Okay, so this is SLASH. And this is SMUT. It also borders slightly on non-con. It isn't quite non-con, but it is close. It is sadistic. It is brutal. It is unlike anything I have ever written before.

NOTE: Okay, not sure what exactly has developed, but it's not quite as sadistic as I feared it would be, so don't be super scared.

As Lord Voldemort stalked into his room, he stopped to observe the gorgeous picture the blonde lying face down on his bed made. The man's long hair seemed to be everywhere, and his naked boy was simply beautiful. His hands and feet were bound to the posts of the bed, preventing all thought of escape. The Dark Lord chuckled to himself quietly, well there was no chance of the man escaping now that he was here to prevent it. He might as well let the man prove his worth properly. He released the bonds with a wave of his hand.

The other man quickly looked up to see who had entered. Seeing that it was his Lord, he immediately knelt next to the bed at the red eyed man's feet, eyes down. "My Lord, I-"

"Enough." Hissed Lord Voldemort, yanking Lucius' head up by his hair so that he could look him in the eye. "You failed me. I have no wish to hear your excuses. I have a much better idea of what you can do with that pretty mouth of yours." It seemed to take the blonde a moment to understand what he was saying, but the Dark Lord took delight at the brief look of horror that washed over the man's face before he replaced his mask and reached for his Lord's trousers.

Pulling out the Dark Lord's cock from its confines, Lucius hesitated only a moment before taking it into his mouth. The Dark Lord shoved it down his throat, his hands still wrapped painfully in Lucius' hair, holding him in place. A cruel smile came over his face as he watched Lucius struggle, gagging on the intrusion. The great Lucius Malfoy had probably never done this before, had thought himself too high and mighty. Maybe that was Lucius' problem the Dark Lord mused, watching tears of pain well up in the blonde's eyes, he needed someone to put him in his place.

He eased his grip slightly, allowing Lucius to get his mouth free and get in a gasp of air before he resumed fucking his follower's mouth brutally. He set a punishing pace, and Lucius gagged slightly a few more times, but the Dark Lord did not hold him down to choke him again. He felt his orgasm build and he reluctantly pulled away. As much as he wanted to see the regal face of Lucius Malfoy covered in his come, right now he wanted to fuck that tight little ass. He roughly brushed his finger over his follower's bruised lips, looking into fearful grey eyes. Absolutely beautiful.

"Get on the bed." The blonde scrambled to obey. "On your hands and knees like a good little pet." The Dark Lord took off his clothes, watching the nervous man on the bed. He shook slightly, but seemed to desperately be trying to hold himself together in front of his Lord. Lord Voldemort chuckled darkly. The slender man made such a tempting sight.

The Dark Lord knelt behind his prize, running his fingernails along the quivering blonde's sides. "Such a good little bitch." He hissed, thrusting his entire length into Lucius.

Lucius screamed. It was music to his Lord's ears. The larger man withdrew, barely sparing a glance to the blood coming from the other man's torn hole. He could always heal it enough after to prevent any permanent damage. This was his pet's punishment after all. He plunged back into to his bitch, pounding the slender man into the mattress at an abusing pace.

Lucius' arms gave out, his cries now reduced to pain filled whimpers. He shook even worse than before. The Dark Lord came forcefully, taking delight in the other's distress. It did not bother him in the least the other man wasn't even half hard. This had been about his pleasure, not Lucius'.

He pulled out sharply, watching the other man wince in pain. What a pretty little pet the blonde made. It was a role that suited him much better than a death eater, Lord Voldemort decided, from now on Lucius Malfoy would be nothing but his little bitch.

He lied down on his back, watching the blonde collapse next to him. "Lick me clean." He ordered. Hollow eyes looked up at him, before he dragged himself over to his Lord's cock, dutifully licking his own blood and the Dark Lord's come off of the member that had just torn him in two.

Finishing his task, he collapsed on the bed, watching for any further instruction. "Well Lucius, I have come to a decision about your punishment." Grey eyes widened. That hadn't been his punishment? There was more? "You are no longer a death eater. " What did that mean? What could he do now? He could hardly try to join the Light side, as a convicted death eater- "You shall now be my pet."

Lucius looked up at his Lord in horror. "As such, I am no longer you Lord, but your Master, and I expect you to address me as such, if I ever require you to speak." Cold red eyes gleamed. "You are now nothing but my little bitch." He gently stroked his hands through Lucius' hair. "Don't look so scared Lucius, obey me and it won't be so bad. Doesn't every dog want to please their master?" He smiled cruelly.

The Dark Lord picked up one of the discarded pieces of rope and transfigured it into a black leather collar, which he fastened around the neck of his beautiful new pet. "You are mine." He hissed, grabbing a fistful of Lucius' hair and pulling him into a punishing kiss.

Tossing one of the pillows from the bed onto the floor, he transformed it into a soft, larger pillow, much like a dog might sleep on. "You shall have to earn your place in my bed my pet. For now your place is on the floor." With surprising gentleness, he picked up the still shaking blonde and carefully placed him on the pillow.

Grey eyes glanced up at him warily. Lord Voldemort seemed much nicer to him as his pet than he had ever been to his as his death eater. However, Lucius also hadn't angered him yet. Casting a glance over the nude form of his bitch, the Dark Lord transfigured a blanket, which he placed carefully over the other man. Satisfied, he lay back down to go to sleep.

"Good night my pet."

I plan to make this a series of one-shots, not a full story. It will not be updated regularly, but whenever I get attacked by a plot bunny. Vicious little creatures.