So here is my new story, Nell centric with Nallen on the side. Let me know what you think. Zoe :)

It was another bright sunny Los Angeles day when Callen and Sam arrived at OSP for work, having made a pit stop at a café to get breakfast, something they did regularly on days they carpooled.

"I'm telling you G, she was interested." Sam smiled as they strode through the hall towards the bullpen, each carrying a large black bag on their shoulder and a plastic box containing breakfast in their hand.

"I don't disagree." Callen responded. "But I'm not."

"You're telling me you're not interested her? G, she was all over you." Sam glanced at his partner as they reached the coffee station.

"Not my type." Callen shook his head as he reached for a cup and filled it with what he hoped was freshly brewed coffee.

"You're insane." Sam laughed.

"Who's insane?" Deeks asked, poking his head around the pillar.

"Callen is, for turning down the chance at a date with a truly beautiful waitress at Salvators." Sam explained.

"Not the blonde?" Deeks asked, his eyes widening. "With the big…" he lifted his hands to his chest.

"Yes the blonde." Sam nodded as he made his way to his desk and dropped his bag down to the floor. Callen followed and settled himself in his chair, flipping open the lid of his box to eat the waffles and scrambled eggs he had craved all morning.

"Callen, you are insane. She is HOT!" Deeks whistled and dropped down into his chair, leaning back in it and clasping his hands behind his head.

"Who's hot?" Kensi asked as she came around into the bullpen and headed to her desk, the last of the last of the agents to arrive that morning.

"The woman throwing herself at G this morning." Sam told her.

"Ohhh." Kensi grinned at Callen.

"Not my type." Callen repeated himself, keeping his attention on the breakfast in front of him. Fortunately he was saved from further scrutiny by a sharp whistle from the top of the stairs. Everyone looked over to see Eric standing in his usual beach boy attire and clasping his tablet computer. Callen briefly wondered if he would ever grow up and wear real pants to work.

"New case, Hetty needs you all up here." He called down. Callen looked down sadly at his waffles and eggs, realising by the time he got a chance to eat them, they would be stone cold. With a heavy sigh, he closed the lid and tossed the breakfast into the trash can at the side of his desk, before following the others upstairs.

Callen entered the dimly lit ops room last. Kensi and Deeks had taken their usual positions around the main table. Sam was standing up front and Callen took his place next to him.

"No Nell this morning?" he asked, noting the perky brunette was nowhere to be seen.

"Ms Jones will be joining us shortly." Hetty replied. "If you please, Mr Beale." she signalled to Eric to start the briefing.

"One week ago, Michael Rodriguez was found murdered in his apartment in Washington DC. He worked as an Intelligence Officer for the Office of Naval Intelligence. The initial investigation revealed he had been stabbed several times before being shot in the head and it was believed to be a home invasion gone wrong." Eric brought up crime scene photos and flicked through them for the team to see. It was brutal, with blood splattered up the walls and pools of blood on and around the body.

"Three days ago, an Analyst by the name of Francine Baker, also from ONI based in DC was murdered in her home with the same MO. Her body was discovered last night." Eric brought up the new pictures which looked eerily similar to the last. "She was stabbed five times with a kill shot to the head."

"Okay, but if this happened in Washington, why are we looking into this?" Callen asked, looking to Hetty for an explanation of why the office of special projects was taking a murder case from the other side of the country.

"Rodriguez and Baker worked on the same project eighteen months ago and Director Vance has requested we work this case because the third member of the project team, whom we believe is the next target, is one of our own here in LA." Hetty explained.

"So who's the third member of the team?" Kensi asked curiously.

"Um, that would be me."

The team all spun around to face the door of the ops room where Nell Jones was standing, her hands clasped nervously in front of her.

"I'm the target."

Thanks for reading. I'd appreciate a review :)