We wander around in a dark maze for hours. I don't think she quite understands that I got a lot more tired toting her around that she did riding on my back, and that the little nap I had didn't do me enough good. I don't care. I can ignore it, and not because I'm distracted by her curious, excited, sweet pink face. I'm not at all focused on her little nose or how her deep-pink locks frame her face. Not thinking about how sweet that head of hair is. Not pecking my fang to see if I can get that aching sensation back in it.

She wants to keep writing stuff down about all kinds of plants and stuff. I rustle through my bag and pass her a digital camera so she can take pictures of the foliage. It takes quite a bit of convincing but I manage to get her to stop staring at every stupid thing we pass. I told her 'd take her back here later for research. Said I'd bring something to do next time. She seems excited about that, but she keeps getting this devious smile to pull at her lips like she knows what's going on. Nothing is going on.

We get a little lost after awhile. By which I mean we were wandering blindly the entire time because she forgot to chart a map. Too distracted by the stupid stuff. I sigh. Untie my bass. "Step away Bonnie." I hand her the lantern. She backs away. "Farther, and set that thing down when you get there." I'm not worried about hurting her. Not worried she'll burn herself on the lamp. Not at all. I grab my ax up by the neck with both hands, hold it up behind my head, and slam it into the floor, feet leaving the ground because of the sheer force it hits the mossy rock with. Fire shoots forward in two lines, making another path through all the walls. The flames screech on and flicker up in shades of crimson and lemony yellow.

It stirs up some bats. They screech and flap about in a flurry around us. She screams and ducks. I throw my head back and laugh, but still go over to kneel by her and wrap my arm around her shoulder. I don't care if she's scared. Why would I? I just want that prize at the end. Whatever it is. She clings tightly to my neck. I fight back a blush. I can feel her breath on my shoulder and her bubble-pink hair is dangerously close to my fangs. It looks so sweet. So overly sweet. I resist sinking my teeth in.

The fires die down. We let go of each other. By the time the heat has died down enough to start down the path it is too dark to do it without the lantern, which is currently out. It must have been blown out when I brought my ax down. Lucky it didn't fall over and spark another fire. She would have been hurt. It would have been my fault. I wouldn't have felt bad. I'm not tempted to go over to her right now and throw my arms around her while she blindly sifts through her bag. I mount my bass back on to it's usual spot. "I can see in the dark you know Bonnie." I grab her pack from her and pull out the matches fast. I light the lantern and start towards the new path, motioning my arm out for her to join me.

"Do you know how much plant-life you destroyed with that little stunt?"

"Dunno, how much?"

"A lot Marceline! You could have set fire to exactly the plant I needed!"

"No way, this path doesn't meet an end, just a bunch of other paths, and now we can peek through them without having to wander around for hours because someone decided to gape at some leaves instead of charting that map she was oh soooo confident about."
"Nn! You make me so angry sometimes! This is why I stopped meeting you, you are so freaking chaotic! I just-!"

"So what, you've only been hanging out with me so you could do this?"

"No! I... I wanted to give you another chance and..."

"A chance at what exactly."

"A chance to prove you aren't as... As freaking crazy as you've proven yourself again!"

"Oh, you haven't even seen crazy Bonnibel. I'm being extra nice just for your prissy little self, because you can't handle me! In fact, you can't handle anything!"

"I can handle myself fine thank you."

"Oh yeah. You can handle yourself. That's why Ice King is always capturing you, right? Why you fell for the evil heart-guy's lies?"

"How do you even know about Ricardio?"

"From Finn! He used to always talk about you. He was kind of in love with you, remember? Or are you still too focused on the plants?"

"He was never in love with me, he's a little boy, it's a little crush. Why are you even bringing it up?"

"I don't know, an example?"

"These situations don't relate Marceline."

I growl and throw down the lantern, it smashes against the ground and goes out surprisingly fast after a quick roar of blaze. "Marceline!" I back up, watching her wander around. Laughing. She follows my voice and I can see her getting scared but I don't care. I do care. No I don't. Why would I? I don't. She's as stuck up and know it all as she was the day she decided I wasn't worth hanging out with anymore. "Marceline please stop this!" I screech out giggles, backing through the blazed path, looking around. Checking for those stupid science flowers because now I just want to get out o her. I want to get the reward. I want to her out of my system. I mean my hair. "Please... Marceline.. I..."

I swallow. Where is that stupid flower so I can get her out of here? I mean so I can get away from her. She stops. "Keep walking forward." She purses her lips but steps towards me. We are in the second to last row I created when I spot them. The flower. Flowers. A hole freaking field of the stupid things off to the right. "This way." I chide. She reluctantly follows. I notice torches hanging on the walls. I wait for her to run into me, she whimpers but doesn't react any further. Then I open her bag and pull out the matches again. She squeaks a little in protest, but allows it. Then I float around the room, illuminating the big patch of flora. She gasps and swoons and does whatever she does before squealing a little giddily.

"Marceline this is wonderful! There are so many I.."

"Yeah. Whatever."

"I.. I.. I apologize for yelling at you earlier I just.."

"It's fine Bonnie, just grab your stupid 'science' plants."

"I mean it Marceline... I just.. I really need this experiment to succeed and.."

"Just grab your flowers."