Chapter One:
Sacrifice to Save a Life

Elizabeth Zacchara:

Born into the Zacchara Organization, she fought her hardest to get out. She searched and searched for her ticket to freedom, but found none. That wasn't until her father was away on yet another business trip that she finally found her escape. With a scholarship to study art in Paris, Elizabeth hopped on the first plane out of town, not taking a second to think it through. Soon after she settled in, Elizabeth met Robin Scorpio, instantly hitting it off over their connection to the mob. She didn't judge her and vice versa. A friendship they've both learnt to rely on.

Jason Morgan:

Still in the middle of his conflicted actions of letting Samantha McCall go for her safety and her daughter, Jason is tasked with the problem known as the Zacchara Organization. The impending arrival of the cruelest organization has put him in the most defensive mode he's ever been in. Worried about the ones he loves while fighting the urge to shout it from the roof tops that he's in love with Sam and wants to be the father to her daughter. In an attempt to cut the head off the monster Jason is soon to embark on a trip to the the lair of the most evil of evils on command from Michael "Sonny" Corinthos Jr.

Emily is in his office trying to convince him, yet again, that he needs to be with Sam and Lily. Jason was trying to be understanding to his sister's position because she's really good friends with Sam, but he didn't need any reminders on what his life should be like. He knew better than anyone that he should be with Sam and Lily, but it was too dangerous and they all just have to deal with it. They've both agreed to the choices they've made and right now, with the Zacchara organization closing in, he needed to concentrate on that problem and not his personal entanglements.

"I know you are trying to help Emily, but I can't do this with you right now." Jason says as he locks up his drawers and file cabinets. "I need to get ready."

"Ready?" Emily finally realizes that he's securing his office. "Ready for what?"

"Sonny's sending me out of town." Jason concedes, securing his gun at the small of his back. "I leave in a couple hours."

"I know you won't answer me, but why?" Emily questions him, wondering what was going on. "Why now when Sam needs you?"

"You know that I wouldn't leave if it wasn't important." Jason stands in front of her. "If I succeed it'll keep everyone safe."

"Okay...I know you'll never lie to me." Emily accepts the fact that he's leaving and hugs him tightly. "Just promise me you'll be safe."

"I'll be careful." Jason promises, stepping away from his sister.

"I guess that's the best I can ask for." Emily shook her head, unable to stop the fear from seeping into her. "Call me when you get back in town?"

"You're the first on my list."


Jason hugged Emily before walking her to her car and going home to pack up all the stuff that he'll need. This was uncharted territories that he was entering. Jason can only hope to the high heavens that he'll make it back alive. He had so much to come back to, so much to protect, and he could only hope that his life wouldn't end during his assignment.

Last night in Paris. For the first time in all these years, Elizabeth's heading back home. If not for her brother, Johnny, acting all crazy and then begging her to come home she would never leave Paris. It was just too beautiful there. Robin is trying to act all nonchalant about her returning back to the place she fought so hard to get away from, but it isn't going to well. Her façadeis already starting to crumble as tears start to well up in her eyes.

"I know you hate the idea of me going home, Robin." Elizabeth eyes her friend knowingly. "You can stop acting like it's not bothering you."

"What should I say? I mean, I hate that you would return to a place you describe as hell itself and I wish you would just cut all ties to your family." Robin says bluntly. "I really want to be a jerk and tell you that you are being stupid for going back, but I can't because no matter what they are your family and they will always be a part of you."

"I know." Elizabeth chuckles, shaking her head. "I'll miss you too, Robin."

"You'll keep in touch right?" Robin arches her eyebrow. "You aren't just going to fall off the face of the Earth?"

"I'll keep in touch as long as you promise to enjoy Paris for me." Elizabeth glances around, taking a deep breath. "I love this place."

"I know...and I will."

"Good." Elizabeth really will miss spending time with Robin most of all. "I should be heading to the airport...give me a ride?"

"Of course."

They finished their espressos before getting into the Robin's car and heading off to the airport. Elizabeth always packed light so it wasn't too hard to get through customs. Robin stood there watching her walk through the gate and Elizabeth felt as if her heart was breaking just watching her standing there. Elizabeth finally made it through the metal detectors when Robin received a phone call and Elizabeth could practically see her heart sink even more.

"Sonny?" Robin was truly confused. "What's wrong?"

"I hate telling you this over the know I can't really go into detail, but it looks like Jason has been captured."

"Captured? By who?"

"That's not important right now." Sonny says softly. "He was supposed to contact me when he made it past the guards but he hasn't and no one seems to be able to find him. I just didn't want you hearing it from anyone else."

"Who was he taken by Sonny!"

"You don't know this's an out of town group." Sonny tries to explain. "I can't really tell you much more than that."

"WHO?" Robin practically shouts, tired of the runaround.

"The Zaccharas...they are a well known organization based out of New York." Sonny finally concedes. "I'm really sorry to tell you like this Robin."

"I know someone that can help." Robin eyes Elizabeth as she's putting her shoes back on. "Don't worry about it Sonny. She'll get him out if he's in trouble."

"You know someone?" Sonny blurts out before he can stop himself. "Since when?"

"It's not important. I'll take care of it."

Elizabeth was taking her pocket contents when she noticed Robin's eyes fill with understanding and a plan. Robin finished her conversation as Elizabeth was walking away. She almost didn't hear her shouting out to her.


Turning around, Elizabeth sees Robin standing at the gate where she entered. She could see that her friend was literally on the verge of crying, causing her to abandon her bags right there and run back over to see what was going on. When Elizabeth got to her, Robin pulled her to the side where no one could hear them.

"What's wrong?" Elizabeth eyes her curiously, a little nervous.

"I hate to ask this of you, but I really need your help!"

"My help?" Elizabeth had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. "With what exactly?"

"A friend of mine, who's in the mob, was taken by your family." Robin says almost pleadingly. "Please...please tell me you can get him freed."

"I wish I could say that I wasn't expecting something like this from my family, but that would be a lie." Elizabeth realizes she had a reason to be afraid. "Give me a name and I'll do my best to get him out."

"You'll do it?"

"Of course." Elizabeth says without hesitation. "Any friend of yours is a friend of mine."

"You don't know how much this means to me...his name is Jason Morgan. If you ask his name he won't tell you...he'll deflect and that's how you'll know it's him." Robin says quickly as she digs for a photo in her purse. "Here's a picture of him from when he was younger...he hasn't really changed all that much."

"Okay." Elizabeth takes the photo and puts it in her pocket. "I'll take care of it as soon as I get back."

"You're the best!" Robin lets out a breathe of relief. "Be careful okay...I don't want you to get hurt or in trouble for doing this for me."

"I'll be fine Robin...I promise." Elizabeth assures, but is not really sure. "I better go...the sooner I get back the sooner I can get him out."

She hugged Robin one last time before heading back to board her plane. Elizabeth knew that she had to do this for Robin. Since she was leaving her it was the least that she could do. Elizabeth could only hope that Anthony doesn't find out because then that will be a huge problem she couldn't handle. There's so many ways this could go wrong and none of them ended with her walking out of the situation alive.

Arriving in New York City well enough, Elizabeth is met at the airport by her brother, who fills her in on the girl he picked up and got into trouble over during the drive home. Elizabeth thought the entire situation was hilarious and apparently so did Johnny.

"I'm glad you're back Lizzie." Johnny concedes. "No one gets my jokes like you."

"That's what twins are for." Elizabeth shrugs, nudging him playfully. "Anthony home?"

"Yeah...sadly." Johnny says with distaste before changing the subject. "It'll be interesting to have someone to relate to in the house."

"Okay Johnny...what do you want?" Elizabeth eyes her brother knowingly.

"What makes you think I want something?"

"You're piling it on a little to thick Johnny...just spill." Elizabeth arches her eyebrow. "You know I'll do it if I can so just spit it out."

"Fine. I need you to help me get out of the house tonight...keep the guards and everyone distracted enough so I can get far away enough without being followed."

"That I can do." Elizabeth says without hesitation, only because she was already going to cause a scene.

"For real?"

"You know I always got your back, John." Elizabeth grips the back of his neck soothingly. "Just try not to get killed."

"You're the best."

They got home and sure enough their father, Anthony Zacchara, was there waiting for them to return home. She could tell by the look in his eyes that he was indeed holding someone captive. She could only hope its Jason Morgan so she can get him out and back home. She linked arms with Johnny when they got out of the car before walking over to their father.

"Daddy...nice to see you're still alive." Elizabeth comments politely, not knowing what else to say.

"Of course sweetheart." Anthony says seriously. "I'll live forever."

"Can't decide if that's a cruel punishment or sheer torture." Johnny mutters under his breath.

"Enough!"Anthony snaps. "Let's get inside."

When they got inside Elizabeth signalled for Johnny to walk off while she talked to their father. They were making their way into the drawing room when Johnny broke off from them, mouthing the words "I Love You" before booking it up the steps to get ready to book it out of the estate or, as Johnny puts it, prison.

"Where did that brother of yours run off to?" Anthony inquires, noticing his absence.

"Who knows?" Elizabeth shrugs, glancing around. "Would you mind if I were to go freshen up?"

"Of course not." Anthony waves her off. "You know the way to your room don't you?"

"Yes...I remember. I'll see you soon father."

"That'll give me time to take care of some paperwork."

She kissed his cheek before walking as fast as possible out of the room without raising suspicion. From there she made her way up to her room, turning on the shower before booking it to find the hidden door that lead to every room in the house. Elizabeth walks down a spiral case before making it to the basement, otherwise known as the torture room. She looked in through the peeking hole in the door that she had created a long time ago. When she felt like the coast was clear she opened the door and made her way to where they kept the prisoners chained to the wall. Elizabeth found one in particular that looked the most like the one in the picture. He was pretty beaten and she just knew she had to get him out of there.

"Are you Jason Morgan?" Elizabeth asks him in a hushed tone, though he keeps mum. "Answer me! Are you Jason Morgan?"

"What's it to you who I am?" he finally voices.

"I'll take that as a yes." Elizabeth shakes her head, men truly are stubborn. "Robin said you would be so defensive."

"Robin Scorpio?" he questions, a flicker of curiosity shining through his eyes.

"Yeah...she's a really good friend of mine." Elizabeth concedes, listening out for the guards. "I promised her I'd get you out of here and that's exactly what I'm going to do."

Taking out the hair pin from her hair, Elizabeth unlocked the restraints before helping him down from the wall.

"Can you make it out of here on your own?"

"Yeah." Jason concedes. "If I had a way out."

Elizabeth handed him the plan that she used to get out of the house all those years ago and a look of confusion crossed his face.

"Don't have much time to explain. Let's just say that at one point in time I had to find a way to get out of this house and this family." Elizabeth says seriously. "If you stick to this path you'll get out for sure."

"I don't understand why you'd help me." Jason eyes her intently. "Anthony isn't going to be happy with whoever helped me escape."

"Let me worry about my father." Elizabeth states firmly, holding out her phone. " whoever you need to call once you get far away from here."

She placed her cell phone in his hand and ran to head off the guards that was sure to come any minute. Elizabeth couldn't understand why, but she knew she just had to help him. She had a feeling deep inside that he wasn't like other mobsters. Elizabeth turned to see him leave through the back entrance she had entered and could only hope he gets out safely. She had her own battle to deal with once her father finds out that he was gone.

One minute he's hanging on a wall and the next some girl is helping him to escape. Once she said Robin and then confirmed it was his ex-girlfriend, Jason was shocked. He had to be thankful for her taking the risk to get him out of there. Jason knew that it wasn't going to be easy for her with her father but he couldn't think of that. He had to get home.

He needed to help Sonny prepare for the Zacchara Organization coming to Port Charles because now it wasn't a matter of if they're coming, its only a matter of when. Jason managed to get out with the map she gave him and he could understand why. It was obvious that she really did use this route to get out. Once he got far enough away from the estate he called Sonny on her cell phone.

"Yeah?" he answered.

"It's me...I'm out." Jason says quickly, scanning the area and keeping an ear out.

"Robin pulled through?" Sonny says, seriously surprised.

"Yeah...I should thank her for that."

"Who was the inside man?" Sonny couldn't help but ask.

"Johnny's sister." Jason concedes.

"The older sister?"

"No...same age from what I can tell."

"Can you make it back okay?"

"I'll be fine." Jason assures, catching his breath. "Just make sure everyone there is safe while I make my way back."

"I can do that."

Ending the call, Jason turned the phone off and placed it in his pocket. From there he ran the distance to his motel room and got his stuff before booking it out of New York and back to Port Charles. This was a fight that was going to have to be fought another day. The girl all but forgotten as he made his way back home.