Couples: FrPru, RuGer, EngCan, KoHo and Spamano

Warnings: Yaoi (BoyxBoy), Past Mpreg, Mpreg, OC children, randomness a bound.

Disclaimer: I only own Sun, my KoHo daughter, Elizabeth 'Lizzie', my EngCan daughter, Jeanne, my FrPru daughter and Adan, my Spamano Son.

Everyone was sitting in Lizzie's room, on the second floor of the Williams-Kirkland household, in various beanbag chairs, books scattered across the floor, notes being passed around and stress running high.

It was Finals time.

Engel was really feeling the stress because she did not like her subjects, Sun was trying to help her study, Jeanne and Adan were quizing each other, Nicholas was looking over some notes and Lizzie was doing some calculus problems.

"I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" Engel shouted, causing everyone to look up from what they were doing.

"What are you having problems with?" Sun asked, looking up from their history notes.

"All of it! I don't understand it!" Engel exclaimed and Lizzie excused herself and left the room.

"Alright, we'll play a little game. I'll quiz you and if you get it right, you'll get a surprise, get it wrong and you'll need to answer two questions to get the surprise and so on." Sun explained and took Engel's History notes.

"Bring. It. On."

"Alright, There were many possible names for the new Country, they settled on 'Dominion of Canada' Where did this name come from?"

"The bible!"

"Correct." Sun gave Engel a kiss on the lips and they continued until Lizzie walked back into her room carrying a tray of tea and what looked like Hockey Pucks.

"The tea is safe to drink, Father made scones so I wouldn't touch them." She explained, handing the tea out, then taking the scones and dumping them into a box marked 'Lethal Weapons' and put the box in a drawer.

"What do you do with the scones?" Jeanne asked.

"The ones that don't get tossed at that EVIL cat next door get tossed into a biohazard Bin in our backyard with a lot of fathers food." Lizzie admitted and went back to Calculus.

"Lizzie, no offence, but your dad's scones could be classified as Weapons of Mass Distruction." Jeanne told her.

"I'm soon going to become a weapon of MATH distruction if these Derivitives don't solve themselves." Lizzie stated.

"You're the one who decided to take Calculus."

"I skipped Math 10, so sue me." She stated. They all were getting somewhat frustrated until a demonic yaowling and scratching at her window.

"Why do I feel like I've stepped into a horror movie?" Engel asked.

"Because you have." Lizzie opened the window and started tossing the scones at the cat outside.

"How dare you throw those THINGS at my Precious Fluffy!"

"I'll quit it when you get that monster a leash, or declawed!"

"Never! I would NEVER do that to my Fluffy!"

"Fluffy! Have you seen it? It looks like an overgrown RAT!"

"HOW DARE YOU!" The neighbour shouted, then the insults and cursing started.

Arthur had to come into his daughter's room to pull her away from the window and slammed it shut.

"ELIZABETH VICTORIA WILLIAMS-KIRKLAND!" He shouted and she turned to her friends.

"You guys better run before you see this." Her friends were way ahead of her.

"What were you thinking!"

"Thinking would imply that I was using my brain and besides, that stupid cat started it when it tried to claw my arm off!"


"Anyway. I gotta study for exams tomorrow if that's cool with you father."

"Alright poppet." Arthur left the room.

Five days later the group was leaving their school for the summer.

"Anyone up for traveling?" Sun asked, they all looked at her.

"Where would we go?" Nicholas asked.

"What about California?" Lizzie asked.

"Awesome! California! I got some..celeberties I wanna punch!" Engel exclaimed and everyone joked about if she ended up in jail they weren't bailing her out.

"How would we get there?" Adan asked.

"My parents, my dad, rented me an RV for the summer. All we need is someone to drive it." Sun explained, messing with her hair.

"I got my driver's licence. My parents might want me to bring Misha, they're headed to Moscow." Nicholas explained.

"My parents are gonna go visit grandmummy in England and were planning on leaving me home alone...but I probably would have burned the house down." Lizzie explained.

"I think Appa and mummy were headed to Korea to visit my grandparents since every time they bring up summer, mummy breaks something and starts cursing in Chinese." Sun explained.

"I think papa and mutti were gonna go to France then drive to Germany." Jeanne explained and they all turn to Adan.

"Mamma and papi were taking my sisters to Spain." He explained.

"Okay, let's head home and talk to them." Lizzie told the others and they broke for home.