The Prologue
"What you are planning is dangerous, Severus."
Anyone that knew of his research or knew of him had that one thing to say: what he was planning was dangerous. They told him during the day, they told him during the night and they said it in different ways that he did now even want to think of as he worked harder.
He ignored them because of course he was aware of that small fact. If there was one thing that Severus knew, as a creator of spells and potions, it was that dangers were practically a job description. Every person that ever created or modified a single potion or spell in their life knew the dangers they were in.
Then there were the times when he created, experimented with and perfected potions all through his magical life… those were (and still are) dark and dangerous times. It was so dangerous that by his third year of schooling, Severus had written a Will. He didn't have much on it but it was prepared for his imminent death.
So when people insisted that he was being foolish in his misguided attempt to destroy the 'Impenetrable Fidelius Charm' theory he could honestly tell them that they were wasting their collective breaths. Besides, the scholars only insisted that he didn't do his research on the sole fact that he might prove to be correct and his findings would be used for evil.
Unfortunately, the scholars were also correct in their logic of evil. If Severus actually manage to make a spell that could bypass such a charm… it would open a tidal wave of hysteria and fear that would eventually drown the entire magical race. There would be nothing sacred in the eye of the public that he couldn't destroy.
Maybe that was the reason as to why Severus wanted oh so badly to do it. Voldemort was dead—he was killed by the infamous Potter brat that had yet to start school or even learn to walk properly. The way he defeated the 'Great' Dark Lord was absurd but acting like a frightened baby actually saved his life.
With the downfall of Voldemort there was nothing left for Severus to do. He had done everything he wanted to as a child. He became a renowned Potions Master—the youngest in History and… well, that was actually the extent of his wishes. There was nothing in this world that excited him but breaking one of the most redeemed charms in the world would definitely open a whole book of ideas and plans.
"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Nydia asked, looking over the extensive notes that her friend had taken. They were fully detailed and meticulous, not that anyone would be able to read it unless they were both killed.
Severus looked up from his position and nodded firmly. He was ready to break the Charm. After half a year of analyzing not only the Fidelius Charm but also the apparition method of traveling, Severus could proudly say that he was ready.
Apparition was a dangerous act in its own as Severus had found out. It was transporting the very being through time and space, a black hole in between these travels. A loss of concentration could send the person virtually anywhere. Thus it made the perfect way to bypass the Fidelius Charm.
"I know that people have told you that it's foolish and dangerous and all that rot but, honestly, I think you are doing this out of plain boredom," Nydia accused. Severus adjusted the bag on his waist, making sure that everything was protected and warded properly then he turned to his friend.
"Insinuating that this phenomenal breakthrough is being generated by my boredom is insulting," Severus responded. Nydia raised a brow in a fashion that Severus would have if someone was treating him like he was born yesterday.
"What other reason could you possibly want with stripping a perfect charm of its protection?" Nydia folded her arms over her chest. Severus paused in his counting of money.
It was international money, mostly gold pieces in case he ended up somewhere that did not take paper. Severus wasn't foolish enough to believe that he couldn't teleport himself back in time if this did not go well. He certainly hoped that didn't happen, it wouldn't do if he messed with the past but it was a possibility.
Through his years of dangerous work, Severus had learned that if he was prepared for whatever could happen then things would certainly be less hectic. For instance, with the levicorpus-Smith incident; had he not had every precautionary potion on hand, Smith would have bled to death right in that dingy classroom. Hell, Poppy had told him that it was a brilliant fix seeing as the foot still worked and there was only a minimal amount of scarring. She had said that before giving him clinic duty as his way of detention for the rest of his school career but that wasn't the point—the point was that he was prepared and Smith wasn't dead.
"The reason as to why I am doing this is so we can protect ourselves from those that want to break the Fidelius Charm," Severus explained, lying through his teeth. He was honestly bored but he'd be damned if he'd admit it.
"It's protected—it's perfect in every way!" Nydia reminded him, making quite the argument.
"It's not if I can break through it," Severus countered.
"You're FORCING an IMPERFECTION ONTO SOMETHING THAT IS PERFECT YOU JACKASS!" Nydia threw up her arms at the end of her insult and stomped several feet away from the Potions Master. Severus wasn't sure but he thought he heard the purple haired female call him a jackass which was a good laugh seeing as she was the one that proposed he tried to break a spell that no one else could if he wanted to do something with himself.
"It is time to go," Severus said to the woman. She snorted under her breath and handed him his notes so that he could lock them away inside a magical box that would protect them until he and Nydia died. He did not need anyone in his notes if he should, Merlin forbid, die.
Hopefully this experiment would not disconnect his soul. He could really use that or perhaps it would eject one of his important organs which would not be helpful either.
"No, no, don't think of the dangers NOW," Nydia taunted as if she read his mind. Severus glared at the darkly tinted woman and pushed the thoughts out of his mind as he flung his cloak around his shoulders and dragged Nydia from the castle.
It wasn't hard to sneak out of Hogwarts seeing as he was a teacher and had learned the difficult arts of sneaking up on students through the shadows that lurked around every corner. As they left the castle and began their journey to the Gates, Severus allowed his mind to drift to all his experiments, the good and bad. They were all perfected by now but they had started off with issues and problems that he spent months smoothing out.
"We're here Severus," Nydia poked him in the shoulder. Severus blinked and looked over at the tall woman. Her dark eyes met his and held. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Severus could tell that she thought she would lose him in his cause of being a complete and utter idiot but she was being paranoid.
Severus broke away from her and looked back beyond the Gate. The schools lights twinkled invitingly out at him but Severus knew that it was mostly a trick. He was nothing but a prisoner there, forced to teach little brats about his art only for them to disgrace it and make it nothing more than a nightmare for him to be around his precious forms of art.
"Yes, I'm going to do it," Severus said firmly, still gazing upon Hogwarts.
Though mostly everyone knew that he was going to do his research, no one knew on what he was going to do it on. The Castle, Hogwarts, was the perfect but odd first trial. The school was familiar with him so it might make it easier that and he wanted to be as close to Poppy as possible if he were to be injured and make it on school grounds. If he were to be thrown back or dismembered outside the castle, he would rather have Nydia somewhere near.
"I'm your doctor and your witness. This is going to be oh so exciting," Nydia sighed.
"This will probably be the worst or the best thing I have ever come up with," Severus corrected absentmindedly.
"That is certainly true," Nydia agreed, stepping away from Severus. The Potions Master took a deep breath and pulled out his wand. This spell required the direct channeling of his magic and an intent purpose: get into the castle. That was the only thing that could fill Severus' mind once he did his first trial.
Severus focused his entire being into passing the charm that protected the building. Severus took a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly as he turned in a sharp, counterclockwise circle. That was when Severus had a slightly bad feeling.
Something happened to him. Severus wasn't too sure as to what happened, but he knew that something happened. It was somewhere between completing his circle and releasing the breath he was holding. He had felt himself launch from the spot he had been standing in and felt his body bypass the charm but then there was a feeling of hitting a brick wall with all the force of a million tons.
No part of his body was spared from hitting this wall and Severus could do nothing but gasp for the breath that left his lungs thirsty. He felt invisible hands chain him to the wall, holding him captive. Severus forced himself to open his eyes and was vexed by what he saw.
Severus Snape saw everything. Every realm, every universe, every dimension, every alternate reality laid before him, playing themselves out all at once. Severus didn't know how he knew that this was everything but it was.
He could see a young scientist reciting the name of bones to keep out the screaming and hysterical laughter that emitted from neighboring rooms in the asylum that he created for himself. Severus witnessed a slightly bitter doctor in chronic pain placing a white pill on his tongue as he calmly told his patient that she would die in less than forty eight hours. He could see a young mother crying gently as she cradled her child to her chest. He gazed upon a half demon—a being that hasn't existed for centuries—fighting a full demon that had similar features as he. Severus watched as a panicked purple haired woman rushed towards a large castle, tears streaming down her face.
Every voice, every tear, every smell, every death, every life was before him in this single minute. It felt like an eternity but Severus knew that it was only five minutes. For five minutes Severus saw past, present, and future. All revealed itself for him like a map that only he could see.
Severus was God during those moments. He was God. He knew everything, he saw everything, he was everything. And because Severus knew everything, the temporary God had a revelation. He had a revelation that repeated itself like a mantra that only echoed louder and louder as everything settled into his brain.
This was a virtual Hell. Where he was, what he was doing was something that he would not wish on his worst enemy. He would pity anyone that was experiencing what he did because in this Hell, seeing was only the beginning. Severus could see all and he could feel all.
Severus could feel the sorrow and rage that the woman felt as she realized that her child had been stolen by her enemies. Her and countless others drowned in these feelings that Severus felt tenfold. Remorse of a lost sibling stabbed at his heart. Anguish of children that are no longer children being torn away from their godparents tore at Severus' soul. Agonizing pain and the stabbing pang of hunger echoed in Severus' brain as a starving wolf sunk its teeth into a helpless child.
So much pain, so much sorrow, so much hatred was too much for anyone to bare, much less a mortal man that had his fair share of sorrow and pain. Much less a man that could not concentrate… he couldn't find the golden flicker of hope and love that lay inside other souls and even some of the twisted and weakened souls that he was drawn to.
"Let me free," Severus whispered into the open air, pulling away from all the emotions that poured into his solitary space. This was too much for him; no man should ever have to do this. Severus jerked away from the hands that held him, surprised when they released him willingly.
Then Severus was freefalling into the realms and times below him and he found that he did not care one whit as to where or when he landed. He did not care what happened as long as he left the realm in which he saw and felt all.
So long as Severus wasn't God.
The End for now
Okay, so it's farfetched. It is and I know it but I like it in an odd way that shouldn't be encouraged. Luckily I don't need outer influences for me to continue. My voices keep me content most of the time. Anyway, I got this idea from someone's profile… uh External Madness… Eternal Madness? I don't know but I loved one of their stories and looked at their profile to see this suggestion—something he/she really wanted to see.
So, how was it?