A/N: I finally understand why crossover authors tend to have long lists of works in progress. It's simply too much fun sticking Harry into crazy situations.


"Err, excuse me."

"Eh?" came a grunt in reply. Harry winced as the tall man turned to face him with a glower, muscles rippling as he leaned back slightly on the bar stool. Honestly, why did they all have to be so… buff?

Nothing for it. Harry pushed aside his nerves and went straight to the point.

"I don't suppose you could explain to me why you're glowing?"

'Three, two, one,' Harry thought to himself tensely as he watched the man's face go through the tell tale series of emotions. Confusion, realization, irritation and fear, finished off with I'ma-gonna-beat-you-bloody.

The wizard showed himself out the door as fast as he could before the punch could land.

"Bloody hell," Harry muttered to himself. "That kind of personality better not be a result of their glowiness status. I rather like not being a complete and utter arsehole.; had enough of that when wearing that Merlin-be-damned locket."

He sighed and looked at the door behind him. At least this time it was looking like he wouldn't be pursued down the streets. Just once, he'd like to find someone who glowed and didn't practice some ancient kick-arse martial art, or at least, didn't try to apply it to his face before giving him some answers. After the first two, he'd even done some research into personal wards to buffer against physical attacks. He found a few, but was rather unwilling to test them out.

"Hey, Kid."

Harry turned to see an Asian woman in a lawyer's outfit smoking a cigarette in a nearby alley.

"Who'd you see glowing?"

Harry blinked a few times, slightly taken aback, before answering. "You, for one."

The woman snorted. "Alright, I'll give you that. What color?"

Color? He removed his glasses to get a better look. "Purple," he replied, placing the lens back on his nose.

"Not bad. You're a rare one, Kid, and it seems like you stumbled into a whole new world without even noticing the gateway." She stamped out her cigarette light and withdrew a pencil and pad from her purse. "You won't get many answers here, I'm afraid. The best specialists are on the other side of the world. If you get the chance," she jotted something down quickly on the notepad, then tore off the top sheet and handed it to Harry. "Try her. Until then, you'd be best off keeping those sheets of glass over your eyes and minding your own business. A weakling like you makes easy chump bait."

As Harry was pondering how he should feel about being called a weakling, the woman walked with crisp clips in her high heels to the office building across the street, leaving behind a very confused wizard with the contact information of a single specialist of 'a whole new world.' First his childhood with muggles, then adolescence with the wizards, and now apparently he was to enjoy his early adulthood with martial artists who glow different colors. As a frequent traveler of so called worlds, he wondered if this one would refrain from desiring his death.

He doubted it.

"Japan? Bloody hell, mate, you don't have to leave for the complete opposite side of the world for a vacation!"

Harry ignored Ron's protests as he continued packing his things into his trunk. He had no desire to return to Grimmauld Place in the future, so he might as well take everything he planned on keeping.

"Harry," Hermione said. "This isn't just a trip for fun, is it? What's going on?"

Harry chuckled at her insight and then paused his movements, leaning against the bed as Ron and Hermione waited for him to talk.

"After I died," he began, "I started seeing some funny lights. For awhile, I dismissed them as just glare off my glasses – Merlin knows there were plenty of reporter cameras to blame, until one night, I took my glasses off and looked in the mirror. I was glowing green. Ever since, I've noticed everyone had some glow, but weak, almost unnoticeable unless I take my glasses off and look for it. Then one day, I was walking through muggle London and found someone who glowed just as brightly as I do in the mirror. For the past month, I've been looking for people like that and asking them if they could explain why. Every single one of them tried to pick a fight when I asked, until yesterday someone gave me the name of a specialist who would be able to explain my situation."

"And this specialist lives in Japan," Hermione concluded.

"You're seeing people glow?" Ron gaped. "That's err, like aura reading or something from Divinations class. Wicked! Geez, mate, guess after coming back from dying, it's nice to have something to show for it. What color am I?"

"Interestingly enough, you and Hermione are the same color," Harry grinned, quickly finishing his packing.

"Yeah? Well come on," Ron wheedled. "Tell us already!"

His trunk snapping shut, Harry pulled out his International Portkey from his pocket before answering.

"I'll bring lots of pretty pink flowers to you guys' wedding," he teased. "Shrine maiden," he activated, and was portkeyed away.

"Pink? Pink?" Ron spluttered indignantly. "Oi, I am not pink!" he protested to the empty spot where Harry had stood seconds ago. "Hermione! I don't look like a pink person to you, do I?"

But Hermione was certainly looking very pink in the face just then. "Honestly Harry," she muttered, self-consciously brushing her robes off for dust as she made to leave the room. "It's a bit early to be talking about weddings."

"Welcome to Japan," greeted an automated voice as Harry fell onto the ground upon arriving. "Please exit the area promptly to make way for incoming guests. The information desk can be found following the green arrows on the floor. For gift shops, please follow the blue, and for refreshments, please follow the red. We hope you enjoy your stay in our beautiful country. Thank you."

Harry picked himself off the floor as the voice began to speak in Japanese, presumably repeating its speech. He followed the green arrows to the information desk, purchased a translation ward, and received apparition coordinates closest to a remote temple high up in a mountain on private land. It seemed this Genkai person the woman directed him to was a bit of a recluse.

He apparated to the edge of a forest, transfigured his robes into muggle clothing, and resigned himself to some hiking. Apparently the private land extended quite far, and it was only common courtesy and common sense to not apparate on a stranger's property.

He was weaving through a sinister feeling forest, making occasional sharp turns when the feeling of oil crept over his skin. It was an extremely uncomfortable sensation, and Harry was just starting to feel a little panicked with his ignorance about what was causing it when he heard noises in the distance. Interspersed with echoing crashes were faint cursing and yells, too far away to understand. Moving towards the sounds, the forest gave way to reveal a tall cliff that rose up towards the sky in a gigantic vertical rock face. Towards the top, he saw a pair of people literally leaping up the wall with the smallest of footholds as leverage.

The shorter of the two reached the top first, waited a moment for the other to catch up, then proceeded to completely defeat the taller person in hand to hand combat, hopped off the cliff edge, and slid down the side like a snowboarder, leaving a trail of dust in the being's wake.

Harry gaped at the sight of physical prowess, completely speechless as the person, who became recognizable as a very short old woman when she drew closer, walked up to him.

"Well, what do you want?" she snapped.

'Merlin Harry,' he thought miserably to himself. 'What have you gotten yourself into?'

"Come on, speak up," she demanded when he didn't say anything. "Don't tell me you don't understand Japanese. I sure as hell don't speak anything else."

"Er, sorry to disturb?" Harry stuttered out, trying to voice the words his translation ward was feeding into his mind and wincing when his tongue completely butchered the pronunciation. Thankfully, it seemed she understood, so it did its job.

"You already have," she snorted. "Talk or leave, I've already got one idiot wasting my time, I don't need another."

"Sorry, er, are you Genkai?"

"That's me, why?"

"Someone recommended you to me," Harry sounded out carefully, digging into a pocket for the paper he received a few days ago. "She said you were a specialist of some sort and could explain to me why I've started to see people glow."

"Started seeing people glow, hm?" she repeated, taking the paper from Harry's hand and locking eyes onto the header of the sheet that Harry assumed was the name of the company the woman worked at.

"Is the company name familiar to you?"

"Don't be ridiculous, I don't read English," she replied, handing the paper back. "Though I see now why she might have sent you here. In England, knowledge is kept very tightly in individual families. You'd be more likely killed than taught."

Harry winced, remembering all the times he was attacked after his questions.

"So tell me," Genkai continued, "when did this new ability of yours start?"

"A little over a month ago."

"Did anything supernatural happen around that time? Did you get possessed by any ghosts, attacked by demons maybe?"

"Er," Harry thought desperately. This was awkward – what could he say? She didn't seem to be a witch, but she knew about not-so-muggle beings. Except that plenty of people were attacked by demons without gaining any new abilities, and that the ghosts back at Hogwarts were an everyday thing, and certainly never possessed anyone, so it was odd that she'd suggest so. "I might have died?" he decided to confess. Clearly he was going to have to take some risks if he wanted answers.

Genkai heaved an irritated sigh. "Another one, just great. I'm going to need to have a chat with Koenma about this. Two failed soul relocations in as many years is a bit ridiculous."

"Excuse me?" Harry asked, confused by the implication of her words. Someone else had also succeeded in coming back from the dead? What did she mean by soul relocation, and who the hell was Koenma?

"Never you mind," she dismissed. "Come with me." Genkai walked over to the bottom of the cliff where she was soon joined by a teenage boy who leapt down the last bit of height and collapsed on the ground in exhaustion. Harry was shocked to see he had steel balls shackled to his feet as weights.

"Finally managed to join us, slacker?" she sneered. "Get up. We're going in for tea."

"Oh lovely," came the sarcastic reply. "And I suppose you'll be wanting me to drink it while standing on my head, you old hag?"

"Don't be ridiculous," she retorted. "The guest and I will be drinking tea from my cups. You will figure out how to use your spirit energy to hold the liquid or go without. There's plenty of water in the rivers around here if you fail, so you won't die of thirst anytime soon."

The boy gave the woman the middle finger, but obligingly picked himself up off the ground and, dragging his weights behind him, followed her as she led them through the forest.

Harry walked with the two, feeling nervous and awkward. They appeared to be in a very abrasive teacher-student relationship that consisted of training which would probably kill Harry several times over.

He kept silent for awhile, occupied by walking through the thick forest and trying not to get smacked in the face by too many branches. The boy had no such problems, shoving the branches aside as they came and his steel weights thumping along when he dragged them over raised tree roots, each dull thud making Harry more anxious. The weird feeling of oil was creeping up his arms now, as if it were some sentient entity baited by the noise.

"Er, I'm sorry. I don't really understand the situation," Harry spoke up towards Genkai, the slimy sensation along his skin growing increasingly more irritating, "but would it be possible for him to take those weights off until we get out of this forest?" he requested, glancing around. "I know it's rather silly, but the noise makes me feel like we're about to be attacked any second now."

"Ha, no worries there," the boy said before Genkai could respond. "Anything in here that tries to attack us will learn pretty quick that it's a bad idea to mess with Yusuke Urameshi. Only small fry live in these parts."

"Cocky ass," Genkai quipped.

"Bitchy hag," the boy, Yusuke, threw back with a grin.

Well, at least it seemed the two enjoyed their unconventional partnership.

After another half hour of trekking and no less than four unfamiliar –talking – creatures which Genkai called demons attacked them and were soundly knocked out by Yusuke, the trio exited the forest, stepping over a simple rope boundary line on which hung evenly spaced strips of paper. In the distance, a temple shrine could be seen on the other side of the grassy plain.

"You really live in a temple, then?" Harry asked.

"That's right," Genkai confirmed, "though it's been long abandoned by its followers. No one's come to worship or pray in years so I'm free to do whatever I like."

"I'll say," Yusuke cut in with a barking laugh. "You remodeled the shrine area into an arcade! That's blasphemy if anything is."

"Oh? And who was it yesterday whining that I should let him play in it for free?"

"Tch, do I look like some pious sucker to you? I'm telling you, seeing some toddler in charge of the afterlife takes all the fear of God outta ya."

"So you're the other person who came back from the dead that Genkai mentioned?" Harry interrupted.

"Yeah, that's me," Yusuke confirmed, stretching his upper body as he walked, already looking like he recovered from his fatigue. "Hey wait a minute, what do you mean, 'other person'?"

"Just like what it sounds like, idiot," Genkai disparaged. "The kid says he died before too."

"Oh wow, you'd think Botan would mention something like that to me, especially since it's supposed to only happen, like, once every century. So did you have to go through some stupid test to come back too, or what?"

"Test? Er, no, not really. Or well, I don't think so." Was choosing to come back a test? Harry wondered. "I was only dead for a few minutes. What was it like for you?"

"What? Man, that is so not cool," Yusuke complained. "My body was dead for over a day, and I wasn't allowed to go back in for practically weeks! What gives, huh?"

"Do shut your mouth, you half-wit," Genkai sneered. "We'll talk it over tea, and if possible, get someone from Spirit World to help clear up a few things, like why they didn't have the decency to give the boy some information about his new abilities before spitting him back here."

Harry, completely and utterly lost amidst the mentions of Spirit World, some person named Botan, a means of contacting the world of the dead other than the Resurrection Stone, and the teen's vague story of his time dead, was starting to feel irritated.

"Exactly how were you brought back from the dead anyway?" the wizard asked. He was pretty sure the boy was a muggle, so it couldn't have been magical means.

"Stupid story, really," Yusuke scowled as they walked into the temple and through the main hall of the dusty building. "I ditched school after homeroom and met this little kid playing soccer by the road. His ball went into the road, he chased after it, I pushed the kid out the way of a car, and Bam! Dead as a doornail."

"Seriously?" Harry gaped, somewhat impressed at the moral fiber of the younger male before him, but much more shocked over the fact that something as ordinary as a car accident could lead to something as extraordinary as revival from the dead. Hermione had half a dozen theories about why the killing curse latched onto the horcrux and spared Harry, but being run into by a car simply damaged the body beyond recovery. "How do you come back from that?"

"Now see, here's where it gets really stupid!" Yusuke stated pointedly, while Genkai gestured for them to take a seat on the floor whilst she went to fetch the tea. "Turns out no one was supposed to rescue the kid, he was supposed to get away from the accident just fine through a combination of bad driving and a soccer ball cushion, making my death pointless. The grim reaper, who turns out to be this irritatingly cheery girl, Botan, with blue hair who rides a boat oar like a fairy-tale witch rides a broom, came and said they didn't have a place for me in Spirit World 'cause they never predicted I might die! 'Course, that's probably lucky for me, 'cause then Koenma decided that it might be easier to just bring me back to life rather than whatever else it is they normally do for dead people. I had to go through a couple of stupid tests, but no written exams, at least, so it was all good. I went back to my body, Keiko donated some life energy to revive me, and voila, here I am. Though, after I came back, I was suckered into taking the Spirit Detective job which is the reason I'm in this mess of a tournament," he muttered.

"Stop complaining and do something productive, slacker," Genkai barked, setting down a tray with a teapot and two Japanese styled tea cups. "Focus your Spirit Energy," she instructed, pouring a cup of tea for herself and Harry.

"What's your name, then?" she asked, handing a cup to Harry.

"Harry," he replied after thanking her for the tea. "Harry Potter."

"Harry, hmm? How much do you know about the supernatural, Harry?" she asked, sipping lightly on her tea.

"Oh Merlin, this is awkward," he muttered to himself in English. He had assumed that because all the brightly glowing people were muggles, there would be no problems in hiding his status as a wizard. He realized now that was a rather stupid assumption. What kind of normal muggle condition results after dying? Now he had no idea what he was allowed to say. The Statute of Secrecy was a rather finicky thing with some vague rules.

The main idea was that magic could only be discussed with or shown to people who were already aware of it, or had it. Exceptions only included close family members, hence why Seamus' dad wasn't told about Seamus' mom being a witch until after the marriage – he wasn't family until then.

The 'already aware of it' clause was a bit ambiguous, however. Muggles who are accidently exposed to magic are normally obliviated. Sometimes though, muggles with a particular job or contacts are left alone. Because they were exposed through the accident, they could then be properly informed, bound to a confidentiality contract, and hired to do jobs like take care of scheduling meetings between the muggle and magical ministers, or transport magical criminals from muggle prisons and holding cells for proper trial under magical law, so on and so forth.

These two knew of ghosts, some sort of supernatural creatures called demons, and are in contact with people who live in the realm of the dead. They can certainly keep secrets as they have their own secret world that seemed to revolve around this Spirit Energy Genkai kept mentioning, and if worst comes to worst, the UK would never let their Savior, Harry Potter, be prosecuted for anything short of murder so soon after the Final Battle at Hogwarts.

"Do you believe in magic?"

"No," came the blunt reply. "And you'd best get any thoughts of the supernatural being related to flashy magical powers out of your head. I hate people who think having a little power in controlling Spirit Energy is the quick and easy answer to all their problems."

"Actually," Harry countered wryly, though he had no idea how well he managed to convey his tone of voice through the butchering he was doing of the Japanese language, "magic is no quick and easy answer to all our problems. Hell, it almost creates more problems than it's worth."

"Whoa, hold on there."

Harry turned towards Yusuke just in time to see a glow around the teen's hands flicker and die. Apparently with his focus directed at something else, he couldn't continue with his given task of creating a cup. Harry wondered about this strange chore of his. As far as he could tell, this Spirit Energy was incapable of manifesting itself as something solid, but perhaps it was forceful enough to feel solid when concentrated properly?

"Are you trying to tell us," the boy asked, cutting Harry's theorizing short, "that you can do magic?"

Rather than answer verbally, the wizard withdrew his wand from up his sweater sleeve and duplicated his tea cup, contents and all.

Genkai and Yusuke stared as suddenly there were three tea cups on the table.

"When I was eleven years old," Harry started to explain, "I received a letter congratulating me for being accepted to Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Over the next seven years I spent in the Wizarding World, I've seen ghosts, unicorns, Giants, centaurs, pixies, and mermaids. There are creatures that can suck out your soul, creatures only visible to those who've seen someone die, and creatures that can depict your worst fear as a self-defense mechanism. Magical items include the Philosopher's stone, invisibility cloaks, wands, and flying brooms. Humans with magic can create objects both real and illusionary, make some things fly and other things grow, brew potions to cure diseases or poison a person, etcetera, etcetera. However, magical ghosts do not possess people, I've never heard of demons intelligent enough for human speech like those we encountered in the forest, and even magical people do not often come back from the dead."

"I suppose asking you about your knowledge of the supernatural is rather ridiculous then, isn't it?" Genkai asked rhetorically, eying the rubber ball Harry had conjured during his explanation and was now directing around in figure eights with a simple levitation charm. "This complicates things a great deal. Ah," she sighed, sipping her tea. "I'm too old for this. Boy, get Koenma over here."

"What?" Yusuke protested. "And how exactly am I supposed to do that? He pops in and out whenever he damn well pleases, that irritating toddler, and whenever I ask Botan for a way to talk to him so I can give him a piece of my mind, she says he's busy, what with running Spirit World in his dad's seat and all that crap."

"That's because he is very busy, Yusuke," came the voice of a young woman. "Master Koenma has a lot of work to do."


"Bingo!" was the cheery reply. Her ponytail bounced as she shuffled into the room dressed in a pink kimono. "Hey there, Yusuke, how's the training coming along? Do you really have time to be taking a break like this?"

"Young lady," Genkai cut in. "You have direct access to Koenma, don't you? Tell him we need to chat."

"Master Genkai! Goodness, why ever would you need to – oh!" she exclaimed, finally noticing that someone she didn't recognize was also sitting on the floor by the table with the tea, staring at her bright blue hair. Even Tonks had never worn that color with any frequency. "Well hello there, I'm Botan. And who are you?"

"Harry," he answered, scrambling to his feet to shake her hand. "So you're the Grim Reaper?"

"Oh, yes, did Yusuke tell you that? Really Yusuke, you shouldn't just go around revealing stuff like that," she scolding, smacking him upside the head.

"Ow, geez Botan, you'd think I'd tell just anybody that? They'd think I was insane!"

"It wouldn't be any worse than their current opinion of you, you delinquent. So Master Genkai, why do you need to speak with Master Koenma?"

Genkai pointed towards Harry who was now standing awkwardly against the wall, fully aware of how much trouble he was apparently creating and feeling a bit guilty for it. "The young'un came to me because he recently gained the ability to see Spirit Energy after dying. He also claims he can do magic, and as far I can tell he's telling the truth. His Spirit Energy was completely quiescent when he demonstrated his supernatural abilities."

Botan's eyes widened at the term magic, and a hand raised over her mouth in shock as Genkai finished explaining. "That's not possible," she denied. "All witches and wizards aren't capable of interacting with Spirit Energy – their magic won't allow it! It's impossible!" she repeated for emphasis.

"I've been told I do that a lot," Harry drawled.

"So it's true?" Yusuke asked. "Magic's real? The guy's a freaking wizard?"

"Oh my goodness, I have to report this Master Koenma. I'm terribly sorry for all this, Master Genkai. I'll be back as soon as I can." And with that, the blue-haired girl pulled out a rowboat paddle from nowhere, and rode it side-straddle into the sky.

"Well then, there's not much to do until she gets back," Genkai said to the two males. "Perhaps you could come back tomorrow, Harry? If you follow the front entrance, you'll see a dirt trail that will lead you to a bus stop."

"Right, thanks, for everything," Harry nodded. "And sorry for all the trouble."

Genkai waved off his apology, turning back to his disciple and scolding him for not even trying to complete his task, to which the boy complained that only old people drank tea anyway.

Harry walked down the steps at the front entrance and then, looking at his tourist guide he picked up from the information desk at the international portkey station, apparated to a nearby wizarding alley. He'd find a hotel there to stay the night.

A/N: I've got a few chapters of this in backup.

If you're a YuYuHakusho fan, it'll probably get a bit boring during the first round of the Dark Tournament, but I'm hoping to change things a bit from then onwards.

If you're a Pirate Potter or Pirate Conqueror follower, worry not. I still plan to prioritize my OP/HP fics over any other random ideas I get.

Let me know if you like this story-line so far, though :)