"No sir, I really wasn't planning on nuking Hackensack. Yes sir, I understand how it could've seemed that way sir. If you study your intelligence report more closely sir, I think you'll recognize the other target. My subordinates and I have been playing a game in order to boost morale, and apparently a couple of things I said got taken out of context sir. I'll try not to frighten you like that again Mr. President."

"What's going on?" Sam asked as she and O'Neill watched General Hammond converse on the red telephone.

"I'll give you three guesses who the General decided to be, and the first two don't count." O'Neill said. "Apparently, the NSA didn't recognize the plot of Superman."

"Well, I could see why they'd be worried." Sam said after a moment's thought. "Unlike most people, the General does have access to actual nuclear weapons."

"What'd I miss?" Daniel Jackson asked as he joined the small crowd that was gathered outside of Hammond's office.

"The President just asked the General to lay off the Lex Luthor act." O'Neill replied.

"So, that's why he's been wearing that god-awful wig..." Jackson said as Hammond set down the phone and sighed.