Disclaimer: I don't own any of this, only Jaime. Anything you recognize belongs to BBC.
Summary: Jaime Wilson is an ordinary girl who just so happens to meet the Doctor in St Hopes before Martha. What if the Doctor had two companions instead of one?
New Patients' Information Sheet
Name [First]: Jaime [Middle]: Jane [Last]: Wilson
D.O.B: 6/05/1984
Age: 23
Sex [M/F]: F Marital Status [M/S/D/W]: S
Reason for Admission: Recast for Broken Arm
Jaime dropped the patients' form with a sigh; she had been stuck in St. Hopes now for three days and NOTHING interesting had happened AT ALL. Three days. She was bored stiff and had only the other patients (who weren't interested) and the staff to talk to. She got on well the Martha Jones, one of the medical students, and the receptionist, Steph, but other than that no-one paid much attention to her – to them she was just an immature twenty-three year-old girl who broke her arm after falling off the climbing frame to try and prove to her friends she could still climb it as easy as she could when she was eight.
She swung her legs off the hospital bed and – dressed in skinny jeans, an Elmo t-shirt and rainbow socks – made her way down to the reception to see if any new patients had signed in for her to talk to. She fiddled with the blue cast on her arm as she dodged patients and doctors alike, she wasn't supposed to leave her room after all. Skipping up to the desk, Jaime put on what she thought was her most innocent smile.
"Steeeppphhh," She sang, "Have the-"
Steph laughed and shook her head, making Jaime pout.
"No Jaime. However there does seem to be a gentleman in the 'line' you have formed."
"Oh right. Gotcha," She winked, clapped her hands together and spun around, "So… Watcha in for? Broken arm? Broken leg? Ooo, what about Tuberous Sclerosis?" She blinked. "Sorry, no idea where that came from." Steph slapped her arm. "Oh, sorry… yeah. Steph take it away."
"Sir, how can I help you?" He seemed to stumble on this himself, as if trying to come up with something.
"Oh… You see… I have pains…" He paused, "Severe stomach pains." Jaime snorted.
"Acute intermittent porphyria then…" She muttered. The man looked at her with an amused smile.
"Ahh, I hope it won't come to that."
Steph sighed, "Mr Smith why don't you let Jaime here take you to the men's ward and I'll have a doctor come and see you later." Mr Smith offered his arm to Jaime and smiled,
"Shall we?" She took his arm and led the way.
"Mr Smith, follow me."
As they passed through the busy medical halls, Mr Smith tried to strike up a conversation,
"So… Jaime," He lowered his voice, "What's been going on around here." Jaime rolled her eyes and put on a snotty voice.
"Weeeell Mr Smith, Carys on the six floor is having an affair with Marcus from fourth EVEN though Marcus is married to Kelly from the shop… This place is just buzzing with activity!" She looked at him curiously, "Mr Smith why are you here really?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean… you came in like you were unsure of yourself, and your 'stomach pains' were obviously made up on the spot, not to mention the fact you look around like you're suspicious of almost everyone and now you're looking at me like I'm an advert for a sale on suits or hair gel!"
"Jaime you are brilliant!" He gave her a manic grin, "Anyone else would have thought 'nah, leave him be he's a bit crazy' but YOU! Brilliant."
"So you're not here for cramps?" Before he could answer he was whisked away from her by a doctor to be assigned a bed and get changed.
Five minutes later the doctor emerged gesturing her to sit next to the bed where a Mr Smith, now clad in stripy hospital pyjamas was lying. He gave her a lopsided grin and nodded towards the chair next to him.
"Now I," He said, "Have been specifically ordered to stay in this bed and not to move…"
"Oh dear, poor Mr Smith, I guess I'll have to keep you company."
"If you are then I would rather you didn't call me Mr Smith."
Jaime was confused, "Why is it not you real name?" She joked.
"Weeeell…" Jaime's jaw dropped.
"You lied to a hospital!" She hissed, "What is your real name?"
"The Doctor."
"Oh alright then." She had heard stranger names.
"Just the- wait what? No 'Doctor what' or 'the Doctor?'?" She shook her head slightly and laughed,
"I knew someone who went by the name of Dopey; I think I can handle 'The Doctor'."
He smiled at her, "Oh I think I like you Jaime."
"Hope that's not harassment." She winked. "So why 'The Doctor', where are you from?"
"Far far away." He had a sad look on his face.
"Ooh very alien," His eyes widened slightly before returning to normal, but not before Jaime caught it, "Oh you are kidding me! Seriously?"
The Doctor looked at her a smiled ever so slightly. "Enough about me. Who exactly is Jaime?"
She smiled, "Oh y'know, just normal. Born in London, parents died in car crash just after I was born, normal school, normal care home etcetera…"
The Doctor scoffed, "What? No boyfriend? Adventures of your own? Work?"
"Nope. No boyfriend; never could do commitment. More of a many man girl." She winked, "Had plenty of jobs but they all got boring after a while. I was a receptionist. Cleaner. Shopkeeper. Barman. I think I even worked in a yoghurt factory once?"
"But did you never want to be something?" She smiled wistfully.
"I actually wanted to be an astronomer, scouring the galaxies…" She shook her head, "But then my teacher told me that I didn't have enough patience to do it, which is completely true!"
From that afternoon, and the part of the evening that Jaime could escape her ward, the Doctor and her had the beginnings of a strong friendship, swapping stories of crazy things (The Doctor's) and normal everyday things that the Doctor was interested in. The next morning, Jaime changed into her Star Wars novelty t-shirt and skipped down to the men's ward to visit the doctor pausing for a second to greet Martha in the Student's locker rooms. The Doctor was patiently sitting up in his bed, casually observing the patients around him. He saw her and smiled,
"Miss Wilson, fancy meeting you here!" Jaime grinned.
"I know such a coincidence!" She sat next to him and made herself comfortable, putting her legs up against his. "Med Students have just arrived, should be a good show, have they 'inspected' you yet." He shook his head, "Ha! I'm gonna stay to watch this, should definitely be good with you, TimeBoy."
"Oi! It's Mr TimeBoy to you youngins." He winked. Jaime was about to retort when Mr Stoker entered the ward so she settled with a nudge and a nod in his direction.
"Ah… Miss Wilson, what are you doing here?" Jaime grinned,
"Oh you know me Stokey, just looking for some company." She winked at Morgenstern, who blushed slightly.
"Right… Um… Now then, Mr Smith, a very good morning, and how are you today?"
The Doctor made a face, "Oh, not so bad. Still a bit, y'know. Blehhh."
Mr Stoker turned to the medical students, "John Smith, admitted yesterday with severe abdominal pains - Jones, why don't you see what you can find? Amaze me."
Martha gave a small smile to Jaime before turning her attention to the Doctor, looking a tiny bit puzzled, "Well it wasn't very clever running round outside, was it?"
It was the Doctor's turn to look puzzled, "Sorry?"
Jaime was enjoying this.
"On Chancellor Street, this morning. You came up to me and took your tie off."
"Really? What did I do that for?"
"I don't know, you just did."
"Not me, I was here, I was in bed, and you can ask Jaime here."
Jaime smirked, "All morning, couldn't get rid of him." The Doctor looked mock-offended.
"That's weird, 'cause it looked like you, have you got a brother?"
The Doctor shook his head, "Nope, not any more. Just me!"
Mr Stoker just looked on bored, "As time passes and I grow ever more infirm and weary, Miss Jones..?" That pulled Martha out of her state of confusion as she took out a stethoscope and placed it against the Doctor's chest, as Jaime watched on enjoying this bit. She obviously heard something strange (the Doctor had told her he had two hearts but she couldn't just grab a stethoscope to check) and looked at the Doctor with a small frown in her face, he just grinned. She placed the stethoscope on his right side and looked up astonished, getting the smallest wink from the Doctor in return.
"I weep for future generations, but are you having trouble locating the heart, Miss Jones?" Stoker asked with an unimpressed voice, making Jaime want to smack him.
"Um, I don't know. Stomach cramps..?" Martha replied, looking a bit dazed.
"That's a symptom, not a diagnosis, and you rather failed basic techniques by not consulting first with the patient's chart-" As Mr Stoker picked up the patient's chart, he received an electric shock causing him to drop it on the bed, "Ouch!"
Martha nodded, "That happened to me this morning."
"I had the same off the door handle." That was Morgenstern.
"And me, in the lift." The Julia girl.
Mr Stoker just waved them off, "Only to be expected, there's a thunderstorm moving in, lightning being a form of static electricity, as first proven by, anyone?"
The Doctor, quick as a shot, spoke up, "Benjamin Franklin."
"Correct." Mr Stoker replied, but the Doctor wasn't finished,
"My mate Ben! That was a day and a half; I got rope burns off that kite. And then I got soaked!"
Mr Stoker just looked confused, "…Yes… Quite"
"And then, I got electrocuted!" Jaime hit his arm and made a face that clearly said 'Shut up you're acting odd.' Mr Stoker wrapped things up,
"Moving on." And lead the students away, not before Jaime heard him mutter, "I think, a visit from Psychiatric…"
"Doctor…" Jaime started, looking outside the ward windows, "Have you seen the rain? It looks as though it's right above us… only us!"
The Doctor got up quickly and ran to the window, "Jaime, I'll be back in a sec." With that he raced down the corridor to God-knows where. Jaime continued looking out the window when suddenly the whole floor started shaking, lamps fell off tables, people were grabbing onto handles for support and Jaime faintly recalled screams, then nothing. As quickly as the 'earthquake' began, it had ended. Looking out the window, she saw a landscape of white-grey rocks. It was night-time, how could it be night if it was just lunchtime. Jaime shook her head, noshe thought that orb in the sky… it's EARTH! We're on… no we can't be… we're on the moon! Screams began echoing off the walls and before Jaime realized, the Doctor had entered the room and ducked behind the curtains near his bed. Martha and the Julia girl entered shortly after, Martha seemed quite calm whereas her friend was a quivering mess.
"All right, now everyone, back to bed, we've got an emergency, but we'll sort it out, don't worry-" Martha made her way over to the window and looked out for the first time, "It's real, it's really... real. Hold on-" She looked at Jaime, who gave her an encouraging nod before reaching to open the windows, Julia grabbed her hand.
"Don't! We'll lose all the air!" Jaime rolled her eyes.
"They're not exactly airtight. If the air was gonna get sucked out, it would've happened straight away-" She let Martha take over,
"Exactly! But it didn't, so how come?" Suddenly, the bed curtains were pulled back revealing a fully dressed Doctor with a big grin on his face,
"Very good point you two! Brilliant, in fact, what was your name?" Jaime went over and whispered to him, "Martha."
"And it was Jones, wasn't it? Right then, Martha Jones, question is: how are we still breathing?" Julia burst into tears,
"We can't be." The Doctor looked at her sharply,
"But obviously, we are, so don't waste my time - Martha, what have we got, is there a balcony on this floor, or a veranda, or..?" Martha nodded, "By the patients' lounge, yeah."
He grinned, "Fancy going out?" Martha nodded,
"We might die."
"We might not."
"Good come on-" He pointed at Julia. "Not her she'll only slow us down. Jaime," He held his hand out and beamed, "You coming?"
Jaime matched his grin, "Try a stop me." With that they both ran out, aware that Martha was following them only seconds behind.
They rushed through corridors of screaming people, crying patients and general panic as they start searching for the patients lounge. They came by a set of French doors, the Doctor tested the handle before pushing the doors open. The trio took in a deep breath, no outrush of air, nothing. Martha stepped forward, "How does it work?"
Jaime grimaced, "Just be grateful it does I guess."
Martha smiled sadly, "I've got a party tonight. My brother's twenty first. Oh, my mother's gonna be..." She paused, as if she was going to cry, but stopped herself. Jaime grabbed her hand and squeezed it.
"You okay?" She asked gently.
"Yeah." The Doctor stood next to her,
"Either of you want to go back inside?"
Jaime snorted, "And miss any of this? I don't think so TimeBoy!"
"No way. Cos... I mean, we could die, any minute, but all the same... It's beautiful. I mean, how many people want to go to the moon? And here we are" Martha smiled.
The Doctor chuckled, "Standing in the Earthlight."
The trio stood there, basking in the comfortable silence before, "What do you think happened?"
The Doctor looked at Martha pointedly, "What do you think happened?"
"Extra-terrestrial. Got to be. I dunno, few years ago, that would've sounded mad, but these days... that spaceship flying into Big Ben. Christmas. And those Cybermen things, that battle in the sky... I had a cousin, Adeola. She worked at Canary Wharf. Never came home." Jaime took a look at the Doctor, knowing the story.
"I'm sorry."
"I was there, in the battle, it was…"
Martha put on a brave face and with a comforting voice said, "I promise you, Mr Smith, we'll find a way out. If we can travel to the Moon, then we can travel back, there's got to be a way." Jaime and the Doctor shared an awkward glance.
"It's not Smith. That's not my real name."
Martha looked confused, "So, who are you then? What about you Jaime, tell me Wilson is your real name…" Jaime nodded the affirmative.
The Doctor answered, "I'm the Doctor."
Jaime giggled, "Never a straight forward answer is it with you?"
Martha looked on wistfully, "Me too if I ever pass my exams. What is it then, Dr Smith?"
"No. Just the Doctor." He replied, absent mindedly.
"What people just call you The Doctor?" Martha stated in disbelief.
"I do." Jaime piped up. Martha faced Jaime, "So how do you know him?"
"Just met him really, yesterday when he came in. Asked me to call him the Doctor so I did." She shrugged her shoulders. Martha just huffed, "Well I'm not. Far as I'm concerned you got to earn that title…" The Doctor crouched to the floor, and picked up a pebble. Jaime copied, understanding what he was doing.
"I'd better make a start then, let's have a look, there must be some sort of..." He and Jaime threw the pebbles, but they seemed to bounce off an invisible shield.
"Forcefield?" Jaime breathed, she noticed the Doctor nodding out of the corner of her eye.
"Yep, keeping the air in." Martha shook her head,
"But if that's... say, it's like a bubble, sealing us in. That means, this is all the air we've got. What happens when it runs out?"
The Doctor turned to Martha, "How many people in this hospital?"
She scrunched her face in thought, "Um… about a thousand?"
Jaime gasped, "A thousand people suffocating!"
Martha was shocked, "Why would anyone do that?"
A loud rumbling noise cut off their conversation, as three cylinder shaped ships came into view landing on the moon's surface. The Doctor frowned and looked at the girls, "Ask them yourself… Head's up!" With that, the cylinders (which were the size of buildings) opened up at the bottom like a hatch and hundreds of figures headed out towards the hospital.
Jaime grinned and grabbed the Doctor's arm, "Aliens! Real proper aliens! Oh I could bloody kiss you!" Her smile faltered when she saw the Doctor's face, "What's wrong?"
The Doctor, Jaime and Martha were crouched down next to some plants watching as rhino-headed soldiers shone a blue light in patients' and doctors' eyes and wrote an 'X' on their hand. Jaime nudged the Doctor and pointed to a shop, sharing his love of them,
"Look down there. You got a little shop, we like little shops don't we Jaime?" He grinned.
"Never mind that, what are Judoon?" Jaime smiled innocently and pointed at the rhinos.
The Doctor tried to come up with a good word, "They're like police. Well, police-for-hire. Well more like interplanetary…"
"Thugs?" Jaime supplied, the Doctor nodded, " Why did they bring us to the moon?"
"Neutral territory. According to Galactic Law, they've got no jurisdiction over the Earth. So they isolated us. That rain, and the lightning, that was them, using an H2O Scoop." He rambled.
"What are you on about, Galactic Law? Where d'you get that from?" Martha asked, but the Doctor had left into the corridor followed quickly by Jaime, she caught up with them and asked, "If they're police, are we under arrest? Are we trespassing on the Moon or something?"
Jaime laughed, "They bought us here though."
The Doctor grinned, "But I like the idea though! Good thinking. Wish it was that simple. If they're making a catalogue, that means they're after something non-Human. Which is very bad news for me." Martha looked bemused.
"Why?" Jaime and the Doctor just looked at her. "No! Oh you have got to be kidding… don't be ridiculous… stop looking at me like that!"
"Come on then" And they ran.
They ran past doctors, jumped over patients huddled on the floor until they got to level six, where the Nurses' station was. It was a wide open space with a computer on a big desk, the Doctor sat at the desk and got out his screwdriver and bean pointing it at the computer. A buzzing noise erupted from it and a blue light burst from its' tip. Martha entered the room and informed them that,
"They've just reach the third floor. What is that thing?"
The Doctor looked at her as if she was mad, "Sonic screwdriver."
"Well if you're not gonna answer me properly."
He shot her an incredulous look, "No! It really is! It's a screwdriver! That's sonic! Look!" He clicked it a few times as an example.
"What else have you got? A laser spanner?" Martha scoffed.
"I did, but it was stolen by Emily Pankhurst-"
"Cheeky woman." Jaime muttered, giggling at the Doctor amused face and Martha's confused one. The Doctor started hitting the computer, shouting at it,
"What's wrong with this computer? The Judoon must have locked it down. Judoon Platoon, upon the Moon. Cos, I was just travelling past, I swear, I was just wandering, I wasn't looking for trouble, honestly, I wasn't. But then But I noticed plasma coils around the Hospital - like, that lightning, that's a plasma coil, it's been building up for two days now – so I checked in, met Jaime, I thought something was going on inside. Turns out, the plasma coils were the Judoon, up above." He scratched his chin.
"So what are they looking for?" Jaime asked.
"Something that looks human but isn't." He replied.
"Like you then." Martha added. He nodded. "Couldn't they have a photo?"
"Like me but not me. And it could be a shape-shifter." He admitted.
"But couldn't we just leave it to the Judoon to find it?" Suggested Jaime.
"If they declare the Hospital guilty of harbouring a fugitive... They'll sentence it to execution. But if I can find this thing first..." He groaned, "Oh d'you see? They're thick, Judoon are thick, they're so completely thick, and they've wiped the records! That's clever! " Jaime pulled up a chair next to the Doctor and looked up at him, "So what are we looking for?"
"Oh I don't know, say, any patient admitted in the past week with unusual symptoms."
"Hmm… Maybe there's a back-up?" Tried Jaime. The Doctor shrugged and got out the screwdriver. Martha looked thoughtful before she ran off, calling over her shoulder,
"You two keep working, I'll go and ask Mr Stoker, he might know-"
"That's it! Back-up restored!" Exclaimed Jaime, and high-fived the Doctor. She grabbed his hand and they went in search of Martha, but not before she picked up a black marker just in case. They began walking casually down the corridor when Martha ran up to them,
"I've found her!" The Doctor looked confused.
"What?" He asked, but Mr Stoker's office door slammed open and a man dressed in full motorbike gear ran out, "On second thoughts… RUN!"
The trio sprinted through the corridors and leapt over the same patients as before, raced down the stairwell with the biker hot on their heels. Just as they were about to run down more stairs they heard the now familiar Judoon foot soldiers coming up the stairs. They froze. Jaime took charge and dragged the Doctor and Martha through the floor five doors. Long, endless corridors, as long as filled Jaime's sight this floor wasn't a ward floor, all she knew was that it was deserted, empty and echoing. They all ran, ran like you would in a nightmare.
Jaime could her the biker catching up to them, could almost imagine his hands reaching around her neck as he- She was cut short by the Doctor reaching for her hand and dragging Martha and herself in a room. He pushed them toward the sealed off area and shouted,
"When I say NOW press the button-"
"Which button?" Sputtered Martha.
"Find out!"
Martha hurried over to the manual while Jaime watched the Doctor shove his sonic screwdriver in a moveable camera and aim it at the door, which was repetitively getting slammed into by the biker. BANG! The door is blown of its' hinges and the biker stood there. The Doctor nodded at Jaime,
Martha screamed in confusion while Jaime rolled her eyes and pressed the big button on the control panel. Suddenly, the room is filled with light as the Doctor 'shoots' the biker, which topples over – lifeless. It stopped in seconds.
"What did you do?" Martha gaped. Jaime chuckled,
"I think he increased the radiation by a hell of a lot," She stepped out and nudged the body with her foot, "Killed him dead."
"But won't that kill you?" Martha asked, the Doctor shook his head.
"Naah, it's only Röntgen radiation, we used to play with Röntgen bricks in the nursery. It's safe for you to come out, I've absorbed it all."
Martha and Jaime watched as the Doctor began to twitch and shudder, hopping on one foot and shaking it. Jaime couldn't help but comment, "Nice dance moves you got there, Doctor!"
"Very funny...all I need to do is expel it, if I concentrate and shift the radiation out of my body and into one spot - say, my left shoe-" He started to violently shake it, "Ooh! Ah! There we go, easy does it! Out, out, out, ooh, itches, itches, ow, ouch, hold on-" He pulled off his converse and shoved it into the yellow bin-liner. Martha shook her head in disbelief.
"You're mad!" She stated at the same time Jaime laughed, "You're brilliant!"
"Martha's right though, I look daft with one shoe on," He whipped the right converse off and dropped it in the bin liner. He grinned and wiggled his toes, "Barefoot on the moon."
"So what is that thing?" She nodded to the biker, "Where's he from, the planet Zovirax?"
The Doctor knelt down to its level, "Just a Slab, they're called Slabs. Basic slave drones, d'you see" He squeezed its arm. "Solid leather, all the way through. Someone's got one hell of a fetish." He stood up and walked over to the machine and pulls out his sonic, now broken and fizzled.
"But that woman, Miss Finnegan, it was working for her." Martha explained, but the Doctor kept looking at his screwdriver.
"My sonic screwdriver."
"She was one of the patients, but… Mr Stoker oh my god she killed him!"
"It burnt out my sonic screwdriver." Jaime slapped her hand on her forehead, he wasn't listening to Martha.
"She had this straw like some sort of vampire-"
"I loved my sonic screwdriver!"
"DOCTOR!" Martha shouts.
"Sorry." He acknowledged, throwing his screwdriver behind him, "You called me Doctor."
Martha threw her hands up in frustration, "Anyway! Miss Finnegan is the alien, she was drinking Mr Stoker's blood."
"Funny time to be taking a snack…" Jaime joked.
"You'd think she'd be hiding, unless... No! Yes! That's it! Wait a minute... Yes! Shape-changer, internal shape-changer! She wasn't drinking blood, she was assimilating it-" The Doctor rambled, "if she can assimilate Mr Stoker's blood, she can mimic the biology. She'll register as Human! We've got to find her and show the Judoon."
They ran.
Jaime had just enough time to drag the Doctor and Martha behind a water cooler, out of the sight of another Slab. The Doctor said in a hushed voice,
"That's the thing about Slabs, they always travel in pairs."
"What about you?" Marta questioned.
"What about me?"
"Haven't you got back-up? You must have a partner or something."
"Humans!" Jaime stuck her tongue out at him, "We're stuck on the Moon, running out of air, with Judoon and a bloodsucking criminal, and you're asking personal questions - come on –"
The Doctor rose cautiously and as they took a step out of their hiding place his face was masked in a blue light that was screeching. A Judoon's face entered Jaime's view.
"Non-Human." It grunted.
"And again." Jaime muttered as the Doctor grabbed Martha and herself and set off down the corridor. They just missed the beams of red as they sailed over their heads, hitting the corridor walls instead. They ran desperately up the stairs to floor six, slammed the door and locked it tight before they stopped at a corridor full of people leaning against the walls clinging to oxygen tanks.
"They've done this floor, come on." They continued to run before Martha stopped and knelt by Julia,
"How much oxygen is there?" Julia shook her head sadly,
"Not enough for all these people."
The Doctor touched Martha's shoulder, "What about you?"
Martha smiled, "Running on adrenalin."
The Doctor looked at Jaime who nodded in agreement, "But what about the Judoon?" She asked.
"Great big lung reserves, it's not gonna slow them down, where's Mr Stoker's office?" Martha got up and pointed down the corridor, "This way."
They arrived at Mr Stoker's office to find his lifeless body, but no sign of Miss Finnegan.
"She's gone…She was here!" Jaime also noticed a tiny circle near his collar where she had drank from. The Doctor looked at the body, "Drained him dry. Every last drop. I was right. She's a Plasmavore."
Martha frowned, "But what's she doing on Earth?"
The Doctor sighed, "Hiding, on the run, like Ronald Biggs in Rio de Janeiro. But what's she doing now? She's still not safe, the Judoon could execute us all. Come on-" They started running again and Jaime vaguely recalled Martha turning to close Stoker's eyes. The Doctor began to think aloud while running, "Think think think, if I was a wanted Plasmavore, surrounded by police, what would I do?" He looked around, "Uh oh..." He pointed toward the sign saying MRI DEPT. and ran a hand through his hair, "She's as clever as me… Weeeell almost."
A CRASH from around the corner at the end of the hall ruins the moment, all the trio heard was the squad of Judoons shouting about, "Find the non-human! Execute."
The Doctor turned to Martha, "I need time, stay here, and you've got to hold them up."
"How do I do that?"
"Just, forgive me for this. It could save a thousand lives. And it means nothing, honestly, nothing." With that he kissed her. Solidly. Jaime was sure it was for a good five seconds. He runs off but Jaime catches up to him. She grabbed his hand, whipped out the pen from the Nurses' Station and drew a thick 'X' on his hand as well as hers.
"More authentic, innit?" She shrugged and winked before she ran back to Martha. The Judoon had just stepped up to Martha and she tried to explain,
"Now listen, I know who you're looking for, and she's this woman, she calls herself Florence-" The Judoon just stuck the blue light in her face as it whizzed and whirred for a few minutes.
"Human." He grunted but then paused. "Wait, partial non-human! Non-human element confirmed! Authorise full scan!" He shoved Martha against the wall, ignoring Jaime's protest and demanded, "What are you? What are you?" The rest of the squad lowered the scanners and the chief concluded, "Confirm: Human. Traces of facial contact with Non-Human." He turned to the other Judoon, "Continue the search!" He hand Martha a card, "You will need this."
"What is it?"
Jaime laughed, "I think its compensation!" The Judoon walked off but they were straight behind them. Jaime saw Martha stop for a second panting slightly before standing straight and carrying on. They entered the MRI room just in time to see the Doctor fall to the ground – dead. Jaime rushed forward and knelt by his side, cradling his head in her arms.
Miss Finnegan put on her mask of 'worry', "Now see what you've done? This poor man just died of fright!"
"Scan him." The Captain ordered. The Judoon did as they were told. "Confirmation: Deceased."
Martha tried to get through but the Judoons stopped her. "Case closed."
Martha now hysterical started shouting, "But it was her! She killed him! She did it, she murdered him! She's not human!"
Miss Finnegan gave a sickly sweet smile, held up her 'X' covered hand and said, "Oh but I am! I've been catalogued." Jaime shook her head and looked up at Miss Finnegan, a grin slowly forming,
"You assimilated him! You drank his blood! The Doctor's blood, Martha!" She looked pointedly at the scanner in one of the Judoon's holsters. She grabbed it and pointed it at Miss Finnegan,
"What?" Miss Finnegan shrieked.
"Confirm analysis." All the Judoon's raised their scanners, while Miss Finnegan began to panic and tried to worm her way out of it.
"But - that's a mistake, it's got to be, I'm Human, I'm as human as they come –" The Judoon weren't listening, instead the scan was finished and the Captain began to speak,
"Confirm: Plasmavore! Charged with the crime of murdering the Child Princess of Padrivole Regency Nine-"
Miss Finnegan changed her tactics and snarled, "She deserved it! Those pink cheeks and blonde curls, and that simpering voice, oh, she was begging to be bitten by a Plasmavore!"
The Chief narrowed his eyes, "So you confess?"
Miss Finnegan cackled, "Confess? I'm proud of it! Slab stop them!"
The Slab stepped forward but was shot by one of the Judoons' red beams, causing him to turn to ash right in front of their very eyes. Miss Finnegan ran into the safe cut off section and start playing with the controls but the Chief raised his gun, "Verdict: guilty. Sentence: execution!" All the Judoon stomped into a line and raised their guns, just as Miss Finnegan connected to plugs together.
"Enjoy your victory, Judoon. Cos you're going to burn with me! Burn in Hell." Suddenly the Judoons fired, their red beams leave a gaping hole in the window which melted like wax and hit Miss Finnegan in mid-scream. The Judoons lowered their guns, case closed. Martha ran forward and sat next to Jaime who was quietly asking the Doctor to wake up. A bolt of lightning went through the MRI tunnel, which was crackling furiously, Jaime looked at it and turned to the Judoons,
"What did she mean, burn with me? The scanner shouldn't be doing that, she's done something-" She spluttered, lack of air catching up with her. Martha was in the same condition. The Judoon Chief raised his scanner and pointed it at the machine, he looked at it and grunted, "Scans detect lethal acceleration of mono-magnetic pulse."
Jaime looked at him and shouted, "Well do something! Stop it!"
"Our jurisdiction has ended. Judoon will evacuate." Martha was shocked,
"What? But you can't just leave it! What's it gonna do?" The Chief ignored her and spoke into his communicator, "All Judoons evacuate." and left the room. Jaime screamed after him,
"That thing's going to explode and it's all your fault!" Jaime stood up, careful laying the Doctor's head on the ground and made her way over to the machine's control panel, "Martha, please… help him." Martha got down on her knees and started to perform CPR, she muttered,
"C'mon, c'mon…" Jaime turned back to her, coughing,
"Two hearts…" Martha nodded and began working on both hearts, Jaime turned back to the plugs, two reds, or two blues. Life or Death. She heard the Doctor spluttering and grinned with relief before she took a deep breath come on magnetics A-Leveland pulled apart the two red cables. The Doctor came up behind her, worry etched on his face but then he noticed the machine had stop crackling and hugged Jaime in relief. She was still a bit wobbly on her feet and was slowly running out of air, the Doctor picked up Martha and they made their way down the hallway just as Jaime collapsed, the Doctor looked back at her, silently telling her he'd be back for her.
When Jaime woke up she was wrapped in a shiny silver blanket with a doctor standing over her, he held a gas mask to her face. She pulled it off and turned to look for the Doctor, just in time to see him give her a nod and walk back into his blue box. Jaime sighed, before turning around and finding Martha in the crowd with a girl who must have been her sister, "Martha!" She tried to shouted but came out as more of a croak. She steadily made her way over just in time to catch the ending of her sister's ramble,
"-It's on the news and everything, he was crying, oh my God, I've been a mess, but what happened, I mean what really happened, where were you?" Martha turned around and spotted Jaime,
"Jaime! Are you alright? Last thing they told me was that you collapsed near the MRI room!" Jaime grinned,
"Martha I'm always okay, today I saved the world!" Martha rolled her eyes,
"Modest aren't you?" They giggled, her sister nudged her, "Oh yeah, this is my sister Tish, Tish this is Jaime, she was a patient and helped me." Jaime waved at Tish, "So what you gonna do now Jaime?"
Jaime shrugged, "Dunno… just go home I guess, try not to forget anything. You?" Martha grinned,
"Actually it's my brothers party tonight, I'm gonna be stuck in the middle of all the arguments, do you wanna come?" Jaime beamed,
"Alright, why not?"
Martha smiled and handed her a piece of paper, "Great, come to mine and 7:30 and we can head on from there!"
Jaime got to Martha's at 7:30 on the dot and waited outside for her. She was wearing skinny black jeans and a brilliant blue halter neck under her leather jacket (which she only had one arm inside since she couldn't fit her cast in) she wore black platform heels that made her good 10cm taller, which was good because she 5 foot 4 and a bit. Martha came down after only two minutes of waiting wearing blue flare jeans, a purple top and a red leather jacket over it; she also wore little black heels. The girls made their way over to the pub were the birthday was, Jaime muttered to Martha before they went in,
"Say, has your brother got a girlfriend?" Martha laughed.
"Yes Jaime! You're awful! I swear you have to flirt with every man you meet!" Jaime shrugged.
"It's a talent."
"I am not staying here to be insulted!"
Jaime laughed to herself as she watched Martha's dad's orange girlfriend storm out of the party, discretely giving Tish a high-five. Clive, Martha's dad, followed after her along with the rest of the family including Jaime. Clive was trying to fix the problem, u it wasn't going well,
"She didn't mean it sweetheart; she was just saying you look healthy-"
Jaime stopped listening when she noticed the Doctor leaning against the alleyway wall, she ran up to him and hugged him tight, not letting go. She looked up at him,
"Well hello sir!" They grinned at each other. "I do believe you owe me a trip, TimeBoy!"
He laughed, "You're not gonna leave me alone are you?" She shook her head, "Although if you get a trip I do believe a Miss Jones should to!"
Jaime grinned and untangled herself from his arms and turned around waiting for Martha to notice them. It took some more fighting, yelling and screeching (mainly from Annalise) before half the family disappeared back inside and half the family left, leaving Martha standing on her own. She noticed Jaime was missing and spun around, a look of recognition in her eyes when she saw the Doctor. The Doctor and Jaime walked back into the alleyway, Martha following quickly behind. Jaime stood in front of the blue box and waited for Martha to join her seconds later. She paused,
"I went to the moon today." The Doctor smiled slightly,
"Bit more peaceful than down here."
"You never even told me who you are."
The Doctor nodded, "The Doctor."
Martha shook her head, "Yeah but what sort of species? Not every day I get to say that."
Jaime nudged Martha, "Oh I love this bit."
The Doctor didn't notice Jaime and carried on, "Time Lord."
Jaime snorted, Martha grinned, "Not pompous at all then."
All three of them laughed, and the Doctor reached inside his pocket, he pulled out an brand new, identical screwdriver. "I just thought... Since you two saved my life, and I've got a brand new sonic screwdriver which needs road-testing... You might fancy a trip." Jaime grinned. Martha looked astonished,
"What? Into space? But... I can't, I've got exams, I've got things to do, I've got to go into town first thing and pay the rent, and I've got my family going mad-" She pause hearing Tish shouting something at Annalise. "Then again…"
The Doctor smiled, "If it helps… I can also travel in time…"
"Get out of here!"
Jaime shook her head, "He can, he told me!"
"Oh come on Jaime, that's going a bit too far…"
"I'll prove it." With that the Doctor turned and hopped back inside the blue box. A grinding sound emerges from it and in seconds it disappeared, leaving a gaping Jaime and a gobsmacked Martha, she walked up to where it was and touched thin air, before the loud grinding sound was back, the doors opened revealing the Doctor putting his tie back on. He grinned like a manic,
"See… told you." Jaime smirked at Martha,
"Told you he was with me all morning, couldn't get rid of him!" Martha was puzzled,
"No, but... That was this morning, but... Did you just..? Oh my God! You can travel in time! But hold on, if you could see me this morning, why didn't you tell me not to go to work?"
The Doctor looked serious before bursting into another manic grin, "Crossing into established events, strictly forbidden. Except for cheap tricks."
Jaime walked up to the blue box, "And this is her? Your spaceship?"
"It's called the TARDIS. Time And Relative Dimensions In Space." Jaime blinked,
"Woah." Martha snorted,
"Your spaceship is made of wood? But there's not much room, we'd be a bit... intimate."
Jaime looked insulted, "Oi! I thought the dirty innuendos were my thing?"
The Doctor laughed and opened the door, "Take a look." Martha stepped inside; Jaime was about to follow when she came running back out, Martha walked around the whole box in astonishment, muttering, "No, no, no… But it's just a box... But it's huge! How does it do that? It's wood! It's like a box with that room just... crammed in!"
Jaime looked at the Doctor who rolled his eyes, she giggled. Martha stepped back inside,
"It's bigger on the inside!" The Doctor ran inside, followed by Jaime with a face of mock-confusion,
"Is it! Hadn't noticed! Jaime what do you think?"
Jaime was gobsmacked, here she was standing inside this huge room with coral like beam across it, a hat stand was placed conveniently right next to the door which had a ramp leading up to the circular control panel, the console was wrapped around what looked like a huge beam of light. It was –
"Beautiful." Jaime breathed, earning a grin from the Doctor,
"Beautiful eh? That's a new one." Jaime could hear something humming softly in her; she ran her hands over the beams and console, feeling content with tingling on her fingers that the TARDIS was admitting. Martha stood around the console, still a bit shocked.
"...but... Is there a crew? Like, the navigator and stuff, where's everyone else?" The Doctor's smile slipped slightly,
"It's just me."
Martha frowned, "All on your own?"
"Well, sometimes I have... guests. I mean, sort of friends, travelling alongside me. I had, there was, um, recently, friend of mine. Rose, her name was Rose, and, um... We were together, and... anyway." Martha wouldn't let it drop,
"Where is she now?"
"With her family. Happy! She's fine, she's..." He frowned, " Not that you're replacing her! Either of you!" Jaime smirked,
"Wouldn't dream of it TimeBoy."
"Just, one trip. To say thanks, you get one trip, and then back home; I'd rather be on my own." Jaime snorted, Martha grinned cheekily,
"You're the one who kissed me."
The Doctor pointed at her. "That was a genetic transfer." Jaime decided to tease him a little,
"Oh but Doctor, you do insist on wearing those tight suits!"
The Doctor glared at both of them, "No don't."
Martha winked at him, "And then travel all the way across the universe to ask me on a date."
"Stop it." Martha grinned,
"For the record, I'm not remotely interested. I only go for Humans."
Jaime stuck up her hand, "I'm not bothered, if they're cute enough…"
"It's like another Captain Jack…" The Doctor mumbled, not loud enough for the two to hear before he exclaimed, "Now then! Let's have a look!" He bounds about the console, pressing random buttons and hitting things with a mallet. Jaime looked at Martha, she looked deflated, almost disappointed. The Doctor yelled,
"HA! Close down the Gravitic Anomalyser. Fire up the Helmic Regulator. And finally... the handbrake! Ready?" He looked at the two girls. Jaime nodded her head furiously while Martha yelped,
"NO!" The Doctor ignored her and took hold of a lever,
"And off we go!" He slammed it down, the whole room began to shake and jolt, Martha was thrown forwards onto the console while Jaime flew down onto the seats where she clung for her life with her good hand.
"Shit! It's a bit bumpy!" The Doctor mock-frowned at her,
"Language Wilson!" He stuck his hand out to Martha, "Welcome aboard Miss Jones!"
"My pleasure Mr Smith!"
The Doctor pushed buttons and pulled levers, loving the thrill. Jaime grinned. This was the beginning of such an adventure!
WOW! That took a long time! I hope the other chapters are as long as this! I'm trying not to make Jaime a Mary-Sue; she will have bad qualities – not being able to shut up, very sarcastic etc. Reviews welcome! So are flames to be honest!