Okay so, I know I have two other stories out...but when you've got a good idea you just have to put it down before you forget! I know I'm horrible for whatever comes from working on another story...but trust me. I think you guys are gonna love it!

To anyone new to my work, I hope you guys don't mind slow updates too much XP. Thanks for clicking on my new story and please enjoy!

Note: [XXX] (Passage of Time Symbol...not a Zelda reference xD)

Disclaimer: You know...I think I should own the rights to Natsume...no? Whatevs I don't own Harvest Moon XP

"Punctuality is a bitch…" I murmured irritably. There are a lot of words to describe me…some not as nice as others. But if there is one thing about me that is 100% true, it would be that I am punctual, on-time, never late! In other words, I'm the type of person to think: "Hey, early is on time"!

And that's exactly what I am; too early to be where I was at the moment.

To make a horribly and aggravatingly long story short, I was living in the city until about…oh I don't know…two days ago. Don't get me wrong, this won't no "spur-of-the-moment" shit we're dealing with here. I actually had my moved planned out for months for the sake of punctuality (which, again, is a bitch) and I decided that the trip on the ferry was (although reliable) pretty iffy if you were trying to be on time. I mean, we could've run into a storm or something! So I boarded it early to get where I was going in a fair amount of time. Fortunately, the cruise was as smooth as a baby's bottom!

Consequently, I've been waiting for two days straight to be picked up and brought to my new place. Luckily there was a spare room in the hotel off the shipping docks where all my stuff currently is…or rather was since I was now lugging it with me as I stood in wait by a little booth.

"Where is that guy?" I muttered, pulling my hood tighter around me as the breeze of the cool, Spring night tickled my frozen ears.

I was currently waiting for a man the Mayor of Castanet said was going to come and pick me up. I was on time…him? Not so much.

I looked around at my surroundings. The only thing of any real interest so far out here was the boarding of passengers and shipment onto the ships. Besides that, there was a hotel (the one I mentioned earlier) and a bar…a little place for sailors only since passengers didn't usually stay it seemed. If they did, they ate at the hotel.

Realizing that there couldn't possibly be anybody around that would want to steal my measly little luggage, I lumbered over to the bar, cinching my hoodie over my head before entering. As I walked in, I was greeted with a few hearty "hello"s.

Now, I know what I said; it was for sailors only, right? Well the first night I was here and they tried to turn me away, I had a little dispute with them all until the bartender agreed to let me stay only if I could win in a drinking contest. Needless to say, I won. Brownie points hit me like a truck (or more like a ton of burly, strong, sailors) after that.

"Yo Champ! We gotta surprise for ya!" One of the burliest of the burly called out to me. A smirk played on my lips and I worked my way through the many drunkards spilled around the floor before reaching the man. He gestured for me to bend down and I did so, letting him get a bit closer to me in the process.

"Over there, that guy right there with the spikey red hair…he's the only other guy who was able to beat us in a drinking contest." His voice was rather raspy sounding as he whispered.

I looked up at the man this guy was pointing to. He wasn't as big as my pal next beside me, but he was definitely one ripped mo' fo. I looked back down at my acquaintance and I could all ready tell that he wanted to start something.

"Not tonight, I'm not in the mood for a buzz." I muttered. I was more in the mood for getting on with the rest of my life in Castanet. Mr. Burly Britches next beside me, however, had other plans for me.

"Ey yo Owen!" He shouted and the guy turned around to face him, lifting a hand in hello.

"This is the bad little whiskey sucker I was talking to you about earlier!" The big guy yelled, pointing to me.

I sighed underneath my hood. Owen seemed to get what the guy wanted and shook his head in disapproval of the offer.

"Nah man, not tonight." He answered. Huh, so there was someone who was actually responsible around this part of the town.

"What! They aren't gonna do it?" Someone called out in disappointment.

"No way! That ain't right!" Another guy hollered.

"C'mon! You guys should live a little!" Yet another one of the many sailors called throughout the facility.

The Owen-guy and I were both unshaken by the calls and yelps of every other patron in the bar. That is…until one comment stuck out like a sore thumb.

"Whatever! They're just a couple of pussy cats!" Someone called all the way from the other corner of the place.

I felt a fire burn in my insides…what did he just call me?

I slammed my hand on the table in front of me, at the same time I heard a large *THUMP* come from the direction of the counter. I looked up to see Owen had gotten up from his seat at the bar. By the looks of it, I would say he also caught that little comment.

Everyone went silent as a few people sat up from a table exuberantly, gesturing to the bartender behind the counter as people started to usher Owen and I to the table.

"Geez, you guys…" I overheard Owen mutter and couldn't help but smirk.

"What, you afraid sir?" I asked a little smarmily.

Owen eyed me suspiciously before giving out a little chuckle.

"Afraid? Who do you take me for?"

I only laughed as the first round was placed in front of us. More rounds were being made by the dozens. I raised the glass in a cheers kind of way, letting my hood fall into my eyes…like a type of poker face. He mimicked my actions.

"Bottoms up." He said with a grin before we both chugged back our first beer of the night.


"Holy shi-they're still going!" Someone yelled…at least I think. Owen and I had been going for quite a while and I was way passed the point of being buzzed. I was in a rush, my brain cells were going to suffer for this; I just know it.

"Which round is this? Thirty-something?" I heard the dull murmur of someone's voice. I looked up at Owen, he had definitely slowed down, but he seemed to be doing better than me.

"How are you…feeling over there?" He called from across the table, trying to makes his words sound unaffected by the booze.

"I'm just…fine, thanks for asking. You on the oth…other hand look…" I stopped and looked at my now empty mug.

"It's gone…" I muttered and Owen let out a laugh.

"Oh man, you're blown!" He laughed, his huge frame shaking with his humor.

"Nuh…no! I've got this!" I said, chugging back another mug of the alcoholic beverage.

Owen raised his eyebrows in amusement.

"That's very…" He took a pause, concealing what I'm sure was a slur of his words.

"…hard to believe." He finished before following my lead and drinking back another one as well.

"…Owen…" A hazy and quiet voice came from the sidelines.

I turned slightly, looking up from underneath my hood to see a dark-skinned man with silver hair and a purple cloak standing right next to our table (battlefield), with luggage in his hands. He picked the luggage up and gestured to them in a worrisome manner, bi-colored hues showing concern.

"I think these…belong to the person you…are supposed to pick up." The man said.

Wait…hold on a minute…those are mine!

It had taken me a moment through my buzz to realize that the luggage was, indeed, mine. I turned to the red-head in front of me as he dashed up from his side of the table, seemingly sobering up with alert.

"Where'd you find them, Wizard?" He asked.

I bolted up from my side, staring at the two as they conversed back and forth. I felt anger pulse through me…maybe it was just annoyance. Either or, this guy had kept me waiting for a long while.

Okay, it's all cool…deep breath…that's good.

"Do you mean to tell me that…you're the guy who was late in picking me up?" I asked, my bitter tone showing even through the slight slur I was getting.

Owen gave a sheepish smile.

"Ha, sorry about that. I didn't think that you were going to be on time…most people that I do business with are usually late, only barely making it before the day ends."

Owen's dark-skinned acquaintance caught Owen's attention as he gestured to the door. Had Owen called him Wizard? That's an interesting nickname…if it is a nickname.

Owen nodded, almost in a tired way before nodding toward the door.

"We're sorry for keeping you. Get your bags and we'll get going." He said with a friendly smile.

"It's all good, bruh. I'm just glad to get this show on the road." I said before following the two outside.

There sat a gorgeous looking, midnight black, truck. I could just tell it was one of those hybrids…you know, the ones that have steam coming out of the exhaust engine instead of the usual car pollutants.

"Damn!" I awed, shaking off my buzz a little more.

"Oh yeah." Owen hummed in content.

"This baby…oh don't even get me started." He said.

Wizard rolled his eyes…which probably meant that Owen was about to get started.

"The first thing I love about it is that it's huger than me!" Owen exclaimed in pride.

Obviously, this was no easy feat. See, Owen was about a head taller than Wizard, both were taller than me. Not to mention, Owen was built like a more toned down version of The Hulk. The truck was really huge, I can tell you that. Owen opened the door as I got my leg up on the foot step attached to the truck's side so I could swing my bags in the majestic beauty.

"Second thing, it's a hybrid. No toxic fumes and it barely needs gas."

Owen frowned a bit.

"That isn't really something too exciting since I use it only every so often. I mostly use it for transporting shipments and animals. But man, when I get behind the steering wheel it's just…"

"Magic." I gave a happy huff. I could see where Owen was coming from.

He looked at me and smiled.

"You got it." He said before climbing in the driver's seat.

The sound of Wizard roughly clearing his throat caught my attention before I shut the door to the back seat. Owen and I both turned to him. He gave a condescending glare to Owen before doing an "up-and-out" gesture with his hand. Owen grimaced.

"Wiz, I'm barely drunk!" Owen argued.

"Barely drunk…is drunk enough." Wizard said.

"But…my baby!" Owen complained.

Wizard only continued to glare until Owen slunk out of the driver's seat and into the passenger's seat. Wizard climbed in and closed the door, adjusting everything to his accord before starting up the engine.

I heard the engine and I just about went wild.

"Yo-ho-HO!" I said in excitement.

Owen smiled in all his self awareness at what I was amazed with.

"That engine is like a mechanic orgasm!" I shouted.

"Trust me, I know." He said.

I could hear Wizard's chuckle as we started for a dirt road.

"Wizard, you can't tell me that this is not the sweetest babe of a truck. C'mon!" Owen nudged his friend who nudged him away.

"It's good…" Wizard responded. Owen's mouth dropped.

"Man, you gotta be kidding me?" I called up front.

"Look, a new resident knows the drill and you still don't got it down!" Owen shouted.

Wizard smirked.

"It's pretty damn bitchin'…" Wizard said with his quiet haze of a voice.

"There we go! See, I knew you knew!" Owen laughed.

"So, how long is it gonna take for us to get to Harmonica Town?" I asked and Owen looked back at me.

"Well, it's pretty late right now…I would say around, oh…5 in the morning." He estimated.

Wizard nodded in agreement.

"Good, I'm tired." I yawned.

"It's best to rest up. Being the new apprentice in the Black Smith business is going to take its toll on you pretty soon." He warned.

I smiled.

"I can take it."

He gave me a smirk.

"Good to hear, we can always use the extra-hand."

The vehicle went silent as we traveled down the path. It wasn't long before I started feeling my eyelids droop with fatigue…or maybe it's from my previous antics at the bar. It didn't matter, I was dog-tired either way. I felt myself drift off after a while.


"Hey back there! Wake up!" I was awoken by Owen's booming voice. The twinge of a weak hangover kept me from getting excited as I saw we were parked at the side of my new home…the Black Smith's shop.

My body felt a bit stiff as I realized that I was sleeping in a curled up ball. I stretched and cracked my neck.

"OH, that felt good." I murmured at the relief of tension.

I opened the door on the right side and the smell of fresh country mixed with metal and sawdust filled my senses. The cool air of the dark morning air swept into my hood and I cinched the top tighter around me.

I smirked at the fresh scent as I gathered my bags and clambered out of the car, noticing Wizard and Owen standing at the side entrance of the Black Smith's shop.

"You know, you could've stretched out a bit more since you were the only one in the back." Owen pointed out. I shrugged at his indication.

"I like sleeping in a ball. So sue me."

"I see you've arrived." A gruff voice grabbed my attention and I immediately turned to meet the stone eyes of an elder man. I gave a grin and held my hand out.

"I'm guessing that you're Ramsey?" I asked.

"Yes, that's correct." He took my hand and gave a firm handshake.

"Nice to finally meet you in person." I responded as we dropped out hands. I grabbed at my luggage again but Ramsey stopped me.

"Owen, where are your manners? Take these bags." Ramsey said in a steel-toned voice.

Owen gave him a confused glance.

"But I'm pretty sure-"

"Do not argue, my decision is final." Ramsey huffed and watched with a judging stare as Owen began to grab up all my luggage, easily might I add.

"Even though you're handling it without a problem, I'm still sorry about that." I told him. Owen just shrugged his shoulder as Wizard, Ramsey, and I followed in through the side entrance. The warmth of the abode met my face with much welcome.

"It feels great in here." I sighed in bliss.

Owen gave me a weird glance.

"Uh…okay." He muttered. He smiled and then gave my bags some more notice.

"So, I'm taking these to my room then?" He asked Ramsey.

The elder man and I both turned to Owen in surprise, Wizard raised an eyebrow.

"Owen-" Ramsey began.

"SUP!" A loud guy suddenly burst through the front entrance of the shop, cutting Ramsey off with an exuberant shout.

"Luke! What are you doing here so early?" Owen irritably questioned the blue-haired, golden-eyed person named Luke.

"I saw you guys come back with the truck and I knew you went to pick up a new person. So come one, where's the new guy?" Luke asked in expectance.

"Right over there." Owen said, gesturing to me.

Ramsey shook his head in a condescending way.

"Never mind that now. Owen, take the luggage to Chole's room." He ordered.

Luke and Owen gawked at Ramsey and me. Wizard wandered over to the kitchen and started to brew some coffee. He seemed really indifferent towards the conversation.

"WHAT! Why Chloe's room? That's just not right!" Owen argued while dropping my luggage in disbelief.

"Dude, shouldn't that be illegal?" Luke agreed.

"What the heck is the problem?" I mumbled but they didn't seem to hear me though.

"Do not question me, Owen." Ramsey stated.

Ramsey, Luke, and Owen continued to argue and started to feel the heat of the room burn me up. I was still wearing a sweater hoodie.

Well, I guess I could finally take off the baggy piece of clothing, it kept me feeling restricted more times than not.

I started lifting the hoodie off of me, I could feel my shirt rising up and bunching in the center as I did so. I hate when that happens. After I got that I off, I threw the sweatshirt on top of one of my two briefcases and grabbed them from where Owen had let them drop.

"Why should he being staying in Chloe's room?" Owen suddenly shouted and I gave him a strange look.

"Uh, yo bruh." I called to him and all eyes turned to me. Two sets of the three popped out wide at the sight of me. I took into account their reactions and sighed regrettably.

"Maybe I should've told you my name from the start, then we wouldn't be having this kinda convo right now. But uh, I'm not a dude." I said and gestured to my chest that had been covered by the baggie hoodie.

"Obviously, right?"

Luke smiled widely.

"Whoa, look at you! What are those, C's? D's maybe?" He asked and Ramsey hit him over the head.

Wizard came back to the room, not even looking surprised as he handed me a mug of coffee, sipping his contently while he watched on at the scene.

I scrunched my nose up at the mention of my breasts.

"D's…they really weigh me down though…I usually wrap them up." I sighed before looking towards Owen who was still wide eyed and shocked.

"Yeah, so…my name's Molly by the way. Sorry bout' the mix-up. But, can I get a tour to Chloe's room…and the bathroom? I need a shower." I said and Owen finally shook his head of the disbelief before turning to Ramsey in a dumb-founded state.

"She's the new Black Smith apprentice?" He asked in shock.

"Yes, Molly Cameron, my female apprentice." Ramsey said with certainty.

Owen grabbed my bags post-haste and stomped toward the stairs.

"What's his deal?" I asked.

"You're the new apprentice?" Luke asked in amazement.

"Yeah, what of it?" I inquired.

"Badass! I'm Luke Valatino, the star apprentice of the Carpenter's just down the ways a little." He responded and held out his hand for me to shake.

"Molly Cameron, nice to meet ya." I said and took his hand in my own, grasping firmly for a good handshake.

"Whoa, that's a nice grip you got there." Luke chuckled.

I gave him a toothy grin.

"Yours ain't so bad itself." I responded.

See what I did there? XD. I didn't put whose POV it was cuz it would definitely take away from the SURPRISE! Anyway! Tell me what you think, what I can improve on, anything (that isn't a major plot turn) that you'd like to see. I'm open to new ideas since I know what I want to do with this story but it's still all in the works.

Thanks for reading and if you could, please review as well! ^3^