Amelia made a strange noise into the phone "I might, call Lafayette he is the closest thing to a witch that you would know I'm on my way."

Sookie didn't waste any time the tone in Amelia's voice was warning enough for her, she dialed Lafayette's number from memory.

"You got La La" she couldn't help but smile his voice was so comforting and familiar,

"just wondering if you could come over for a little while?"

She got straight to the point, she had already been alone for most of the day and it would be hours before Eric could get there.

"Is everything ok, are the babies ok?"

"yeah we're fine I just don't wanna be alone right now"

Sookie didn't want to go over the whole thing on the phone it sounded crazy to her so she could imagine what it would sound like to Lafayette.

"Sure Sook I'll be right over"

She felt relieved knowing that someone would be with her; she hadn't put much thought into what had been going the last two days but one thing she had noticed was that she approached both times when she was alone.

Sookie sat nervously staring at her stomach and thinking for the first time about the babies that were growing inside of her. Would they be boys or girls a and what would she name then, Sookie smiled "this is what pregnant woman were are supposed to worry about, not ghost that are trying to hurt their babies."

She chuckled at the strange words she was whispering to her stomach, she was supposed to be signing lullaby's and professing her love of the miracle that was happening inside of her. Yet she was terrified and haunted by her past "mommy will protect you" she caressed her belly knowing that she meant it.

Sookie felt more relaxed in that second than she had since she woke up in the hospital but it wouldn't last long.

The floor creaked behind her making her jump to her feet "Lafayette" she yelled hoping she just hadn't heard him come in.

She turned quickly to find nothing the room was empty;

"Jesus Sookie give yourself a heart attack."

She tried to talk herself down but something inside was telling her to stay alert; like a siren going off in her gut 'your not alone, it's not safe.'

Sookie moved toward the kitchen door keeping her back pressed firmly against the wall as she reached for the handle.

"uh uh" A voice whispered from across the room,

"they know I'm here don't they?"

Sookie froze her heart was pounding in her ears and she could feel the fear pulsing in her stomach, they did know she was there, they were afraid and she had to protect them.

Her hand pressed tightly over her stomach like a shield between them and what ever was trying to harm them she backed away from the door.

"I know it's you Tara" laughter filled the air around her

"what do you want?"

Sookie tried to sound strong but the fear pounding inside of her was making her body vibrate, she jumped at the sound of her phone ringing pressing her body further against the wall. She was almost positive it was Eric but it was to late to check when the phone flew across the room smashing into the wall beside her before falling to pieces on the floor.

"Where are you Tara" she wanted to see her to know where she was; there was no way to fight off something you couldn't see. Sookie knew this was a game to her once friend; she wanted her to be scared before she showed herself.

"Tara why are you doing this?"

A high pitched scream shook the house and one thing was clear Tara was strong even in death, keeping her eyes moving in all directions Sookie moved further into the kitchen she knew she couldn't kill a ghost but she felt like she needed a weapon anything to help her defend herself.

Sookie reached into the dish rack pulling out a knife and immediately dropping it; the handle felt like it was made of flames burning holes into the palm of her hand. She cried out pressing her bloody hand against her chest,

"Tara I'm your friend why are you doing this to me?"

Her pleas only angered Tara more; the room started to fill with a cloud of thick grey fog and suddenly Tara was standing a few feet in front of her.

"Tara oh god I'm so sorry" Sookie sobbed when she saw her mangled body covered in rot that seemed to ooze from her pores.

Tara didn't bother to disguise herself as anything close to human like the others; she wanted Sookie to see the horrible thing she had become.

"Your sorry" Tara laughed causing thick black slime to pour from the gaping hole in her throat,

"what do you have to be sorry for, living my life or maybe your sorry for raising my girls with that monster you married."

"I would never"

"never what, never let him hurt them, you don't care about them."

Tara moved closer shoving the kitchen table from between them,


Her voice boomed in Sookie's ears "that's not true" she cried out as her hand cradled her stomach, "I cared about you I care about your girls I care, I'm trying to fix this."

"It's to late" Tara moved closer

"what do you want with my babies?" Sookie knew Lafayette was on his way and she needed to stall just long enough for him to get there.

Tara smiled "you and your babies are our way back, I want my life back, my girls, my family, my friends I want it all back."

"No" Sookie screamed as Tara lunged for her barely missing her as she ducked under the kitchen table crawling quickly into the living room. She could hear Tara laughing behind her as she ran toward the front door, her hand gripped the knob and turned it half way before she was pulled back and thrown onto the couch.

Sookie gasped her hands immediately covering her stomach she looked around frantically searching for a way out but it was no use there was none; she was stuck and once again she was powerless.

"Tara please" her words were cut short as Tara hands wrapped around her throat, Sookie turned away squeezing her eyes shut not wanting to see what was going to happen next.

"Tara stop" Lafayette screamed throwing himself between Sookie and Tara.

"Lafayette are you ok" Sookie yelled as his body collapsed onto the sofa next to her, looking around the room their were no signs of Tara but something was clearly wrong with Lafayette. His body was limp and his face seemed to have lost all of it's color,

"Lafayette" Sookie fanned his face with her hands not sure of what else to do.

"Lafayette" she knelt beside him caressing his hand, Lafayette's head jerked his eyes locking on her and his hand clutching hers.

"Oh Lafayette thank god," she exhaled wrapping her arms around him but he didn't move just sat quietly clutching her hand. Sookie thought she would feel relieved once he had gotten there but relief was the last thing she was feeling; her stomach pulsed with fear and that alarm she could feel warning her earlier was sounding louder than ever.

Sookie knew something was wrong she stood slowly trying to pull her hand free from Lafayette' s but his grip only tightened.

"I'm gonna get you a glass of water" she patted his hand hoping if she drew attention to his hold on her he would release but the more she pulled away the more he seemed to squeeze.

"Lafayette your hurting me" she jerked her hand harder still not able to break free. As she struggled a smile spread across Lafayette's face; his eyes were dark and empty like something she had only seen in a horror movie.


"I told you Sookie you're my way back, I'm not going anywhere"

Lafayette stood twisting Sookie arm awkwardly causing her to fall to her knees. She screamed out in agony trying to adjust her body to the piercing pain;

"Eric will be here soon" her words were breathy and worn.

"I'm counting on that" Lafayette laughed jerking her to her feet and dragging her toward the kitchen; "I'm counting on him to bring your little witch friend too."

Sookie was confused and the pain in her arm was keeping her from focusing. "Why do you need them just kill me already"

Lafayette tossed her into a kitchen chair and broke out in laughter.

"Kill you, you stupid bitch I don't want to kill you" Lafayette turned away from her searching the kitchen for something to tie her up with and Sookie saw her chance. She leaned slowly using her foot to pull the knife she had dropped earlier toward her, she knew she only had one chance at this and she had to make it count.

Once the knife was close enough Sookie had to move quickly; without hesitation she reached for the knife with her good arm and jumped from her seat. Lunging at her possessed friend she was aiming for his spine but suddenly her body from the knife just centimeters from her target she was frozen in place.

Lafayette turned his eyes burning with rage "what's the matter Sook?"

Sookie fought against whatever force that was stopping her but it was useless she couldn't move, she couldn't fight it was clear that Tara had her right where she wanted her.

"Like I said bitch I don't want to kill you but if you keep testing me I will hurt you" instantly the knife in Sookie's hand was on fire again; her skin melting under it she couldn't drop it.

Frozen in pain Sookie refused to scream it was what Tara wanted she wanted her to be hurt and scared. After what seemed like forever her hand opened up releasing the knife as she collapsed to the floor,

"now cut the shit and sit down, I don't want to much damage to my new body." Lafayette smiled and batted his eyelashes.

"Your body?" Sookie understood now what Tara was planning on doing she was trying to permanently take over Sookie's body so she could have her life back.

"There's a protection spell" Tara's smile stopped her in her tracks.

"A spell that your little witch friend will have to remove before she can do anything to protect your babies"

Sookie's heart sank; she had fallen right into Tara's plan "what are you going to do about Eric and Amelia?"

"You mean Tarance and Dahlia they'll be fine' dad has always been fascinated by vampires and being one as powerful as Eric will be fun for him."

"And what will happen to Lafayette" Sookie couldn't stop the tears from rolling down her face,

"oh he stays he's family."

"my babies?" Sookie pressed her hand against her stomach

"well if they survive which Dahlia says is unlikely then I guess I'll raise them."

Sookie felt sick as she realized how wrong she was about what was going on, it was never about the babies Tara hadn't even planned on them living. She used Sookie's pregnancy as a distraction from what was really going on,

"how do you know this is even going to work?"

Tara moved closer now only inches from Sookie's face,

"Well that's simple I just needed to get all three of you in one place at the same time and since everyone around you seems to feel some sick need to protect poor little Sookie I used it to my advantage."

"I wont let you do this Tara I'll kill myself before I let you hurt anyone else."

Tara's laughter filled the room sending chills down her spine " you think you're the only one with magic on your side. See Sook my dear long lost sister Dahlia liked to play with a little black magic before you killed her and when she told me about this little spell she knew of I just couldn't help myself."

"Oh and as far killing yourself as funny as it would be to see you try I have to tell you that little protection spell Amelia put on you is nothing compared to the one Dahlia conjured up, See no one can hurt you not even you.

Sookie sat quietly while Tara paced the floor both of them waiting for the sun to go down, she knew Eric would be there soon and that he would fight for her and their babies but she couldn't help but wonder who would get hurt in the process.