Tutoring Chaos

Chapter 6

Fang's POV

~*-O-*~Window of Opportunity ~*-O-*~

~After Practice~

"Alright. Girls hit the showers first, you guys were awesome today." Coach smiled at the girls briefly then glared at us guys. "You boys on the other hand, are going to practice for another hour. You need to get your heads in the game. Dismissed!"

The girls cheered and jogged toward the locker rooms while us guys groaned. Why did we get stuck with another hour of practice? I was great during practice.

"Nick!" Coach called. I sighed and walked over to him.

"Yeah coach?" I muttered.

"I have to be somewhere in a few minutes. Can you lead practice for the guys?"

I was shocked. Coach was gonna leave me in charge of the guys? How in the heck am I supposed to manage 15 guys?

But what came out of my mouth was, "Sure."

The coach smiled and said, "Thank you Nick." Then he walked toward the school. Probably to get his stuff.

Hehe. Time to cause mischief.

"Yo Iggs!" I shouted from across the field. He stopped talking to Gazzy, and looked around. He waved when he spotted me so I waved him over. He came with Gazzy.

"What's up Fangles?" He smirked. I smacked him over the head.

"One, never call me that again. And two, the coach just left and he put me in charge." I smirked a devious smirk.

"What? That's not fair! You suck, why would he put you in charge?" Iggy groaned. I slapped him again.

"You're missing the point." I glared.

"What point?" Gazzy asked.

"The girls are in the showers and there are no adults around." I half-smiled.

Iggy grinned. "You are one perverted mother flipper."

"That I am." I winked. Then I called the rest of the guys over, and we devised a plan.

*A few minutes later*

"Does everyone know the plan?" Iggy asked.

We all nodded. I chuckled inwardly. We were gonna get in so much trouble for this.

"Go ahead Gazzy." I gently pushed him toward the door. He was the bait. He sighed.

He knocked on the door gently. "Nudge?" He said.

There were a few murmurs from inside which made us think that they didn't hear him so Gazzy pushed open the door and walked in. Some girls shrieked and we heard a few thumps and then Gazzy came running out.

"What the hell happened?" I hissed.

"There were naked girls. Ew!" He shuddered.

A few guys chuckled at his innocence. But damn. I wanted to see Max. How was I gonna get in long enough to talk to her? I inwardly sighed.

"Fuck it. I'm going in." I said confidently. Iggy grinned.

I pushed open the door, and called, "Hey girls." With a half smile, and a cocky attitude. All heads whipped toward the door at the sound of my voice. Some girls either covered up, hid behind their lockers or tried to show me some of their cleavage. Hm.

"Heeeeeeeeey Fang." A few girls cooed back.

"I'm looking for Max. Does anyone know where she is?" I half smiled.

A chorus of, "What do you want her for?" rang out from half of the girls. Including Maya.

"Hey. This isn't 20 questions. Just tell me where she is." I said gritting my teeth.

A few pointed to the showers. I grinned. "Okay. You girls have 5 minutes to get dressed and then I want all of you out. Me and Max need to talk." Then I left.

"What happened?" A few of the guys asked as soon as I stepped foot outside.

"The girls will be out in a few minutes, and if they aren't then we're going in." I smirked. The guys whooped and gave each other high fives.

"Wait a minute." Dylan piped up. "Why are we waiting till then? Why not go in now?"

"Because I'm not a dick. Half of those girls are naked. I, at least, want to give them a fair chance to get dressed." I winked at him.

"Whatever." He shrugged off my reply.

I leaned against the wall, and a few minutes later, girls came rushing out. Soon after, about a million shrieks filled the field as the guys huddled around them. I shrugged and walked inside. It was quiet, all I could hear was the one shower...and a locker door being closed. I narrowed my eyes.

"Who is still in here?" I barked out.

A petite girl walked around the corner of a row of lockers, she was biting her lip and she seemed nervous. "Sorry, I kinda just got out of the shower, and it took me a while to change." She said looking down.

I could feel my face soften at her. "It's okay, just go." I said nicely and headed to the showers, turning off the lights on my way.

"Hello?!" Max's shrieks filled the room. Who knew she could be such a girl. "Can someone turn on the lights?" She demanded a little angrily.

"No can do, Maxie." I smirked standing in front of her curtain.

"Walker?! What the hell? What are you doing in here?" She shrieked. Well, geez. When did she start shrieking so much? "Oh my God! Get out pervert!"

"I am not a pervert!" I clenched my teeth. This was not going how I wanted it to. "I just came to talk."

"Talk about what? And can it wait? Haven't you noticed? I'M NAKED!" She yelled the last part. I scoffed.

"Oh, don't worry. I noticed." I said cockily, winking at no one.

Suddenly, her shower curtain opened, and Max stepped out, in a towel, glaring at me. "You have got to be shitting me." She muttered.

"Ooh. You swore." I said, as if I were gonna tell on her.

"Fuck off Walker!" She flipped me off and glared at me.

"Let's talk first." I smirked, knowing that I was gonna win.

"Fine." She glared. "Let me get dressed."

"You have 5 minutes." I winked, and walked to the front of the locker rooms, to turn on the lights and wait for Max.

I chuckled as I heard her sigh in frustration.

A/N: Have you guys missed me? ;D Yeah well.. I've been busy so I forgot about all you guys :p Just kidding. I wrote 3/4ths of this months ago, but just now, I have finished. :p

Just review xD