Chapter 6: Last Chance of Fun

After this,Lucy will join the others in Dragon Hunt...

Lucy woke up late because of another fun-filled night for her and Loke. They've been doing this every night now,ever since they found out about the Spirits helping them.

"Good morning,my princess." Lucy turned around to see Loke. "It's a miracle that you woke up and it's still morning." he smirked.

"Shut up..." Lucy said,muffling her voice with a pillow. "I going to the hot springs. Don't follow me,alright?" Loke nodded and smiled.

The hot springs were only mixed bathing so Lucy had to take extra precaution while undressing. She got to the hot springs and dipped herself for a relaxing mid-morning soak. She placed both of her arms on the edge of the hot springs and she lowered herself to relax.

"I could get used to this." she sighed. Just then,she felt a shiver down her spine. She dismissed it though and continued to relax.

Meanwhile,Loke was pacing back and forth in front of the bed,resisting every possible oppurtunity to pounce on his newly beloved in the hot springs. Then,the communication lacrima glowed. He reached for it to see whose contacting them. It was master Makarov.

"M-master!" Loke said in shock. Makarov raised an eyebrow,but ignored it.

"Where's Lucy?" the master asked.

"She's taking a dip in the hot springs,sir." he answered nervously.

"...I see. I'm giving you the message,so listen carefully." Loke nodded. "Good. Natsu and the others have embarked on a mission. They are heading back to the east tomorrow. I want Lucy to follow along. If she's not back by tomorrow,their going to leave without her."

"I understand. Can you explain the details of the mission to me?" Loke asked. Makarov shook his head.

"The details will be explained to her upon arrival. Tell her to hurry. And Loke..." Loke's eyes widened a bit. "Your making it too obvious that you and Lucy did something together. Don't be so nervous,relax!" Makarov smiled and turned off the lacrima.

"Brother." Loke turned around to see Virgo,holding a can.

"Virgo,what are you doing here?" he asked a bit confused. "And is that..." he sniffed around. "...Catnip?"

"Yes it is." she replied. "The princess is too endowed in her bath to come out any time soon,so it's best to go and fetch her yourself." she said as she pulled a small green ball from the can. "You will need this if you want to be motivated." She threw the ball at him,and he ate it. His eyes widened and he was tantilized by the can.

Virgo led him out of the hotel room,feeding him every time he follows. Although she doesn't show it,she's enjoying slowly torturing the Leader of the Twelve Zodiacs. She lead him down the stairs,through the halls and near the lobby. And just for the fun of things,Virgo threw a piece of the catnip under a girl's feet. Loke,not finding the instincts to resist it,ran straight under the girl. The girl yelled and shrieked as she ran away screaming "Pervert!" while doing so.

Finally,Virgo led him to the hot springs. There were only few people left because of the lunch rush. No one was near enough to Lucy so Loke and Virgo slipped through easily.

"Princess." Lucy turned around and was surprised to find Loke and Virgo there.

"Virgo!" Lucy exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"Lucy," Loke purred. "Virgo gave me some catnip... She's nice."

"Brother,the princess has more catnip between her legs. If you lick it long enough,the juice will come spilling out." she said unemotionally.

"Wait,what!" Lucy exclaimed again. But before she could protest,Loke pounced on her,with clothes still intact.

"I want Catnip." he said in a seductive tone. "Your gonna give it to me,right?" But before Lucy could answer,he dove in,licking her clitoris and slipping his tongue in her entrance. She was holding back her screams and moans. A few minutes later,Loke came out of the water.

"Lucy," he sorta begged. "Get out of the water. I need to get the catnip." Lucy did not answer but did what she was told. She was turned on by his aggressiveness,and she doesn't want to stop him now. She sat on the edge of the hot springs and Loke knelt in front of her,half of his body underwater. She spread her legs even more and took his hand to cup one of her breasts.

Even in his catnip high,Loke knew what they were doing,but he wasn't gonna tell her that.

"Loke..." she moaned softly. Loke looked at her,pretending not to know why she did that. Then kept on licking her pussy. As it went along,Lucy's moans became louder and louder as she went near the edge.

"Loke!" she exclaimed his name before her release. Loke smirked,but not seen by Lucy.

"There's no catnip here." he said innocently. "I'm going to get some more from Virgo." He was about to leave when Lucy grabbed his hand. She pinned him down on the edge and she knelt in front of him. "Lucy,what are you doing?" he asked,still seemingly believable that he has no clue what they were doing. Lucy loosened his belt and unzipped his pants.

"Your not getting away from me that easily,Lion." she grinned. "Your gonna be punished for listening to Virgo." She pulled down his pants slightly,to reveal a twitching cock with pre-cum. She licked her lips to moisten it up,then she licked the tip of the head. Loke groaned as he tried to keep pretending. Lucy then suck the head while stroking the shaft. She was licking and swirling her tongue inside,while moaning and stroking his balls. Loke couldn't take it anymore and grabbed Lucy's head and pushed it down,making Lucy suck in more of his manhood. Lucy gagged a bit,but recovered quickly as she lowered up to the hilt. Her nose now resting in his patch of strawberry-blonde hair.

"Lucy..." he moaned out loud,too drowned in pleasure to keep his charade up. Lucy began to moan again,sending vibrating chills up to his body.

"Lucy!" with a loud roar of her name,he came inside her mouth,but she quickly swallowed it.

"Bad boy," Lucy panted. "Let's go back." Loke nodded and put his pants back on. Lucy strapped a towel on herself. When they got back to their room,Loke explained why he came to the hot springs in the first place.

"Oh... We have a mission already?" Lucy sighed. "I guess it can't be helped. Let's pack up and head home." Loke nodded. They packed her things and rented a coach to get home. It would take a few hours for them to get back.

"Lookie what I got~." Lucy said as she pulled out a can from her bag. Loke's eyes widened again.

"Catnip!" he exclaimed.

"Last chance for fun,right?" she winked. Then they 'played' in the coach. The coacher didn't mind that they were bumpy. It helps past the time.

Last chance for fun... hahaha XD

Lucy was a she-devil! Anyway thanks for reading... Review and rate if you want! ^_^ That's it for Catnip Trouble!