She's So High

By: Midnight Maiden

Disclaimer: T.P. owns all characters.

A footman at the castle of Duke Vedris IV opened the main entrance to reveal two disheveled teenage faces. Raising an eyebrow he asked, "Is there something that we can do for you?" His look traveled straight down his nose.

Briar watched with admiration as Sandry's entire demeanor changed as she acquired her rarely utilized noble entitlement. She stepped forward, and even though she was a great bit shorter, she spoke down to the footman. "I am Sandraline fa Toren, and I am here to see my great-uncle Duke Vedris."

The man's face paled as he scuttled off. "Yes my lady, right away."

Another servant showed the two to a comfortable sitting room. As propriety required Briar and Sandry sat on separate couches. With little wait at all, the Duke appeared. Sandry jumped up to hug him. For a moment, Briar envied the bond that the two shared, the fact that they were family. He banished the thought; he didn't need that to be happy. Sandry stepped back and gestured to him. "Uncle, you know Briar Moss."

The duke nodded, smiling. "Of course. How are you Briar?"

Briar politely responded, "I'm doing well Your Grace."

Vedris' attention returned to Sandry. "What brings you here? Why are you not at Discipline?" He seemed genuinely concerned, but Briar knew he wouldn't be if Sandry told him the true reason for their visit. He would send Briar away before he could even get a word in edge wise.

Then Briar saw that false charm that Sandry could mask so well take her over. He knew she hated that she resorted to it so often, but it had been essentially bred into her. Now, at last, he was glad that she was using it. "Uncle, I'm afraid my guest and I are very tired. Do you suppose that we might get some time to rest before we discuss this. I feel that we will all be much more pleasant after that." She smiled innocently, and Briar tossed in a yawn to add to the effect.

"Of course, how silly of me. Let me get your rooms right away!"

I feel like

I would like

To be somewhere else

Doing something that matters

And I'll admit here

While I sit here

My mind wastes away

And my doubts start to gather

Briar sat in his room, which was conveniently adjoined to Sandry's, his eyebrows stitched together. It was getting to be the season for making herbal remedies for allergies in mass quantities. Rosethorn would be left doing that herself. What if enough weren't being made? He would make some himself, but he still couldn't make some of the more complex ones without help. Plants remedies were tricky for people who were allergic to certain kinds of plants.

The common door opened silently, and Sandry slipped in. The red, satin nightdress she was wearing hung temptingly to every curve, but Briar hardly looked up. Confused, Sandry curled up on the bed next to him. "What's wrong Briar?" She whispered.

He kissed her lightly and pulled her close to him, thanking whoever brought her to him, again. "My life was going in a good direction for once, Sandry. Now I've thrown that all away. If I haven't got support from influential mages, how am I going to support you?"

What's the purpose

It feels worthless

So unwanted like I've lost all my value

I can't find it

Not in the least bit

And I'm just scared, so scared that I'll fail you

"You don't need to worry about that Briar. You haven't thrown away every opportunity, you know. Rosethorn will cool down, especially with Lark's help, and we'll be allowed to go back home. I'll bet we won't even have to wait long." She snuggled closer to him, nuzzling his neck with her nose, hot breath playing on his skin.

All of Briar's fears left, replaced with his strong passion for the woman next to him, and the way that she made him feel. The best person that he could be was brought out by her. With Sandry, he never had to worry about his purpose in life; it was making her happy.

Finally able to appreciate the slinky garment she was adorning, Briar pulled her underneath him, kissing her hotly. She kissed him back with the same ferocity, and his body blazed. Lost in his whirling passion for her, his hands traveled at will, as did his mouth. The moans that she responded with left him drunk, feeding off raw emotion. His love for her erupted when she began to allow herself to explore his body. Catching a breath he blew out the candles, leaving them in darkness.

And sometimes I think

That I'm not any good at all

And sometimes I wonder why,

Why I'm even here at all

But then you assure me

I'm a little more than useless

And when I think that I can't do this

You promise me that I'll get through this

And do something right,

Do something right for once

Several days had passed and Sandry had fallen into palace life effortlessly. She fluttered around helping to organize small social functions and manage conferences. No one questioned the reason for her visit; they simply put her to good work as she asked. The resident male population was overjoyed. Briar watched closely as they flirted with her relentlessly. Flowers filled her quarters, and love notes were slipped under her door at regular intervals. She read them all, her cheeks flushing as her eyes scanned the pages.

Briar wanted to rip them away from her and tear them up. Instead he just stayed out of her way, not wanting to seem obtrusive. Not for the first time, Briar felt intensely guilty that he was holding her back, keeping her from grasping all of the opportunities that were presented to her. She could easily be with a man of wealth and stature, one of the men that courted her here.

Feeling bored out of his mind, Briar went to find Sandry. He was fairly certain that she was hosting a tea for some of the residents their age. He had opted not to go, not wanting to embarrass her, though he's told her he felt ill. When he saw her he wished he hadn't gone. Once of her most persistant admirers had her in the back corner. They were simply talking but it made Briar's blood boil. Before she could see him, he left.

He trusted Sandry entirely, but he still wished that everyone would just stay away from her. He saw those boys with so much more than he would ever have, but he knew he had the greatest prize of all. Even though it still amazed him, it was Briar that she always came to when the final bell marking the day rang.

So I say if I can't

Do something significant

I'll opt to leave most opportunities wasted

And nothing trivial

That life could give me will

Measure up to what might have replaced it

Sandry ducked into Briar's room to find him pacing. He stopped when he saw her, and swept her up in a stifling kiss. She gasped as he pushed her up against the wall. Her hands moved from his mane of black hair, to the hem of his shirt, which she peeled away slowly. His hands blindly fumbles with the laces of her dress; his lips caressed her neck, when someone knocked on Sandry's door.

She fled back to her quarters, re-lacing her down and fixing her hair. Briar closed the door between them, and pulled his shirt on. From his bed he could hear Vedris speaking to Sandry. While waiting for her return he picked up a book to read. The amount of books that he'd read during their short stay made him cringe. He never had time to read at Discipline; here he had far too much time.

The gardeners hadn't let him help with the plants. They had heard of him, and knew of his amazing reputation, but were still wary. They knew that if something happened to the gardens, they would be held responsible. Although it upset him, Briar had to respect that and leave the local green life alone. All he had was the plants in his room, which hardly needed any help at all.

Briar sighed and started to read. Sandry would tell him why her uncle was calling so late as soon as they were done talking. Until then he had to wait.

I'm a little more than useless

And When I think that I can't do this

You promise me that I'll get through this

And do something right

Do something right for once

I'm a little more than useless

And I never knew this

Was gonna be the day

That I would do something right

Do something right for once

Sandry walked in, shutting the door quietly behind her. "Briar," she whispered, fear hanging loosely in her tone. "Rosethorn is here."

At that Briar shot up. He couldn't speak to her. Last time he had done that, he'd let his temper get away from him and gotten himself kicked out of his home. How could he be sure that wouldn't happen again? He wouldn't let her pry him away from Sandry. How could he make her see? Sandry, I will ruin everything for us again.

You won't. Sandry grabbed his hand in hers, and squeezed it tightly. You will make everything work, I know you will.

He nearly choked on the blind faith she had in him, and prayed that he wouldn't let her down.

Okay so here's the next chappy. The song is More Than Useless by Relient K. I hope you enjoyed it and please, PLEASE, leave me a review! Peach!