AN:/ Hey guys, I'm back! Thanks for all the reviews, and some big questions are going to be revealed and answered here. So Please review and enjoy! And thank you for the person who told me about the disclaimer!
AND sorry for the late update!
4k! Longest chapter yet!
I do not own Percy Jackson series or any characters in my story
Hestia's POV
Have you ever had the feeling where you just can't sleep? You could count to 1,000 sheep, and yet you know Morpheus is not going to let you have those sweet dreams tonight.
Hestia turned over onto her stomach and slammed her red pillow over her head in order to silence the cuckoo clock that somehow magically appeared as soon as she tried to fall asleep. She really needed to think twice before angering Odyne.
Hestia sighed, and turned over once again on to her back, arms spread out starfish style. She looked around her room, dark brown comporting walls, soft red carpet that flickered like a low flame, and a somehow magically appeared rainbow colored cuckoo clock with an actual singing cuckoo bird, who just wouldn't shut up! She sighed and got out her "bed," which was actually a giant size hearth that she slept in…it was almost like a natural blanket heater.
She sighed and put on her crane slippers and started aimlessly walking to the gold and white trimmed curved balcony. Her red knee nightgown swishing around her, just like her probably bed head hair was doing now.
She groaned and gripped the railing tightly, her thoughts everywhere, Zeus finding her, her baby, and that mysterious but almost unknown presence while she was having her conversation with Poseidon.
Mostly though she was worried for her baby. He was starting training tomorrow, and Poseidon knows Odyne will probably train Perseus hard, even if its only powers. And Selene, poor naïve but sweet Selene… well she's not the most graceful person on this planet. On a hunt, sure, she's like a swan, but in regular life… dang that girl trips over her two feet more than anybody else. And her sweet Perseus, why would he lie to her? She was his mother, and she had thought she taught him well. Now that she thought about it though, she never did outright tell him he that couldn't lie…
Her mind started working a mile a minute. "Oh gods," she thought, "I'm a terrible mother." Her breathing started getting heavier, and her heart was flying like a racehorse.
"Hi-yaw Tia, whatcher doing up so late, isn't it past your bedtime?" taunted the random voice behind her.
Hestia screamed and jumped back, her heart about to fall out of her chest, but… she was okay...once she saw the playful silver eyes staring into her's and she could hear laughing coming from said person.
She sighed then asked "On the contrary, isn't it your bedtime?" Hestia then got a confused look on her face, her lips pursing in thought.
"Alright let me rephrase that so I actually sound like an adult, one… what are you doing up so late, and two… why the Hades are you on MY balcony!"
Selene danced around the small balcony. "I'm the moon goddess, it's my job to patrol the night sky. And no… it is not too late, because I am a goddess, and a respected adult figure.
Hestia snorted a very un-lady-like snort then exclaimed, "Respected adult? Ha! You still watch Phineas and Ferb, and don't try to deny it! And I'm pretty sure you have a stuffed bear somewhere in your room that you name Moonie!
Selene shot back, gripping the railing tightly, and gasped very dramatically, "Phineas and Ferb is an educational and well respectful show that teaches people life lessons on creativity and wisdom." "And besides you haven't answered my question yet which is, why are you out so late?"
"And you haven't answered my question on why the Hades YOU ARE STANDING ON MY BALCONY!" replied Hestia.
Selene groaned and then answered really fast, "Fine, I'm the moon titan, so I can literally see you and track you if you're under the moonlight. Plus that cuckoo clock was really loud, and I wanted to turn it off!"
Selene took a deep breath, and then started again. "So now your turn, on why you're up so late, and don't give me that mumbo jumbo on how "you were thirsty", or you wanted to enjoy my piece of art or whatnot. As she was saying this she gestured to the night sky.
Hestia quietly laughed, "Just some things on my mind, Sel."
"Like?" Selene questioned.
Hestia quickly got frustrated, and her built up mask started crumbling down, letting the moon titan see all the pain and stress she was going through.
"Well I don't know, how about… hmmm… OH Yeah! HOW MY BABY IS GOING TO TURN OUT? I'm worried that Odyne is going to drive him to death in training; you know her fatal flaw is revenge! I'm worried that I didn't raise Percy right, now that he's lying to me, and I'm frickin worried if Zeus is gonna frickin destroy him once he realizes Percy is super powerful! And heck, I don't even know if the boy is immortal or not!
Selene raised her eyebrows, and her hands went up into a surrender position. "Woah girl calm down, where's the cool and collected Hestia I know and love.
"She left as soon as she figured out that the two most powerful maiden goddess blessed her first child, and she doesn't know what to expect," Hestia stated drily.
Somebody snorted from the inside her room, and she whirled around to see a smirking Odyne leaning against the dreaded cuckoo clock. "I actually like this new Hestia, Selene."
Hestia shook her head in a not-really-shocked kind of way, "Let me guess, this crazy dang cuckoo clock has a portal in it and you heard the entire conversation?"
"Yep," said Odyne raising her eyebrows quick, a prominent smirk still gracing her now normal colored face.
"Of course you did," moaned Hestia, giving up on trying to understand her friends mind and powers.
"But really Hestia you don't have to worry, Perseus will turn out fine… he's probably just going through a phase. I bet you were a little crazy when you were two, and besides the kid adores you, I bet he only lied because he didn't want to disappoint you."
"Yeah" stated Selene but she was interrupted by a little sniffle.
They all turned around to see adorable chubby cheeks two year old, with beautiful green flamed eyes, pop out from under Hestia's hearth. Than faster than most two year olds could do for their age, Percy raced over and latched ahold of Hestia's legs.
"I'm sorry Mommy, I never meant to lie to you, and I just didn't want to see you disappointed in me. And they wanted to give me a bath, but water is scary!" pleaded Percy, speaking faster and faster as he went along, getting more agitated as he talked.
Perseus looked up into her eyes, and Hestia could see that he meant it with all his heart, and that he wasn't lying this time. She let her eyes burst into flames like her son.
"Shh my sweet and I do understand how water could frighten you. It is fire's natural enemy, it can be scary but yet I know in my heart it cannot hurt us. We cannot hurt other people for our own cowardly actions; we must face our fears and accept the truth. That is what a true warrior does. Do you remember what I told you about true warriors?"
"A true warrior will risk his life to save his friends, and no fear will ever outlaw this," whispered Percy, head held high, his tan skin and dark as night hair glowing in the moonlight.
"And what did you do?" asked Hestia.
"I risked my family's life for my own fears, I'm sorry mommy, it seems when my emotions act up, my powers start to act up as well, I'll try to control them better!" declared Percy, who now looked deep in thought.
Hestia's face lit up with pride, "Only two, and yet you understand so much!"
"It might have been because I told him all that," stated Odyne and Selene who were now lying lazily over the burgundy red couch on the sidewall.
Percy shook his head, " Nu-huh you said…"
Odyne quickly cut him off, "Yeah, yeah, you know what, I think you better get some sleep champ, you got a big day ahead of you!"
Percy tilted his head to the side with a confused look on his face, almost bumping his head into her shoulder, and replied "Yes I know training, but ahead of me… I don't see training… I only see a night sky, and that male and lady squirrel wrestling!"
Hestia, Selene and Odyne both turned their heads to see what it was, and being Odyne goddess of senses, she was the only one that could see the squirrels… "Wrestling."
"Hey Odyne where are they, I can't see them," asked Selene, straining her head to look.
Hestia quickly caught up on what the squirrels were doing and swiftly turned her back on the night sky. "Yes Percy they are wrestling, wait, how did you see that, it's really far away, and wait how did you get in here?"
Percy blushed at everybody's stare. "I just saw it…can't you?"
Odyne nodded in comprehension, her face lighting up with surprise, then said excitedly "Sister, I believe since I am the goddess of senses, he, as my first child I have ever blessed, has shaper senses than most. He probably has the sight of an eagle! He probably can hear like a dolphin, he can probably run fast as a cheetah!"
Odyne picked Percy up and twirled him around, before finally setting him back into Hestia's waiting arms. "Of course, he gets his best powers from me, and to think, I haven't even started training him yet!" bragged Odyne arrogantly.
Percy furrowed his eyebrows, it appeared he didn't like the way Odyne was acting, "Yeah but I traveled by moon to get here."
Hestia looked down in shock, eyes ablaze with blue fire, "What did you say?"
Selene smiled warmly, "He said he moon traveled Tia, its like teleportation but instead the basks of moonlight almost cocoons your body and it travels you anyplace you want to go! Though you can only use this to travel at night…."
"See Dyne, everybody is now cool!" beamed Percy, eyes wide open, him playing up the innocent child bit.
Odyne growled and started mumbling about how Selene was too cocky and arrogant, and how she needed an "attitude adjustment."
Selene raised her eyebrows in surprise, and then taunted in her really bad imitation of Odyne voice "You're calling me cocky? Look at you Miss he's got his awesome powers from me, and I'm just fantablous!"
Odyne growled like a wolf. "Alright that's it!" Odyne charged Selene head on, and there they went tumbling off the balcony, and down to gods know where.
Percy lunged forward with his little hands and yelled desperately, "Selene! Dyne! Mommy, we got to save them!"
Hestia shook her head amusedly. Percy whipped his head around, eyes flashing from flames, to silver, to pitch black like a turntable. "Why are you laughing, they could be dead?" screamed Percy, frantically still trying to get out of Hestia's arms.
Hestia laughed silently again, "Honey their fine, trust me, use that "halk hearing" as Dyne called it…. truly listen."
Percy titled his right ear up, and if it weren't such a tense situation, well for him, not for her, she would have laughed and teased him for looking exactly like his aunt. He soon blushed, a red tomato color covering his face.
"At first, I heard a thump, then Dyne called Selene some potty words, and now… well I don't really want to say what Selene is doing now to Odyne, but let me just say it involves a wild…. wait… is that a boar?" asked Percy curiously.
"I don't know sweetheart, you're the one with the sharp senses not me!" laughed Hestia, looking up into the night sky that was clear of clouds, and looked as if every star was out today just for her and her family.
Percy smiled softly and yawned, "Yep… I think I'm going to go to bed… again."
Hestia nodded, her red soft air swishing around her, "Alright sweetie, moon travel your way back, and go straight to bed got it?"
Percy kissed her cheek, and then squiggled out of Hestia's arms. He quickly closed his eyes and a soft golden, silver glow started to envelop him, moon beams coming down in a criss cross pattern. It started closing him off from her, the moonbeams covering every inch of his skin, until suddenly he was gone.
She smiled and thought; sleep tight my young one, sleep tight. She walked back to her hearth, knowing that she might get some sleep after all.
Four years passed
You may begin
Those three words started a battle that would make Artemis look like the clumsiest person in the world. Hestia didn't dare take her eyes off the battle, her red hair tied in a ponytail, as to not have anything interfere with her eyesight. She shook her head; her inner thoughts were taking away from the epic battle in front of her.
There was a girl around the age of 16, with her now black hair pulled back, a glisten of sweat on her forehead, her eyes pursed in concentration. She was wielding a double bladed ax, made from the base of Mount Ida. Hestia knew one hit from that blade could sever a persons arm from its socket. She twirled it with grace, and her moves were precise and sharp. Though the main focus of the battle that Hestia's eyes kept traveling to was the young boy.
He was tall for his age, and had a muscled build, fitter than most in his age group. He had black as midnight hair that looked like it just had gone through a wind tunnel. His eyes had black flames in it, making him look menacing and tough. His facial features were prominent, and he was wearing a simple black hoodie, with the hood up and baggy dark sweatpants. He was handsome in a childish way. He was wielding duel swords that looked sharp and deadly. One was red and curved with multi-holes in them, as if to pry out the other person's weapon, while the other was a blue, long handled ax, which he was swinging in a circular motion beside him.
Both of them were circling each other, as if they were stalking its prey. Suddenly the older girl lunged forward, swinging her ax in a downward motion towards his head. The boy did a flip to get out of the way then went on the offense, swinging his blades, now changed to a black curved one, and a grey thin sword.
He swung him in a criss cross pattern in front of him then turned and jumped swooping one of his swords down at the girls feet while the other going straight towards the girls heart. If the girl had not have been fast on her feet and literally dropped on the ground, she'd be in pieces scattered around the floor. The boy, with incredible grace, immediately side flipped out of the way from the sword that stabbed upwards from the girl on the floor. He then scampered back, as if waiting for his opponent to stand up and fight.
The girl stood up, her eyes narrowed then quickly as a whistle threw 6 short hunting knifes directly at the boys head. Un-suspected by the boy, he charged forward instead of ducking swinging his blades like clockwork, deflecting each one. The girl quickly got over the shock and pulled out a dark stygian iron blade.
She attempted to lunge at the boy expertly maneuvering around her, but him knowing the swords path, knocked the motion of out the way with a well-placed kick of his foot. He then swiftly pulled out two a purple blade and lunging for the un-defended heart of the girl who was on the ground, her eyes widening as she saw the swinging blade coming towards her.
She suddenly appeared behind the boy, sword at neck, the girl and boy puffing and huffing.
"No fair Dyne, you said no powers, and that includes teleporting," panted out Percy who was now flopped on the ground, arms spread like a starfish.
"No, I said no using fancy powers, teleportation is not fancy!" argued the pain goddess, who somehow managed to conjure up a miniature kiddie pool, and was now lazing in it, her weapons all scattered about the training center.
" But…" started Percy.
"Percy enough, remember a true warrior excepts that they're opponent bested them. True warriors come back when they have practiced and trained and have become well. True warriors come back with determination in their eyes, and their readiness to try again," announced Hestia wisely.
Percy looked down in shame, "I'm sorry mother, and I'm truly sorry Odyne, please forgive me." He then started going around the white bubble dome training room and started hanging up all of Odyne's various weapons and armor that were scattered along the floor.
Selene suddenly appeared right in front of Hestia, then looked at her baby boy then turned to Hestia, "Why is he picking up Dyne's weapons?"
"Because I committed a wrong against a maiden and I must repay her," called out Percy, sounding older than what he was, but anybody could tell he wasn't truly listening, as he was focusing only on the task at hand.
Selene turned her head around to face Hestia with a disbelief look on her face. "I've raised Perce for over 6 years, and I still can't get over the fact that he can hear you even if you're 13 miles away! Man. Odyne has some cool powers, but don't tell her I said that!"
"Thanks Sel, really means a lot," said Odyne, still lounging in the kiddie pool, with her clothes still on!
Selene leaned in with a scared look on her face, How'd she hear that!"
Odyne rolled her eyes, "Really Sel? I blessed Percy, where do you think he got his powers from… Jay Leno?"
It was not Selene's turn to roll her eyes, "Freak."
"Hey! That's it," stated Odyne, stating to get up as if she wanted to start a fight right then, but a calming warm voice slowed her down.
" Please don't fight guys, you know I hate it when my family fights, and besides Selene, apologize that wasn't nice, a true person lets his skills show there worth not there mouth, and Odyne, please calm down," pleaded Percy, his arms carrying multiple weapons.
Odyne's glare at Selene softened, and then turned to Percy and smiled a very rare smile at Percy, "Alright, just because it's you, I'll let it be, but Selene you have 6 seconds to leave this room… 1…3..."
Selene suddenly shot out of the room, dragging Hestia's arm with her. She suddenly tripped over something on the floor bring her sprawling, and Hestia, since she was attached in Selene's death grip, to the soft carpeted floor.
"Ugh Selene what was that for, I wanted to watch Percy some more," pointed out Hestia, her loose jeans, and flowy red shirt making her look like an regular mom going to her child's sporting event.
"I know, I just didn't want to be alone, the cave's not scary now, with all the interior decorating you did, but still," said Selene slowly.
Hestia looked at her, head tilted, eyebrows raised, and said in a knowing but amused voice, "You just want to gossip about my son, don't ya?"
"Yes, and no, I just have a few questions…" responded Selene warily.
Hestia shook her head in amusement, "What is this, an interview?"
"No, its just that I haven't really trained with him yet, because Odyne called him first…" said Selene.
"What… now my son is something that can be called, like property?" acted Hestia, with a mock enraged face on.
"No, I didn't mean it like that!" backtracked Selene, her dark hair with silver ribbons braided through it, swinging around in its side braid as she tried to restate what she just said.
Hestia laughed softly, "Sel, I'm kidding, ask me your questions."
"Alright is he immortal? Like I'm really confused on how this whole born from the hearth thing works?" asked Selene.
Hestia eyebrows furrowed, of course Selene asked a question like this.
"Honestly I'm not sure, I've been doing some research and I believe he is a mixed blood. You see, I have been watching Odyne's training sessions, and when she first hit him with that horrid blade, he did not bleed ichor… Yet he has a very faint soft golden glow around him that only immortals have. I believe he will turn immortal… one day. My theory is that his body will change to immortality when his body can accommodate all his powers," thought Hestia, chewing her lip and walking down, pace by pace down the long hallway to the kitchen.
" Hmm… interesting theory Tia, but what about his powers, he's only six yet he shows immense power for one so young?" asked Selene.
"That I know, Selene, alright how many children have you had and how many have Odyne had?" asked Hestia.
" None on both accounts, but what does that have to do with anything?" asked Selene.
"You see, whenever an immortal being has there first child that child will be immensely powerful, look at Gaea, the first child of Uranus and Rhea, questionably one of the most powerful immortal beings in the world. When you and Dyne blessed Percy I believe your powers were transferred as if it was your first child. Add that to my actual first child, and you have the makings of a very strong and powerful demigod, if he even is that," stated Hestia.
Selene hand suddenly shot out grabbing Hestia out of her rambling thoughts, "If he's powerful, wouldn't somebody want to get him, I mean like, we haven't had any monster attacks… none!" stated Odyne worriedly.
"Sel, don't worry, we have Odyne, we have one of the most powerful titans in the world, at this Selene blushed, and you have me. I may not be much, but I have an determination to keep my son alive, and nobody can break that hold," stated Hestia strongly.
Selene smiled warmly, " Girl you how much I love you right? You know what, you deserve some cookies after that speech.
Hestia smiled lightly, "Ones that I have to bake."
"Yep" stated Selene chirpily, pushing Hestia into the nearby kitchen, but having a hard time because her muscles were failing her from laughing hard.
It was a cold dark room, filled with screams of pain and misery.
"Master, the boy grows stronger, he will make a valuable pawn for our side," said the un-named voice, pointing to the mirror which showed Percy still picking up Odyne's weapons and which at first looked like Odyne was just lounging but if a person looked closely you could tell she was watching over him.
A cold dark skin hand reached from the dark throne in the middle and in an instant a cold shape curved short knife was lodged in between the un-named hand.
"You will not do anything foolish, let the boy train… I like a good challenge, when he is released into the mortal world, which I am sure will happen, we will wait like a cobra, and then when the time is ready we will strike. Right now he is surrounded by powerful foes, and they all have the deadliest thing besides fear in there hearts… hope," said the Master disgusted at some parts, menacingly amused at other.
"Yes master, but I still believe we should strike a little bit earlier, Poseidon seems to be close to figuring out where the boy is, and if he joins in on the defense of the target, he will be almost impossible to get," quivered the un-named person.
A cold, menacing laugh came from the throne, and if possible the screams became louder, " How silly, and stupid you are, Poseidon is just another tool in my game, and when this all ends, I will be the king, and the Olympians will grovel and crumble underneath me!"
Woah that came out longer than I thought! Please review; please I really want to make 100! And please vote in my poll! Oh I'm going to start a competition. Whoever reviews has a chance of deciding crucial decisions in the story, each chapter; I will randomly pick a person that reviewed that chapter! If you're anonymous I'll announce your winning next chapter, you can review your email, I'll delete your review so nobody else can see it, them PM you the deets! So far the votes have counted, and these are the pairings I have accepted…
Percy/Aphrodite = 3
Percy/Zoe= 6
Percy/Katie Gardener= 3
Percy/Calaypso= 3
Percy/Bianca= 4
Percy/Nyssa= 2
Please review, longest chapter yet! Hayley***