A/N: Hola, my wonderful readers! I see more people have been pressing the Favorite and Following buttons.. I didn't know I was that good but I appreciate the reviews! So yeah.. Chapter 5 :D


Fabian POV

I stormed into the kitchen and everyone looked at me expectantly. "How is she?" Amber asked.

"She's doing okay, I guess. I'll be spending more time with her in a minute. I have to do something first," I replied, looking directly at Patricia. Everyone followed my gaze and Patricia just looked at everyone and said her signature, "What?"

"Oh, you know exactly what! You she-devil!" I shouted, with all anger and force. Everyone looked at me wide-eyed. I'm not known to act this way, but what Patricia did made me furious. "Excuse me?" Patricia said.

"I called you a she-devil. Which is not all you are. Why did you have to go and be such a witch to Nina? All she's trying to do is fit in here. When we went out to talk, I told her about Joy. She instantly felt really bad and automatically thought that she wouldn't be welcome here because you all thought that she was going to replace Joy. I tried to reassure her that everyone would get over Joy leaving in a few weeks. So it really meant a lot to me that you all decided to accept her. And then, YOU had to go and ruin all of it by dumping water on her and treat her as if she's some type of spy or something! Look, Patricia. I know you're upset about Joy leaving. Believe me, I am too. We all are. But you need to move on. And you can always find ways to communicate with her. But you shouldn't be angry at Nina, just because your best friend left. You truly are low, Patricia."

Everyone stared at me wide-eyed. Patricia's look, though, was the greatest. I took a deep breath and walked out of the room and back to where Nina was sitting by the staircase. She still had her head in her hands and looked absolutely miserable. I knelt down and took her hands. "Hey, it's okay," I said in a soothing voice, trying to calm her down. She looked up at me and half-smiled.

"I heard everything you said in there. Thanks," she said. I looked at her and smiled.

"Anytime," I replied. "Patricia shouldn't have done what she did and I needed to give her a piece of my mind." She smiled. That was the first genuine smile I've seen all night. Well, after Patricia soaked her. "You think you're gonna be okay?" I asked, truly wanting to know if she'll be able to get through the night. She shrugged. "I don't know. I might."

"Well, that's not good enough for me. Come on."

"Where are we going?" she asked. "My room. You deserve some comfort after that," I nodded toward the kitchen as I led her to my room. She chuckled and I told her to come in. I led her toward my bed and told her to sit and make herself comfortable. "So, this is your room?" She looked around curiously.
"Mine and Mick's, yeah. He's the blonde, buff-looking one," I told her. "Oh! Really? You two get along?" "He's my best mate," I replied. She was sitting at the top of the bed, hugging her legs. She looked sad and cold. "Cold, Nina?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah, it's just the cold and the draft in here. I should go-", she stopped in mid-sentence as she got up. She sat back down and sighed deeply. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I don't think I have any warm clothes. I assumed the weather here was warmer than New York. I'm an idiot," she said, face-palming herself. "Hey, it' fine. You're with a native of England so I'll let you borrow some of my stuff, yeah?" I told her. She looked at me with a shocked look. "What?" I asked, wondering why she was looking at me like that. "You would let me borrow some of your clothes?"

"Well I'm not going to let you sit there and freeze to death. Part of being comfortable is being warm," I told her, walking over to my closet to look for something she could wear. I decided on one of my flannels and pajama bottoms that kept me warm during winter. "Here," I handed the clothes to her. "The bathroom is right across the hall." I walked her to the door. She opened it and before she walked out, she turned around and kissed my cheek. "Thanks, Fabian." She smiled and left to change. I smiled as I watched her leave. It felt good knowing that I made her happy. Maybe I do like her. We do have many things in common. I was sitting on the foot of the bed, pondering my thoughts, when the door opened and Nina came back in. She smiled as she set her clothes on the nearest chair. She sat at the head of the bed again and for a moment we were in silence. Then after a while, she looked at me. "Hey, Fabian." I snapped out of reverie of thoughts. "Yeah, Nina?"

"I'm still feeling a little cold." I may be a Stutter Rutter, but I can take a hint. I smiled and moved to the other side of the bed and put my arm around her and pulled her close to me. She automatically curled up into me and it was the most wonderful feeling in the world. "Better?" I asked. She just smiled and nodded. We talked more and before I knew it, I woke up with her next to me and the blanket thrown over us.

A/N: Aaaaaand, that's that.. I am actually proud with this. Remember to pitch ideas! Love y'all!