Hello peeps. So I know I finished this story a long time ago... but I've recently been getting back into writing fanfiction and seriously procrastinating on my school work (like I kind of should be doing it right now...). So I decided to go back and take a look on my first story (the only one that's not a one-shot!) and I cracked up at just how badly written it was. I know some of you reviewed with really positive comments but... it's still just... really really bad. And for those of you who gave advice... I totally understand now... And of course I have one of the best teachers (she's the best in the school, everyone loves her, even this girl from high school said she was the better teacher) to thank for my improvement in writing... Yeah I hate proofreading though so forgive me about that... Uh... right the point is that I'll very slowly start working on rewriting this story (if I have enough motivation to). If I... uh fall in love...? with this story like I did with some of my other ideas, it'll come out quicker! But I've had some serious lack of time these past few weeks so I can't guarantee anything... Now I probably already wasted your time with reading the story and this so here's a gauge of how much my writing's improved (also since I'm not allowed to make a chapter solely an author's note)... it's not the entire first chapter but only a bit of it... The story line should stay around the same but I'm not rushing anything this time so I'll really make the story what I wanted to in the beginning instead of just trying to end it. K thanks for reading this! And also just a note, I really rather write in 3rd person but I want to keep this story in first person... but I won't be switching POVs because I just dislike writing like that... So anything that doesn't happen with Amu will be written in 3rd person... Right... here's the actual rewrite of part of the first chapter:
Collapsing onto my bed, I stared dreamily up at the ceiling, an idiotic smile plastered across my face. "Ah, tomorrow Tadase-kun will be going shopping with me! Even if Rima, Nagihiko, Kukai, and Yaya will also be there... Kya! It's going to be so much fun!" Sitting up on my bed, a small giggle escaped my lips as I thought about the next day.
Suddenly I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. Immediately, my dreams were interrupted as thoughts of annoyance muscled their way in. A perverted cat, Ikuto, sat perched on the railing of my balcony, one leg hanging loosely with the other bent up, supporting his head. As he sat there, he watched me with his enchanting midnight blue eyes and that sly, perverted smirk of his, his dark, soft hair blowing in the wind.
"H-h-HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE?!" I burst out, blushing a bright red. Now standing up, I trembled angrily as he once again burst into my life in the most abnormal, stupid ways. Normal people don't sit on other people's balconies while watching them in their room! I watched as Ikuto's lips moved but I couldn't hear anything through my sliding glass door. Turning my nose upwards in arrogance, I said haughtily, "Serves you right you perverted cat! You're unable to talk to me! Hah!" A broad, victorious smile spread across my face as I enjoyed the moment... Until Ikuto walked right up and opened the door.
Stepping into my room he walked over to me and with yet another smirk, he bent down and whispered into my ear, "What was that you were saying about not being able to talk to you?" I raised a hand and swung at him in an attempt to slap him. Without even so much as a glance at me, Ikuto took a step back, unfazed. "You should really lock your windows," Ikuto added, surveying my room, "Yup, same as always."
So that's kind of it... See how badly I wrote back then? If you're wondering, I probably rewrote it from my word document onto here then reread it in about... 15 minutes? And that's that! So like imagine if I actually put effort into it...? It'd still be equally as bad! Nah sorry... I'm trying! If you want, please review this chapter too (and if you want go reread the first chapter) just so I can see how much my writing really improved against you peeps... Just a note. I NEED INSPIRATION. Very badly... I'm trying and trying but! Yes. Thank you! (When I'm not actually writing... like a story... I write a lot differently because I try to write with as much inflection as possible... so yeah... sorry if it's hard to understand or bothers you)