Burning our Destiny
Chapter 1 – The Beginning
A/n - DUM DUM DUM. A random story I made.
A gentle breeze pasted his face as he threw the unwanted money at the waiting taxi driver. The driver huffed in anger and drove away. Leaving Trafalgar Law to smirk to his self. Somehow proud of his very actions. However, before he could begin to walk down the path towards his gate. A flash of a previous memory swept past him. He had gotten a call for his mother today. Normally, she would never call unless it was something about the business or a family member had passed. Sometimes she didn't even call if someone had passed. Nevertheless, it was worse, much worse. Law's mother had decided, without even concerning her son first, to visit him. This worried Law. His mother only had one reason to visit and it was marriage. Year after year, she would try to get the doctor to marry and year after year Law would deny. If this had happened, last year than Law would not of cared. However, now he had a secret. Yes, the worldwide surgeon had a dark secret or 'skeletons in the closet'
Other words, when at a party he is usually seen flirting with many women. This is just a show for the camera's. He is, 100% gay. So knowing this, you could guess that the dark secret is his boyfriend or as to everyone else his butler, Eustass Kidd.
Getting back to the story, Law reached the gate. He waited for a bit, expecting the gate to open before him. Yet, when this did not happen, he sighed deeply. His guardsman was sleeping again. He didn't have to look to know this. Law, already ahead of it, raised his slim finger onto a buzzer and pressed harshly onto it.
Instantly, the door opened. He smiled in triumph and adventured inside his garden. It was simple: path leading to the house and to the sides, a fountain and plants. A basic garden with a massive mansion in the middle of it.
But, not one to pry. Law opened the door and walked in. Quickly the scent of food enlightened his senses. He smiled once again and closed the door behind him.
Like always, he had to also wait for the animal to awaken from whatever he was doing, which tends to be nothing. Release his master is home, walk incredibly slow to the front room where he greets his master with a smile and a bow.
"Oi brat. Your food's on the table" All right, so the last bit was a big fat lie. Nevertheless, Law will one day get Kidd to bow down to him. Without involving sex.
Kidd leaned against the wall showing Law his outfit. He wore an open black shirt exposing his perfect chest and matched it with tight, purple leather trousers showing his great ass and package. Lastly, the man wore black, spiky boots.
Shaking his head, Law tried to keep his eyes on Kidd's eyes. Sometimes he would daze off and end of staring at the monsters chest. This making Kidd's smug face to grin.
Remembering what Kidd had said, he wandered past the man. But not before touching the chest he loved so much.
The butler watched his master. His eyes hungry looking at the tight suit Law wore. Why didn't the man wear that on a daily bases? Instead he walked around in a yellow hoodie with the strange symbol on the front. Whatever, its not as if Kidd's fashion sense is any better.
The tattooed man had already torn into the food. His eyes were huge from the amazing flavour, "Oi, no-brows, who cooked this?"
Kidd tuned in and finally entered the dining room as well. He ignored the delicious smell and scowled at his lover, "That would be the two new chef's, heart-boy"
Law cleaned his plate and leaned back into his chair, "Heart-boy? Is that the best you could think off?"
"Shut up" Kidd blushed, "I doubt stating the obvious is really an insult, is it?" he said, referring to the 'no-brows'.
Law snorted, "It seems to piss you off" with that, he rolled his wrist to dismiss the subject, "Won't you call the two chef's here for me, my dear little Kidd" he mocked and laughed when the older man frowned and grated his teeth.
When Kidd finally did as told and called the men. Two men walked in; one slim and the other robust. "What are your names?" Law asked as he snatched the wine glass and began to sip on it.
The older man stepped forward and bowed respectfully, "I'm Chef Zeff and this little shit is Sanji"
Law eyes narrowed slightly at the remark but laughed. His eyes wandered to the blonde one, and smirk across his face. "He's slim, toned and pale skinned. My type"
Kidd growled under his breath. Law was giving Sanji the look. The look that meant 'bend over I want to fuck your brains out'. He knew Law would never dare to cheat on him. Kidd just didn't approve of the way the doctor would lick his lips at every good looking man he saw. And living in this house, it was constantly.
The doctor moved his eyes to his boyfriend and smiled innocently, "Yes?"
"Don't. Even. Think. About. It" his red eyes shot to the cook and then back to Law. Giving Sanji the if-you-dare-I'll-break-your-balls look. Which the cook raised a strange, curly brow at.
"Oh, are you jealous? That's so cute" Law stood up and made his way towards his butler, his hand's ghosting down the chest "You know. You jealous is quite a turn on, maybe you should act like it more often." Law chuckled and when he was about to kiss the flame-haired man, the thought of his mother popped in his head. "Shit. Eustass, I need a meeting in the staff room in an hour. Sort it"
Kidd blinked in confusion. He was sure Law was about to kiss him...
"Get to it. I want to spend time with the blonde" Law winked and watched the brute turn on his heel and leave. Curses bouncing of his sharp tongue as he did so.
Law snickered and stood in front of his two chefs, "Thank you for the excellent meal. I will enjoy having you as my new chefs, especially you blondie"
Sanji gulped and waved his hands in defence, "I'm sorry but I'm not gay."
Zeff crooked a brow, "Well i was sure you were giving the eye to the guard-" his words were cut off when his good food was stepped on. The older cook growled and grabbed onto his Sanji's jacket, "Hurting an elder, you should be ashamed"
Law watched the scene. Both men yelling multiple insults and throwing kicks, it was amazing from his point. But then Law paused and remembered what Zeff said 'guard' and that must mean... "You like the guardsman?" both men separated, remembering where they were and who was the audience.
"The marimo? Pfft, No way" Sanji blushed and looked around the room.
The doctor chuckled at how predictable the cook was, "Hm, you're his type" Law crossed his arms and smirked evilly, "After work he normally go to the garage out back to talk to Franky and Usopp, you should visit him after the meeting"
Sanji blushed more and walked quickly away. Law and Zeff watched with knowing eyes. The blonde-haired man so had a thing for the guardsman.
Later on, after Law had a chat to Zeff about sleeping arrangements and the contact. He made his way to the staff room. When he found Kidd he signalled the man to come next to him before speaking, "Welcome. Years ago, some of you might remember my mother who used to visit yearly. Now, she has decided to visit again. So this means getting out your uniforms, cleaning the houses out and basically making me look good. My mother isn't an idiot, she will sense something if you do not act normal. Finally, I want you all to give her and who ever is with her, respect. That means no swearing." His eyes shot to the tall, pale man next him, "You got that, Kidd, no swearing. Or make-up and you should comb down you hair"
A gasp released his lips as his eyes widened. No make-up meant...no make-up. Combing his hair down meant his precious flame hair will be gone...GONE!
Afterwards, after all the questions, everyone went to make their leave. Franky, walked past Law shaping his hair with a comb will humming a tune. "Franky"
The man stopped, turned and smiled. "Yes boss?"
"Robin is back tomorrow, right? Remember to tell her the news and congratulations on the new baby; hopefully this one doesn't inherit your strange hair"
Franky snickered, "I will do, is that all?"
"No" Law raised his hand and place it on the man's Hawaiian shirt, "The new chef, Sanji, has a crush on our little Zoro, sort it out for me" he patted the spot before turning to leave.
Franky pulled a puzzled look, "Meaning?"
"Zoro is a stubborn guy and his grumpy face pisses me off, so get the cook and him together" Law looked over his shoulder, "Got it?"
"Got it boss" he raised his thumb up and winked.
Law lay on his bed reading a delightful book about murder. He hummed a nameless tune in his head as he flicked the page. Any minute now the brute was going to walk in. Placing the book onto the bed table, he sighed and crossed his arms. No point sleeping if someone is going to knock on the door
Knock, knock, Knock, Knock, Knock
The door opened and showed the red haired man with an evil grin. Instantly, Law sat up and sighed. The flame-haired man stripped while making his way to the bed.
"Sometimes you could be so childish"
He crawled up the bed and straddled the tanned man's hips, "Do we have to stop fucking?"
"That sucks" Kidd whined and lend down, "...so can we do it now?"
The doctor chuckled, "Say master" he commanded and bent up to meet Kidd half way, "No say 'Can we have passionate sex, master Trafalgar'"
Kidd snorted, "Hell no" with that he grabbed onto Law's hands pinned them besides him. He went to kiss the man however, Law moved his head.
"Get off me then" Law sneered and avoided any eye contact. If Kidd refused to call him master then they would not do it; it was that simple. And Kidd knew this. When his Law said no, it meant no.
Shrugging away his pride for a second, he gave in, "Can I fuck you until you scream my name..." he moved so his lips touched Law's ear, "Master Trafalgar"
"You may Eustass, you may"