Phoenix Wright and Pearl Fey sat next to each other on the cold, hard bench, waiting for Maya to appear.

"Has it been two hours yet?" Pearl asked.

Phoenix checked his watch. "Almost."

The two of them were in Fey Manor. It was the day of Maya's final exam—the last test she had to take before she officially became the Master of Kurain Village.

Phoenix was slightly disappointed that Maya decided to become Master of Kurain instead of staying on as his legal assistant—as crazy as she was, he'd become fond of having her around. However, it was her decision to make and he didn't hold any grudges, which is why he had come along with Pearl to show his support.

"This is so boring," Pearl complained.

"I know," Phoenix agreed.

Maya had forgotten to mention that nobody but her was allowed inside the Channeling Chamber where the test was taking place. Which meant that Phoenix and Pearl had nothing to do during the exam but sit around for two hours, waiting for her to finish.

The test had something to do with Maya summoning a spirit while still retaining her own individual consciousness. This would allow her "to create and instill a physical manifestation of the spirit", according to the instructions. Phoenix wasn't sure what that meant.

"Boring boring boring!" Pearl sang to herself.

Phoenix's watch beeped, as it did every hour, on the hour.

"It's been two hours," Phoenix announced. "Maya should be done now."

"Yay!" Pearl cheered. "Did she do it right?"

"I don't know yet," Phoenix said.

He opened the door to the Channeling Chamber and stepped in. "Maya?"

Inside the room was an incredibly strange sight. Maya was glowing purple, and in front of her was a mirror that was also glowing purple. As soon as Phoenix spoke, her eyes snapped open.

Phoenix shuddered—her pupils were completely blank. She opened her mouth, and two voices came out at the same time.

"Nick! No! I'm not done yet!"

"Phoenix! Don't interrupt—!"

Was that Mia's voice? Phoenix wondered. In any case, it was obvious he was interrupting, so he had best leave...



Two screams from one throat.

A flash of purple filled Phoenix's vision as he was thrown headfirst against the door.

When Phoenix woke up, he was lying in bed.

"Mystic Maya!" Pearl cried. "Are you okay?"

Phoenix tried sitting up, but his head hurt too much. "Did you just call me 'Maya'?" he asked.

"Oh no! She's not okay!" Pearl said.

"Just lie down, Maya" Mia advised. "Don't overexert yourself."

"Me, Mia?" Phoenix blurted out. He immediately winced after hearing himself speak. His voice sounded awful.

But unless Phoenix was wrong, which was definitely a possibility, Mia was standing there in front of him. Not Maya or Pearl channeling Mia. It was Mia herself, looking as if she had never died.

"She remembers you!" Pearl said happily. "Do you remember me, Mystic Maya?"

"Why do you keep calling me 'Maya'?" Phoenix asked. "I'm Phoenix, not Maya!"

Pearl gasped. "Mr. Nick?"

Mia paled. "This...isn't good."

"What's going on?" Phoenix demanded.

Pearl held up a small, handheld mirror. Phoenix recognized it as the mirror that was on the floor in front of Maya when...

Wait a minute.

That was not his reflection in the mirror.

"AAAAAA!" Phoenix screamed. A very high-pitched scream.

Phoenix looked at his hands. They were not their normal size.

"I'm in Maya's body?" Phoenix screamed.

"What happened? Where's my body?" Phoenix demanded.

"There," Mia said, pointing.

It was him. Or rather, his body, asleep in the next bed. His nose scrunched up.

"Nick, stop screaming," Maya said, sleepily. "I'm trying to sleep."

She turned onto her side, her back facing him. Or rather, his back facing her, because...ah, this body-switching thing was getting confusing already.

"Mystic Maya's awake," Pearl said.

"I must be sleeping," Phoenix moaned. "A nightmare."

He ran his hands over his new body. If this was a nightmare, it was a pretty realistic one.

He felt the back of his head. No spikes. Just...a top knot.

"Maya, wake up," Mia said. "It's me, Mia."

"Mia?" Maya asked. There was a few seconds of silence, then she bolted upright.

"Mia! The channeling! You—Phoenix—what happened?"

"Phoenix messed up the channeling," Mia said. "I didn't go in the mirror."

"Oh, Sis! I'm so sorry!" Maya apologized. "Now you're stuck! I thought I would be able to—!"

Mia shook her head. "Don't worry about it, Maya. There are more important things for you to worry about."

"What?" Maya asked.

Mia pointed at Phoenix.

"I...think we switched bodies somehow," Phoenix said.

"AAAAAAAAAA!' Maya screamed.

It took a few hours before Phoenix was convinced that this was not just a crazy dream.

"This is a disaster!" Phoenix moaned. "I'm supposed to appear in court tomorrow!"

"It's kind of romantic," Pearl said. "Switching bodies with your special someone."

Phoenix spun around to face Pearl. "Maya is not my—hey!"

Spinning around so quickly had caused Maya's long hair to swing around his head, and it got in his face.

"Maya, your hair is ridiculous!" Phoenix complained.

"Look who's talking, Mr. Porcupine," Maya said. She squirmed uncomfortably. "How do you wear this suit all the time? It's so tight!"

"At least my clothes fit!" Phoenix retorted. "These robes are so weird! They're so loose that"

Phoenix grabbed his chest and adjusted himself.

"You keep your hands off of those, you pervert!" Maya shouted.

Mia rolled her eyes. You'd think it'd be a big deal that Mia's summoning was botched and she was now existing in a weird half-ghost state, but nobody had even noticed her. Maya and Phoenix were too busy fighting to pay attention to anyone but themselves.

"They're acting like little children," Mia told Pearl.

Pearl was shocked by the scene. Watching Maya and Phoenix fight felt really wrong to her. "Should we...leave?" she asked tentatively.

"Sure," Mia said. "Let's see if there's anything to eat. Maybe when we're done, they'll be finished arguing."

"'re Mystic Maya's sister?" Pearl asked. She hadn't seen Mia in about two years, and had forgotten some of the details about how she fit into the family.

"Yes," Mia nodded. "That makes us cousins."

"How do you know Mr. Nick?" she asked.

Mia poked at an apple uselessly. It turned out that she couldn't eat anything in her new half-existence. "Hmm? Oh. I was his boss before I died."

"I think Mr. Nick is Mystic Maya's special someone," Pearl said confidentially.

Mia laughed.

"What's so funny?" Pearl asked.

"Maya and Phoenix?" Mia laughed. "Isn't she a little too...immature for him?"

"No, she's not!" Pearl insisted. (Pearl wasn't sure what "immature" meant, but that didn't matter to her.) "They love each other, and they're going to get married! They just don't know it yet!"

"Really? Well, I think she's too young for him. He'd be better off with someone older, like me."

Pearl gasped. "You're—you—you better not try to come between Mr. Nick and Mystic Maya!" she said.

Mia smiled. "Don't worry, Pearl. I won't try to make a move on Phoenix. Not as long as he's in my sister's body—that'd be kind of gross."

"Good," Pearl said. "Do you think they can get back to normal again?"

"I'm not sure," Mia said. "I haven't heard of anything like this happening before. Hopefully, all we need to do is have Maya try the ceremony again, and..."

Mia stopped suddenly. "Oh no."


"Maya's not in her body anymore," Mia said. "She can't try the ceremony again."

"She can't?"

"You know that only girls can perform the Kurain channeling technique," Mia said. "As long as Maya's in a boy's body, she can't do anything."

Pearl was sad to hear this news. "Then...what do we do?"

"I don't know, but I sure hope Phoenix knows advanced summoning techniques."

As it turned out, Phoenix did not know advanced channeling techniques. Neither did Pearl. Mia was somewhat good at channeling (she hadn't done it in years), but being half-ghost, she couldn't do any channeling at all.

"So what do we do?" Phoenix asked.

"Training!" Mia said. "I'll train you, and Maya will train Pearl. Hopefully one of you will learn what to do relatively quickly."

"Maya, how long did it take you to learn...whatever it is you did today?"

"About six months," Maya said.

"Six months?"

"It was my final exam," Maya said. "Not just anybody can be Master of Kurain, you know."

"No no no!" Phoenix said, bouncing up and down. Being in Maya's body was like being on a permanent sugar rush. "I'm not going to be Maya for six months! I have to be in court tomorrow, remember? I'm defending Larry!"