release; her cheeks flushed with lips bruised red; her milky white breasts tinted pink from all the attention he gave them; her lean flat stomach; and finally her shaven womanhood joined with his manhood. Everything about her he loves.
He then grabs a hold on her hips and thrust mercilessly into her, making Lucy scream with pleasure. Her walls tightened around his member signally that she is very close. Maintaining his thrusting motion, Gray release his hold on her hips and reached out to tangle his fingers with Lucy's golden locks so he could bring her face forward.
The couple was now in an upright position with Lucy bouncing up and down on Gray's hard shaft. Once Lucy was close enough, Gray leaned forward to place a kiss on her bruised lips. Lucy slightly opened her mouth which was enough for Gray to slip his tongue inside. Lucy wrapped her arms around Gray's neck and pressed their bodies closer.
As if it was timed, the couple let out a moan as they orgasm. With every shot of sperm that Gray released inside of Lucy, he jolted his hips upward, deepening his penetration.
"Huh," Lucy shook herself out of her daze before turning to Mirajane who seemed to the one calling for her attention.
Mirajane smiled at her confused looking friend, "Really Lucy, I've been trying to get your attention for five minutes now. What were you thinking about that kept you so preoccupied?"
"Yea Lu-chan, ever since the sleepover started you've been dazing on and off." Levy pouted.
"Levy is right; you don't seem like yourself Lucy. Are you alright?" Lisanna asked with great concern.
"Oh no, I'm alright. Nothing wrong here…hehehe…" Lucy replied frantically as her face turned beet red as she recalled last night's love session again. Lucy dearly hoped that the girls won't question her any further. Sadly her hopes weren't answered.
"Can't you see girls; Lucy was probably thinking about Mr. Icy Hot." Ruth deducted and smirked seeing that Lucy's face only redden even more.
"Oh right, Lu-chan has been dating Gray for a while now, huh." Levy stated.
"I think it's been about three months now, right Lucy?" Mirajane added.
"Wow, what's it like being with Gray, Lucy?" Lisanna asked.
"Better yet, why don't you tell us what were you thinking about?" Ruth suggested. The three girls agreed with her and stared eagerly at Lucy, waiting for her reply. In her head, Lucy was cursing Ruth, wishing that she would stop this cruel torture.
"Haha I don't know what you're talking about." Lucy replied, pretending as if she didn't know anything. The girls pouted and complained while Ruth was starting to get impatient.
"Lucy, say ah." Ruth ordered.
"Ah?" When Lucy's mouth was opened wide enough, Ruth tosses a small pill into her mouth which Lucy swallowed accidentally. Feeling something small slide down her throat and freaked, "Ruth! What did I swallow?"
Ruth smiled, "A pill that is equivalent to truth serum but stronger. Now Lucy, what was on your mind? Levy, Mira, hold Lucy's arms so she doesn't cover her mouth."
"I…I…I was…thinking…about…" at this point, Lucy was trying really hard to refrain from revealing the dirty truth, "…Ah! Fine! I was just recalling what happened last night between me and Gray."
"Oh my…" Lisanna's face turned red.
"That's so naughty, Lucy." Mirajane commented and Levy couldn't help but agree.
"My my Lucy, didn't know you were that perverted. What's it like being with Icicle?" Ruth asked, enjoying the fact that she's embarrassing Lucy to no end.
"He's very gentle and passionate when we're alone together. I love it when he holds me lovingly and whispers to me how much he loves me. When he looks at me, my body shivers. He may be cold all over but that's what sends me over the edge when we make love…" Lucy continues on to blab about her relationship with Gray to the girls, who were listening eager. Ruth silently listened to Lucy like the rest of the girls while she plotted something.
When Lucy was done blabbing about her relationship with Gray, Ruth asked another question, "What's Gray like when he makes love to you?"
Lucy blushed, "He's is very passionate and takes things slow. He always treats me well and makes sure I'm well taken care of."
"So he doesn't do it any other way? Like being rough? Or letting you have control?" Ruth probed on.
"No, besides I think it's fine." Lucy smiled with her cheeks tinted pink.
"You sure about that, Lucy?" Ruth glanced at everyone's faces and pushed on, "Would you ladies mind sharing how your lovers' are in bed?"
Surprisingly, Lisanna spoke out first, "Natsu…he's very clumsy and…sometimes he doesn't know what he's doing but he does try his best."
Next was Jevy, "Gajeel is very rough but he does know what makes me go over the edge."
Finally Mirajane, "Laxus is rough at times though surprisingly he's submissive. He makes such cute expressions whenever I touch him on his weak spot."
"See Lucy, don't you want Gray to be a bit rough on you or how about seeing him submit to you?" Ruth suggested.
"Well after hearing how everyone is with their boyfriends, I wouldn't mind but I don't think I can force Gray to do that." Ruth grinned, "Oh Lucy, who do you think I am? I have potions that change a guy's personality when they're gonna have sex."
"Really!" All the girls exclaimed.
Ruth smirked, "Yes, are any of you interested?"
The girls glanced at one another as if they were having conversations with one another in their mind. One by one, each one nodded and turned to Ruth, "We're in."
"Oh good, now tell me what kind of lover do you want your lover to be like?" Ruth asked the girls. It took a while for the girls to decide that they wanted. After a few minutes, each one knew what they wanted.
First was Mirajane, "I wouldn't mind how Laxus is when he's gentle."
Second was Lisanna, "…Um…submissive."
Next was Levy, "I want Gajeel to be clumsy."
Finally was Lucy, "Playful, I want to see what Gray is like when he's playful."
Ruth smiled, "Ok, tomorrow I'm going to bring the potions and give them to you guys. But in return, you must tell me what happened. And don't worry, these potions are safe, I just want to see if the results will be different since you guys will be testing a few potions for me."
Hopefully that was acceptable.