Yay for my next batch of unfinished stories!

This is the sequel to "All That's Left."

I don't know how good it's going to be or anything. I hope ya'll like it though.

Still don't own MBAV.

Here goes nothing…

Benny POV:

Watching Ethan sleep next to me, my thoughts stray to these last couple of months. He stopped cutting himself thankfully. It killed me seeing him like that, the complete top half of his body was covered in cuts of different sizes and lengths. Looking at him sleeping peacefully next to me now, I sometimes find it hard to believe it's already been two months.

"Quit staring at me," he mumbled, opening one eye and staring at me tiredly. I can't help the slight chuckle I give him.

"Sorry. I just got caught up in my thoughts."

"Thoughts about me?" he mumbled again as I snuggled up against him.

"Maybe," I say as he curls up against me. I look at him and see he's already asleep. "I'm always thinking of you Ethan. And I really wish I didn't sometimes."

Ethan POV:

I woke up to an empty bed. Where had Benny gone? He was always there when I woke up, well on the weekend anyway. During week days he has to be at home, which sucks. I always feel better when he's with me. I mean, yeah I see him at school, but I'm beginning to worry. He's been kind of distant lately. It makes me scared.

"Hey you," Benny said, walking into my room. I noticed his hair was still kind of damp. He had taken a shower. "You okay?" he asked me, worry finding its way onto his face. I just nod, trying to catch my breath. "Hey, what happened?"

"I woke up and you were gone," I say, looking at him. I guess he can see the fear in my face because he comes and sits next to me, pulling me into his arms. "I-I was scared you finally got tired of me and left."

"I just went to take a shower E." I look up at Benny, a frown on my face. There's something about his voice that just bothers me.

"Are you okay?" I ask, worry soaking my voice. He smiles at me, but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Of course I am. I gotta head home, I have homework. See you tomorrow at school okay?" he says, hugging me again and getting up. I frown at him.

"C-can I get a kiss goodbye?" I ask, voice sad. He smiles a slight smile at me and leans down, kissing me quickly, lips barely brushing mine.

"See you tomorrow E," he says, leaving my room quickly. What's wrong with him?

Benny POV:

I hated doing that to Ethan. Leaving him so quickly, with that barely kiss. But my thoughts are so messed up right now I just had to get out of there. I think he can tell something's wrong with me. I just sigh and hurry to my house.

Once there, I run to my bathroom and splash water on my flushed face. After wiping the water away, I stare at my reflection. My eyes look tired, my mouth set in a grim line.

"Why is this happening to me? Why can't I just accept things the way they are?" I ask myself, tears beginning to form in my eyes. "I'm tired of feeling used. That's all there is to it. I feel like he's using me to make himself better. Does he even care about me at all?" I let a few tears spill forward before I take a deep breath and go lock myself in my room, trying to mentally prepare for tomorrow.

3rd Person POV:

The next day found Benny at school early, hating what he had planned. It has to be done, he kept repeating to himself. A frown seemed to be permanently etched onto his face. He sat in front of his locker, headphones in as music blasted from his phone. He pulled out an ear-bud when Ethan sat next to him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey," he said, smiling happily. Benny managed a small smile in return before casting his eyes down, away from his friend's face. "What's wrong?" Ethan asked, voice filling with worry.

"I need to talk to you," Benny says, standing up and looking at Ethan. "Alone." Ethan seems surprised but nods and stands up as well, following the taller boy to an empty bathroom.

"What did you wanna talk about?" Ethan asked, staring at his feet. Benny just leaned against the door, arms folded across his chest.


"What about us?" Ethan asked, clearly confused.

"Ethan…" Benny started, trying to find the words. "I … I'm tired of this."

"Of what?"

"Of us. I'm tired of you using me."

"I'm not-"

"Don't. I … I'm really beginning to like you. And I don't think I should, because I don't think you feel the same way about me."


"Ethan, it's better this way."

"No it's not! I need you!" Ethan cried out, grabbing onto Benny's arm. "I need you so much and care about you so much. Please Benny."

"I'm tired of being used Ethan."

"I'm not using you."

"Do I mean anything to you?"

"You mean everything to me Benny. You're all I have. I love you." Benny stared at Ethan in shock.

"What did you say?"

"I love you?"

"Y-you haven't said that since the night you stopped cutting," Benny whispered, frowning at Ethan.

"I was scared you wouldn't say it back."


"Benny. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm using you. I'm not. You make me feel better, but I do really care about you."

"What are we? Are we dating? Just friends who kiss and cuddle and all that crap? Or just friends?"

"I thought we were together," Ethan said, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"We've never put a label on what we are, and never act like it in public. How do I know if we're together?"

"But you said you were mine."

"I am yours. I'll always be yours. And sometimes, sometimes I hate that fact, because I don't know if you've ever been mine or not."

"Benny, I've always been yours too. Please, don't give up on me yet." Benny just looks at him, the sadness in his eyes evident. Finally he pulls Ethan into a bone crushing hug, murmuring to him.

"Ethan, I need you so much more than you think. I hope I won't regret this."

"I hope you don't either," Ethan says, leaning up and kissing Benny. "I really don't feel like going to class now. Wanna skip?"

"No, we should go," Benny said, untangling Ethan from him. "Come on E."

"Fine," Ethan said, grabbing Benny's hand and intertwining their fingers. "Only if we go like this." Benny smiled and they left for class, hand in hand.


What's in store for Benny and Ethan next? You'll just have to wait and see!

Cue eerie music! –dodododododododododo- lol

Hope it wasn't too terribly awful.
