Degrassi FaceRange:

Adam Torres is now in a relationship.
Clare Edwards, Dave Turner, and 47 other people like this.

Dave Turner: I'm proud of you man.

Eli Goldsworthy: I hate going on these time wasting sites, but I went on here just to formally congratulate you. From saying "Booyah" to punching neanderthals in the nuts, you really have come a long way.

Clare Edwards: You have my blessing :)

Adam Torres: Dave: Thanks bro
Eli: Of course, sacrificing your non-conformist ways to social media because of me? Such a good friend.
Clare: Good to know.

Fiona Coyne: Eli, and to officially stalk your ex girlfriends. Clare Edwards Imogen Moreno
Jake Martin, Ali Bhandari, and 4 other people like this.

Drew Torres: Burn!

Alli Bhandari: Like that one you got from the Boiler Room? Bianca De Sousse
Jenna Middleton, Clare Edwards, and 6 other people like this.

Owen Milligan: Drew, I'll go get the ice pack.
Mo Mashkour, Julian Williams, and KC Guthrie like this.

Connor Deslauriers: Ice pack? Did Drew get bruised from practice last night? Drew, I have a First Aid Kit under my bed if you need it.
Wesley Bettenkamp likes this.

Owen Milligan: Connor, gtfo.
Julian Williams likes this.

KC Guthrie: Owen, give him a break.

Connor Deslauriers: Hi, KC. How come you haven't been working on the Chemistry project with me? Is it because of your baby, Tyson? Or is it because you're still mad that Jenna is having intercourse with Jake?
Clare Edwards like this.

KC Guthrie: Dude, not on FaceRange where everyone can see that! You message those things in PRIVATE! Can you please delete that comment before everyone sees it!

Jenna Middleton: Too late. And just for the record, me and Jake Martin are JUST friends!
Jake Martin likes this.

Clare Edwards: It doesn't change the fact that you're a boyfriend stealing skank who got knocked up.

Jake Martin: Clare!

Connor: KC, sorry…

Alli Bhandari: Clare, don't try to act all high and mighty. Without being in a relationship, you have nothing to talk about because you're absolutely pathetic and boring. Have fun going back to writing weird vampire fiction, St. Clare. Or should I say, "Madame Degrassi."
Jenna Middleton, Katie Matlin, and 15 other people like this.

Eli Goldsworthy: Says the girl who screwed an 18-year-old in the back of the van, "Backwoods Bhandari."
Bianca De Sousse and 28 other people like this.

Clare Edwards: Eli!

Drew Torres: wut

Dave Turner: WTF?

Mo Mashkour: Classy, Sav's little sister.

Owen Milligan: And you refused me in the Boiler Room when I could've paid you?

Bianca De Sousse: And here I was, being judged for going third base. Anyway, way to go, Torres. She best be a good one, or I'll be sure to take care of her :P

Alli Bhandari: Don't act as if you can fight. You could barely handle a girl who you have good five inches on.
Connor Deslauriers, Wesley Bettencamp, Jenna Middleton, and 9 other people like this.

Wesley Bettencamp: I have the video on my page!

Bianca De Sousse: Shutup, slut.
Clare Edwards, Dave Turner, Drew Torres, and 19 other people like this.

Drew Torres: Wait, Adam, who's the girl?

Eli Goldsworthy: Why, are you planning to pursue the girl your brother's interested in once again? Katie Matlin, Bianca De Sousse, and Fiona Coyne
Clare Edwards, Fiona Coyne, Dave Turner, and 3 other people like this.

Mo Mashkour: Screw the ice pack. We need to take Drew to the frozen food aisle in the supermarket for that BURN!

Owen Milligan: I was waiting until you'd make a food reference.
Julian Williams, Marisol Lewis, and 9 other people like this.

Marisol Lewis: lol Owen.

Fiona Coyne: It's funny because Marisol and Mo are hooking up.

Marisol Lewis: Ew, what are you talking about? Look at me, and look at him! Now do you really think I'd have such low standards in men?

Imogen Moreno: *picture of Mo and Marisol making out* No, but Mo does.
Eli Goldsworthy, Mo Mashkour, Fiona Coyne, and 84 other people like this.

Marisol Lewis: Where the hell did you get that?

Imogen Moreno: How about I present it to you in a Haiku?
Taking a photo
A cute yellow bird flying
Photobombing, you and Mo
Fiona Coyne, Eli Goldsworthy, Connor Deslauriers, Katie Matlin, and 62 other people like this.

Katie Matlin: Awww, Marisol, when were you going to tell me about this? :)

Mo Mashkour: And that's just the picture ;)

Marisol Lewis: NO. STOP. NO. STOP THIS NOW.

Mo Mashkour: That's not what you said last night…
Drew Torres, KC Guthrie, Julian Williams, Connor Deslauriers, and 96 other people like this.

Connor Deslauriers: I only liked it because everyone else did. But I still don't get it. Mo, what did she say last night?

Mo Mashkour: Dammit, Connor. Nevermind. I'll explain it to you later.
KC Guthrie likes this.

Owen Milligan: Marisol, are you freakin kidding me? You turned me and my ripped body for him and his six pack of flab?

Mo Mashkour: Owen, I have a body of a god. Buddha. GET AT MY LEVEL!
Eli Goldsworthy, KC Guthrie, Connor Deslauriers, and 21 other people like this.

Marisol Lewis: Don't even go there, Milligan. Ever since Fiona's stupid party, I've seen you checking out that flat-chested freak, IMOGEN! You AND Torres. And I'm not talking about the younger one.

Eli Goldsworthy: WHAT?

Katie Matlin: EXCUSE ME? I'm at the hospital and you're already checking out some other girl?
Bianca De Sousse, Alli Bhandari, and Clare Edwards like this.

Alli Bhandari: Shocker.

Drew Torres: Katie, I can explain. I'll be over in ten.

Fiona Coyne: Sorry guys, she's taken ;)
Imogen Moreno likes this.

Eli Goldsworthy: WHAT?

Owen Milligan: Damn.

Fiona Coyne: But I don't blame any of you guys. If you guys think she's a freak, wait 'til you see her behind closed doors. If you know what I mean ;)
Owen Milligan, Mo Mashkour, KC Guthrie, and 22 other people like this.

Owen Milligan: Can I watch?
99 people like this.

Clare Edwards: Ew. Information I did not need to know.

Ali Bhandari: Yeah, because statuses about "philosophical" quotes, Bible verses, self-pity parties, and homework questions filling up my Newsfeed are worth knowing.
Jenna Middleton likes this.

Clare Edwards: You post over 1000000 photos a day of yourself so don't even talk. Oh, and by the way, when I said you should be a model in your profile pictures, I LIED!
Bianca De Sousse likes this.

Imogen Moreno: Clare, check your phone, I just texted you.


Wesley Bettencamp: All caps rage are for noobs.
Connor Deslauriers likes this.

Imogen Moreno: I have my ways. Thought I should give you a visual of me and Fiona.

Owen Milligan: Me next! I'll message you my number.

Tristan Milligan: Oh, so you beat up on your brother for being gay yet when it comes to your little Owens, homophobia is nonexistent. Such a hypocrite.
Riley Stavros and Zane Park like this.

Julian Williams: This is your brother? You told me he was sent to military school.
Drew Torres likes this.

Tori Santamaria: Adam, I'm honestly afraid of accepting your relationship request.
Adam Torres, Maya Matlin, and Tristan Milligan like this.

Adam Torres: That awkward moment when people's comments get more likes than my statuses.
136 people like this.

A/N: I was on Tumblr I noticed one of these types of things but it was about Glee, so I sadly can't take all the credit. But I thought it was funny and thought should try this with a little bit of a Degrassi twist. Obviously, this is very unrealistic but it was still a lot of fun writing. I hope you liked it and remember what you post on Facebook, it could haunt you for life ;) Please review and tell me what you think of it! And if someone already wrote something like this, I apologize and did not intend to steal your idea whatsoever.