
~A Hayffie Fanfiction~

Haymitch was in the viewing room, watching the final moments of the 74th Hunger Games. Effie was planning for the continuing possibility of saving not one, but two tributes, on the beautiful mahogany table in the other room. She got up to check the progress of the game, pausing at the door way to watch Haymitch.

It had been years since she had first saw his face, she was just about to turn twelve. He had been so young, just barely sixteen when she had seen the reaping in District 12 for the second Quarter Quell. He was unbelievably handsome. As the Games progressed, so did her crush. How silly of her to fall in love with the victor. Better yet, a victor she had never ever met. She had no chance. Plus, he was taken, well at the time anyways.

They used to see him with his family, but now they saw him alone with a bottle in hand. Every year he drank and drank until it had become a source of entertainment for people to bet on the silly things he'd do during the reapings. He fell off the stage many times and always made rude comments to the escort, forgetting all his manners.

Effie felt terrible, about everything. By , she wasn't blind to see the evil things President Snow did to his people. How could she not be? She was, after all, in training to becoming an escort.

She had been the escort for the coal district for almost 5 years. She really hated it but she'd never let that show. She was completely a Capitol girl as far as anyone could tell. She hated having to keep up the act, like she was so fucking happy to be sending two innocent children to die, but that's what she did. She knew that there was a setback to the job she choose to do, but in the end it was all for him. Him, the beautiful man, who was just two feet away.

Secretly, he loved her too. Yeah, he made fun of her Capitol ways - the silly outfits, the caked on makeup, her sexy annoying accent- but he loved it all. Still, he preferred her natural look, her shoulder length blond hair and her stunning blue eyes. Jesus, he could just look at her for hours. He could never let her know however, she hated him, or so he thought. If it wasn't for his love for her and these two crazy teenagers, who were cuddled together on top on the Cornucopia listening to Cato slowly die, he'd be drunk at the moment. He loved when she was near. The flashbacks of the arena and the thoughts of his family...his girl...were always too much. She made them go away, Effie Trinket, his Capitol princess. He calls everyone sweetheart, but 'princess' was reserved for her only. Effie loved having that special nickname, it gave her hope.

She sat down beside him and asked how much long he thought it was going to be. He turn to her and shook his head. She could see the hope in his eyes. Next year, he'd finally have company. Her company wouldn't be needed. The thought made her sigh. Haymitch got up and poured himself a drink and then set it down in front of Effie. She's confused as to what he's doing, until he makes another drink. It is pink, her favorite. She smiled and thanked him as he handed it to her. They sip their drinks in silence as they watch the screen, waiting for something that won't come anytime soon.

It's Effie who suggests that they might as well leave it alone for a few hours. Clearly, nothing was going to happen. Everyone was focused on Cato's slow death. Terrible, thought

Effie. After all these years, she still couldn't see how people found entertainment in this event. How could people celebrate the death of such young children? It was pointless to think like that though. She got off the couch and went to the bar, attempting to make herself another pink drink. Haymitch came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on top of her head. Despite the ridiculously high heels, she was still shorter than him. She had no idea what she was doing and he just laughed at her. She was so cute when she was confused. He lowered his head so that his lips were inches from her ear and whispered what she had to do. It didn't turn out perfect, but she did it herself. She was so happy that she turned and faced him and then gave him the biggest hug he'd gotten in years.

They spent the rest of the night teaching each other things. He taught her to mix drinks and she taught him how to use his manners. She was surprised at how charming he was when he hadn't spent the day heavily drinking. And then suddenly, just like that, it was morning. They had completely forgotten the Games and rushed back into the viewing room, just in time too. Katniss and Peeta were lifting the berries to their mouths. Suddenly, an announcement was called, informing the two that they were both allowed to live. They had outsmarted the Capitol's Games. Haymitch knew this would not go unnoticed by Snow. Things were about to get very dangerous for these star-crossed lovers. Effie screamed in excitement, forgetting for a second what they had just done. Haymitch looked at the woman he loved and knew she would reject him, but he couldn't resist. He grabbed her and spun her around in a hug, much like the one she gave him the night before, and kissed her. She was in shock for a moment, unsure what had just happened, but quickly kissed him back. They stayed like that for a long time. When they both eventually pulled away, they both whispered finally at the same time. Laughing, they stood there holding each other until it was time for them to greet the victors.