
Alex's POV:

I thought I was tired before heading to MI6 headquarters; I clearly had no idea what was ahead of me. I was checked out by a medic and then interrogated for close to twelve hours. My mind was so wacked I could barely tell which was way up.

One of the newbie agents led me up from the depths of the bank on Liverpool Street. I considered mentioning the fact that I'd been here dozens of times since I was fourteen, but I kept my mouth shut until we reached the elevators, "Where are my friends?"

"Who?" the agent asked, his face a perfect mask.

"The CIA agents that came in with me," I replied.

"Ah," the agent nodded briskly, punching the elevator button, "Agent Morgan and the other…children."

This guy was seriously testing my patience, "Agent Morgan, her daughter Cameron, Agent Goode, and Rebecca Baxter, yes," I put a little extra emphasis on the Baxter part. Every newbie knows Abe Baxter, Bex's dad.

The elevator door dinged opened and the agent gestured grandly for me to enter, "I believe they left."

"What? They left?"

The agent nodded, not making any move to follow me into the elevator, "Their interrogat- interview, finished up hours ago."

"And they just left?"

The door was sliding closed and the agent was looking impatient, "Yes, they left. Oh…but the younger Agent Morgan left this for you."

Just before the door swished closed, a thin envelope floated threw the crack and landed on my feet. My name was written across the front in Cammie's familiar handwriting.

Carefully, I bent and retrieved the envelope and ripped it open. Inside was a single sheet of handwritten paper, much longer than the note I'd left her at Gallagher:


I wanted to talk to you face to face before I left, but I have some business to take care of that I'm already behind on. So I guess this letter will have to do.

First things first. In case you missed it last night, I was very angry with you. I may have looked calm and sexy-super-agent-ish on the outside, but inside my head I'd slowly and painfully killed you three times.

What were you thinking?! Going in without back up like that could have gotten you killed! It was stupid and irresponsible. And going solo like that really worries the people that care about you. Take it from me, I found that out the hard way. I wasn't as lucky as you were, I got caught.

Don't forget to think about the risks that you take.

One of my wisest teachers, one that I have trusted with my life, once told our class that there are six reasons that anyone does anything.

Love. Faith. Greed. Boredom. Fear. Revenge.

Six reasons that can be very different and almost the same. I won't expressly tell you which of these reasons were mine, but I think you can guess. I didn't help you just because you helped me. If you had been the obstinate brat that I first met in London when I was just another unwanted assignment I probably would have left you to rot in Tijuana.

My mom is yelling that we're going to miss our flight, so this is where I sign off. But I do have one more piece of wisdom to bestow upon you.

There's more than one path that will lead you home.



P.S. It's okay to call me other than when you're running from every government agency in the world, just so you know. So…CALL.


P.P.S. Don't think that I don't know you read through my Operative Reports. My security system is so advanced that your simple male mind can't wrap itself around it. Go through my stuff again and you will not live to tell about it. Capisce?

I reread the message four or five times, not really paying attention as I wove my way out of the Royal & General Bank and into the path of the early morning commuters heading off to work. I tucked the note into my pocket and set off at a brisk pace, walking against the flow.

I hiked in the warmth of the early morning sun, the skies about London seemingly brighter than they'd been in a long time. I smiled again at Cam's note.

"There's more than one path that will lead you home."

Cammie never missed a trick. She knew how I felt about working for MI6 and she was showing me the way out. The words written between the lines are sometimes the ones that mean the most. You don't have to work for MI6, you can walk away.

I found myself at the Tower of London, surrounded on all sides by early morning tourists from every walk of life. I looked up the tall stonewalls to the blue sky and if possible, the grin on my face widened.

I let loose with a shout of pure joy, not really caring what people thought or who heard me. I was free.


There guys, Alex Rider: Rogue is complete. I am so thankful for all my reviewer and readers, you guys keep me going. I hope this story was enjoyable for everyone, I hope I made you laugh at some point; I hope I stayed true to the amazing characters. I hope you'll come back to my profile and read my other stories.

But I REALLLLLLLLY hope you liked the end of the story. Not to corny? Or sappy?

Again, as I sign off for the last time, I had such a good time writing this and you guys FREAKIN' ROCK.

Love Always,

Agent Striker