So I decided to take the 50 sentences prompt (if you want to read that one, it's called "50 Reasons Why") and turn it into 50 different drabbles and one-shots based on the themes. And because I'm stubborn and maybe a tad bit obsessed, they'll (most likely) all be Royai. It's called "Dreams" because this stuff will only happen in my headspace, and only in my dreams will Roy and Riza ever get together. (Oh, Arakawa, why do you toy with my emotions so?)

These may or may not use the same ideas I had in the 50 sentences prompt. Feedback would be wonderful, and I'll do my best to reply.

If there are any necessary warnings, I'll post them with each theme. However, I doubt there will be anything that will really warrant a warning.

Disclaimer (applies to all themes): Fullmetal Alchemist is way too cool to have been made by me.


"Thanks again for everything, Roy. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't helped out." Riza and Roy stood at the entrance to the Hawkeye household after Berthold's funeral.

"It was the least I could do. Are you going to be okay?" Roy replied with a concerned smile. Riza hadn't cried during the funeral nor when she was standing by her father's grave. He knew that Berthold and Riza had never really been close, but Berthold was the girl's father—shouldn't that count for something? Roy might have almost believed that Riza didn't care about her father if it hadn't been for the almost imperceptible slump of her shoulders, the barely noticeable dullness in her eyes, or the way she toyed with the hem of her dress almost nervously. Perhaps she didn't want to cry in front of him, but…they were close. She was the closest friend he'd ever made, and he knew that he was really the only true friend she had. Couldn't she put her pride aside for a moment? Friends helped each other out. But how could he help her if she refused to receive it?

Riza gave a small, sad smile and nodded. "Yes, thank you. Would you like some tea?" She opened the door to the house and stepped to the side, inviting him in. Roy gladly obliged.

He followed her to the kitchen, watching her move about the tiny room and fill the kettle with water. Finally, he couldn't stand it anymore. He walked over to where Riza stood with the kettle and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Why don't you take a break and rest, Riza? You've had a long day. I'll handle the tea."

If Riza was shocked at the contact, she gave no sign of it. She turned slightly, a hint of a blush at her cheeks, and replied, "You've done so much already. I couldn't ask you to do more. Please, allow me to repay you for your kindness." She refused to make eye contact with him.

"I insist," Roy said firmly, but not unkindly. "Your father just died. I know you have emotions, even though you try to hide them, and I can see that today has been rather trying for you. Please, take it easy for once." He stepped around in front of her and carefully took the kettle, placing it on the counter behind him. Placing his hands on her shoulders, he gently spun her around, walked her to the sitting room, and pushed her down onto the couch as lightly as he could. He was about to go back to the kitchen when he noticed her eyes on him.

He could have almost sworn that they were begging him not to leave.

So he didn't. He stayed. Forgetting the kettle and the promise of tea, he took a seat on the couch next to this impossibly strong, intelligent girl—no, he guessed she was a woman now.

They sat in silence for what felt like an eternity. Finally, Roy looked over at her to see if she was all right. That was when he noticed the silent tears falling down her cheeks. So she does trust me enough to cry in front of me, he thought, shocked, to himself before regaining his composure and deciding to do something about those tears.

"Hey, Riza…you all right?" he tentatively asked, then mentally kicked himself for saying something so stupid—of course she wasn't all right. Riza gave a little jump at the sudden noise, as if she had forgotten that Roy was even there, then she quickly turned her head away and wiped furiously at her face.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," she said softly. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be so—" She stopped talking, shocked at the feeling of being pulled into a warm, gentle embrace. She hadn't been hugged in years—her father had never thought it necessary, and Roy certainly hadn't wanted to face his sensei's wrath should he find them in such a position. The sudden closeness of another human and the feeling of what she had been missing started a fresh stream of tears down Riza's face.

"Shhhh. It's okay. I'm here, and I'm not leaving." Roy pulled her closer and rested her head on his chest, placing his head on top of hers. He could feel his shirt growing damp under her cheeks, and he felt a strange sense of pride at being the only one allowed to see her during her moment of weakness. Eventually, Riza's breathing slowed and became rhythmic. Roy smiled as he realized she was sleeping. Well, she has had a long day, he thought. I suppose it wouldn't kill me to spend the night with her, too.

Thanks so much for reading! Please review, and if you liked it, stay tuned for more! I'll try to post when I'm not being swallowed up by college...