I'm SO sorry this took so long, and the fact it's so short. I just graduated from high school and have been trying to get everything together for college - schedule, books, transportation, etc. My writing time and muse have been short, so I tried to knock this last chapter out in one go. Nightmare makes a small appearence, Boris is drinking underage, etc. There's a hint of BorisxAlice at the end, but i don't support the pairing.

This story is offically over after this, thanks for everyone who reviewed and gave good comments, I love you all dearly. I will try to write another HNKNA story soon, when i get the time.

On that note, I don't own HNKNA~

"Whoa, where am I?" The 15 year old Cheshire looked around. He was standing in an empty area, sand sticking to the bottom of his white shoes. He stuck his tongue out at the sand, he hated his shoes being dirty. He took another look around before yelling out. "HELLO?"

"No need to be so loud." The cat's ears twitched and he spun around, almost falling over because the ground he was on wasn't exactly stable. The voice chuckled. "Careful." Boris looked up to see a silver haired man floating in the air.

He gave up on actually standing up on the slick landscape and decided sitting down was his best option. He stared up at the man with an eyepatch before asking "Who're you?" His ears twitched again.

"I'm Nightmare."

"That's a cool name."

Nightmare blinked. "You think so? Everyone seems to think it's creepy."

"Nah, it's cool." He grinned, tail swaying. "So what's your role huh? I can see you actually have a face so~"

"I take the role pf the caterpillar."

"Cater...piller..." Boris had to think for a moment. That role was brought up in the lessons that the Duke tried to give him when he was younger. It snapped back to him in a second and his attention went back to nightmare. "Aren't you from the Country of Clovers?"

"Very good Boris, it seems someone in the country of hearts has a brain."

"Of course." Boris smirked, taking in the compliment like a sponge. "What do you want with me though?"

"You're one of the few role holders from the country of hearts I haven't talked to yet -"


"And there's something I wanted to talk to you about." Boris huffed, leaning his head onto his palm. "What are you huffing about?"

"When old guys like you want to talk it's normally boring." That stabbed Nightmare harder than he thought it would. He gave his own huff before shaking his head.

"Whatever kid, I'm talking to you on behalf of Gowland." Boris' ears perked up. "You've cut yourself off from others lately haven't you?" The cat looked away and said nothing, the caterpillar took this as a chance to continue. "He just wants to know why."

"It's none of his god damn business."

"He's curious, and worried."

"I'm the one supposed to be curious, stupid old man." Boris sighed, dropping his hand. "I'm just a moody teenager, he needs to get over it. I can take care of myself." He glanced at Nightmare, who was staring a hole into his head. "Alright Alright! My girlfriend dumped me."

"You had a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, The old man didn't know about it either. But she dumped me to run after some other faceless guy - shoulda seen that coming."

"Things are different for role holders..."

"Don't you think I've figured that out already?" Boris snapped, causing Nightmare much of a surprise. So much he coughed up blood. "Hey! Old man!" Boris scurried over as the man fell to his knees. "Hey! You're not gonna die are you? I don't want Gowland yelling at me for being covered in blood again."

"One day Boris..." Nightmare started, bringing out a handkerchief and wiping the blood from his mouth. "One day you'll find someone...who won't turn their back on you."

"Yeah, right." Boris countered, rolling his eyes. "If we're done with relationship advice, I need to get back. I have to get over a hangover in the morning and help around the park." Nightmare shook his head.

"One day you'll understand."

"Get up you stupid cat!"

That was the first thing Boris heard when he woke up, and fell off of his bed. "Ow..." His ears pinned back as he rubbed where he hit his forehead on the ground.

"You stole all of my good wine!" That had been how he fell asleep, and it was kind of hard to deny the fact when his bed was covered by wine bottles.

"Yeah~ It was good~" Gowland smacked Boris over the head. "Ow ow ow ow ow! I got a headache!"

"It serves you right! You better replace all of what you drank, you useless cat!" With that Gowland turned his back to Boris and stomped off. Boris watched him leave, the sudden urge to laugh taking over him.

"Looks like Gowland isn't the person who won't turn their back on me..."He laughed, leaning against his bed, hugging his boa tightly.

Two years passed, and the twins came running into the park, asking Boris if they could all hang out and maybe play a game at the castle. Boris was all for it, leaving the second he could and walked down the path with the twins. "Oh! Have you met the lady?" Boris raised an eyebrow. "There's an outsider! We almost killed her eariler, but boss stopped us and told us to be nice to the lady!"

"Outsider?" Boris tapped his chin in thought. "That sounds pretty interesting!"

"Look!" Dee pointed out, "There she is!" Dum finished, both of the twins then took off towards the blond. Boris followed after them, seeing the blond girl in a blue and white dress. Boris' clock seemed to stop for a moment, then ticked quickly.

'Maybe she's the one..'