I'm Coming Home

Jack Haly might have been an old man but he wasn't a fool. Not in the least bit. He gave his signature smile as 'Dan', as he claimed to be, stood in front of him and tried desperately to convince him he wasn't Richard Grayson.

"The sight of a Grayson on the trapeze… you can't disguise that, son." Jack said watching 'Dan's over all reaction. Once it was finally settled 'Dan' couldn't hide behind his Dan persona he let his shoulders fall.

"Look how much you've grown, Dick…" Jack whispered out, looking at him. He felt he was his rightful grandfather, even if Dick wasn't directly related to him. He was the grandfather of the circus. He'd die before he'd let someone take away his family.

Well he tried, he wasn't going to get conned into feeding that man, Zucco. It was his fault Dick's parents died or at least it felt like it every God damn day. He placed a hand on the Ex-Flying Grayson's shoulder giving him another cheeky smile.

"Can you do one last favor for an old ring master?" Jack's voice felt soft and caressed that the words as he spoke. He looked into Dick's severely blue eyes and couldn't help but see John and Mary in both eyes. It made his chest tighten but he knew the moment he saw Dick's lips curl into a small but meaningful smile that he had said the right thing.

"Of course, old man."

- 000 -

It was a sight for sore eyes, the way he moved so gracefully in-between his team mates, he now knew they weren't his real siblings just his metaphorical ones, showed how much he had really kept up his skills.

It also made him wonder why Bruce Wayne would let the kid perform his old acts; these were dangerous to an untrained acrobat. Of course, Dick wasn't an amateur by far, but he wouldn't have had anyone to practice with. Bruce was a big man, he was quite sure he didn't have the limber limbs and the sheer flexibility for these things. So how would Dick have practiced?

The thoughts confused him to no end but he squashed them once he saw Dick perform his mother's favorite move. His eyes softened as his continued to watch his Godson move throughout the air like a bird that hadn't had his wings clipped. It was the best thing he had seen since that horrible day four years ago.

- 000 -

Robin yelled loudly as he was kicked to the edge of a building. His plan hadn't thought of the potential that Parasite had been released from his inhibitor collar. He groaned as he tried picking himself off the ground but he felt ill. His body felt ten times worse than it actually was. The ass had drained him again and he found himself combating his weakness to the brink of the death trying to get him back into the game.

Sweat dripped down his face as Parasite picked him up again, the purple veined creature just growled as he sucked Robin dry again. Every ounce of energy he had was just being drained.

"Acrobat, your skills were mighty useful. Too bad I enjoy Kryptonian more." Robin wanted so badly to lash out at Parasite but he couldn't find the energy to lift his arms, well to do much of anything except sit there and shut his eyes. He was accepting his fate for now. None of the other YJ members had noticed about Parasite's escape, well maybe now they did. Parasite slammed the boy wonder into the wall growling out.

Robin felt wetness dripping down the back of his neck as Parasite there him off the building. He could feel the wind billowing through his cape as he made the spiral down to Earth. His thoughts were muddied and he couldn't hear M'gann anymore. He sighed a shaking breath before he fainted in mid-air. His body fell onto of the circus tent before it rolled off slamming into the cemented ground. A little bit of blood began to pool around his head.

A few members of the circus that had seen the lump the hit the roof of the tent went outside in a murmur of a crowd. Jack Haly also went out to see what had everyone stopping in their place and leaving their designated duties to set up the tent. He pushed his way through the crowd to see a fallen boy on the ground. Jack's eyes widened knowing for a fact who the boy was. Robin, he was the infamous partner of Batman but what was he doing here? Without Batman none the less.

"Get back to work you slobs! I'll handle this!" Jack said some people nodded while some rolled their eyes. He knew they weren't slobs; actually they were some of the cleanest people he knew. He just needed them gone so he could check up on Robin without running the risk of hurting anyone's identity. He knew how vigilantes worked.

It didn't take long to deduce the kid had been in a fight. Half of his mask was ripped off. Holes and cut marks riddled the young teen's clothing. Jack almost winced at the sight; this kid had had a harsh beating.

Jack knelt next to the kid, brushing his black bangs away from his face. He couldn't help but remark over the boy's likeness to Dick Grayson, then again most kids these days reminded him of Dick Grayson.

"Hey, son, you awake?" Jack's voice cooed out, trying not to wake the kid up harshly. He noticed the blood and the bruise that was steadily forming on the side of the kid's face. His speaking in the soft voice earned a groan; it was weak but almost… familiar. He couldn't place it but the voice sounded way too familiar for comfort.

"Uhn…" Robin groaned out, his eyes opening half way. Jack's eyes widened almost immediately. Those were eyes he'd never forget. Grayson eyes. He felt his world turn a bit colder. All of his previous questions had answers now. Dick could perform because he was Robin. Batman had more than enough skill to keep Robin's determination and acrobatic skills intact. But… did that mean the Bruce Wayne was..? No, that would be impossible. Bruce was a play-boy; he couldn't have the discipline to be a crime fighting vigilante. At least not the best in the world… but Dick could? Maybe he wasn't giving Bruce enough credit. Maybe Bruce could be… Batman.

"Who are you?" Jack heard the voice under him groan out. It was Dick's voice, that solidified ever single question in his mind. Batman plucked him from the circus because Batman knew Dick had the skills to be a great man and a great vigilante. Bruce had been to the show that night as well. It was too big of a coincidence to turn a blind eye to.

"I'm Jack Haly, y'know. 'Old man.'" Jack didn't exactly like what Dick's words meant. How come he couldn't recognize him? He had always been the cool grandfather. His eyes trailed back to the teen's neck that had a small pool of blood dripping from it. It clicked suddenly. Had Dick hit his head so hard that he lost his memory? It seemed like almost a blessing in disguise. He wanted to beg so much earlier when Dick came into the main room to tell them the Dangers were leaving. He wanted so badly to beg his grandson to stay and be part of the circus again but he didn't. He knew clinging to false hopes would get him no where. But here they were; Robin, well Dick, bleeding next to him without the slightest clue of who Jack was.

"Old man…?" Dick's weakly questioning voice came out. Jack looked behind him knowing that no one else had seen this was Robin. He could be selfish for once in his life; he slowly peeled off the kid's mask and shirt. He winced when he saw the bruises and a few scattered scars along his body. Yes, Batman was never getting his Grandson back. Not while life still resided in his body.

"I'm your grandfather, Jack Haly…" Jack began to explain to his amnesiac grandchild with the biggest smile on his face. The Grayson part of his family was coming home.

Dick Grayson was coming home.