A Rainbows legacy
Chapter 7: Red Dawn
By Brainstorm
Celestia theme song for the chapter: Killing it: By Krewella
Luna/Red's theme song for the chapter: I Will Not Bow by Breaking Benjamin .com/watch?v=7qrRzNidzIc&ob=av2n
"Celestia, you can't do this!"
"Watch me."
The beam of green and black light hummed and hissed as the bedroom of princess Celestia, erupted in a furry of light.
The blast shot towards Princess Luna in a hissing, screaming, bolt that took on an angelic look of death.
Luna's horn had a blue and yellow swirling motion of magic to it that expanded as fast as it could, but wasn't fast enough.
The highly advanced shield spell was incredibly strong, but slow. The green and black spell hit the half formed shield dead on and broke through, but not without being deflected.
Luna stood tall and didn't flinch… even though the spell grazed the side of her face, leaving a deep gash that started to drip to the floor.
"That spell, was the same amount of power that it takes you to raise the sun… That takes a lot out of you. But what I am more concerned about, is that, that wasn't a teleportation or banishment spell…" Luna's face turned to one of sadness and dread, as the white Alicorn stood tall, panting heavily in front of her.
"I know what that spell was intended to do…" Luna Paused, a tear forming in her eyes as she looked upon her sister.
"Amatan Rastessi. The forbidden spell that mother used on the Lernaean Hydra. A… forbidden destruction spell."
Celestia stood up strait, lifted her head in annoyance, and spoke with little emotion "Then you realize how serious I am. Now… Leave."
"I am stronger than you think, don't forget that…. Sister!" Luna turned her body around and started to walk to the door when she heard the charging sound of another spell being formed. The dark blue Alicorn turned sharply and gasped.
Celestia was charging the same spell while walking closer to her sister. "You really have changed... haven't you?" Luna's face was full of pity and disappointment for her older sister. "You would cast a spell that can kill a nine headed Hydra….. At your sisters turned back?"
Celestia said nothing, as she lowered he horn to her stone faced sister, now only ten feet away.
Then she spoke.
"I haven't changed any more than this world has. You can send information faster than the speed of light through electronics and magic… You can go to any nation and ask to see who is in charge, and you see, ONE RULER. I haven't changed any more than this world that we live in today has! Equestria has three nations that are ready to rage war! I am NOT going to have this happening now!"
A large grey and red bolt flew through the air and slammed into the white Alicorn discharging the spell into the wall of the castle causing an enormous explosion of unstable magic.
"Red Eos! Just in time! The time has come for us to leave, you know where to go!" Luna shouted flying off out the doors and through the hallways of the castle.
The Pegasus named Red Eos followed suit but paused looking down at the crown on the floor. He the raised his front right hoof and brought it down, crushing Celestias' crown, sending bits in all direction.
"Don't Bucking touch Luna, or next time I'll crush your precious horn." The red maned Pegasus quickly whispered to Celestias' shocked body.
The grey Pegasus walked casually out the doors, and down the hallway.
Almost to the exit, a voice rang out from behind, and in front of him. Three royal guards surrounded him as he slowly stopped in the middle of the hall with a dull look on his face.
"By the order of Celestia, sto-…. Gogk!" A swift, rear, kick to the throat of the speaking guard sent him to the ground in pain, with shattered armor and a crushed voice box.
The other guard lunged forward with his spear to try and impale what he thought to be, a pony with his guard down.
The spear sliced through the air as the grey pony shifted his weight to the left and used his front right hoof to direct the spear to the ground using the guards own force to send, said guard, flying in the air.
When the second guard hit the ground behind Red, the grey Pegasus grabbed the spear and slammed the blade into the guards' neck.
The third guard lunged at Red from the left, behind him.
Red Eos jumped up and back, as the spear went directly below him. He then landed behind the guard and put his hooves on either side of the ponies head and whispered something to the now stone cold pony.
"It's amassing what Wonderbolts training, AND Shadowbolts training can do. Don't you agree?"
He then twisted the ponies' neck around and let the lifeless corps drop to the floor.
Red Eos, also known by the royal guard as Red Dawn, was a skilled and an honorable member of the Wonderbolts.
During a race at the fields of light, he was thought to have been killed by a beam while trying to save a young ponies life.
Red Eos was actually being watched by Luna, while on a scouting mission for her own personal guards. She saw that red was going to die if she didn't do something… Casting a teleportation spell that saved the pony's life, putting him in debt to the princess.
Red Eos soon burned the light blue and yellow flight suit that was given to him by Spitfire herself, just as rainbow dash received hers. Out of the ashes of the fire, was a black and dark blue flight suit that had a pony skull as a Cutie Mark cover.
Red Eos took flight after the small and quick battle, and flew west to the Everfree cemitary.
"Princess! Come on get up! You have to get up! We have to get you to a doctor!" Royal guards yelled as the unconscious Alicorn, lie exhausted and beaten in her room.
"Get the elements here now!" Shining Armor barked. As the captain he was in charge until the princess was able to rule the land again.
"Not a word of this gets out to the public! This could start a war that we can't afford to fight right now."
"The princess was put into a hospital overnight to regain strength and recuperate." Rainbow Dash said to her friends in a letter to Twilight Sparkle.
She continued by saying "Two of the three guards that where trying to stop the aslant were killed on the spot, and the other is in a coma, and will never speak again.
"We need you to come to the castle as soon as possible so that the princess will have all options available to her when she awakes."
Rainbow Dash, Wonderbolt
"Twi, what's this mean?" Applejack asked.
"It means that there has been an unnatural death in Equestria. This hasn't happened in my lifetime, I have no idea how to handle this." Twilight replied with a sad and unsure tone.
"Oh this is bad." Fluttershy added. The yellow pony started to cry as she pushed her face into Rarity's shoulder.
"There, there. Things are going to change and we need to be ready for it. You need to be strong, and fearless from now on." As rarity said this, the pink bouncing pony stopped completely.
Pinkie pie knew what death was, as joyful and happy as she was, she fully felt the impact of the two deaths that took place. These were the first killings in that had happed since the war.
"So… then we're heading to Canterlot again?" asked Pinkie Pie.
"Looks like it, even though we where just there, about three hours ago…" Twilight jeered with annoyance.
"This day went from bad to whurs' real quick!" added Applejack.
"Well we had better head to the train station," twilight announced tossing the letter to her desk.
"She, tried to actually kill me, in cold blood…"
"You did break one of her main rules," the grey pony added, "You broke into her room and attempted to learn the forbidden spells."
"Yeah…" Luna's head fell and her horn rested on the back of a tombstone. Her black cloak swirled and whipped in the wind on the top of the hill they sat on, in the Everfree cemetery.
"Well… you could be like me… Dead to the world," Red Eos said lying next to his tombstone, scratching at the Wonderbolts emblem engraved on it.
"To my sister and the land of Equestria… I am."
"I guess my sister was right. This world has changed…" Luna's voice dropped to a sob.
"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! It is time I show my sister who she is dealing with. She tried to kill me but failed."
Luna's horn glowed a blood red and sky blue swirling mixture, as the wound on her face began to close and scar.
"I won't make the same mistake as my sister…."
I think this is a good place to stop… sorry no more cliff hangers for now! ^_^
Let me know what you think about the songs, and if I should do it from now on.
Oc's …
Red Eos- Jesus Gomez A.K.A a BADASS (no profile, yet!)
Electro bolt- toxicDoom165( not in this chapter)
Raindance- Emi spears (not in this chapter and no profile)