Hey everyone, so I recently got a review from an anonymous person that I felt needed to be addressed, so I am putting it here. I'm sorry to have to put it on here, but since I couldn't respond to our dearest Anonymous, this was the best I could come up with. I'll be taking it down when I update again, so I'm sososo sorry if you guys thought it was another chapter!

Here is the review, by the way:

"This is so dumb... there's no reason for these two agrgue like this... and of all reasons. Chris and Claire and the ones who are brother and sister, not Leon and Claire. Leon has to be a blind idiot just so Claire can give a speech?

Romance between these two would be out of place in this story, they act more like brother and sister than future lovers"

Dear Anonymous,

I apologize for writing such a "dumb" story, and that you feel the need to make such a review about it. As such, I felt like I needed to reply to your review, and since you so bravely remained anonymous, I have come to the conclusion that I will address your review here. I am very sorry to my other readers for this and will remove this when I update my story next, which will be soon.

Well to start things off, Anonymous, I applaud you for your thoughtful review. However, if you would like to provide me with some constructive criticism, please take the time to proofread your submission before you send it to me because frankly, I cannot understand half of what you spoke about.

What was "so dumb" about my story, Anonymous? I am not sure which "two" you are talking about when you said, "there's no reason for these two to argue like this…and of all reasons". And for the record, yes, I am aware that Claire and Chris are siblings, not Leon and Claire. That would be incestuous for the purpose of my story, which I do not support. And what speech did Claire give? If you could specify exactly what part of the text you were referring to, it would be a great help and I would love to discuss it with you further.

As for the dynamic between Leon and Claire, I am sorry that you feel the way that you do. You see, my intention for this story is to paint the picture of Leon and Claire's growing relationship instead of throwing them headfirst into a whirlwind romance. I wanted my characters to have substance and different dimensions of emotion. Neither Leon nor Claire are perfect in my eyes, and I wanted to portray that to my readers. However, if you are looking for that kind of romance, I recommend that you read the Twilight series, I have a feeling you will enjoy it.

So Anonymous, let us go into this further. I have a few reasons why I wanted to take their romance slow, which is why it may not seem like they could be "future lovers". First of all, Leon and Claire are old friends. Yes, they were forced to make a bond quickly and parted soon after, but I would like to think that even with so much time between them, their ties would still remain. I always felt that it would time for these two to develop romantic feelings towards each other. They are not naïve characters who know nothing of the evils of the world. No, they are both scarred people who have witnessed their fair share of death and are too used to the idea of losing people that relationships, and just the idea of it, are difficult for them. Instead, I see these two growing to realize their importance to each other and figuring out just how deep their feelings run for one another. Also, they are first and foremost both committed to a mission. While I understand that this is probably not the most ideal place for a romance to take place, but the idea of Claire being with Leon in Resident Evil 4's setting is something that I have played around with for a long time and finally have found the time to write it down. I may describe them doing foolish things from time to time but it is my way of showing the characters relationships with each other. But ultimately, in my story Leon and Claire have a mission they need to accomplish, and when it comes down to it, they know when they need to get something done and will put that above all else. Because really, how realistic is it for Leon and Claire to jump each other's bone when they are in the middle of Spain being attacked by crazy people?

So Anonymous, I hope I have answered your questions. If you wish to speak to me about this subject further, it would give me no greater pleasure than to speak to you in the privacy of a message. And for all of my other readers, I apologize for taking up your time. I promise to update soon, hopefully sometime this coming week and very much appreciate all of your continuous support. I really am nothing without all of you.

