
Stabbed in the heart by a loved one, forced to move on from said stabber, where does she stand now? Karin, the outcast of ninja everywhere, seen as weak, and can only sense chakra, plenty of people can sense chakra, so what's so special about her? You're about to find out.

The lights in her hospital room were out, and she arose spooked by the ere quietness of her room, used to the loud, and arrogant Suigetsu, The bipolar Jugo, and the ever so lovable, Sasuke Uchiha! Wait! What was she doing? He stabbed her in the heart, literally, and for what? The sake of his dead brother who lied, and manipulated him for years. No, she was better than that, she was going to move on from the past and look forward to the future.

"Um, Miss Karin?" Asked, a nurse in a firm fitting nurses outfit.

"Yes?" Karin replied, with tears down her cheeks do to her new conviction.

"You are now completely healed, and may leave at any time."

"Oh, yes, thank you."

The nurse had left the room and was halfway down the hallway before she realized that she had forgotten something, she hurried back to the room and noticed Karin looking out the window, saying a poem. After a moment, Karin felt the presence of another and turned a little startled.

"Forget something?" She asked with a shade of pink on her cheeks.

"That was beautiful," Whispered the nurse.

"Hm?" Karin asked, the nurse had been whispering.

"Oh, nothing, just that as soon as you leave, Lady Tsunade, requested your presence."

"What does she want with me?" Asked a baffled Karin.

"Go, and find out, I recommend soon, Lady Tsunade isn't one who likes to be kept waiting." The nurse finished as Karin jumped off of the bed, and grab her clothes.

Within a solid 10 minutes Karin was already at the door, leading into Lady Tsunades office, she had to compose herself though, her breath was nearly on edge and she felt as if she were soon going to keel over. She gave her hair a couple of tweaks, she rearranged her glasses, and she patted down her clothes a little bit. After stalling with her clothes fiasco, she entered the room to see a smiling Sakura, and an irritated Tsunade.

"You requested my presence?" Asked, Karin with a shy highlight to her voice.

"Yes, I did actually," answered Tsunade in a dead serious tone.

"What is it?" Karin asked, now completely freaked out.

Tsunade, dropped her serious look and begun smiling, "Your first training session begins tomorrow." Tsunade stated, and kicked Karin out of the door.

'That was one of the creepiest thing I have ever experienced, and I used to work for Orochimaru,' she thought to herself as she began strolling down the Leaf Highway.

On top of the creepiness, Karin was completely confused, what did Tsunade mean by training? Maybe she had Karin mixed up with someone else, or maybe she was just playing, a prank on her, yeah, that was it, just a simple harmless joke. She tried convincing herself, but she knew deep down inside, that if she didn't show up tomorrow that she would be in deep trouble. Now all she had to do was go find a house, luckily she had stocked up on money from doing missions for Orochimaru.

"Lady Tsunade?" Asked Sakura.

"Yes?" Tsunade replied, going through so called "Important documents" As said so by the leafs elders.

"Why exactly are we training her, I mean I don't have anything against her, it's just that…" She said before Tsunade interrupted, with a little bit of malicious comedy.

"That what? She was with Sasuke so long that now you're afraid she is going to take your amazing sensei away from you as well?" Tsunade questioned, with an almighty smirk slapped on her face.

"N-No!" Sakura replied, red with jealousy and anger.

"Then what, my darling?" Asked Tsunade with glee.

"It's just that, she worked with Orochimaru for so long, how we could possibly even trust her? She may be a skilled liar, and could betray us in a heartbeat."

"Even if she did betray us, where exactly would she be going? Look if you really want to know so badly…" She finished with a sigh.

"I do!" Interjected Sakura, with a little to much excitement.

"It's because she needs to be stronger, ever since she had been injured by Sasuke, and abandoned by her family she really had lost all hope, she has had several suicide attempts. I figured out the problem why recently, her mind thinks she's weak, and she shouldn't be allowed to be a live, but her heart although tainted tries to deny such truths, but it loses each time. This is why she always has marks of struggle on her body when she's found in a coma like state, she's arguing with herself constantly, and besides I see true potential within her. Who says she might even be able to grow stronger than you, or even I?"

"That's funny," Sakura stated while giggling, she noticed Tsunade glare at her and she put her hand over her mouth to try and cover her laughter. "I'm sorry it's just that me? I'm one of the strongest female ninjas in this world."

"Under me." Tsunade stated flatly, and began another stack of documents. "Now, I have a task for you as well."

"What?" Sakura asked, finally happy to have a mission after being off from the hospital for so long.

"Keep watch over her, become her best friend, better yet, her big sister."

"I'd love to honestly, but you know that there is someone better suited for this job." Sakura said in a monotone voice.

"You're right." Tsunade stated, "But you're the one assigned to go and give him the message, I'm tired of seeing you anyways." Tsunade said with a smile.

"Fine." Sakura said while laughing out the door.

Karin had just found a simple and plain apartment complex, it seemed perfect for the feeling she felt on the inside. Melancholy, she didn't have any furniture really, and it came with basic furniture already, a sofa, a refrigerator, and the washer and dryer were in the basement for everyone to use.

In all, her home wasn't all that bad, maybe she had found the wrong type of apartment for herself, it was sort of spacious really, it had three bedrooms, and two bathrooms, a dining room and a kitchen, with more than enough space for cooking. Rather than going back out for materials to buy, Karin had just decided to go to looking around the house for things that may or may not need to be complained about. She may be turning a new leaf but that doesn't mean that she can't be a snob every once and a while, does it?

She went about looking through the home, she found that all of the floor boards were free of any creaking noises, the walls were spotless, and whoever was taking care of this apartment had done an amazing job.

She went to her so called bedroom, and went looking through the closet, there a box fell out and scattered papers and pictures everywhere, she was startled and her heart race had begun to pick up rapidly. It wasn't the box mess that had her shook up, it was what was in the box. On a little slip of paper, she saw a name in ink, Karin Uzumaki.