Hey there guys~! I'm sorry that it took so long for me to post anything about this, but I just thought I should let you know about some changes
AriRunner9523 Has decided to adopt this fic so if you wish to see more of it go check her out, I'm just as curious as you to find out where she takes it. She's already posted her chapter one, which is a little longer than mine and I'm sure she has much more motivation to continue the story where I left off that I do. (I can't even get over my writer's block for my two stories that I'm actually actively working on XP Instead I'm posting random drabbles but don't worry, if you're a fan of my Izaya/Mikado or Sladin fics, I promise, it's slow, but they are coming.)
So long story short;
I gave this little ficlet away
AriRunner9523 has adopted it
go read her version
Thank you for sticking around, I apologize if I've let any of you down by not continuing it myself but, I just couldn't find the motivation.
~ Evi