Hey guys, so unfortunately I didn't do as I said I would and write more over the break so with that being said…SORRY So because of that it may be a slow process like say an update every other week, so hang on with me!

This chapter has nothing to do with Merlin and Arthur's capture it's more of a filling in the gap chapter, so it may be boring or not.

Enjoy and please leave a review!

Uther was the mightiest ruler of the lands. He was kind but firm. The crops were plentiful, there was low crime, and it was a happy place- Camelot. Uther had just recently married Ygraine, a kind, soft spoken women who loved Uther. But there was already talk about a royal baby and when they would announce it. But there was a problem. It seemed that Ygraine could not conceive a child and Uther was started to get worried. He had heard of a woman by the name of Nimueh, a sorceress, who may be able to help them.

Uther set of on a quest to find Nimueh and bring her to Camelot. He rode out with his men leaving Ygraine alone worried for his safe return. He went through valleys and forests to find the sorceress but to no avail. Not until he meet a mysterious man on the side of the path. He spoke to this man who pointed the way to Nimueh, Uther offer money but the man cackled with laughter and disappeared into the fog.

They made it down to a lake and noticed a man sitting in the boat. This was it, the Isle of the Blessed, the one place you never wanted to go but was the one place they had to go. The man in the boat told them to get in and once in the boat moved on its own accord. It was a terrifying place but beauty once stood there, Uther and his men where in awe. They came upon a shore and stumbled out of the boat. Uther told his men to be on guard for anything, so they walked inside the ruins of the castle.

In the middle of what seemed to be once a great hall stood a woman in a red dress next to a pedestal. She never turned around to face them but spoke Uther's name. It frightened them. How could this woman know who he was without looking at him. They spoke for some time her voice was soft but sharp around the edges. They struck a deal, if she was able to help Ygraine then Uther would give her, her freedom. They quickly headed back to Camelot as soon as the deal was made.

She gave Ygraine a potion to take that would help her conceive and it did. Around nine months later she was in labor. Gaius was there to assist with the birth. It was hard, but after many hours she gave birth to a son, Arthur. But soon after Arthur was carried away to be taken care of Ygraine fell ill. Gaius tried to save her but was unsuccessful. The Queen of Camelot was dead.

Uther mourned her death privately, he had a son to take care of alone. It was then that he started to become firm against all magic, and so the Great Purge began. He ordered all of those known to have magic to be executed.

Arathorn was terrified for his wife. She had magic, unknown to anyone else but still he was worried. He would stay up late into the night listening for any noises that would bring harm to his wife Lydia. It was a bright Saturday morning and both he and his wife were busy with chores. He was planting new seeds in their garden and Lydia was doing the laundry. Around noon he heard a scream, Lydia. Guards were trying to arrest her but she was fighting back. People were talking say things, "she has magic, that one" "I saw her do magic right with my own eyes". He tried to intervene but was thrown down in the mud.

The crowd parted and soon he was looking at the feet of Uther Pendragon. He was terrifying, towering over him. He arrested her for the use of magic was she was to be executed on Monday. No matter how much he begged and pleaded Uther would not revoke the sentence.

Arathorn was furious. Monday came by soon enough and the crowd was gather for the public execution. Then the crowd grew silent as the sound of chains dragging across cobblestone was heard. Lydia was walking towards her death. Arathorn looked at her and she briefly looked at him. She did not look afraid, she had already accepted her death. Arathorn watched her step up onto the pyre, never looking away from her face as it was lit and the flames started to grow higher and higher around her. She started to scream as the flames licked her legs but soon those screams grew to whimpers, then all was quiet. The crowd started to disperse, having seen enough, but Arathorn stayed. He looked up to the balcony where Uther still stood, he knew anger was still present on his face but Uther shrugged him off and turned back into his room.

From this day forward Arathorn sworn to have his revenge on King Uther.

Just a short snippet of Arathorn's background. I just threw this together this morning so if there are any mistakes then you know it was probably due to me rushing through. Please review!