Title: The Reasons
Author: Jaimi
Rating: PG-13
Category: humor, friendship, slight romance Harm/Mac
Spoilers: A lot of them. Right up to the second to last episode in season 7, "In Country".
Summary: On Harm's birthday, some questions are answered among the JAG family.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. Only wish I did. That privilege belongs to Paramount, CBS and the ingenious
Donald P Bellesario. Also, the song used (no, this is not a song fic) is "You're The Reason" by the amazing Krystal Harris.

Author's Note: Not all statements in here are fact. They have the possibility of being so, but have just never been said on the show. I'm sure you'll figure which I'm talking about. Obviously, as this was written before season seven's shocking cliffhanger, everything up until "Enemy Below" is in timeline, but the thing with Bud never happened. P.S. I don't know when hurricane season is, but with the weather we've been having this year, it probably doesn't matter. (We had tornado's in Ontario in March, and snow, here in Alberta, in May....freakish weather much?) Also, though I love basketball, I'm not sure when the season starts, so let's just pretend (if it doesn't) that it goes on in October. ..oh yeah, and as far as I know, Harm's family has never met Mac...minus Sergei of course. If I'm wrong, then this fic is slightly alternate, so deal with it.

The Reasons
By: Jaimi


Friday October 25, 2002

1637 ZULU

With a bright smile on his face, Commander Harmon Rabb Junior came to a stop beside Lt. Harriet Simms desk. He cheerily greeted her and her husband, Lt. Bud Roberts, who had recently returned home after his six month deployment aboard the USS Seahawk.

"Hey you two!"

"Hello, Sir," they said in unison.

"So, how is it being back, Bud? Miss carrier duty yet?"

"Not as much as I missed my wife and son, Sir," Bud replied.

"And they missed you, believe me," Harm assured his younger friend.

"I hope so. By the way, Sir, Happy Birthday!" Bud exclaimed happily.


"He said, Happy Birthday, Sir, " Harriet supplied, smiling.

"It is? My birthday?" Harm asked in genuine surprise. He'd totally forgotten.

"Yes, Sir. You're thirty-nine years old today," Bud replied.

Harm winced. Maybe not forgotten, he'd probably pushed the offending thought away. "Thank you, Lieutenant," he exclaimed with mild sarcasm.

"What's wrong, Sir?" Bud asked, noting the grimace. "Are you in pain?"

Harriet looked sympathetic as Harm mumbled, walking away. "Yeah, aging pains."

"Aging pains?" Bud asked, looking at his wife, perplexed.

"I think it's the reverse of growing pains Bud," she said, before grabbing a pile of papers to take to the copier.

"Oh," Bud said, still looking puzzled.


"Hey Gunny, welcome back," Lieutenant Colonel Sarah MacKenzie greeted her fellow Marine, returning the salute, before offering a friendly hug. "Sorry, I wasn't there for your big return yesterday. I had a lead in a case to follow up."

"That's all right, Ma'am," Gunny replied, with a happy smile.

"How's your second day of leave going? Wouldn't you rather be out with friends, or sleeping in till 1300 hours?"

"Good Ma'am and no Ma'am. All my friends are here, and I'm a light sleeper. To much noise outside during the day."

"I hear ya. You're coming to McMurphy's and the admiral's tonight, right?"

"For the commander's birthday? Absolutely. I wouldn't miss it."


Just then the object of their discussion came slouching over. "Hey Flyboy, Happy Birthday!" she said, raising her eyebrows at the look thrown her way.

"What's so happy about it?"

Gunny gave Mac an 'uh-oh' look, and then smiling at the commander, who managed a smile back for the younger man, left the partners alone, to go pester Tiner. Neither partner noticed three people arriving in the bullpen, and stopping halfway to listen in interest as the two continued their banter.

"What do you mean? It's your birthday."

"Yeah, woohoo," he exclaimed sarcastically. "I'm another year older, another year closer to the end. I'm still a bachelor, I-"

"Oh stop, you old grouch," she interrupted, then amended her slip up at his accusing look. "Sorry....you *young* grouch. Come on Harm, save the mid life crisis crap for your 40th birthday. And who knows, maybe by then you won't be a bachelor any more."

The three observers smiled at the woman's ease with which she dealt with the stubborn man.

"I hope not," he replied, sucking it up at his best friend's good natured lecturing. He gave her an intense, meaningful look, but said nothing more.

Swallowing, not ready to decipher that look at the moment, Mac went back to the original topic. "Anyway, forget about the aging thing, and just enjoy the fun. We're taking you to McMurphy's after work, and then the admiral is making a half vegetarian, half meat lasagna at his place tonight for the group of us."

"Yeah?" Harm asked, pleased.

"Yeah," she returned, smiling. "Fun, friends and food. What more could you ask for? Except family of course....but Sergei will be there."

"Hey, it sounds wonderful. And you guys are like family, especially you, so I'm sure tonight will be great."

Mac smiled at his words, and gave his arm a pat. "That's more like it, Squid."

"Yeah," he agreed, feeling a little better. With a satisfied nod, Mac twisted around to head to her office. Both them and their audience of three winced as her knee cracked.

"Ow!" she yelped, stumbling.

Harm caught her arm, steadying her. He grimaced. "That sounded painful," he exclaimed.

"That's an intelligent deduction, Sherlock. Now was it the sound of my knee snapping, or the exclamation of pain that gave you that idea," she groused, rubbing her knee with one hand, the other steadying herself on his offered arm.

"Crabby when you're hurt, aren't you?"

She gave him a dirty look, but before she could reply on how *he* would and should know that by now, the three new arrivals finally approached them.

"Harmon Rabb Junior! Shouldn't you be offering your friend a chair instead of making wisecracks?" Trish Burnett admonished a startled Harm.


Mac's head snapped up at her partner's words. She attempted to straighten as she took in their company. She recognized them from pictures in Harm's apartment, but had as of yet, despite having been partners with Harm for around six years now, to meet them. /Great first impression,/ she thought. /They arrive to find you snapping at him./ Brushing the thoughts aside, she smiled at them. The man, she recognized, was Frank, Harm's step-father. The woman on his arm, would be Trish, Harm's mother and the older woman just had to be Sarah Rabb, Harm's grandmother. She had his eyes, or rather, he had hers.

"What, uh-" Harm started, then at his mother's look, closed his mouth, then tried to start again. He was tempted to pull away from Mac, who still had a hand on his arm, as she tested her leg. His grandmother and mother were glowing just a little too much for his liking. He knew how their motherly minds worked. However, he knew his friend was still a little unsteady. He'd pulled away, figuratively speaking, before, and left her in a tail spin. He wouldn't do that again, regardless of the circumstances.

"Mom, Frank, Grandma...what are you doing here?"

"Frank took today off and we thought we'd come visit for the weekend for your birthday. We met your grandmother at the airport here. Happy Birthday, dear. Now don't be rude. Introduce us to your friend," his mother encouraged.

"Oh, um-"

Trish sighed, exasperated, causing Mac to smile.

Ignoring her son, Trish turned to the now recovered Marine, who removed her hand from her partner's forearm. "You must be Mac. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Harm has told us so much about you."

Mac's eyebrows raised, as she shook the friendly woman's hand, looking at her partner skeptically as she replied. "And you still wanted to meet me?" she asked.

Harm rolled his eyes. "Hey, I said nothing but nice things about you."


"Oh don't act so surprised. I'm nice to you," he huffed.

"Uh-huh," Mac teased, then turned back to Trish. "Yes, Ma'am, I'm Lt. Colonel Sarah MacKenzie, or "Mac". It's nice to meet you Mrs. Burnett. Harm speaks highly of you....of all of you," she added, looking from Frank to Sarah, offering them a friendly smile.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mac," Frank said, clasping her hand in both of his in a warm hand shake. "He really has spoken highly of you as well."

"Yes, he has," Grandma Sarah, assured her, taking her hand. "Now tell me, Sarah...may I call you Sarah? It's such a beautiful name if I do say so myself," she continued, winking at Mac. Mac laughed. No wonder Harm was "wild" about his grandmother. Mac had just met her and she loved her already. She appeared to be such a warm, friendly person, with eyes younger than her years, that sparkled with personality.

"Of course," Mac said, pleased to share the same name as this woman.

"Wonderful! Now tell me Sarah, has my grandson been behaving himself?"

Mac laughed, while Harm groaned loudly. Both suddenly stood at attention as a familiar throat cleared behind them. They turned in brisk precision to face their CO.

"Sir," they said in unison.

"At ease," he replied, with a mischievous twinkle. Sometimes he loved his job. Making people jump out of their skins at the slightest sound of disapproval... "Now Commander, would you care to introduce me to your guests?"

"Of course, Sir. This is my mother, Trish, my step-father Frank Burnett and my grandmother, Sarah Rabb. Mom, Frank, Grandma, this is our CO, Admiral Chegwidden."

"AJ," the admiral corrected, smiling warmly and shaking their hands. "Pleasure to meet you."

"You too Admiral, or uh, AJ. Our son has said how proud and honored he is to serve under you," Trish replied, causing Harm to blush slightly. It was true, but there was this little thing called male pride.

The admiral looked surprised, yet pleased, if a little embarrassed himself. Clearing his throat, AJ responded gruffly but sincerely. "Well, it's an honor to have him here. He's a good man and a damn fine lawyer. You should be proud."

Harm fought back a delighted smile. The admiral didn't give praise out easily, even in front of an officer's family. He felt Mac squeeze his arm in her own show of proud support.

"Well, thank you AJ. We are very proud of him."

Smiling, the admiral excused himself. "Well, I've got a lunch date, and a dinner to finish planning..." he trailed off, realizing something. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were coming. Commander Rabb never-"

"Oh, it was a surprise visit. We heard you all made plans for him tonight. Don't worry about it, we can spend tomorrow night with him."

"Oh no, absolutely not. You're more than welcome to join us tonight. I don't know if you want to go to McMurphy's bar for drinks, but we'll be having a late dinner at my place tonight around 2100. We'd love to have you. I'm sure Harm would love to have his parents there to tell childhood stories," AJ finished with a grin at the younger man, who sighed. This was going to be one interesting birthday.

"Well, if Harm doesn't mind..."

Harm shook his head. "Of course I don't, Mom. I want you guys to come. In fact, you have no choice."

"Well then," Frank said, with a laugh. AJ chuckled as well, and gave them his address, chatting with the three for a few more minutes while Harm and Mac watched with quiet smiles.

Mac suddenly looked around as something caught her eye. Sergei. He had just entered the bullpen. Mac knew he hadn't met Trish yet. She turned her head sharply to look up at Harm, tapping his elbow and motioning with her eyes.

Harm's own eyes widened, and he leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Mac, can you distract him for a second? I'll take them into my office, and then if you can bring Sergei in a few minutes later. I think Mom will be fine, but I don't know that she wants to meet the son of her deceased husband in the middle of the bullpen."

"You got it, Flyboy," she whispered back.


Without another word, Mac left, just as the admiral finished laughing at something Sarah Rabb said.

"Well, Mr. and Mrs. Burnett, Mrs. Rabb, I best be going or Meredith will have a fit."

"Of course. We'll see you tonight, Admiral," Trish replied, as they shook his hand, waving as he headed out to lunch.

"Uh, okay um..." Harm started, nervously. "Why don't we go to my office?" he asked, taking his grandmother's arm, and ushering them all towards his open door.

"All right Darling, but where did that partner of yours go?" Trish asked, as they entered and he shut the door behind them. "She really is a lovely girl, Harm. Don't you think so you two?" she asked Frank and Sarah.

"She's definitely a beauty, Son," Harm's step-father confirmed.

"Oh yes, just a dear, sweet, pretty thing," his grandmother agreed, with a suggestive glint in her eye.

"Don't you start too, Grandma. I've told all of you, she's just my partner."

"She keeps you in line," Trish observed.

"She's my friend," he returned. "She looks out for me."

"You appeared quite comfortable with each other. You let her get away with teasing you," Frank continued.

Harm sighed. "She's my best friend....but that's it. I'm serious."

"I don't doubt it dear. But she means more to you than that, doesn't she? I remember the look in your eyes when you spoke of her. I've now seen the way you look at her..." Sarah Rabb replied, carefully.

Harm slumped in his chair. He was seriously out-numbered here. "We've been through a lot together, Grams. We've bonded. She's very important to me, but..."

"But what? Why haven't you told her?" Trish insisted.

"You love her don't you?" Sarah interrupted, gently. She knew better than to demand from her grandson. He'd back away faster than a startled horse. It was better to ease things out of him.

"Look Mom, Grams, I just...I have my reasons... Can we just leave it at that for now?"

"So, you do love her?" Trish asked, a little more quietly this time. She knew her son as well. She just really wanted him to be happy, and she just knew Sarah MacKenzie could make him happy...she already did.

Harm didn't answer, as he expertly changed the subject. "There's someone here, I want you to meet. Mac is with him right now, she'll bring him here in a moment. Please...Mom...." he stressed, looking directly at her. "I know this won't be easy, but..."

Trish Burnett paled slightly, but nodded bravely. She knew exactly who he was referring to.

Just then, there was a knock.

"Come on in, Mac," Harm called, eyes still trained on his mother. He was worried for both her and Sergei's sake. This wouldn't be easy for either of them.

"How'd you know it was me?" Mac asked, with a smile, as she stuck her head in the door.

His gaze left his mother and he grinned at his friend, recognizing her attempt to lighten the situation for him. "I always know where you are!" he returned, before waving her in.

She opened the door wider, and entered, her hand securely holding the arm of a younger "Rabb" in a show of silent support.

The handsome young man, was slightly pale himself, clutching his hands nervously. He looked at Harm trustingly, his gaze flicking to the other three occupants of the room. He instantly knew who Trish Burnett was. The woman who was as pale and tense as himself. He was suddenly even more grateful for Mac's hand on his arm. Her own show of support was heartening. She was a good friend.

Harm was the first to speak as his mother and brother looked at each other. There was show of no hostilities, just nervous uncertainty.

"Mom, I'd like you to meet my brother, Dad's son, Sergei Zhukov. Sergei this is my mother, Trish Burnett, our father's-"

"-cherished love," Sergei finished, earnestly. Gathering his courage, he continued. "Mrs. Burnett, before anything more is said, I want you to know how very much your husband loved and cherished you. He spoke of you and my brother often and with great love and heartache. He wanted to return to you. He missed you terribly. Please believe that. He never meant-"

"I know," Trish interrupted gently, her eyes filled with tears at the young man's words. "Thank you, Sergei. In my heart I always knew, but it's good to hear anyway, from someone other than my own overprotective son."

Harm was caught in between sighing in relief, weeping for joy, or rolling his eyes. Catching Mac's eye, he settled for sharing a satisfied smile with her. The hardest part, in essence, was over. Recognizing that the family probably wanted some time alone, Mac spoke up quietly.

"Um, I better leave you five alone. Harm, I guess I'll see you tonight at McMurphy's..."

"Actually Mac, I gotta go. I've got a trial to attend in ten minutes. Mom, Sergei uh...?"

"We'll be fine, dear," Trish told her son. "Sergei, I think it only proper that I get to know my deceased husband's son. And only natural that you should get to know your own grandmother."

Harm and Mac looked at each other in sudden realization. Neither had even thought about that. Harm had been so wrapped up in his mother's acceptance of his brother, he'd forgotten the fact that Grandma Sarah was blood.

Sergei looked surprised as well, but looking at the older woman in the room, he saw the family resemblance. She had Harm's and their father's blue-green eyes.

Trish continued, with a smile at his wide eyed look. "Why don't you spend the day with Frank, Grandma Sarah and I? We can go to lunch, you can show us around...what do you say?"

Sergei looked at Harm questioningly. The two had planned to have lunch together.

His brother nodded approval, saying, "go for it, Buddy. Mac and I are gonna be busy the next few hours with work. Her and I will just go to lunch together when we get the chance. Don't worry about us, you just make sure you're all at the admiral's by 9 o'clock, okay?"

"All right, Darling," Trish agreed, as Sergei nodded. "We'll see you tonight then. Don't work too hard, Harm."

"He never does," Mac replied, grinning playfully at her friend, who rolled his eyes.

Frank, Trish, Sarah and Sergei laughed, before heading out the door. Grandma Sarah already had a friendly arm looped through Sergei's and was asking him where the best place for a hearty lunch was in the town.

Harm got up to stand by his partner's side, as they both watched the small group leave the bullpen.

"You don't have a trial right now, Sailor," Mac accused, turning to face him once they were out of sight. She had gone along with it, trusting her partner's reasoning, whatever it may be. She intended to find out now.

"I know Mac, but I knew Sergei needed to be alone with them, and I knew my mother would offer to spend time with Sergei if they thought I was busy. I'm just afraid if I'm there, I'll get in the way of them talking right to each other. No middleman to hide behind, ya know?"

"And you trust that your Mom and Sergei will work it out. Nothing will come up that they can't handle." It wasn't a question. The way Harm spoke of his mother, and knowing Sergei like she did, Mac knew it was true.


"Good call, Commander," she said, approvingly.

"You think so?" he asked, with a grin.

"I do," she confirmed, with a smile of her own.

"Well then, if my all knowing, Semper Fying, quick thinking Marine partner thinks so..."

She waited for the barb with a 'here it comes look', but was pleasantly surprised.

"...then it must be."

"Did you just compliment me?" she asked, in feined shock.

His eyebrows raised in his own mock surprise. "Is that what it sounded like? Uh-oh," he joked.

She nodded, with a knowing look and a quirky smile. "There it is! That's the smart-alec, wise-cracking Harmon Rabb I know."

He chuckled, but then grew serious for a moment. "Really though, Mac. Thanks for helping out. I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome, Flyboy. But don't think you don't owe me," she replied as she turned to go.

"Never," he returned, grinning as he watched her leave, heading back to her own office.

He sighed contentedly, as he turned back into his own. What would he ever do without, Sarah MacKenzie? He hoped he'd never have to find out.

2345 ZULU

Bud and Harriet Roberts were all smiles and laughter as they danced together amongst other young couples. Sturgis, Bobbi and Harm sitting around a table, smiled at their friend's happiness. They were such a cute couple. Harriet had been ecstatic to see her husband after he'd returned.

They were all enjoying beers, just chatting, when Mac arrived, dressed in black flared slacks and a shimmery blue-green halter top. Harm, dressed in faded blue jeans and a black button up shirt (AN: that awesome one from First Casualty), gazed at her appreciatively out of the corner of his eye. If anyone noticed, they said nothing.

Greeting her friends, she took a seat beside Harm just as a waiter came up, offering more beers off his tray. He didn't even glance at Mac, before heading off to the next table.

Perplexed, and a little perturbed at his apparent rudeness, Sturgis grabbed the young man's arm before he got two steps. "Excuse me young man, but you didn't ask the lady here if she'd like one."

The waiter gave Sturgis a look, before turning to look unsure at Mac, a little confused.

Harm and Mac shared a look, before she spoke up. "It's okay, Sturgis. I don't drink. The regular waiters here know that, so they don't bother asking."

Sturgis released the man's arm, nodding an apology to the young man. He was still a little puzzled, but he said nothing.

"Just a coke thanks," Mac requested, smiling at the slightly flustered waiter.

The young man hurried off, returning moments later with the coke.

The four friends sat talking for a bit, occasionally glancing at Bud and Harriet, or at their other friends and colleagues spread around. Bobbi and Sturgis noticed Harm unconsciously pushing his beer away, and taking a sip of Mac's coke.

"Finished with your beer already, Harm? Come on man, it's your birthday," Sturgis said, mildly surprised. Harm could guzzle beer with the best of them.

Hearing this, Mac turned and gave Harm a look that clearly said, 'don't you dare spoil your birthday fun for me'. Sturgis and Bobbi in turn shared a look. Ignoring both looks, Harm answered with a smirk, "It's my party and I'll drink what I want to."

Sturgis groaned, Bobbi laughed, and Mac attempted to fight back a giggle, not succeeding. Her friend could be so cute sometimes.

As their laughter subsided, Lt. Lauren Singer came up with her newest boyfriend, who's eyes immediately went to Mac. As Lauren introduced her colleagues to "Ty", he continued to stare at Mac in a very degrading way, while greeting the others. When finished, he turned his full attention to the glowering colonel. "So, a Marine? Ever broken anyone's arm?" he asked, with a cheshire grin.

She paused for a moment before replying. "Yeah, this one guy who wouldn't stop staring at my chest," she stated, staring back at him coldly.

Ty looked sufficiently chastised, as he swallowed a nervous laugh.

Before anything else was said, a short blonde man walked up and asked Mac to dance. Not looking to enthusiastic but not wanting to be rude, she agreed, getting up with an exasperated look at her friends. They just smiled, Harm biting back a comment. He hated seeing Mac in another man's arms, but what could he do...?

As she stepped away, Singer spoke up snidely. "She's bluffing," she assured her still guilty looking boyfriend.

Harm turned back to look at the young lieutenant. "You think so?" he asked, eyebrows raised. "Think again Lieutenant. Mac can take down a full grown man without breaking a sweat."

Lauren arched her eyebrow skeptically, but as she opened her mouth to reply, the admiral approached with Meredith, followed by Tiner and Gunny. The admiral, having only heard the last bit, hazarded a guess. "The colonel?"

"Yes, Sir."

Lauren rolled her eyes, looping her arm through Ty's.

AJ caught the eye roll and replied patiently. "Believe it, Lieutenant. As much as it pains me, an ex-SEAL, to admit, the colonel's knocked me on my six before. Her and her partner were off on some crazy Webb mission once and naturally got into a lick of trouble. I went out to rescue their sorry sixes. I caught Mac off guard during a raid and she flipped me clear over her shoulder without a second thought. Course as I was lying on my back, wind knocked outta me, she saw who I was. If she wasn't in full marine mode, she probably would have gone into full panic mode. As it was she wouldn't stop apologizing to me for it for almost a week."

Meredith had a mischievous grin on her face while the others chuckled at the thought of the slight Marine Colonel taking out their big, bad CO. "I think Mac and I are gonna have to have a talk. Maybe she can show me a few moves to keep you in line."

This caused another round of laughter as the admiral rolled his eyes. "Hey, it's not just me. She's taken Harm out too."

At this, everyone turned to look at Harm, who shrugged. "I didn't startle her. We were just in the gym and started goofing around. I was teasing her about something and she suddenly whipped her leg around and got me in the back of the knees. She knocked my legs right out from under me. Before I knew it she had me on my stomach, pinned, with my arms behind my back."

The others laughed once again. After it subsided Tiner and Gunny went off to dance with some girls, while Meredith and AJ took a seat, ordering drinks.

Sturgis shook his head in wonder, glancing up at the Marine Colonel recently being referred to. He noticed her turn to look at Harm's back, her eyes appeared to beg him to turn around. Both Bobbi and Sturgis watched in intrigue as Harm seemed to sense her look. He turned his head and caught her eyes. She gazed at him pleadingly, flicking her eyes ever so slightly at the man she was dancing with that it was hard to catch. Harm did. The man in question was grinding a little to closely for Mac's liking, or for her partner's for that matter. She easily could have "taken" this guy out as well, but probably didn't want to create a scene.

Nodding, Harm took one last sip of the coke she'd left behind, and excused himself. He walked over to the pair, and though politely, with a definite glare at the offending man, cut in, and began dancing with his partner to the rhythmic Latin beat. Ever grateful, Mac leaned forward, whispering in her best friend's ear. "Thanks, Sailor. I owe you."

"Better believe it."

Laughing, she made a face at him. "Dancing with me is that much of a task, is it?"

He flashed her a Flyboy grin. "Not at all, but I like it when you owe me, and not the other way around."


Back at the table, Gunny and Tiner returned for another round of drinks. As they all clinked beers, Sturgis turned to the admiral. "Sir, can I ask you a question?"

"Just did," came the reply, eyes twinkling as he sipped his beer. Sturgis quirked an eyebrow. AJ chuckled. "Just kidding, Sturgis. Ask away. And for heaven sakes, we're off duty, call me AJ."

Shaking his head with his own chuckle, Sturgis continued. "Is there a reason Harm suddenly stopped drinking when Mac showed up? She says she doesn't drink, and that's good and all, but Harm and I have had friends before who don't drink and he's never felt the need to not drink in front of them."

"Well, Harm does drink in front of the colonel, but sometimes, especially when there is a lot of us drinking as well, he...won't."


The admiral raised an eyebrow, sharing a look with Gunny and Tiner. "Doesn't he know?"

"I don't think so, Sir. I don't suppose it's ever really come up," Jason replied, with a shrug.

Most of the close knit group of JAG officers knew about Mac's alcoholism. They'd eventually found out over the years through each other, and Mac's quiet consent in them telling people who should perhaps know, so as not to force the issue of drinking. Luckily, Sturgis wasn't the type to hassle about having a drink, so he'd just never been told about it.

"Colonel MacKenzie doesn't drink, Commander, because she's an alcoholic...or rather, a recovering one."

Sturgis almost choked on his drink. "Mac?" Bobbi and Meredith looked surprised as well.

"Yes, Mac."


"You'd think I'd lie about that?" AJ asked, slightly amused at the commander's reaction. Though truth be told, he had been surprised as well when he'd first found out.

"No, Sir...AJ... But Mac just doesn't seem the type. I mean sure she's got an attitude...she's little off the wall...and somewhat of a mystery in some ways..."

"A lot," the admiral interrupted, taking another sip of beer.

"Okay, a lot of ways. But she comes off so straight-laced, happy-home, daddy's little girl... At least that's how she-"

"Seems?" The admiral chuckled humorlessly. "Things aren't always what they seem, Sturgis. There is hell of a lot you don't know about the Mac, and it's no one's place to tell you but her own. You could probably ask Harm, because he knows more about her past than any of us, but he'll only tell you what he feels he can or should. He's very loyal to the colonel as a partner and a friend. Very protective too. He doesn't let people know a lot for fear they'll judge her on it."

"How do you know about it, Sir?"

"It's my job to know some stuff, Sturgis. And other things, well, they came up rather unexpected...and unwelcomed..."

That's all he would say.

"Aye Sir," Sturgis replied, sharing another look with Bobbi, who shrugged. She didn't know any of this either. They turned to glance out at the partners, who were still dancing. They'd danced through two fast dance numbers and were now onto a slow dance, no breaking in between but they didn't even seem to notice. No one could hear over the music, but it appeared they were talking away, barely paying attention to the music, or their close quarters.

"I bet you're wishing all your flying buddies were here right now," Mac commented as she moved easily with her partner on the dance floor. Strains of Shaggy's "Luv Me, Luv Me" barely registered in her mind, as she was intent on her friend's far off expression.

"What? Oh no actually, I'm quite happy with everyone here," Harm quickly assured her.

"You gotta miss Keeter though... How is he? Heard from him at all?"

"Actually, yeah. I got a birthday card a few days ago...that's what I was thinking about," he replied.

"A birthday card?" she asked, amused.

"No, what was inside the birthday card... You like basketball, right Mac?"

"To watch or play?" she questioned, though she enjoyed both.

"Watch," he supplied, looking hopeful.

"Yeah, basketball is fun to watch, why?"

He grinned, pleased. "He got me tickets to a game on Sunday. Bulls are visiting."

"Nice," she remarked, nodding.

"I know. You wanna come?"

Mac smiled at her partner, pleased that he'd asked her. "I'd love to Harm, but, and I can't believe I'm saying this, Sturgis is your basketball buddy. He's been so great for you to have back around, doing all your male bonding stuff. I think it's only fair that you take him."

Harm smiled at her warmly. "Well, that's very generous of you, Marine. And if there were only two tickets, I would have a hell of a time choosing between my "male bonding" and old academy buddy, or my partner and best friend."

"Sturgis is your best friend too, Harm...and Keeter," she said, veering off topic for a moment. She wasn't really jealous, she just wondered if she was any different to him than his other "buddies".

"Yeah, but it's different Mac."

Apparently she was.

"How so?" she asked, tilting her head, her large brown eyes seeking his aqua ones.

He shrugged, but met her gaze. "I don't know. I mean I know I can talk sports and girls with you too, pretty much anyway, but...they're my pals, Mac. The three of us and Luke....we had some pretty crazy times in the academy, and Keeter and I up in the air...but you and I have been through hell and back together. And even when our relationship hit rock bottom-"

Mac laughed shortly. "Rock bottom doesn't cover it, Flyboy. There was rock bottom, fifty feet of crap, then us."

Harm chuckled. "Okay, even when we were *that* low, we were still friends...right?"

She nodded her agreement. "I never stopped caring."

"And we never stopped looking out for each other, or going to each other."

"Your point?" she asked, without any trace of sarcasm, just honest wondering.

"My point is we're inexplicably bonded Mac. We hit below rock bottom and came back stronger than ever. Friendship like that doesn't come around very often...it means a lot to me. More than you'll ever know."

She smiled, fighting the tears stinging the back of her eye lids. It wasn't often her partner talked like this, if ever. "I think I have an idea, Sailor."

He smiled back, pulling her into a light embrace right there on the dance floor. "Good." Was all he said, releasing her from the hug, but not his arms, as they continued dancing to the now slow playing "Only Time", by Enya.

"So, you'll come to the game?" he asked, going back to their earlier discussion.

"Sure I will. Who else is going? I assume you have more than the two tickets then?"

"Yep, I got four of them. I'm taking you, Sturgis and the Admiral."

"Not Sergei? Or Bud?" she asked, eyebrows raised.

"Already asked, in that order. Sergei's got some hot date, and Bud and Harriet have a birthday party thing for a kid from AJ's preschool."

"Sergei's got a date, huh? Since I've recently met Singer's *charming* new man, I can assume it's not her," Mac replied.

"Damn straight it's not her. Thank God. I was getting worried there for a bit that he wasn't going to listen to me."

"A Rabb? Not listen to sound advice? Now what would give you that idea?" she teased.

He just rolled his eyes and laughed.

They shared a smile and finished the dance in comfortable silence.

When they walked off the dance floor, they found that their friends had moved to the bar, and were all perched on the stools there. Mac excused herself to go to the, "Little Marine's room," she said, with a smirk.

When she returned, Harm had ordered her another coke, and was sipping at it. She was about to hop on the stool beside Harm when she caught site of a long legged blonde with a mission, headed straight for her partner.

"Hey Flyboy, looks like Barbie lost her Ken doll and she's coming after you." she said, tapping his knee with her hand, and discreetly motioning in the woman's direction.

Before he could look, Sturgis did and gaped. "Harm, she ain't kidding, Man. It really is BARBIE!" he said, meaningfully.

Harm was confused, but then something dawned in his eyes, and their colleagues watched in surprised amusement as he suddenly grabbed Mac by the hips and lifted her into his lap.

"What the hell?!? Ha-"

"Please, please, please play along, Mac. I'll owe you so big for this."

"Damn straight you will, including an explanation." she hissed, as "Barbie" drew up beside Harm. Harm in turn, focused on the coke in his one hand. His other hand was on Mac's hip, holding her steady on his knee, his foot resting on the bars of Mac's empty stool.

"OH MY GOD, HARMON RABB, it IS you!" Barbie screeched.

The others winced, along with Harm, while Mac gave the woman a wondrous look.

/What the hell makes that kind of noise?/ she thought.

The woman could easily play Barbie in a movie if anyone was sick enough to screenplay one. Her voice however, was high and nasal and incredibly irritating. (AN: Think a blonde Janice....)

"It's been so long..." she rambled on, Harm smiling politely, nodding once in a while.

Their friends looked at each other in wonder.

"What the hell would Harm ever be doing with a woman like that? I mean sure she's pretty, but that voice is just not worth it," AJ stated quietly.

"You're telling me. It's giving me a migraine," Victor groused, visibly flinching.

(AN: Overkill here? Not really. Have you *heard* Janice before?)

"You're not the only one, Gunny," Harriet replied. "And it looks like Mac's going to choke her."

Bud chuckled at his wife's words, especially since they appeared to be true.

"Be ready to intervene ladies, cause she just might," AJ added, chuckling himself.

Finally, the woman stopped her rambling. "Well, Harm, I was hoping we could get together for old times sake, but it looks like you got yourself a little something here uh-hahahahahahaha," she laughed...which sounded distinctly like a hyena's, as she motioned to a perturbed Marine Colonel.

This woman was really getting on Mac's nerves. She made sure that was clear to her partner, Sturgis and the others saw, as she dug her nails into her partner's wrist. Harm flinched ever so slightly, slipping his arm from her grasp and taking her hand in his.

"Uh, yeah. Very much so," he confirmed, with a weak smile.

"Well, aren't you going to introduce me?"

/Do I have to?/ Harm thought. /Suck it up, Rabb. Just get it over with, and hopefully she'll get on her way. Then all you have to deal with is an irritated Marine.../ He winced at the thought. /Maybe I shouldn't send her away.../ He sighed. /Why delay the inevitable?/

"Barbara, this is Sarah Mackenzie. Mac, this Barbara Dole. We, uh, were aquainted back in Annapolis...for a night..."

/I don't doubt it was only a night,/ Mac thought. /You'd never want to spend more then one night and you'd never forget her afterward./

"Barbara, Mac and I are uh, partners...lawyers at the JAG headquarters here in Virginia."

"Wow! Lawyers for the Navy, how nice."

Mac smiled tightly. "I'm not in the Navy, I'm in the Marines."

"You? In the Marines? Gee, you're such a tiny little thing. I always pictured female Marines as big, tattooed-"

"Yeah, yeah, I get that a lot. So tell me, what do you do, Miss Doll?"

"Dole," Barbie corrected, with a slight sniff.

"My mistake," Mac apologized insincerely, with an equally insincere smile.

The admiral could see where this was leading and judging from Harm's pleading expression, it was time for him to cut in.

"Well people, it's time to head back to my place for dinner. We gotta put that lasagna in. Harm, I hate to cut your little reunion short, but you are the guest of honor."

"Oh yes, of course, Sir. Barbi-er-a, I'm sorry, we've got to go. It was nice seeing you again."

"You too, Darlin'. Maybe we'll cross paths again, huh? Uh-hahahahaha."

"Well, I see myself being otherwise occupied-" he replied, motioning to the pretty Marine in his lap, "...uh...forever. Sorry."

"Wow, if that wasn't a 'throw-her-off-your-trail' line, it'd be sweet," Mac mumbled in his ear as she sipped her drink.

Harm grinned and winced at the same time. He didn't like using Mac like this...but it was true...what he said...she just didn't know it....yet.

"Ah well, a girl can dream," Barbie said, before smiling carelessly at Mac and walking away.

"And I can have nightmares," the partners said, simultaneously. They shared a look and laughed. The others chuckled, and Mac hopped off his lap, taking one last sip of the coke they had unconsciously been sharing.

"We really have to stop doing that," Harm said, still chuckling, as the friends gathered and began walking towards the door.

"Yeah, and someone really needs to shoot her and put her out of her misery. What in the name of all that's holy were you thinking when you fooled around with her?" Mac finally snapped.

They were outside now and all his friends were looking at him questioningly. Sturgis was laughing quietly to himself.

Harm shrugged, looking helplessly heaven ward. "I was drunk, okay?"

"Very, very, very drunk," Sturgis put in.

"Exactly, and believe me, ever since then, I've never gotten very, very, very drunk again."

"Well, she's definitely one way to control your liquor," AJ replied.

"But not your temper. You showed great restraint Ma'am," Harriet commented, as Bud helped her on with her coat.

"It's her Marine training," Gunny stated, with a grin.

"Ha ha," came the reply from their colleagues.

Gunny and Mac just laughed as the group headed toward the two vehicles that would take them to the admiral's. It was only AJ, Meredith, Gunny, Tiner, Bud, Harriet, Sturgis and Bobbi going. As well as Mac and Harm, of course, but the rest of their colleagues had wished Harm a "Happy Birthday", shared a few laughs and drinks earlier, then either went home or remained at the bar.

With Mac driving one vehicle and Meredith driving the other, they headed out, vaguely noting the increasing winds and darkening sky.