The Winner Takes it All
Chapter 8
Well this is the last chapter and as a well I wouldn't call it a treat because its not a nice way to start out a story, I'm giving you a sneak peek at the new story. So enjoy please review and I should have the sequel out soon in fact after I post this I'm going to start typing it out so look out for it soon.
"Did you think I was joking the other night when I said you'd regret not giving me your autograph?" A blow connecting with her head
"Stand the fuck up bitch!" A blow connecting with her stomach
"You like that bitch don't you?" A hand constricting around her throat
"I'm sorry it has to be this way Rachel Berry" Air quickly rushing out of her body
Rachel woke up screaming still feel the pain course through her body. Quinn shot up next to Rachel looking around the room to see what had scared the diva so much
"Rachel" Quinn soothed trying to stop the girl from shaking "Rachel its okay it's me" Rachel shook her head tears still in her eyes
"Quinn" she squeaked out "Oh god I'm sorry I was having a nightmare"
"You okay? What happened?" Quinn was holding tightly onto Rachel's hands
"I'm alright," Rachel breathing had slowed and took one of her hands to wipe off her face "It was just a bad dream. I'll be alright"
"Rach" Quinn questioned
"I said it will be alright, its just a bad dream" Rachel said forcefully laying back down looking at the clock on her phone it was only 4 in the morning she was supposed to have breakfast with Kurt and Blaine in a few hours to tell them the good news. She was hoping that the dream wouldn't keep her up all night, she still had so many things to tell Quinn and she was scared to do so. How would she react to what had happened 3 years ago. Sighing she cuddled closer to the blonde hoping to find comfort in her arms
Quinn was really started to get worried, what was going on with Rachel what had happened to her to cause her to bolt upright screaming like someone was killing her. She pulled in closer to Rachel and smiled as Rachel's breathing started to even and fell asleep in her arms
A few hours later Rachel was awoken to her phone ringing
"Someone better be dying" Rachel yawned as she answered the phone
"Good morning sunshine" the voice on the other end chuckled
"Did I ever tell you that I despise that you are a morning person Kurt Hummell" Rachel moaned
"Yeah but you were too at one point" Kurt laughed
"Yeah I know but now I can't survive without my morning latte. So unless you're calling me to tell me that you are outside my door with a cup. I'm going back to sleep" Rachel moaned as Quinn started to wake next to her
"Well I don't have coffee outside your door but if you meet downstairs in a bit I'll buy all the coffee you want" Kurt laughed.
"Alright Kurt give Quinn and I a few minutes and we'll meet you downstairs" Rachel smiled hanging up the phone
"What did Kurt want?" Quinn yawned rubbing the sleep out of her eyes
"He wants to meet us downstairs in a few" Rachel said laying back down next to Quinn
"Are you ready for this?" Quinn asked taking Rachel's hand
"I think so" Rachel nodded "I mean it's not like I have much to worry about"
"Right just the morning sickness, stretch marks, mood swings" Quinn laughed as Rachel slightly offended started to tickle her "Oh and don't forget about the hemorrhoids those are the best" Quinn wiggled as Rachel rolled on top of her tickling her even harder
"You don't play nice" Rachel smiled as she stilled her hands staring Quinn in the eyes as the sparkled. Quinn grabbed Rachel's hand pulled her into her chest and kissed the top of her head
"The pregnancy it's long and sometimes torturous, but when you first lock eyes on that beautiful baby it will all be worth it" Quinn said as Rachel smiled against her chest lightly kissing a trail up to her neck. Knowing what Rachel was up to "You know Kurt isn't a patient person right?" Quinn asked shuddering as Rachel found her spot right under her ear
"Uh huh" Rachel mumbled
"We probably should send him a text message saying we're going to be late" Quinn half moaned as Rachel started to suck on the same spot
"Mmhmm" Rachel mumbled against her skin. Quinn went to grab her phone before Rachel pulled it out of her hand and let her hands start to roam Quinn's body
"I guess he'll just have to be patient" Quinn smiled as Rachel inched her down Quinn's body. Kurt was definitely going to have to wait a bit longer
Half an hour they were making their way downstairs
"Finally what were you two doing?" Kurt asked and Rachel and Quinn blushed "Scratch that I don't want to know" Kurt said shaking his head
"Where is Blaine?" Rachel asked laughing at Kurt
"He went back up to our room to get his wallet, he'll be right back" Kurt said as his husband joined them as the words came out of his mouth
"There you two are, what took you so…." Blaine was asking before he saw shake his head behind Rachel, Blaine blushed "Oh no more need to elaborate" Blaine laughed
"And on that uncomfortable note I think I'm ready for breakfast" Quinn laughed as they headed over to the small café near the hotel. They were seated shortly after they arrived and ordered coffee as they looked over their menus
"So has anyone heard from Santana and Brittany this morning?" Rachel asked
"I had called them to invite them to breakfast but all I got was screamed at in Spanish and the line went dead" Blaine said putting his menu down
"I'm guessing they don't want to be disturbed" Rachel laughed as Blaine turned to Quinn to ask her about something, Kurt used this opportunity to lean into Rachel whispering
"So about what we asked you" Kurt whispered
"Oh its okay Kurt I know" Quinn laughed separating the two "Don't look at me like that" Quinn said "I'm not going to blab about yours and Rachel's secret" Quinn chastised
"So what's the answer?" Blaine asked taking Kurt's hand
"You know I love you both so much" Rachel said reaching over and putting her hand on top of theirs "And you know I'd do absolutely anything for you two" Kurt leaned back in his chair feeling dejected
"So I guess that's a no?" Blaine asked his face falling
"No" Rachel smiled "I'm saying yes" Blaine and Kurt did a double take
"Ye..yes?" Kurt stuttered
"Yes, I'll carry your baby" Rachel clarified and was immediately embraced by Kurt and Blaine
"You have no idea how happy you've made us" Kurt giggled as he placed a hand on Rachel's stomach
"I don't think there is a way we can ever thank you enough Rachel" Blaine smiled kissing Rachel on the cheek. Rachel smiled and let go of the pair. Quinn beamed at the three of them and Kurt turned to Quinn hugging her.
"I'm so happy you two are together" he let her go "You have no idea how long we've waited for you to finally see the light" Quinn smiled "Just treat her right and I wont have to track you down and kill you" Kurt winked
"Be nice Kurt" Rachel laughed
"I am" Kurt laughed
The food had arrived a while later and while after that the foursome were heading back to the hotel, and were greeted by Tina and Mike
"Hey guys, we've been looking for you Santana and Brittany want to see us upstairs" Tina said pulling them to the elevator. They made their way to Santana's door knocking and having it opened by Finn
"Hey guys, you're the last ones to arrive" he smiled at Rachel as the six of them walked into the room. Rachel head onto Quinn's hand as the thirteen of them stood in a circle in the large room
"Okay now that Lady Hummel, the misses, and Faberry have finally decided to join us" Santana said with a roll of her eyes and a wink at Quinn and Rachel "I wanted to a second to thank all of you. Thank you for always being their for Brittany and I. I don't think we'd be standing here married if it wasn't for all of the support you guys have given us over the years, so" Santana said pulling out two bottles of champagne and glasses "I want to propose a toast" She smiled as she opened the bottle and started poring as Britt did the same with the other bottle pouring out the drink handing them out. Santana took a deep breath "To the New Directions" she started lifting her glass "We may have lost our way in the past, but now we're back as one big family. We love each and everyone of you and we're so happy that you guys came out here to share this with us" Santana finished as they all drunk from their glasses
"Um Blaine, Rachel, and I have an announcement" Kurt said but was pulled back by Blaine and Rachel
"Don't you think we should wait?" Blaine asked
"No I think this is the perfect time to tell them" Kurt insisted
"Tell us what?" Puck asked, Kurt looked at Blaine with pleading eyes. Blaine shook his head and nodded for Kurt to continue, Kurt jumped up and turned toward the group "A few weeks ago Blaine and I asked Rachel to be our surrogate mother and she just agreed to do it" Kurt rushed out as the others stared at the three of them
"Are you serious?" Finn asked
"Yeah she just told us a little while ago" Blaine smiled
"I'm so happy for you guys" Finn smiled hugging Kurt and Blaine
"Thank you" Kurt laughed in Finn's embrace
"I'll hand it to you Rachel" Santana smirked "You'll look great with some extra weight on you""Thank you Santana" Rachel laughed "I think"
Quinn laughed and grabbed Rachel's hand
"Alright you guys we were supposed to meet my parents 20 minutes ago for some special brunch before we take off on our honeymoon" Santana said trying to get everyone's attention "So enough of this sentimental crap, and let's go"
They all started to make their way out of the room when Rachel was stopped by Quinn
"Well catch up with you guys in a second" Quinn said pulling Rachel back
"Okay just don't do anything freaky in there, and if you do I don't need to know" Santana laughed as Quinn rolled her eyes. Rachel closed the door and turned to Quinn
"What's up?" Rachel asked with a shy smile
"I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you" Quinn said inching closer "You're doing a big thing and it takes a lot of courage to do this" she took Rachel's hands and placed them on her stomach "And I'm proud that I get to be with you on this journey" Quinn stared miles into Rachel's eyes as Rachel swallowed the lump in her throat "I love you Rachel Barbara Berry" Quinn whispered as she took Rachel's lips. After a moment they pulled apart and Rachel had to wipe the tears that fell down her face
"Come on lets go catch up before they start trying to spy on us" Rachel laughed as she took Quinn's hand and headed out the room
Six hours later they were at the airport to see Santana and Brittany off
"Two weeks in Barbados, you two are going to have such a wonderful time" Rachel said to Brittany as Santana was checking them in
"Thanks Rachel" Brittany said "And I'm really happy for you and Quinn"
"Me too" Rachel smiled
"And I think it's cool what you're doing for Kurt and Blaine" Brittany said as Rachel nodded her head "Are you nervous?"
"A little, I mean I've done tons of research on it and some of it takes a lot of work and doctors visits, but I'm up to it. I really want to give Kurt and Blaine this gift" Rachel sighed and looked down at her hands "I just hope nothing bad happens this time"
"Come on Rachel that was in the past, don't let it get you down or stress over it" Brittany said bringing her face up
"I hope so Brittany, I'm not just thinking of myself this time. I just don't want to disappoint Kurt and Blaine" Rachel sighed "Anyway, take lots of pictures and come visit us when you guys get back to New York" Rachel smiled embracing her friend
"I will, I just hope that we spend more time out of the hotel room them I" Rachel laughed and Santana joined them
"You ready?" Santana asked taking her wife's hand
"Yes I am" Brittany smiled
"Alright Rachel don't forget to go by our apartment and get the mail while we're gone" Santana said
"Oh and don't forget about Lord Tubbington the third he needs to be fed everyday" Brittany spoke up
"More like ever hour seeing how fat that cat is" Rachel laughed "And why do you call her lord when she's a girl?" Rachel asked
"Don't ask" Santana laughed
"You girls all ready?" Quinn asked tearing herself away from Puck who was trying to get details on her relationship with Rachel
"Yeah I think so" Santana said lifting her carry on onto her shoulder. Quinn embraced her
"Have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't" Quinn laughed
"Just promise me to do the same" Santana smiled
"Flight 5221 to Barbados will begin boarding in 10 minutes" the intercom interrupted
"That's us" Santana beamed embracing all who were there to see them off. The pair waved as they made their way through the security gate. Rachel turned to Quinn and smiled
"Well what now?" Rachel asked
"I think everyone is leaving today except us" Quinn answered watching the others mill around the lobby
"Yeah our flight leaves in an hour" Mr. Schuester said referring to himself Emma and Sue
"You two don't be a stranger and come back to Lima soon" Emma said embracing the girls
"Yeah at least before you drop that calf for porcelain and the misses" Sue joked winking at Rachel
"Thanks Sue" Rachel laughed
"Have a safe flight" Quinn finished hugging the former coach
After the majority of their friends had left that day leaving only Puck, Jessie, Rachel and Quinn the four of them spent the rest of the day hanging out and going to dinner with a few drinks added to the mix. Quinn and Rachel stumbled back into their hotel room for their last night
"This is getting old" Rachel laughed as she tried to peel her shoes off
"Yeah, but it was definitely fun" Quinn laughed as she helped Rachel with her shoes. They sat down next to each other
"So it's our last night here what do you want to do?" Rachel asked smiling
"Well we could go to sleep and forget about each other or we can use this key I got from Santana and use that hot tube in their room" Quinn grinned
"I vote for the hot tub" Rachel laughed
"Good" Quinn smiled "I'm glad we're on the same page" she finished embracing Rachel
"Come on lets get up there" Rachel smiled
"What about swim suits?" Quinn asked
"Well I didn't bring one so I figured you could just forget yours too "Rachel smiled wagging her eyebrows
"Don't have to ask me twice" Quinn laughed following Rachel out the door. They rode the elevator up each looking at each other excitedly. They made their way to the room and were shocked at what greeted them. Candles were everywhere and soft music was playing in the background, Jessie came out of the bedroom with a smile and two glasses of champagne
"Bout time you two showed" Jessie laughed handing them the glasses
"How did you?" Rachel asked
"Well Quinn here needs to be a little less obvious when she's conning Santana out of her room key, so I asked Brittany for hers and thought I'd set this little thing up for you two" Jessie smiled
"I can't believe you Jessie St. James" Rachel stood shocked hugging her friend
"Have fun you two" Jessie said returning the hug and turning to leave. Quinn looked around the room till her eyes landed on Rachel
"You look so beautiful" Quinn said moving closer to Rachel. In the soft light Quinn could still make out the blush that appeared on Rachel's face. She captured her lips sweetly almost attentively "Come on that hot tub looks ready" Quinn exclaimed taking Rachel onto the back terrace where more candles were lit and a bottle of champagne awaited them. Both of them undressed and slipped into the waiting bubbles
"Oh wow" Rachel said settling in, Quinn scooted closer to Rachel who leaned onto Quinn's shoulder
"This is almost too good to be true" Quinn sighed, Rachel nodded her head "I mean 4 days ago I was scared to death to come out here, now I wouldn't want to be anywhere else"
"You know I was hoping that you were going to be here Quinn" Rachel said turning towards the blonde who raised her eyebrows "Really?" Quinn asked
"Yeah I mean I can't deny for 6 years I borderline hated you for leaving the way you did, but when I saw you at the airport my heart fluttered with excitement. I think the reason I spent 6 years resenting you was because I was just trying to deny my feelings, deny what I was truly feeling" Rachel said taking Quinn's hands
"What were you feeling?" Quinn asked
"That I've always loved you Quinn Fabray I loved you since the first day of High School. I loved you since you first stepped into glee club. I loved you even though you always tortured me, and I love you even more now with us sitting here under the stars and the moonlight" Rachel smiled as she put one of her legs over Quinn's straddling her, Quinn put her arms around Rachel bringing her closer
"I love you too Rachel Berry and to be honest I thinking the reason I tortured you so much is because I really didn't know how to express how I really felt, of course its no excuse for everything I did or said but I think our relationship changed when you convinced me not to tell Figgins about Shelby and Puck" Quinn slightly grimaced at the thought. I was thinking about myself and wasn't thinking that Shelby was better suited to be Beth's mother than I was and you brought me out of my insanity" Quinn sighed and shut her eyes reopening them when Rachel put her hand on Quinn's cheek "You saved me Rachel, not only from making a big mistake that would ruin so many lives. You saved me from the edge; you saved me from falling off the cliff of insanity. I'm glad that I came out here and I'm so happy that you allowed me to be back in your life even though sometimes I feel like I don't deserve it" Quinn sighed running her hand through Rachel's hair
"You deserve it Quinn, you deserve everything you have including Beth and me. You've been through so much in your life, but you were always able to overcome if coming out generally unscathed" Rachel laughed her eyes pointing downward indicating Quinn's Ryan Seacrest tattoo that was still smiling from the small of her back
"Yeah I felt as if it should stay as a reminder" Quinn laughed
"I always thought it was kind of cute" Rachel laughed running her fingers over it making Quinn squirm "ticklish?" Rachel asked with a gleam in her eye
"A little" Quinn answered nonchalantly and ground her hips upward as Rachel moaned "Like that?" Quinn moaned
"A little" Rachel smiled setting her glass down on the side and put her arms around Quinn's neck
"I think I'm going to have to get a hot tub installed in my apartment" Quinn smiled kissing Rachel's neck "Because I could definitely get used to this" Rachel groaned as Quinn sucked on the skin below her ear
"Oh god please don't stop doing that" Rachel moaned
"Don't ever plan to" Quinn mumbled against her skin. Kissing deeper as she lowered her lips to Rachel's bare chest making the brunette shiver "You're not cold are you?" Quinn asked lowering her legs so Rachel could sink more into the bubbles
"No but I think I know how to warm us both up" Rachel's eyes gleamed under the moonlight "Turn around" Rachel whispered as Quinn's eyebrows lifted "That jet there is going to help me out in order for it to do that you got to turn around Quinn" Rachel assured.
Rachel uncounted Quinn and the blonde turned around to face the jets
"Lift up" Rachel whispered as she settled in behind her. Rachel maneuvered Quinn until her hips were right against the jet
"Oh my god" Quinn moaned as the stream hit her. Rachel smiled and began to caress the blonde from behind as her hips rocked into Quinn's
"Wow that feels good" Rachel laughed as the jet sprayed her a bit. Quinn rocked her hips back so her ass would grind into Rachel. Rachel moaned and kept her motions as she lowered her lips to the back of Quinn's neck and lowered her hand between Quinn's thighs. The blonde gasped as she was being double teamed by the magic of Rachel's fingers and the pleasurable onslaught of the jet. She ground down into Rachel's fingers and pushed her ass back into Rachel in one fluid motion
"Raaaachel" Quinn moaned almost feeling she falter
"I got you Quinn" Rachel husked out keeping her hips and fingers in time. Quinn craned her neck to search out Rachel's lips sticking her tongue out outlining Rachel's lips. Rachel wrapped her lips around Quinn's tongue and sucked as her hands began caressing Quinn's nipples. The two let the jets overtake them as the rocked back and forth, Rachel's fingers moved faster as her hips rocked harder into Quinn.
Quinn broke away from Rachel and pitched forwards "Oh my god" Quinn almost screamed
"You….you….going to…come?" Rachel panted against Quinn's ear feeling her own intensity build. Quinn nodded her head and pushed her hips back harder into Rachel "Me….me too" Rachel moaned and sped up her actions even more
Both girls fell head over heels off the edge and collapsed against each other as they came down from their orgasm
"Yeah I say to install that hot tub" Rachel laughed as she kissed Quinn's neck
The rest of the night was full of kisses, caresses, and declarations of love under the soft candle light. Knowing the next step was soon in their sights. Soon they would be faced with their lives back in New York; soon they would be faced with the truth of how deep their love would be tested