Author: Lash_Larue

Title: "Flower Arranging"

Pairing: Hermione/Luna

Rating: M

Summary: Luna is an excellent study partner


Word Count: 1433

Disclaimer: These characters belong to JK Rowling

"Flower Arranging"

"These are all correct, Hermione," Luna told me as she handed back my revision sheet.

I had been studying Ancient Runes with Luna since my third year. Luna might have been a bit odd, but she was brilliant, and absolutely gifted in this subject. Even the professor asked her for help on occasion, and since this was O.W.L. year, I had been spending a lot of time with her.

It was a lovely spring morning, and the sun was shining on the clearing that we went to for study, there were wildflowers and birds, and Luna leaned back on her elbows and turned her face to the sun. "How pretty she is," I thought, and not for the first time. The sun threw glistening highlights from her honey colored hair, and the expression on her face was one of complete content.

"What kind of flower are you?" she asked.

"I'm sorry?" I responded in confusion.

"What kind of flower are you? I'm a buttercup," she answered.

"I'm not any kind of flower, I guess, I'm a girl. Or is this a pretend sort of thing?" Luna opened her eyes and smiled that dreamy smile of hers.

"Not pretend, although a bit of imagination helps. I'm sure you know that the female genitalia are often compared to flowers. I myself am a buttercup. What flower are you?"

I'm sure my face turned quite red, and if it had been anyone other than Luna asking the question I would have hexed them into next week. But it was Luna asking, so…

"I'm sure I don't know, Luna. It's not as if I spent a great deal of time looking at my privates."

"Oh, but you should! How else will you know?"

"Know what?"

"Know what kind of flower you are, silly! Here, I'll show you."

And before I could blink she had hoisted her robes up to her waist and slid off her knickers. There she was beside me, sitting with her knees bent up and splayed open.

"Go on, have a look," she encouraged.

"Luna, you can't possibly expect me to come look at your pu- private parts," I said in wonder, "why would you imagine that I would?"

"Because you like learning new things," she said reasonably, "or do you think I'm ugly down there or something?"

She looked a little hurt, and I mean, it was Luna, and she really had helped me a lot, and it wouldn't actually hurt me. So I crawled over to her feet, commanded myself not to giggle, and looked. She really did look a bit like a flower, and her pubic hair was kind of the color of a buttercup, but…

"I admit that there is a floral quality here, Luna, but I don't really see a buttercup," I said frankly.

"Really? Just a minute then," she said and she muttered a spell. "Oh! You're quite right, I'm afraid she's a bit squashed from how I've been sitting. Hang on…"

She started pulling and pushing herself with her fingers, and it suddenly dawned on me that I was staring at her pussy while she played with herself, but she wasn't moaning or anything and she looked more determined than aroused, and I wasn't at all sure what I was feeling, but she really was starting to look like a buttercup, and I just couldn't tear my eyes from her. She slid a finger deep inside herself, and sort of swirled it around and then…

"See," she said happily, "a buttercup!"

Damn if it wasn't, and I was still staring when she stuck her finger in her mouth and then said…

"Your turn! Let's see what kind of flower you are."

I managed to tear my eyes away from her twat and look up at her face and it was just Luna, the same as ever, smiling and happy and not looking the least bit like she'd just wanked off in front of one of her friends.

"Luna, even if I wanted to, how can I see myself down there? We don't have a mirror," I said, trying to stall.

"Mirrors are no good, Hermione, they make things backwards. Use this spell; it will enable you to see yourself as if you were looking directly at that part of you. Here…" she told me the spell, and I recognized it as Latin for "show me me". I sat down and mumbled the spell.

"Well," Luna asked, "what do you look like?"

"Pink cotton knickers," I answered.

"Oh, that will never do," Luna said and before I knew it she had reached up under my robes and peeled off my knickers. Then she put her hands behind my knees and bent them up and out and – there I was. It was so surprising that I forgot for a moment that Luna was kneeling between my knees staring at me. I'd never seen myself like that, or anyone other than Luna just a moment ago. I had to admit that it was interesting, and I was glad that I had taken the trouble to give myself a trim a few days ago. "Now what do you think?" Luna asked.

"I think I'm insane," but… "an orchid, maybe?" I suggested.

"Oh yes!" exclaimed Luna, "Look here, here are the sepals, and the petals, here are the lips…"

It was like an herbology lecture, except that Luna was actually touching me, and her fingers were so soft and warm, and she was so gentle and just so – so – matter of fact, that it didn't dawn on me what was happening until I saw the trickle of moisture from inside me. "Luna, this isn't right," I gasped out.

"No, not quite yet," she agreed, "the stigma is looking almost right, see here?" she softly touched my entrance, right where the wet was, and I could not speak. "And the petals and the lower sepals are perfect, see?" She gently stroked and pulled both my inner and outer lips, and I was too dizzy to do anything but nod. "But we need to do a little work on the dorsal sepal and the throat."

I watched as her head covered my view, and I gave a small cry as her tongue found my clitoris, and I panted as she licked and sucked it. "Luna, don't! Stop!" I demanded, or perhaps I really said "Luna don't stop," but either way she didn't, and I was glad because I had never felt anything half so good in my life. And then she did stop, and I whimpered in disappointment and looked down to see her staring critically at me with her face wet with my juices.

"We almost have the dorsal sepal right now, see?" she said as she rubbed my clit softly.

"I see," I gasped.

"The stigma is perfect now, isn't it?" she asked as she softly touched my entrance.

"Perfect," I moaned.

"Just a little more work on the dorsal sepal," she decided as she pressed her tongue firmly against me and I thrust roughly against her. In a few minutes I was trembling, I ran my fingers into her hair and pulled her hard against me, and I was making some sort of noise deep in my chest, and I was just about to come when she pulled her head away again. She was really strong, because I was holding on as hard as I could, and when I looked down there she was smiling happily like we were just baking cookies or something.

"Luna, please," I begged her.

She cocked her head to the side in the way that she has and said, "Only a bit more, I think, see?"

My clit was huge, swollen far past anything I remembered from masturbation, although I had never paid it the concerted attention that Luna had. "Whatever you think it needs, Luna," I managed to whisper. There was a flash in her eyes then that let me know that she knew damn well what she was doing to me, but I was way past caring.

"Right then, just a bit more on the dorsal sepal, and we really need to open up the throat."

She bent down and sucked my clit into her mouth as she pressed two fingers into me up to the third knuckle and began to twist them inside of me, and spread them apart, and thrust them faster and faster as she sucked harder and harder on me and then I was screaming something that might have been "OH FUCK!" and coming like I never had in my life.

"Look," said Luna as my eyes opened, "an orchid."

Damn if it wasn't.