A/N- I'm writing this for a good freind of Mine and I hope that she likes this little fic that I am writing just for her.


Peter moaned in pain as he swung home, his body screaming agony and trembling from exhaustion from his big fight from his latest villain.

Kraven the Hunter, he calls himself.

Peter didn't care if the guy called himself Tabby King of the city. All he wanted now was to go home and sleep.

He moaned and hissed in pain as he landed on a lamp post, the claw marks that Kraven had landed on him before the fight was starting to affect him and the cold weather wasn't helping him in the least. But he had to get home.

His mind wondering to the big genetic cat as he continued home, how did old Tabby escape him after he knew he had knocked him clean out. He had looked away for just a split second to call for the police before he realized that Kraven was gone and nowhere to be found.

But Peter didn't let it bother him for long and put to the back of his mind to worry about later.

After half an hour Peter finally made it back to his home sweet home.

He landed on the window seal to his room and slipped inside silently, so is not to disturb his Aunt who he knew was sleeping right now.

He stripped himself of his costume and pulled on a new pair of boxers and headed over to his bed and fell flat on top of it.

Peter sighed in relief as he settled down into his bed, snuggling down into the sheets and let himself relax.

"It's good to be home." Peter sighed before he yawned and rolled over onto his side to sleep, never noticing the predator eyes watching him from the tree near his window before they disappeared into the dark of the night.


A/N- Yes I know it's short but it's a start.