The Protector

Chapter 6

Seals and Phlox flowers

Author's Notes: Hello! I really have no idea what day this might be coming up… But who cares! Enjoy the story. (Alex you're a really bad judge) Ignore this message my reviewers it's for my friend.

"Speeches" will be in regular letters and regular quotation symbols

"Thoughts" will be in italics and italic quotation symbols

"Actions" will be in bold letters and bold quotation symbols

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts or anything else. Just my ideas… let's move on before it gets depressing…

Sora's POV

I was running. My breath was going at hundred miles and I could feel my heart racing in my chest. I looked down and my shoes were ripped and covered with dirt. My hands had dried blood on them. And my clothes were torn, dirty, frayed, and possible burnt. My head hurt as if I had gotten hit by a hammer. My vision was blurred and I could faintly see someone in the distance. Suddenly my body ran even faster as if I knew who it was.

"RUN… HE'S COMING!" my ears were clogged with dirt and I could barely hear my own words. In the distance, whoever it was, instead of running away was running toward me. My legs were burning at this point and my breath was going even faster. Then my legs collapsed of exhausting and I came tumbling down. I couldn't hold it any more.



"I SAID…!" Now that the person was closer I could see that they were clearly a girl as well as the voice helped point that out. Then my heart stopped, not of exhaustion but of disbelief. I just saw a sword coming out of her chest, a fatal wound.


"Wake up!"

My body reacted instantly and I blinked two times. I wasn't in a battleground. I wasn't injured, dirty, covered in blood, or anything like that. I was in the infirmary with my brother looking at me strangely.

"Are you alright? I heard you screaming."

"I'm…f-fine. I just need some water."

"Alright here," he passed me cup full of water and without me realizing it I drank it all in one gulp. I gave it back to my bro and looked at my surroundings. It was very white and there was a TV in the corner of the room. I was lying down on a bed with the sheets thrown to the side from my dream. He was standing near my bed and next to him was a machine that read my heart pulse. There was a table to my left and a window showing the bright sunny day. I looked at my body and realized that I was wearing those robes that sick people wear in hospitals.

"What happened?"


"We're connected whatever dream you were having it was powerful because I saw everything and felt it. Well almost…"

"Really?! Wow… that's strange."

"Yeah except I only saw the beginning of your dream then I just blinked my eyes and I was back here in the room."

"Hmmm… what are you doing here anyway?"

He raised an eyebrow, "You mean you don't remember?"

I stared blankly at my brother.

He sighed, "Look at your arm."

I looked at my right arm and noticed that it was covered in bandages. I looked at my brother confused and he just nodded. Taking that as an ok, I started to unwrap the bandages. When I finished unwrapping my arm, it had an intricate tattoo on it.

"The seal dummy…" ignoring my brother's rude voice, I continued inspecting my arm.

There was a dragon from where my arm began ending near my hand. It was wrapped on my arm and where its mouth was it… it looked like it was expelling a flower. The stem was pointing toward the dragon's mouth and the flower itself was on my palm.

"It's a phlox flower." I turned to my bro in confusion.

"Its leaves look like a hydrangea but it's bigger and it's a little different. It means our souls are united." I nodded and moved my arm in admiration when I noticed that it shimmered.

"It's a powerful seal. Only you and the person you are connected to can see the tattoo." I just looked at him strangely. How did he know my questions?

He tapped his head, "We're still connected through our minds."

I slapped myself, "Oh… Did Xemnas or the council tell you about who were protecting?"

"No but Xemnas said that he would send someone to give us the info."

"Augh… Now what do we do til then?"

"How about rest? If I remember correctly you fainted after the seal was done." He grabbed the chair closest to him and sat down.

"Hey! That's a low blow!" I jumped from the bed pointing at him.

He raised his hands in defense. "Hey, I'm just pointing it out. Weakling!"

I grabbed my pillow and threw it at him. He reacted instantly and grabbed it. Just like I wanted. Not wasting a second, I summoned my keyblade and whacked the side of his head while distracted.



"Ha ha! Who is the weakling now?!"

"You still are!" he grabbed my keyblade and threw me off the bed. And I banged my head on the floor.

"OWWW! Don't you know I'm still recovering?!" I shot him a dirty look after getting off the floor.

"You started and stop making excuses you baby!"

"Oww…" I replied after rubbing my poor squashed head.

"Hey open up!" we looked at the door at the same time.

"You open it.

"You open it, I'm sick you idiot."

"That sure didn't stop you to hit my head!"

"Just open it already!" we jumped in unison. Whoever it was, he or she was pissed with us wasting time. Roxas reluctantly opened the door while I slid back under the warm covers of the bed. No sooner had I got in the bed, I heard a smack coming from the door and then Roxas came stumbling and collapsed on the chair.

"Stupid brats…" when I noticed who was at the door I gulped, "Alright brats, here's your stupid mission."

Larxene, the Savage Nymph. She is sadistic and loves bullying me and Roxas. Though I'm pretty sure she bullies everyone to do her bidding. She is pretty short for someone who has the biggest temper I know. She has a tough outer emotional shell which somehow Axel broke because she's dating him. She has blond hair slicked back with two "antennae" in front of her hair. She has an hourglass shape and I think she is the only female in Xemnas's elite team. Her main power is lightning and her favorite weapons are knives that are called Foudre.

"Hey… Larxene… how's it going?" she gave me a scowl as a reply.

"Shut up weakling." I sunk deep in my covers of my bed with only my head sticking out.

"Here's your dumb mission." She plopped the files on my bed and left. When she slammed the door I uncovered myself from the safety of the covers. I grabbed the files eager to start the mission.

"Well… what's inside?!" I could hear my brother's overly excited next to me.

"What's wrong?" he grabbed the file from my hands looking it at. Then he turned to me.

"What the hell?"

It was empty besides a single paper which had a house address on it. I looked at him in confusion.

"What's going on?"

Roxas's POV

"Well I guess whoever we are protecting lives here." I said to my bro's confused face.

"I guess that far but why only address? Why didn't they give us a face or a name?"

"Maybe that's how traditional protection missions are."

"I really doubt that Roxas." I nodded to that statement. It was a little strange but what we could we do?

"Anyway I'll take this and head home." Grabbing the file and tucking it underneath my arm. i got up from the chair and walked toward the door.

"Wait what about me?"

"Your injured remember? You get to stay a night here."

"But I…"

"No buts! That's final." I shut the door behind me, wanting to stop his ranting.

"You can't get rid of me." I slapped myself and just walked outside of the infirmary.

"So mister Roxas, where are we going?"

"We are going nowhere. Besides I'm gonna check this address. It's gonna be boring."

"I don't care. I'm going to be stuck here might as well do something." Then I felt his mind enter me. He literally transferred his mind into my mind. I could feel him underneath my skin. Then my vision changed where I could see even better than usual. My body felt stronger and faster. We were one.

"Whew! It's always strange to enter your body through our minds."

"Ugh tell me about it. I could almost feel your body underneath mine."

"Wanna fly?" there was one cool thing about this combo. We could fly.

"You know me too much bro." I bent my knees in a Neo-like pose and with our minds we gain telekinesis, the ability to move, lift, and vibrate objects, we push off the street and then lifted my body into the air.

It was amazing. It always is. I always loved flying. It was a breathtaking experience the first time we flew. We were flying at high speeds and before long I could see our house in Twilight Town.

"Whew!We came pretty fast this time."

"I know. It took us 5 minutes this time." The first time we flew we rammed into something so you can see why we keep score. I looked down trying to find somewhere to land because I don't think that my neighbors would appreciate me coming down from the sky.

"Over there."

"Where is that exactly? Cause you're inside my head."

Sora just sighed through the mind link, "Right there. By the empty lot, there is an alleyway you can land."Following his great directions we manage to land undetected.

"Hey I think someone's here. I'm cutting the mind link." during this mind link whoever isn't in their body can't know what's happening at their side of the connection. So Sora had no idea what was going on where he is right now. He probably used his magic to sense any disturbances.

"Alright see you later Sora."

"Bye bro." his energy and pulse left me. The second beating heart that I could feel thumping in my chest stopped. My body felt weaker and slower. That was the consequence in using mind link, too much use and it will take longer for you to get more comfortable when you're not sharing your body.

I walked out of the alleyway, wearing my regular clothes. I looked around the neighborhood and couldn't even recognize it. This always happened and it would take me forever to get back home. I sighed and took a right hoping it would lead me in the right direction

After walking for ages I finally got to a neighborhood I did recognize. Unfortunately, it was the poorest district in Twilight Town, not the greatest place to be walking around at night. Not wanting to draw attention to myself I hid in the shadows and kept walking, when all of a sudden I hear a thunderclap and some lightning.


Sure enough it starts to pour. I start running to some shelter in hopes that the rain would stop and I'll get home, which sadly was near this district. Few minutes later and the rain won't stop. It's cold, miserable, and gloomy. Then I noticed something in the rain. It's Namine. She is wearing a raincoat and her blond hair is wet and a mess.

"What is she doing here? Doesn't she live in the other side of town?" I think to myself puzzled of why she would be here in the poorest district and in the rain. She kept on walking with some newspaper on her head, trying to keep her dry, keyword: try. My eyes wandered of her looking at the street post she was clinging to. Then I noticed the guy behind her. He was covered in black so trying to see his face was impossible. He was wearing some sweatpants and a beanie. He was rather twitchy as in anticipation… the same way a hunter is before it catches its prey.

She left the street post and went down the intersection, just across from me, when the guy took the same way as her with his hands in his pocket. My gut was telling to do something but my brain just told me it could be coincidence. It seemed as it was a coincidence because he didn't do anything yet. I started to follow them close behind on the other side of the street. Then she stopped looked both ways but not behind her, and she went down an alleyway. The guy followed her down. I went to the intersection, jamming the button, when I realized that it could be coincidence. This dude probably just wanted to go home, no harm done.

"Help! Somebody help!-" her voice was cut off and nobody on the street stopped to help. They just acknowledged it if it happened very day…

My heart nearly stopped as I heard her voice. I didn't waste any time. I crossed the street not even checking if the light changed. Some car hit almost hit me but I didn't care. I wasn't just gonna let her get hurt while I'm around. I ran to the alleyway, and I prayed to God that I wasn't late.

Author's Notes: I feel bad that I'm gonna put this a month later from the last one. I will update sooner. (I say that, and I update in December, just kidding.) Hopefully school won't take that much time for me to write and that I don't get mental blocks. Review and Rate. Thank you for writing. See you later!