All recognizable characters, setting, etc. are the property of their respective owners. All original characters and plots are the property of the author. No copyright infringement is intended.

A Trip Full of Trouble


All Adam Cartwright wanted to do was just sit back and relax and possibly sleep on the stage until he got home. He had finished up with his business in Reno and was exhausted to be sure. He couldn't wait to get back to the ranch and his own bed. Even Joe's teasing sounded good right about now. But the one thing that made him smile was the thought of getting home to sweep his fiancée into his arms and kiss her until she was breathless. Of course you know how the best-laid plans don't always go the way we want them to, and getting home for that kiss may take a little longer than planned. Because this stagecoach ride was definitely not going to make its schedule and was going to turn out to be one that Adam would remember for a long time to come!

Adam had a bad feeling about just how much sleep he might be getting when he saw the little darling while he was waiting in the stage office. Actually, he heard her whining long before he saw her. And if he had known what was in store for him on this ride home—he would have gladly waited for the next stage!

Sitting in a chair with his hat over his face, Adam was trying to get a little sleep before the stage left for Virginia City when he heard what was to be the first of many high pitched whines that would plague his dreams for many a night to come.

"I don't want to ride this dirty, old stagecoach. I thought you said my father was going to pick us up here. Why does he want us to meet him in Virginia City anyway? There are only riffraff that ride these smelly stages, and I won't sit next to some stinky cowboy all the way to Virginia City!"

Fifteen year old Rebecca Louise Sullivan stomped her foot and crossed her arms adding a little more dramatics to her statement.

"Miss Langford, you really must do something about this at once, do you hear me? I will not do this and no amount of talking will change my mind!"

Miss Langford was a small, elderly woman with slightly graying hair and little spectacles that perched on the end of her nose. She wore her hair in a tight bun on the top of her head, which made her look all prim and proper. But if a person looked closely, they would see the sparkle that was in her bright blue eyes that held a note of mischievousness.

"Now, Miss Rebecca, you really must do what your father has instructed us to do. I am not sure why the plans have changed, but he was most adamant about meeting him in Virginia City and taking the stagecoach to get there."

"Very well, but I will be miserable the whole time I am on this horrid stagecoach, and I won't be nice to anyone that tries to talk to me either!"

Rebecca turned quickly and started to head for the bench to sit down without looking where she was going. As she did, her foot caught the edge of Adam's boot and down she went in a pool of petticoats.

After having his foot stepped on, Adam immediately jumped up and looked down at the beautiful young girl that was sitting at his feet frowning with her arms crossed in front of her. She was a lovely, young girl with long auburn hair and bright blue eyes. But the frown that was on her face certainly didn't make her look lovely at the moment.

"Miss, are you all right? I am so sorry you tripped over my foot. May I help you up?"

Rebecca looked up at Adam with contempt in her eyes. "You stupid, careless cowboy, can't you watch what you are doing with your big feet? I could have been seriously injured!"

Lifting his brow in amusement Adam remarked, "I really don't think you were in danger of any serious injuries, miss. Let me help you up."

Rebecca slapped his hand away as she looked over at her nanny.

"Miss Langford, you will assist me at once. How much longer must I sit here before you see to my needs?"

Adam pulled his hand away and muttered sarcastically under his breath, "I wish I could see to your needs, young lady. You can bet if I did, you wouldn't be sitting too comfortably on this dirty, old stagecoach."

As Adam turned to walk back to his seat, Miss Langford hurried over and smiled at Adam as she held out her hand.

"How do you do, sir? My name is Miss Marietta Langford and I thank you for offering to help Miss Rebecca. Shame on you now, Miss Rebecca. The kind gentleman was only offering his assistance. You were being very rude."

Miss Langford walked back over to her angry charge and reached down and helped Rebecca up as she smoothed down her skirts all around her.

"Helpful, he is the reason I fell in the first place! Hmmph!"

Rebecca turned and walked over and sat down on the bench with a heavy sigh. She started impatiently tapping her foot waiting for her nanny to join her.

Adam tipped his hat to Miss Langford as he gave her one of his dimpled smiles.


"Thank you for you kindness, sir. I do apologize for Miss Rebecca's rudeness."

"Don't you think she should be the one that is doing the apologizing, not you?"

Miss Langford smiled and her eyes twinkled as she said, "Oh no, Miss Rebecca never apologizes for anything."

Adam smiled politely but his voice held a trace of sarcasm.

"Really? Good thing I am not the one in charge of her then. She would be apologizing for her rudeness for sure, right after I took care of her…needs!" Adam cleared his throat and smiled.

"Well ma'am, if you will excuse me?"

Adam tipped his hat once again and went back over and took his seat. This is going to be a very long ride for certain he thought, as he placed his hat back down over his face and leaned back in the chair.


The stagecoach was making good time as it moved along at a steady pace. Adam had been trying to sleep, but had given up long ago after the stage seemed to hit every rut in the road that kept bouncing him awake. So for now he was passing the time glancing around at the rest of the passengers that had joined him on this dusty journey home.

Sitting across from him was the heavyset gentleman that said he was a button salesman hoping to sell his buttons in Virginia City. And next to him sat a sweet young couple that had told him they were recently married and on their way to Virginia City for their honeymoon. And finally of course, there was dear, sweet, annoying Rebecca Louise Sullivan and her devoted nanny. We can't forget sweet Becky…if only I could thought Adam, as he grinned to himself. She had been whining since the stage left the station. First it was too dusty, then it was too bumpy. It seemed to be one thing or the other with this young girl. Adam had tried his best to ignore her whining, but her voice had a way of grating on one's nerves no matter how much you tried to ignore her.

Adam was just about to tell her to stop her constant whining for the sake of his sanity, when the stage hit a deep rut in the road and started tipping back and forth precariously. The severity of the swaying was bad enough to make even Rebecca quit her whining—for the moment. That is until she started shouting at the top of her lungs!

"What is happening, Miss Langford? You must do something before we all die in this retched stagecoach! Oh, I don't want to die! I am much too young and too pretty to die in a dirty, old stagecoach!"

Adam let out a long exasperated sigh as he reached over and grabbed Rebecca's shoulders and shook her gently—then he said sternly, "Stop this shouting for heaven sakes, or you very well may die in this smelly, old stagecoach… because someone on this stage may strangle you! Everything is fine, young lady. The stage has already righted itself so you can calm down now and stop shouting."

Rebecca's eyes got as big as saucers as she pulled her arms back to her sides. Then she quickly brushed at her arms where Adam's hands had been and looked at him furiously as she exclaimed, "Well, I have never been so insulted in all my life. How dare you speak to me this way! My father would never allow anyone to speak to me in that fashion. You just wait until I tell my father how you have spoken to me!"

One of Adam's dark eyebrows rose and a smirk appeared on his handsome face as he leaned in towards her, "I can hardly wait, little girl."

Rebecca sat back and crossed her arms in front of her as she stuck out her tongue at Adam. Then she quickly turned and started looking out the window. Miss Langford stifled a laugh behind her gloved hand and her blue eyes twinkled as she looked over at Adam. Adam noticed her laugh and gave her a playful wink as he put his hat back over his eyes, hoping to try and sleep away the rest of this dreadful trip.

But the fates were not on Adam's side and would have none of that, as suddenly a round of gunshots rang out and the stage was pulled to a sudden halt!



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