So I've been quite quick with this chapter and I know lots of you will be ever so grateful for it, but I can't always promise such promptness. I write for fun and this is definitely being written as much for me as for the enjoyment of sharing. I am a complete fan and we all have our own perfect continuations of Elizabeth's and Darcy's life….well this is mine, so I really hope everyone enjoys it, but if you think there is something I could change, tell me, because it could just make it so much better.
Oh also, if someone would like to proof reader/beta for me…PM me, it would make it even more fun.

Holding his hand over her eyes, Will was slightly trembling with apprehension, oh and maybe a little because of the morning chill. In some ways this was not just a gift for Elizabeth, but one to be enjoyed for years to come, for himself, for Georgiana and for any children that may come along in the future. He had only thought of the idea during their time in the Lakes and sent a letter to Mr Davis to organise the plans, but even now it was not yet finished. Georgiana had no idea about it, but he had asked his Aunt for her opinion. She had approved and gave a number of pointers to improve the work, and it was these that he was considering now. He was quite lost in these thoughts as he led Elizabeth forward.

"Dearest, how long are you going to make me stumble forward in sightless wonderment?" She asked and brought him out of his reeling mind. He could feel her eyelashes fluttering against his palms and he knew that she was as nervous as himself.

"Not long Lizzie, we have a little further to go." In truth, he could see it now, but he wanted Elizabeth to see the gift from the best aspect and therefore he guided her a few more steps. Just about here will do just fine. Keep your eyes closed." He lifted her into his arms and took two steps up, she could feel the movement. Then he gently lowered her, letting her lithe body slide down his own. "Lizzie you can open your eyes." And she did.

Slowly turning to take in the Gazebo, she was beyond surprised. This was not a gift she would have expected her Mr Darcy to give. It was a large summer house, just out of sight of the house, yet she could see the roof peeking above the trees. It had been freshly varnished, she could tell by the smell, and it was obviously in the process of repair. The house was open on all sides, but she could see the poles to hang drape. There was space for a table, a table that could easily fit eight and she could picture summer teas in the garden. Chaises to rest on and read, a place to escape from the formality of the house.
"Will?" at last turning back to him, his eyes capturing hers in his own, "The summer house?"
"Indeed." He knew she was confused, "It has lain in disrepair for almost twenty years and it was time for the Mistress of Pemberley to again grace this glade." And then she fully understood.
"Your Mother?" she said hesitantly.
He nodded and pulled her close.
"It's a beautiful gift…" She hesitated, was it time to tell him? No one else knew. She had planned the doctor's visit very carefully. It could be too soon to share, but she was excited and nervous, she wanted to share everything with him. And it felt to her to be the perfect moment, "A beautiful place to bring our baby Son or Daughter in the summer." She held his gaze as her words sank in.
Will made a strangled noise and his eyes widened in surprise, "You mean you…you're with…we are going to have…?"
"Yes my love, I am with child, whether boy or girl I cannot know." And she smiled in the way women do when they have shared such news with their husbands, their suddenly speechless, shocked husbands. As he had taken a step back when she had suddenly blurted her news, he gently pulled her against him again, taking more care than usual, but holding her tightly and reverentially, before suddenly bursting forth with a number of hurried questions.
"So soon? How long Lizzie? When did you know? Have you seen the Doctor? I shall call for him directly."
"Fitzwilliam, calm yourself, it is now your turn not to worry." Pulling back slightly so she could take his cheek in her hand. "I have only known for sure for a week or so, though I have suspected since just before our journey home, but the doctor confirmed it after I had Mrs Reynolds call him…" putting her finger to his lips when he tried to interrupt, and answering his unasked question, "you were hunting with your uncle and cousin. It was the perfect time, I did not want to worry any of the household needlessly and I did not tell you because I thought hearing the news today would make the Christmas indescribable." He nodded in acquiescence to her last statement and once again held her gaze as he gently touched his lips to hers in an intimate embrace.


It was not too long after sharing her news that Mrs Darcy insisted that they go back inside to attend to plans for the short journey to Church. Of course they had stayed wrapped in each other arms for a number of precious moments, her whispering her joy at the gift and him still half shell shocked at the news, but as time drew on they knew that their time alone was coming to an end and they made their way back down the already trodden path.

"Merry Christmas Lizzie," greeted Jane as they walked into the drawing room, where all their guests were to be found. The sister embraced warmly, after Will has relinquished his grip on Elizabeth's arm.
"And to you Dearest sister; did you sleep well? I was worried about how early this is after the lateness of the ball last night." She led Jane to the window seat, as they had a few moments before the carriages would arrive.
"Oh Lizzie, everyone is quite fine, it is Christmas after all." Jane said, kissing her sister's cheek fondly. "We were more worried about Mr Darcy and yourself. No one had seen you this morning and it was nearing half past the eleventh hour."
"We were out walking in the grounds, Will…oh you really must call him Fitzwilliam instead of Mr Darcy," Jane lightly laughed, which though unseen to themselves had both their husbands turning the heads, "But yes, Will had a gift for me."
"In the Gardens, in the middle of winter?" Jane looked quizzically at her sister.
"Oh yes, he has had the old Summer House repaired, it is beautiful even now Jane and I can see how much more it will be in the spring and summer." She closed her eyes as she thought of the moment standing with Will in the middle of the Summer House, sharing her secret and seeing the love in his eyes. "Jane, I love him so much sometimes I'm not sure how I can bear it." She suddenly confided in her sister.
"I know Lizzie, I feel the same with Charles." She gripped her sister's hand trying to get the magnitude of feeling across and trying to hold back the tears that she could also see forming in Elizabeth's eyes.
Suddenly laughing at their silliness, both sisters embraced one another and had the whole room wondering what could be happening between them, and though not wanting to interrupt Will who was aware of the time, excused himself from the conversation between Weston, Leighton and himself and went to his wife.
"Elizabeth, I believe we shall need to leave for Church very shortly." Unfortunately for Will, he announced this is a most formal manner which had Jane and Lizzie once again giggling where they sat. The bewilderment on his face however had Lizzie taking pity of him and saying with a grin on her face,
"Oh Fitzwilliam, I believe you are quite correct, shall we lead this merry bunch to the waiting carriages?" She held out her hand as a request for his arm and he gladly took it. Soon Bingley was beside them, helping his wife in the same manner as Will announced to the room,
"The carriages are ready, if our party is in order I would suggest we make our way to Church."

As everyone made their way outside, Will held Lizzie back and asked,
"Have you acquainted Jane with our news? I did not know whether to tell Georgiana or Charles." He had the same nervous tone that she heard in him when she told him.
"No, my love, I did not. I wanted it to be our news, at least for today." She knew she was being selfish and so asked, "Am I being unfair or selfish? Would you prefer to share it Will?"
"I could never call you selfish Lizzie. I love that it is ours and we can tell everyone when we are both ready, though I am sure all the gentlemen are wondering why I have been so uncharacteristically joyous this morning." Kissing her lightly and lifting her off her feet and spinning her till she giggled to prove this point. "Now, I think we best hurry, or the Darcy's of Pemberley will be late for Church."


The rest of Christmas day passed in a joyous manner for the Darcy's and their guests. Many games were played, music was provided and merriment was had in marvellous ways. Thomas Fitzwilliam, the only child present in Pemberley was delighted by all the festivities and even before supper he had tired himself and fell asleep on his new cousin Elizabeth's lap as she told him a story, whilst many of the others played cards. She was shocked how taken the child was with her, barely knowing her more than a week, especially since his parents Andrew and Clara Fitzwilliam, Andrew being Richard's elder brother, had assured her that he did not take to new acquaintances easily. She looked down at the child, slowly smoothing his hair and wondered about her own child, wait…hers and Will's child. For the second time that day she found herself on the brink of tears, though she could not hold these ones back. Thinking back to what she had said to Jane that morning, she wondered how on earth she had been so lucky to find a man who loves her as much as she loves him. Fitzwilliam Darcy was her perfect match and she had almost lost him in her stupidity, yet he kept fighting. And now less than two months after becoming his wife, she was carrying his child, possibly his heir. She was bursting with happiness and her tears of joy were escaping as she sat with Thomas nestled in her lap.

Darcy was watching his wife out the corner of his eye, not really concentrating on the card game that was before him. Elizabeth had her arms round the sleeping form of little Thomas and had closed her eyes with a contented smile on her face a few moments before. It was a picture he wished he could immortalise and forever hold on to, even though he knew it wasn't their child she was holding. He could not wait to be a father and the matter hadn't been far from his thoughts all day, but there was a worry in having a pregnant wife. He lost him mother to childbirth and though gaining Georgie, there was a hole in his heart that hadn't been filled till Elizabeth came into his life. He did not know what he would do if he were to lose her the same way and he knew from now he would do everything he could to make sure it would never happen….suddenly he burst out laughing, all the faces at table immediately looking to him and Elizabeth's eyes flying open and the sudden guffaw. His uncle was the first to address the matter,
"Fitzwilliam my boy, what on earth is so amusing that you need to make such a racket?" His tone beyond amused.
"It was nothing Uncle, just some personal amusement," he replied, but slowly turned his eyes to Elizabeth, who blushed at the intensity of his gaze. He couldn't share his thoughts with anyone, because none knew of the child, but later, he would possibly grace Lizzie with the news that he had just promised himself that he would never put her in the position of having to go through child birth ever again. He had promised himself that there would be no more love making ever again…still amused with himself he could not wait to see, hear and feel her reaction to a promise he knew now he would not be able to keep.