ENJOY! You've waited long enough!

The two rolled down into the rushing water. The immediate cold hit Sam like a brick wall and made him gasp and suck in a breathe full of water. Panic and adrenaline forced him to kick up to the surface. Sam broke through the water coughing and gasping, he spun around searching for Greg. Twisting frantically he spots Parker about 20 feet down the river, and from what he could see Greg looked like he was having just as much trouble staying afloat as Sam was having.

"…Greg!..." Sam gasped spitting out water. The river was a foot deeper than Sam was tall. He had gotten into a repetitive motion of staying up as long as he could, then drop below the surface for a break and then push back off the floor. He had almost no strength before the impromptu swimming and now the frigidness of the water was causing his muscles to cramp up and stealing away the adrenaline induced strength…pushing the tiny black spots to totally overtake him.

Greg was no pro swimmer, but he knew how to none the less. However, with being tired, hungry and now having a fast flowing freezing river, he was having difficulty. On the way down embankment his shoulder had struck some rocks and he currently couldn't move it. So here he found himself swimming one handed and trying to figure out how to get Sam and get to shore.

As Parker gets pushed further downstream he spots a large oak tree that was hit by a storm and one of its large branches was lying far enough out over the river for Greg to grab a hold of it. Positioning himself right, Parker waited for the right time to swim and grab the life saving tree.

Once he had a decent enough grip he looked around expecting to see Sam a little ways up the river, ready for Greg to catch him. But what he saw or lack thereof made his heart drop. Nothing. No Sam.

"Sam!...Sam!" 'Come on, come on buddy where are yah?'

Parker still wasn't seeing any sign of Sam and now he had to think quickly and decide to either stay where he was and hope Sam made it down or get out of the water and try to look for him below the water up or down stream. Greg was about to start to shimmy his way across the branch to shore when he saw Sam, floating face down.

"SAM!" Greg was shouting his name frantically hoping Sam would just wake up and be ok, but he wasn't going to count on any miracles with the way their luck was going. His fear for the younger man overpowered any kind of pain he was in and he started to make his way back down the branch to intercept Sam.

"uugghh aahhh…" Parker reached out and grabbed a hold of Sam's tac vest with his injured arm, but he just held tight and pulled Sam up against his body and flipped him over so his face wasn't in the water anymore. Once he had a secure enough hold and the limp body, Greg slowly and carefully made the trek up the branch. Finally after a few feet Greg could touch the bottom and let go of the tree, dragging Sam the rest of the way.

Slipping and sliding in the mud, Greg was moving as fast as could to get them far enough from the riverbank and on flat ground. Now laying Sam down Parker was finally able to get his first real look at him. Sam was completely still, not even shivering. His eyes closed, face pale, lips blue. Greg put his fingers to Sam's neck to feel for a pulse, cringing when he felt none. Quickly undoing the tac vest Parker then immediately started CPR. In the back of his mind Greg was wondering if Sam's chest could take anymore abuse.

"Come on Sam…SAM!...Damn it fight!" Greg just kept pushing on his chest and breathing for him. Not ready to give up on him, but he couldn't stop thinking about how long it had taken him to finally get Sam help…too long.


Jules laid down on her couch and closed her eyes, fully not expecting to fall asleep at all. But when she opened them up she was sitting in a beautiful field full of flowers and a warm breeze. She stayed like that, closing her eyes and took a deep breath. Relaxed for the first time in two days she absorbed the wonderful dream. Jules jumped when she felt a presence sit down next to her.

"Sam?" She asked hesitantly. He just leaned over gently kissed her. "I miss you so much. The teams working really hard to try and find you and Greg." She said sadly. Jules brought her hand up and caressed Sam's face only to jerk back quickly. "You're cold." She looked into his eyes and saw bone raw tiredness.

Sam just took her hand in-between both of his, "Babe, I need to listen very carefully." Julianna nodded, "Greg and I were taken by two men."

She interrupted "Yes, Spike started to track them down but it lead to a dead end…"

"Jules…" he said quietly.

"I'm sorry."

"These two men took us to their cabin up north. I don't know where, but it was far into in the woods. They're brothers and they knew who Greg and I were. The older one said they do this once a year…so check for a history of missing couples. The oldest one is about 5'7'' medium length brown hair, well built." Sam paused clenching his eyes shut and taking long shallow breaths.

"Sam? What's wrong?" Jules moved from sitting to kneeling in front of Sam.

"…Jules just listen I don't have long. The younger brother looked just like him but skinnier and tweaking from some kind of drug. And on his right hand he has a tattoo of a bear and the number 315. I don't know check drug charges with that tat..." He was cut off again by an intense pressure on his chest.

"Sam." Said Jules very softly, and Sam just wiped the one small tear that fell from her eye.

"Hey, it's going to be ok. Alright? Parker and I are on the run from them, and I won't let them find us. But we can't last forever on our own out there so you need to take what I told you and find the guys so you can find us." He leaned forward and kissed her forehead, "I love you."

"I love you too Sam." But he was gone and she was alone again in field. "Sam?" She allowed her emotions to overtake her for a minute, but quickly dried her eyes and knew she had to wake up and get back to the station. She just wondered how she was going to explain how she received her information.


"Breath God damn it. Come on Sam…please…" Greg had been pumping Sam's chest for what felt like hours, to scared to stop because if he did then that meant for sure Sam wasn't coming back. "Come on…Come on Sam. I can't do this alo…" Just then Sam started to twist in on himself while he tried to cough up the water in his lungs. Parker helped turn his head sideways so he didn't choke. He leaned back on his feet full of relief while Sam took gasping breaths of sweet air.

"Jul…es…" Croaked Sam in between gasps.

Greg placed his hand on Sam's forehead, "No buddy just me. You scared the crap out of me, probably took five years off my life." All joking aside he finally took a real look at Sam. His eyes were glazed over and halfway closed, skin was pale, cold and clammy, and Sam was starting to shake violently. "Hey kiddo, I need you to stay awake alright?" Greg hated what he was about to suggest, "We need to move though…we're too much in the open and we made quite a lot of noise." Well he did at least, thinking the louder he screamed the faster Sam would start breathing again.

Parker not really getting any response from Sam, gently put his hands under the others armpits and began to as delicately as possible drag him. Greg wasn't going to take them far, just enough to get some cover. After about fifty feet Parker found a good enough spot considering their situation and gently laid Sam down.

"Gre…Greg…" Wheezed Sam.

"Yah Sam I'm right here. How you doing?"

"My chest…hurts…burning…"

"I know, I bet. I had to do CPR on your already cracked ribs. I'm really sorry."

"D..don't be. Than...anks" Sam was shaking so much and Greg didn't know what to do. He would gladly give his clothing to Sam but they were just as wet and would only make him colder. He needed to come up with a plan quickly.

"How abou…" Just as he was about to say something that's when he thought he heard voices.

"Wha." Moaned Sam.

"Ssshhhh." Parker peaked over the bushes that were currently providing them cover. 'Shit.'Greg could see the two brothers across the other side of the river, tracking them.


Wow! I got so many reviews for the last chapter. You all are the best! Getting reviews just make me sooo happy (so pretty please keep them coming!) And I thank you all for waiting. Don't worry I will never abandon this story. But I was on vacation and then I've been at Mayo clinic for a heart problem...only 22 freakin years old. (so reviews would make me feel better - wink wink)

But tell me what you think...Jules dream...the cliffhanger again...and hurting Sam some more. What can I say, I love hurting poor Sam.