I don't own Twilight

Wyoming Territory 1885

Bella watched the birds of many verity's swoop and play in the morning breeze as she tilted her head up and looked at the wide Wyoming sky, its pale blue calling to her, the light breeze caressing her cheeks and she couldn't help but smile. It was the perfect day. The type of day she always loved. She walked until she came to the dirt track and stopped she looked to her left and had to laugh Miss Mary Alice Cullen was running towards her full tilt. Of course no one ever called her Mary Alice, Alice hated her first name and refused to talk to anyone that used it. "Alice," Bella threw up her hands trying to stop her friends on going momentum before she was knocked to the ground.

She stopped just millimeters from Bella and a light smile graced her tiny ethereal face. "Hey Bells."

"Hey Alice are you ready for school?" Bella loved school but Alice could do without it, she wrinkled her nose at the very thought. "If Michael Newton tries to hit on me I'm getting your brother to beat him up.

Bella threw her head back and laughed . "Why my brother and not yours?"

"Well I mean yours is the sheriff mine is only a doctor."

"Only a doctor," Bella tried to stifle her laughter. She had to bite down hard on her bottom lip to stop the laughter from escaping her lips. "Don't let Doc here you say that." Edward was proud to be a doctor and he would be crushed to hear Alice call him just a doctor.

Alice just stuck her tongue out, "You know you're the only one that gets away with calling him Doc," Alice loved to tease her best friend about the fact that she was sure Edward was secretly in love with her though Alice was just holding her breath waiting for her brother to ask to formally court Bella.

"I'm just special," Bella smirked, she'd never admit to Alice how the thought of having a special name to call Edward made her heart flutter in her chest.

"Yeah or he's in love with you," Alice mumbled under her breath or at least Bella thought she heard, but the words were mumbled that didn't mean that Bella's cheeks didn't take on a pinkish tint to them.

Bella rolled her eyes and tried to hurry Alice along hoping the blush would abate from her cheeks. "Lets go we don't want to be late on Rose's first day," she grabbed Alice's wrist and tried to pull her along.

"Don't you mean Miss Hale," Alice chuckled Bella sighed yes it would get odd trying to remember to call Rose, Miss Hale, but as she was the new teacher in the one room school house she'd have to get used to itm Isabella Mary Swan lived in Silver Wyoming. She was born there in 1869. Her parents Renee and Charles Swan moved there in 1866 after the war of the states from Chicago with their best friends Carlisle and Esme Cullen. They came with her older brother Emmett Andrew Swan who was eight at the time and the Cullen's came with their son Edward Anthony Cullen who was also eight. Bella and Alice were both born with in a week of each other in September 1869.

Even though they came to Wyoming as a family it was just Bella and Emmett now, Renee died giving birth to Bella and Charlie died in a shootout when Bella was ten, he was the sheriff before Emmett took over and though Silver was a fairly law-abiding place Bella still feared for her older brothers safety on a daily basis. Bella and Alice were sixteen and Alice's older Brother Edward was the town doctor. That wasn't all Edward and Emmett did being a doctor and the sheriff . Emmett also ran the family ranch and Carlisle and Edward ranched the Cullen spread the Swan's and the Cullen's were founding members of the town and had the two biggest ranches around with plenty of hands around to help. The new teacher of Silvers one room school house was Rosalie Lillian Hale or Rose as she was called by her friends she was the sister of the Swan's foremen Jasper Nathanial Hale. Rose was nineteen and Jasper was twenty four. They had come to Wyoming after Jasper got out of the confederate war and though he was a southerner and the Cullen's and Swans were from the north, it didn't seem to matter out on the wide open prairie. Even though it was just Bella and Emmett they were around the Cullen's and Hales at all times and I almost felt like Esme had raised them which was true to a large extent because what does a man know about raising a new baby, with Renee gone Esme practically took the Swan children in and raised them right alongside Edward and Alice. it was a good thing that Emmett was twenty when Charlie died because at that age he could take full management of the ranch over. Jasper had only showed up the year before Charlie's death and even though it had been six years since Charlie's death Bella still struggled with the lose of her father. She was close to Carlisle but he could never replace her father.

Bella smiled over at Alice as they heard a bell ringing ahead of them, "Oh lets hurry," they hiked their skirts slightly over their boots and hurried off. The long grass swooshing about their ankles, they were trying to catch their breath as they smiled at Rose and hurried up the creaking wooden steps. "Hi Rose," Bella whispered getting a small smile back from Rose. Bella and Alice slipped into seats in the back and watched as Rose came up the walkway her heels clicking against the wooden planks. She came up to front and turned around, a smile graced her lips but her students could tell she wasn't someone you wanted to mess with. Though Mike Newton didn't seem to get the message.

"Hello Class, I'm Miss Hale and I'll be your teacher, we'll be doing things in an orderly manner, I have your reports from your last teacher and I think he did a great job so we'll just pick up where he left off. Everyone get out your readers and begin your lessons then I'll have the youngest come up to recite there lessons and go backwards in age until lunch. Rose sat down at her desk and looked across at her class it would be odd teaching her friends especially since she was being courted formally by Bella's older brother Emmett, though she didn't think she'd have any problems with either of the girls. Bella held her book open in front of her and let my mind drift she knew the material anyway and the older group wouldn't be called until right before lunch the group consisted of Bella, Alice, Jessica Stanley, Lauren Mallory, Mike Newton, Tyler Crowley and Eric Lithium, they were the eldest in the school . "Oh no," Bella moaned covering her face.

"What," Alice hissed looking to her side at Bella, "We forgot our lunches this morning," now usually one or the other of them would pack lunch for them both or Esme would do it but they had all been both anxious for Rose's first day that they totally forgot about it.

"And it was a good one two," Alice pouted, "mom put fried chicken and Cole slaw in the basket," if Bella wasn't worried about going hungry she would have laughed at the look on Alice's face. Though in Alice was upset though in reality it was her turn to bring the lunch so it was her fault. Finally it was their turn to go up front and they breezed through their lesson with ease well everyone that is besides Mike who didn't do anything but stare at Bella and Alice the whole time, he figured he'd take over the general store his dad owned so what did it matter if he got good grades.

"Ok class its time for lunch, we'll come back in half an hour for math," Rose could feel a headache coming on she wasn't sure how she was going to deal with Mike Newton. She was just glad it was time for lunch. Bella stood up and started to head towards the door along with everyone else when someone came through the door. her breath caught in her throat there standing in the door way was Doctor Edward Cullen.

"Sorry Miss Hale but it seems my sister and her friend forgot their lunch this morning." Edwards Eyes twinkled at Bella when they landed on her and she felt herself going a bit light headed.

"That's ok Doctor Cullen" Rosalie smirked when she saw the look pass between her two friends. I really didn't understand why Edward hadn't talked to Emmett about courting Bella yet, but she feared it had something to do with the age difference.

"Thank you," Bella took the pail from Edward and smiled.

"Yes big Brother thank you," Alice hugged her big brother and the girls went to find a shady place to sit and talk. Rose walked over to Edward and leaned in.

"When are you going to ask to court her?" she whispered so no one else could hear.

Edward had to shake himself out of his day dream of Bella's beautiful eyes. He turned to Rose, "She hasn't even finished school yet Rosalie," he sighed.

Rose scoffed, "oh please we both know if Bella wanted she could leave school tomorrow. She's not going to wait around forever Edward," with those words Edwards heart dropped as he watched the angel laughing with his sister.

"I know Rose, I know," he sighed he'd talk to Emmett soon if with Jasper courting Alice it couldn't be that bad could it, Edward was only two years older than Jasper and it wasn't like Emmett didn't realize that Edward loved Bella with every fiber of his body. Now he just had to get the courage to ask the question.

Bella felt a pair of eyes on her and turned her head to lock eyes with Edward she wondered if he liked her loved her would ever ask to court her and she hoped he would because she knew that he was the only man she'd ever love.

A/N this is my new story obviously historical. Not sure how good it is or where its going please don't flame but if you like it please review and let me know. Also tell me where you would like to see it taken. I have a small idea but I love to hear from the readers.