Updated: 6/14/2012


"Oh my God! Grandma what do we do?" Benny asked, sitting next to the now gasping Ethan, whose hands were on his stomach. When he met Benny's eyes, he saw the uncontrollable fear that was there.

"Don't worry boys. Benny, go get the bags you prepared. I'll get everything ready for us to get going. Ethan, you just sit there and try to relax okay?" Ethan nodded and took some calming breaths while the other two began getting everything ready.

Eventually, everyone met back in the living room; Benny with three bags on his body; his bag, Ethan's bag, and the diaper bag. Benny's grandma smiled at the sight of them before speaking.

"Ready? I'll be transporting us to a special hospital."

"Ready," they say together, smiling at the older woman, who barely smiled back.

"I'm surprised we didn't get any weird looks walking in," Ethan said, hands still on his stomach as they sat in the waiting room as Benny filled out paperwork.

"It's a magical hospital. Your doctor thought it would be better for you," Benny's grandma said, sending him a smile.

"Hey E, it asks if you're married… what do you want me to put?" Benny asked, making Ethan's eyes fall to the engagement ring he still wore. He looked to see Benny looking at it too.

"Put whatever you want," he said with a smile, making Benny return it.

"Gotcha." He went back to filling out the rest of the paperwork while Ethan winced in pain some more.

"Ethan Morgan?" Ethan and Benny looked up to see a friendly looking nurse in front of them. "We have a room ready for you."

"Will you let my grandma know? She went to get something to eat," Benny asked as he grabbed their bags.

"Of course I will. Follow me boys." The two boys followed her down the hall and into a patient room. "Ethan, you'll need to change into that hospital gown right there, and why don't you just go lie down and relax for a bit. The doctor is on her way." The nurse left then, and Benny helped the very pregnant Ethan change into his gown before lying down in the bed and trying to get comfy.

"Soon… they'll be here," Ethan said, hands on his stomach.


As Ethan was getting situated and hooked up to an IV and everything else, a nurse poked her head in.

"Mr. Weir?" she asked, making the tall boy turn.


"There's some visitors here to see you. Should I let them in?"

"Um… let me see them first," Benny said, leaving Ethan with a quick kiss to the forehead and into the hallway where Sarah, Josh, Rory, and Benny's boss Eli was waiting.

"Can we see Ethan?" Sarah asked with a smile, making Benny nod.

"Yeah, you guys go… Eli, what are you doing here?" Benny asked, surprised to see the older man there.

"Benny… I have to talk to you."

"I can't talk right now, something's about to happen."

"I know! That's why I have to talk to you RIGHT NOW. We don't have much time!" Eli said, glancing at his watch. "We've got about 20 minutes left. Come with me!" Eli said, grabbing Benny's arm and dragging him into an exam room. A nurse stood there, a huge smile on her face. Eli closed the door and flipped the light that said "exam in progress".

"What's going on…?" Benny asked, looking from the two people, who both smiled.

"He really has no idea who we are does he?" the nurse asked, shooting a smile Eli, who smiled back.

"No, he doesn't. Then again, he hasn't met us yet."

"Well he has, but hasn't actually. But we don't have much time. Take my blood," Eli told the nurse, thrusting his arm out to her. She began to tie the tourniquet and slipped the needle in.

"Once again, what's going on?"

"Benny, calm down," Eli said, his dark eyes landing on Benny's green ones. "We're your children. Eric and Ella." [A/N: Ya'll saw this coming!]

"Hi daddy!" the nurse said, looking at him briefly before going back to getting blood from Eli/Eric.


Ethan sat in the hospital room, his friends and family around him.

"Mom," he said, looking at the blonde woman who was sitting next to him. "Where's Benny? We don't have much time. I can feel it."

"I don't know son. He'll be here though," she said, brushing through his hair with her fingers.

"Is he gonna die?" Jane asked, looking at her brother, who shot her a glare. No one noticed how Josh exchanged a worried glance with Sarah though.

"Ethan," Sarah said, coming to stand on his other hand. "We saw Benny talking to his boss Eli. He was here."

"Why was Eli here?"

"I don't know."

"Mr. Morgan?" a nurse came in calling his name. "We've got to get you ready to go to the operating room. Your guests will need to leave. Only family can stay in here right now."

"We'll be in the hallway, and we'll be here when you come back," Sarah said, kissing his cheek. Her and Rory left while Josh leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"They came to make sure you were okay." Ethan looked at Josh to see him wink and leave the room. Ethan gasped as pain shot through him.

"Go find Benny!" he told his family, and they took off, leaving Ethan alone with the nurse.

"What do you mean you're Ella and Eric?" Benny asked, staring at the two adults in front of him.

"I know it's a lot to handle, but we are you and Ethan's children. We came to help," Ella said, smiling at him, and Benny was surprised to see how much she looked like him when she smiled, except of Ethan's dark hair. "Daddy, it's us. If we hadn't come back…" she stopped, a quiet sob escaping her.

"We're running out of time. We've got to explain fast and get you back to Ethan," Eric said, rubbing at his sore arm. "Ethan's gonna die!"


"When we were born… he lost too much blood and there wasn't any of his blood type here. He didn't make it," Ella said, tears beginning to fall from her eyes. "But we found out Eli has the same blood type, so we came back, and if we can get them this blood before he goes into the operating room, we'll have both our dads, which is what we want."

"Please dad, you've gotta believe us," Eric said, and Benny nodded.

"We've gotta save Ethan."

Ethan sat in his room, wincing as they shot something into his IV.

"What is this?"

"It'll just put you to sleep, so when we remove the twins you won't know what's happening," the nurse said, smiling happily at him. He smiled back and nodded.

"Okay. Has anyone seen Benny yet?"

"No dear, not yet," the nurse said, patting his head. He sighed and winced in pain some more.

"I'm here!" Benny cried out, rushing into the room. "Can you excuse us for a couple of minutes? I have some people that want to talk to him before he goes to the OR."

"… Well okay. I'll be back in about five minutes to take him."

"Okay." Once the nurse left Benny quickly brushed his lips against Ethan's and smiled. "You have some special guests here."

"Dad!" two voices rang out, making Ethan's eyes widen slightly. He looked to see two dark-haired young adults smiling at him. The boy had lighter brown hair than the girl, but his eyes were a very, very dark brown. The girl's hair was a dark, dark brown and her eyes were a light green that seemed to dance in the light.

"Ella… Eric… What?"

"Daddy, we saved you. You'll meet us soon. We love you," Ella said, kissing his cheek. Eric copied the movement.

"Bye dad. It was great to finally meet you." The two young adults left, leaving Benny and Ethan alone briefly.

"You ready?" Benny asked, running his fingers through Ethan's hair.

"Stay by my side?" Ethan asked back, the sleeping drug beginning to take over.

"Always," Benny whispered as Ethan's eyes drooped. "I love you."

"I love you too. Always have."

"Always will."

Everyone sat outside the operating room, knees bouncing, hands twisting in anxiousness. Benny sat in between his grandma and Ethan's mom, biting his lip.

"Family of Ethan Morgan?" a nurse called out, stepping out of the room. Benny, his grandma, Ethan's mom, Jane, Sarah, Rory, and Josh all shot to their feet and turned to look at her. "We're allowed three visitors right now." Benny automatically stepped forward, his grandma next to him. He looked over his shoulder to see Ethan's mom telling Jane to stay there before stepping forward as well. "Follow me then."

She led them back into a long hallway. "Here we are," she said, opening a door. Benny's face took on his signature smile as he saw the sleeping Ethan curled up in the hospital bed.

"Where's the twins?" he whispered, turning to the nurse, who smiled happily.

"Getting checked out by the doctor. They'll be brought in soon enough. I'll leave you and your family to wake up Ethan. If you need anything, my name is Helen and I'll be right out in that nurses' station."

"Thank you," Benny's grandma said as the tall boy took the seat next to Ethan.

"E? Baby, I'm here. You made it. The twins are being looked at right now, but they'll be here soon. Aren't you ready to see them?" Benny whispered, holding onto the sleeping Ethan's hand and stroking it gently. Ethan's eyes opened slowly and landed on Benny.

"Benny… You're here," Ethan whispered, slightly out of it still.

"Of course I am. The twins will be in any moment, and I think we should be the first ones to hold them, don't you?"

"Yes. Help me sit up? Be gentle with me, I'm still sore from being cut open." Benny shifted Ethan some so he was reclining on the pillows now. He smiled when his eyes landed on his teary-eyed mom and smiling grandma. "Mom. Grandma. You guys are here too. Where's everyone else?"

"Waiting. They said only three visitors to start. How are you?" his mom asked, coming to stand next to him.

"I'm fine mom. Just want to see them."

A soft knocking was heard on the door.

"Special delivery!" the nurse from earlier, Helen said, opening it. She rolled in a baby hospital bed, and in it were two bundles of blankets. Just barely peeking out of the bundles were two pairs of wide eyes, one green and one brown. "May I present Baby Girl Morgan and Baby Boy Morgan." She said, pushing it in next to Ethan and Benny, who both looked at the babies in happiness.

"Boys." The two boys briefly looked up from their kids to see Ethan's doctor, Janelle, standing in the doorway, a small smile on her face and a folder in her hand. She walks in and smiles down at the small family. "You were very fortunate Ethan. You almost died earlier. But an anonymous donor had just recently, and I mean recently, donated blood that happened to be your type. You must have a guardian angel up there somewhere."

"Must have," Ethan said, running a finger down the smooth cheek of his son, whose eyes twinkled up at him in the light.

"You can go home tomorrow. Benny is welcome to stay overnight with you and the children. Congratulations you two."

"Thank you."

The next day, Ethan carried the twins into their home while Benny kept a secure hand on Ethan's back, who was still a little wobbly from having the children. As they entered the twins' room, Benny took Ella into his arms while Ethan still had Eric in his.

"Ella, Eric, welcome home."

The end.

Hope everyone liked it!
