Welcome everyone to Day 3 of New Chapter Week! Though I did drop the ball on it a little bit, more details on that later.

Disclaimer: Smash Bros and it's characters are not mine. They are property of Nintendo, SEGA and Konami.

Response to Reviews:

Links Little Brother: Well, the identity of the killer will not be revealed until the very end. One thing I can say is that it isn't Tabuu. I believe he was completely killed when Subspace closed up. As for Lucas, no promises (evil grin).

writes4u: Right you are, Diddy Kong and Mewtwo are not copies. But as the summary says, some non-copies will end up dying at some point. For the most part though, the rest of the deaths will be copies.

Dr. Mario was close to having a nervous breakdown. Not so much from the deaths of two more Smashers, but from the rest of the aftermath of the attack during the funeral. He was the only physician the Mansion had, and prior to his recent re-arrival, patients were sent to the nearby hospital. So, when he had to take care of multiple gunshot wounds simultaneously, it was suffice to say that he was nervous. Lucario, Ness, Wario and Young Link had all been hit by the fire in one way or another.

Lucario had it the worst. The bullet that hit him in the arm seemed to hit a lot of muscle and he was losing a fair amount of blood, so he needed the most attention. Wario, on the other hand, had it the best, as his fat seemed to absorb much of the damage from the bullet.

Regardless, Dr. Mario seemed to be at wit's end until the door to the infirmary opened and Zelda said, "Dr. Mario, Peach and I have come to help."

"Oh, thank-a god," Dr. Mario sighed in relief and Peach and Zelda tended to those who were less severely hit so he could focus on Lucario. After a minute of working to patch the Aura Pokemon up, Dr. Mario said, "Lucario, I'm surprised how well you're taking the pain."

Lucario opened his eyes and said, "My training has made me slightly more resistant to pain. In addition, I'm meditating to take some more pressure off the pain."

"Oh, sorry for interrupting," the doctor commented as Lucario closed his eyes again.

Zelda was busy using her magic to help Young Link, who was hit in the leg by a stray bullet. "I would ask Dr. Mario for a better assessment, but I would say you shouldn't walk on that leg for at least a week. And after that, nothing too strenuous for a few weeks after that," Zelda commented as her magic did what it could to heal the young Hylian.

Young Link sighed and said, "Well this sucks. How am I supposed to compete in the tournament?"

Zelda sighed as well and remarked, "To be honest, I'm not sure if the tournament will still go on at this point. Master Hand's under a lot of stress with all the deaths recently. I hope he's doing all right now."

Master hand was in his office, smashing himself against the wall. The glove lamented, "Why can't I protect these people? Why do they keep dying under my watch? Why? Why? WHY?"

The glove fell to the ground and heard a quiet voice whimpering, "M-M-Master Hand?"

Lifting himself off the ground, Master Hand saw the source of the voice was Luigi, and he managed to calmly say, "Luigi? What brings you here?"

"I was-a talking to Lucas and Olimar. The three-a of us want to go somewhere else-a, for the time being," the green-suited plumber said.

Master Hand was quiet for a few moments before he nodded very slightly and said, "Yes that may just be what it takes to ensure your safety. Go somewhere else, where you'll feel safe. And make sure you have a way to contact us. If anything happens contact us immediately."

Luigi nodded and said, "Thank you for-a understanding."

After the police finished chasing the killer off and performing a fairly lackluster investigation, they left, letting some of the other Smashers to look around. Fox in particular was investigating the tree where the killer had been shooting from. "Damn it! There's no evidence pointing to where the killer came from or where they're going," Fox shouted, getting the attention of Ike, Samus and Pit, the others who were searching.

Pit looked around before suggesting, "Let me ask Lady Palutena if she can help us."

Ike nodded and replied, "Might as well. It could give us some leads."

"Lady Palutena, can you hear me," Pit shouted to the sky.

Inside his head he heard the Goddess of Light reply, "Of course I can hear you Pit. I'm always looking out for you."

Pit nodded and said, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Anyways, can you try to find out anything about the guy who had shot at us?"

"Well, I don't have any clue who it is, but their energy signature seems to be coming from a warehouse a few miles from here. I can take you and one other person there, but I wouldn't recommend attacking," Palutena commented.

"Seriously? That'd be great," Pit commented before asking, "I can bring one other person with me to spy on whoever this killer is. Does anyone want to go?"

Fox immediately nodded and said, "Yes, I do."

"Sorry Fox, but I think I should go. We're doing this just to spy and right now you're focused on taking them down. It might not end well if you go," Ike commented as he walked over to Pit.

Samus nodded and said, "I know how much you want to take this person down, but Ike's right. We need to study this person first, then we can take them out."

Fox muttered, "Fine, but you better get some damn good information about this creep."

"Don't worry I will. And keep in mind the possibility that this killer may not be the same one that killed Falco," Ike noted.

Pit shouted to the sky again, "Alright Lady Palutena! We're ready to go!" A golden beacon descended from the skies and whisked Pit and Ike away to their destination.

The golden beacon that pulled Pit and Ike away appeared outside an abandoned warehouse and the two Smashers landed on the ground. Ike and Pit walked toward the door and Pit noted, "Remember, since we're spying on this person, we have to be quiet."

"Don't worry," Ike remarked, "I had to sneak around more times than I can count during The Mad King's War and the war three years after that."

The two entered the warehouse and looked around at the surroundings. There were a couple of storage crates stacked up in a corner and through the middle of the building were tons of shelves, many of which had random objects on them. Some random furniture was scattered around the building. Pit glanced at Ike and whispered, "Let's split up, see what we can find out and leave."

"Sounds good to me," replied the mercenary. Ike walked over toward the storage crates, looking in all the nooks and crannies for where the killer could be. He heard something hit the ground behind him and he asked, "Did you find something Pit?"

There was no answer and Ike turned around just in time to avoid being stabbed by a knife. "So I take it you're the killer," Ike asked as he held his sword up to defend him. The person wielding the knife was wearing a cloak so nothing else could be seen about them.

The person said nothing and threw the knife to the side before drawing a sword of their own. The killer brought their sword down over his head vertically, a blow that Ike was able to parry easily. The cloaked figure then tried swinging the sword horizontally, but Ike jumped back to avoid being struck. A diagonal slice was attempted next, and Ike parried this strike as well. Ike swung his sword, Ragnell, at his attacker in an attempt to scare his attacker away. The cloaked figure jumped back before throwing a few knives at Ike, who managed to block or dodge the weapons.

A few light arrows were fired at the cloaked figure and Pit ran over, shouting, "Stop!" The cloaked figure deployed a smoke bomb and used the cover to make his escape. When the smoke finally cleared, Pit asked, "So did you learn anything?"

"Yeah, be careful when trying to find the killer, he almost took me out," Ike remarked as the two exited the building.

Pit nodded and said, "Good to know. Lady Palutena! Take us back please!" The golden beacon surrounded the two again and pulled them away to return them to the Smash Mansion.

Inside the hangar building, Luigi was standing around with Lucas and Olimar. The space adventurer was currently working on his rocket to make it suitable for multiple people. Also present were Mario and Ness, who were there to see them off. "Are you-a sure about this Luigi," Mario asked, worrying about his brother.

Luigi nodded and said, "Yes. I'm scared Mario. I don't-a want to end up-a like the others. Don't-a worry, we'll keep each other safe."

"I take it you feel the same way Lucas," Ness asked his friend.

The blond-haired boy nodded and said, "Y-yeah. I'm really worried something bad will happen to me so I'm going to just wait this out."

Ness nodded and said, "All right, I won't stop you. Just be careful."

Lucas nodded as the door opened and Pikachu entered along with another yellow mouse creature. "Pikachu, Pichu? What are you two doing here," Ness asked the two mouse Pokemon.

Pichu pointed to himself and then the spaceship that Olimar was working on. "You want-a to go with us," Luigi asked to which Pichu nodded.

Mario looked to the his fellow veteran fighter and asked, "And what-a about you Pikachu? Are you going?"

The electric rodent shook his head so Ness guessed, "Are you seeing Pichu off like me and Mario?"

Pikachu nodded before saying something to Pichu in their language. Pichu responded similarly before hugging the larger of the two Pokemon. Pikachu hugged back for a moment before they separated. A few moments later Olimar blew his whistle signaling that the rocket was ready to go. Pichu and Lucas entered the spacecraft before Fox entered the hanger.

"Good to see that I haven't missed you," Fox said before placing something in Luigi's hand, "If you guys need something, don't hesitate to call us. We'll track your call and find you as soon as possible."

"Thank you," Luigi said as he entered the rocket.

Olimar nodded to everyone and said, "We'll be back as soon as this whole thing blows over. The sooner that happens, the better."

"You don't-a have to tell us that," Mario replied, shaking the spaceman's hand. Olimar turned and got into the rocket and those in observance backed up. The thrusters ignited as the spacecraft lifted into the air, flying out of the top of the large sunroof.

Outside the mansion, at the top of a tall tree, the masked murderer was watching the rocket flying off. They took out a gun and fired it once at the spacecraft. The figure put the gun away and pulled out a smaller device. It was quiet for a moment before it beeped as a dot appeared on the screen. The killer smirked to himself and said, "Perfect."

Donkey Kong was sitting along in the darkness of his bedroom. He was a mixture of emotions, but sadness prevailed over any other. One of the conditions for Diddy Kong to leave for the third tournament was that he had to look after the younger monkey. He had failed in this mission. What would he tell the rest of the DK crew? He couldn't face the rest of the DK Crew after what happened. A slight knock on his door snapped him out of his thoughts. The monkey grunted, and the person at the door opened it, letting themselves in. It was Fox, who sat in a chair near the saddened monkey.

"I'm just going to cut to the chase here. This killer has taken our respective best friends from us. What do you say about teaming up and hunting them down? We'll take them out," Fox offered, extending a hand to seal the deal.

Donkey Kong looked at Fox for a moment before the large ape grinned and grabbed Fox's hand.

"Glad to see you're with me," Fox said before he turned around and added, "I'll need look at the evidence the killer left behind. I'll let you know when we make a move."

Lucario was also residing in his room, but for different reasons that Donkey Kong. He was resting his arm, as he couldn't use it for a while. In addition, he was meditating over the most recent turn of events. Diddy Kong and Mewtwo had died during the attack on the funeral and while he wasn't necessarily close to either of them, he was still a bit sad.

He was sadder over the death of Mewtwo because of the similarities they shared. True, Mewtwo was an ass at times and he was egotistical, but they shared some attributes as well, their telepathy and the way they used their powers in battle chief among them.

Red entered the room and asked, "Hey Lucario. You doing all right?"

"I suppose," the Aura Pokemon remarked, "Though I'm feeling a bit useless now. I can't help stop whoever that person was due to my injured arm. I also feel a pit powerless because I couldn't help any of our companions who have died."

"Well don't worry, we're going to do everything we can to stop the killer and bring them to justice," Red stated as he prepared to leave, "If you need anything, just ask."

Lucario nodded and said, "Thanks."

Samus Aran was in the hangar, working on her ship. Also present were Captain Falcon, Meta Knight and Wolf, working on their respective ships. Samus sighed before turning to the other 3 and said, "Guys, I think we need to team up and work together to find that killer."

"I completely agree with you," Captain Falcon said, "And given our work as bounty hunters, I think it'll be fairly easy."

Meta Knight nodded and said, "Yes, even though I'm not a bounty hunter, my training should be beneficial to our cause."

Wolf snorted and asked, "And why should I help you?"

"For one, it'll get Fox off your back. Despite the evidence pointing away from you, he's still convinced you set all of this in motion. In addition, you helping us would help us find this guy. The killer appears to be a bit similar to you," Samus stated, not looking up from the modifications she was making on her ship.

Wolf glared at the bounty hunter before grunting, "Fine, I'll help. But only because I'm worried for my safety. Nobody else's."

"That'll work," Captain Falcon said before adding, "So what's the plan?" "I have to do some research. I'll get back to you tomorrow with the plan," Samus said as she completed the work on her ship and left the hangar.

Solid Snake was busy observing the small forested area where the killer had launched their attack from. He found the empty casings of the bullets fired and was able to approximate where the shots were fired from. "Hm. There has to be some shred of evidence here. I know the police looked the place over but they didn't try very hard," Snake mused as he climbed into the trees to get a better look at where he assumed the killer had attacked from. He jumped from branch to branch, trying to locate any evidence the killer left behind. Snake was about to give up when he spotted a scrap of cloth with some red on it attached to a branch. Snake picked it up and said, "Now what do we have here?"

A short, deathless chapter to show the aftermath of the events of the previous chapter. Now, if you followed some of my other stories, you would know that I wanted this past week to be a week of new chapters. Well, I dropped the ball on that. Schoolwork and Team Fortress 2 will distract you. However, I am still referring to this as "Day 3" of "New Chapter Week." If anyone reads my other stories, I will conclude "New Chapter Week" with the newest chapter of Total Drama High School, hopefully by this Friday evening. No matter when the update is, it will be soon.

Anyways, the events of this chapter have helped to set up the plot of the rest of the story. As for what the plot points are, you'll have to wait to find out. Please Review if you liked this and if you want a certain character to live, you could still sway my judgement. Until Next Time!