Here comes the last chapter of this story! I know I've kept you waiting for far too long, but I hope you still wanna read it!
And Thank You for your reviews, pms and your patience, guys!
Warning: Spanking in this chapter! If it offends you, don't read! I have a story about some Cullen sibling-bonding and Bella is making an appearance as well ... so maybe that would be better suited for the ones of you who don't like this story here!
Edward did not know what had possessed him that he would defy his father so much lately. His rebellious teenage hormones must be pushing through again - he had no other explanation for it. Years ago he had made up a theory that the way he felt whenever they moved was following a certain pattern … and now he was certain that his theory was indeed right: The younger the humans surrounding him, the younger he acted, too. Yay, high school! The problem was probably that their carefree way of thinking and their stupid thoughts that constantly buzzed around in his head were rubbing off on him, who knew … but it would explain his stupidity and inability to take responsibility for his behaviour … and the fact that he constantly let his sister provoke him.
Guilt weighed heavily on him when he thought back to what happened in this room a few minutes ago. He had pushed his father so far, that the last spark of patience left in his father had vanished into thin air. When that had happened, Carlisle changed into coven leader mode, taking on a slightly different kind of personality. Well, not really different, but a lot more authoritative than usual. Carlisle normally held it back when it wasn't 'needed', because he wanted his children to grow up in a family surrounding just like their class mates, letting them live a next to human life. It helped them stay in contact with their human side, help them develop a conscience and give them a more satisfying goal in life than just roaming the country, mindlessly killing humans for their blood. He didn't want them to live such a useless life and become cold and cruel creatures – no, they were better than that. Carlisle's way of raising them encouraged them to keep human morals, and it worked.
But just now Edward had probably blown his chance of facing his father instead of his coven leader after the hour would be up. It had only been on a very few occasions that Edward had managed to push his father so far that he had to assume his position as the leader of this coven to teach his son what's what, to reign him back in.
Stupid stubborn vampire nature, stupid rebellious teenage hormones, stupid assumptions ... even if Esme had talked Carlisle out of punishing him today, her attempts would have been useless after that display of blatant ignorance.
But even though Carlisle had been really mad, he had left the situation - for Edward's and his own benefit.
Carlisle's instruction that he should go stand in a corner was an attempt to keep this matter a father-son matter, more than something between coven leader and coven member.
This punishment of standing in a corner was short, yes short, because standing somewhere for an hour was just as relaxing as lying down on a bed, but it would indeed make him think things through now.
Getting glimpses of his father's thoughts, he knew that Carlisle was trying to calm down and think straight. Carlisle was also testing Edward, to see if he would run or disobey him again. He wanted to find out if today was only a 'little' aftershock of yesterday's events or if Edward was really developing a little problem recognising authority. In addition, he clearly needed a break. Edward had managed to make his Dad's blood boil, even though this day was meant to turn out fine. And Edward knew Carlisle wouldn't give him a sound hiding when he was that upset with him. A few smacks meant as a wake-up call – yes. But no more.
In his office, Carlisle slumped down in his desk chair. He needed a moment to collect himself, because his nerves were strained and the situation in his son's room seemed more than just a little unreal.
He obviously hadn't made an impression on Edward yesterday, otherwise his son wouldn't keep on acting like he had left his manners behind in Alaska two weeks ago ... or lost them on the way to Forks.
Maybe he should have just given him the spanking he was asking for, right on the spot...
No, it was better to grant both of them some time to cool down and think about the situation. Edward could definitely start to learn using his brain again, because otherwise his life in Forks wouldn't be as beautiful as it could be.
Scooting closer to the desk, Carlisle put his elbows on the table top before burying his face in his hands. He remained like that for a few minutes, trying to keep his head void of any thoughts whatsoever. It would help Edward concentrate on thinking about his behaviour and it was an attempt to help himself relax, even if it was only for a few moments.
When he looked up again, he checked his wristwatch for the time and noticed that more than thirty minutes had passed already. That time had served to help him feel calm again and more at ease. Sitting up straighter, Carlisle then tilted his head from one side to the other, just like people were doing when they wanted to get rid of the tension in their neck and shoulders. Then he intertwined his fingers and stretched his arms out. Realising that he couldn't get rid of the last bit of tension he was feeling - because his muscles obviously weren't the issue here - he then groaned and leaned back in his chair, squinching his eyes shut.
Oh, how he wanted to take a vacation with his wife! Get away from their daily routine and just relax somewhere. Let the children do whatever they want - and if they destroyed the house or burned it to a cinder, he did not care right now. Having so much responsibility was weighing heavily on his shoulders and sometimes he did not know how he managed to still function.
He had tried his best to remain patient the day before, to grant his son time to think about what he would do or say. It was the first time since they had moved to Forks that one of his children really stepped out of line. Did he expect them to act up sometimes? Yes. Could he ignore it? No.
It was his job to keep this coven, this family, functioning and healthy. They would only be safe and strong as long as they could rely on each other. But seeing Edward defying him over little things weakened the strength of this unit, leaving their armour cracked. He couldn't ignore this kind of behaviour; in case of being threatened and not having Edward listen to him might be the end of several members of his coven. He was responsible for all of them and they trusted his competence of being their leader. He provided safety and they had to provide him with obedience and respect in return.
What made Carlisle especially nervous was the place where it was happening. Over sixty years ago, when they had stayed in Hoquiam not too far from Forks, they had come to an agreement with the leader of a wolf pack - a wolf pack that could easily wipe out his whole family. But as long as they wouldn't cross the treaty line and make sure to stick to the terms of their contract, each party could live in peace without being forced to attack. Carlisle had spent quite a while discussing the terms with the elder, making sure peace would be bestowed between them. In case a difficult situation occurred – let's say nomad vampires invading the area and feeding off several humans, leaving their bodies scattered across the forest ground – then his family could get blamed for that. If the leader of the wolf pack wouldn't have enough control over his whelps and failed to hold them back, then his family might end up dead. But the same thought occurred when he thought about his family's reactions. Edward did have quite a temper and he didn't like getting blamed for things he did not do. He was very defensive and did not react well to provocations. If that case occurred and Carlisle couldn't count on his son's obedience and he would be heading off doing whatever he wanted, then all their lives would be at stake. Would he risk this? Definitely not.
Sometimes he had to use his authority as a coven leader when he dealt with his children – making them see the seriousness of their actions. No matter if he liked it or not - he could never be just a father to his children, just like he could never be just a coven leader.
When he checked the time again, Carlisle noticed that another fifteen minutes had passed after he had been completely absorbed in his thoughts once again.
Letting out a deep sigh, he got up from his chair. There was no need to wait any longer, this situation had to be taken care of. He needed to restore order in his home, his family, his coven.
He walked over to his door and opened it instantly. All the way up to his son's room he braced himself for whatever would happen next. Additionally he asked himself what would happen tomorrow, or the day after that. Was Edward planning on making a habit of defying him just because? Why did he feel the need to act out like that?
Sooner than he would have liked, Carlisle had reached the top floor. He took the last necessary steps to reach his son's room, then placed a hand on the door handle. He halted for a moment to take a deep breath, bracing himself for the talk to come, then lifted his hand and let his knuckles rap against the wooden door.
"Come in," Edward replied. He was still facing the corner when Carlisle entered his room and closed the door behind him.
Carlisle breathed a silent sigh of relief at seeing that his son had minded his instructions and had remained standing in the corner just where he had told him to stand.
"Edward, son," Carlisle said and took another few steps into the room. "I am glad that you did as I told you. Would you come sit with me now so we can talk?"
"Yes, Sir," Edward replied immediately, turned around and approached his sofa. He sat down and folded his hands in his lap, then watched his father with an uneasy as well as apologetic look in his eyes before he bowed his head.
Carlisle retrieved Edward's desk chair and pushed it over to the sofa, placing it right in front of it so he could face his son while they would be talking about what happened.
When he was seated, he let his elbows rest on his knees and folded his hands just like his son had done. He let them lean against his lips for a moment, then pulled away and cleared his throat.
And just like he had hoped, it made Edward lift his head and look him right in the eye.
"Let us talk," Carlisle said softly, but with authority in his voice.
Edward's face scrunched up a bit at hearing his father's words. But it wasn't out of displeasure about the talk they were going to have, but about what led to this talk. His behaviour, to be precise. He had stolen and lied, defied his parents, disobeyed them and got chastised for it. Then, when he actually knew the next talk and consequence would be lighter, a shadow of the previous punishment, he decided to act childishly and refused to take responsibility for his actions, again.
"Dad, I am truly sorry about my actions - yesterday and today. I know you would appreciate an explanation, but I don't even know myself what drove me to act in such a way. It might be a mixture of several reasons, so I cannot name a specific one that would explain just what exactly I had been thinking when I defied you again today."
Carlisle listened attentively and had to admit that he was incredibly glad that Edward seemed to have sobered up and be the responsible young man he knew he could be. This made the whole situation easier, because they could have an actual talk now and not just exchange empty promises. "You seized the time to think about everything I assume?"
"Yes, I have." Edward nodded his head and gazed into his father's golden eyes.
"Let us break it down a little and try to get to the bottom of the matter." Carlisle did believe that there were several reasons involved in Edward's misbehaviour, but without addressing them, this problematic situation would probably never end.
"Yes, sir."
"What happened at school that you would come home and ignore my request to find me immediately? I would just like to understand. You agreed this morning and I had the feeling you wanted us to get this out of the way just as much as I do. How come you suddenly decide that listening to music is more important that this matter?"
"I don't know," Edward replied and hung his head.
"You don't know?" Carlisle asked incredulously and turned his head away for a moment. After taking a deep breath, he turned back toward his son, waiting for him to lift his head once more and look at him. "Edward, we don't get anywhere if you only give me answers such as 'I don't know' or avert your eyes. What did you think about during the last hour?"
"I was nervous," Edward uttered.
"Nervous? What made you nervous, son?"
"I didn't know what to expect when I would come home," he admitted.
A frown appeared on Carlisle's forehead. "I'm confused, son. I arranged for the rest of the family to come home at a later time so we would have enough time to discuss what happened again and get your punishment over with."
Edward had been aware of that, and knowing what he would face at home had made him a little nervous. But there was something else – something he himself was to blame for. "I ... I hoped Mom would have convinced you to go easy on me. Besides, Alice told me I shouldn't worry, so I thought Mom had … well, succeeded. And when I came home ... well, you were busy and I thought we'd probably just have a little talk and no more. I figured you thought there's no rush."
"Edward," Carlisle said and shook his head, a little laugh of disbelief escaped his lips. "what's going round in your head? You jump to conclusions and completely ignore what I told you this morning. That is behaviour fitting for a stubborn little boy but not you, Edward."
Shame washed over Edward at hearing that he had acted like a young child. He didn't like being compared to a child, but right now he couldn't argue about that – Carlisle was right.
"Edward, I have the feeling that you were nervous because you knew your 'guess' wouldn't come true, but you still hoped for it. So you just blocked out your responsibility and did as you pleased. You wanted to evade the situation."
Edward opened his mouth as if to say something, but then closed it again when he could see that Carlisle was replaying a memory in his head. But not any memory – it was the memory of him lying on his couch listening to music, to be precise. He lay there, completely carefree - it was the ultimate provocation. A teenager, lying there like he couldn't care less what his parents were telling him. An obstinate boy, who refused to take responsibility for his actions. Unfortunately, it did seem like he wanted his father to find him like that.
"Do you know what that tells me, Edward?" Carlisle asked and eyed his son, who was now shyly looking up at him. "You don't take the rules in this house seriously, and therefore don't take your mother and I seriously."
"No! Dad, I -"
"Hear me out, son," he admonished.
Edward looked uncomfortable, but then nodded his head. "Yes, sir."
"We set rules to maintain a structure in our family, to provide you with a safe surrounding so you don't need to worry about our exposure or any other kind of danger coming towards you. Last night that structure and safety wavered. Furthermore, by blaming Rosalie for your behaviour you tried to put her in the place of being responsible for the wavering safety. That was unrightful."
It really was. Had Edward really succeeded in convincing his father that Rosalie was solely to blame, then what? She would have been treated unfairly, might have left or acted up afterwards or withdrawn herself back into the shelter of her cold-hearted dismissive attitude, making it even difficult for her husband to break through that tough exterior. That would have weakened the strength of their coven.
In addition, Edward's abysmal behaviour would go unpunished. What would that have meant for the rest of the coven? Edward's manipulation would have been effective, showing him that he was right because his father would see Rosalie as the culprit, not him. Manipulating someone was also a typical vampire trait, something Carlisle didn't want his children to get away with. It was the first step to letting them lose their grip on humanity and their conscience, and he couldn't let that happen. He owed them a peaceful live with all the amenities they could ask for, and he wanted to make damn sure to be able to provide them with that.
Carlisle just couldn't tolerate behaviour like that, as it endangered the rest of the family who trusted him with their lives, trusted him to keep them safe. So in order to be fair and live up to his responsibility, he had to keep order and keep everyone in line - or cast the person out. He didn't want to do that. So as long the offender wanted to remain a part of this coven of his own free will, he had to obey the rules and the chastisements his misconduct warranted.
"I know," Edward mumbled.
"You know? You know it's unrightful? Then why did you try and do that even though you know it's wrong?"
Edward swallowed heavily. "I was panicking yesterday and said the first thing that came to my mind. I apologised for that, Dad."
"Yes, you did. And you knew that today you'd receive a punishment, but then you tried to evade it, didn't you?"
"Yes, I did," he admitted. It was the truth, and he couldn't wriggle his way out of it.
Carlisle sighed. "Why, Edward? I punished you yesterday, you seemed contrite and not like you would go and continue your defiance that you showed so much the day before. What happened that you decided to defy me yet again?"
Shame-faced, Edward averted his eyes again, much to the his Dad's displeasure.
"Look at me and answer my question, son. I believe you owe me that much after pleading you respect me."
Edward lifted his head again, his eyes holding a hint of pleading. "I have no explanation for that, I'm sorry."
But Carlisle knew that there was an explanation for this. He even had the feeling that he might know exactly what it was, even if his son claimed he didn't.
The reason for his son's defiance today might be the talk he and Esme had with Rosalie last night. Edward had to face a long grounding and two spankings for his misconduct, whereas Rosalie got off remarkably lighter for her teasing that Edward saw as the main reason for all this mess. Edward must have listened in on their private conversation and was disappointed by the outcome. Oh, it was really getting annoying for Carlisle that his teenage children always had the feeling of being treated unfairly.
"Is this about Rosalie, Edward?"
"What do you mean?"
"You tell me," Carlisle replied.
Edward started to fidget a little, because his father's mind remained silent to him. So now he would have to admit to what drove him to defy his father once more. He couldn't shake the feeling that his father knew something ... he must have figured out what bothered him to the extent that he would mindlessly defy his father again out of teenage petulance.
"Um...," Edward started, then nervously cleared his throat. "maybe."
"Just say it, Edward. No more beating around the bush, no more lying. Tell me what your sister has to do with you defying me once again."
Oh dear ... could he really say it? The last hour had helped him to think about everything again, but he knew his father wouldn't like his explanation and probably wouldn't accept it as a legitimate excuse for his behaviour.
He shouldn't have let his stubbornness show again ... he should have just followed his father's instructions and definitely ignore his sister's involvement in all this. But now it was too late. He just had to tell his father the truth - he respected Carlisle too much to keep on trying to weasel his way out of this. Everything that happened the day before and the stupid mistake he made today was something he wanted to forget about, leave it behind and be back on good terms with his father.
"I didn't think it's fair that she got off that lightly. And I didn't want to grant her the satisfaction of learning that today I would get disciplined again," Edward said and watched his father's gaze harden.
"Sir," he added quickly, and Carlisle just took a deep breath while rubbing his closed eyes with the thumb and index finger of his right hand.
"Is that what you still think?"
"No, Sir. I got the chance to think about my behaviour once more and realised just how wrong my reasons had been."
Carlisle liked hearing that, it meant that his son was finally taking responsibility for his actions. "But you still think your mother and I were too lenient with your sister."
Edward cringed a little under his father's steady gaze. "I assume it would be better if I keep my opinion to myself, Sir."
"You are not in trouble for voicing your opinion when I ask you for it. Just let me remind you to do so respectfully."
After a moment of hesitation, Edward spoke. "I think she got off lightly, because she is a girl and played you. You always let her get away with much more than you would let me. There are worlds between her punishment and mine."
Carlisle nodded, glad that his son would tell him honestly what he thought about this. "Do you know why your punishments aren't the same?"
Edward nodded his head and swallowed, embarrassed about his previous idiocy. "I do realise that my petulance today and blaming her for my behaviour yesterday are wrongful acts that are far more severe than her teasing, so now I do understand why you didn't choose to correct her the same way."
"I'm glad you notice that your offences haven't been equally severe. And I am glad that we can talk calmly about what happened without getting other members of this family involved. Your explanation already implied that you understand why I would choose to administer another spanking today. Another one, because I do not condone lying in my family and blaming Rosalie for your actions was just that. Do you agree that a warning wouldn't be sufficient for a misconduct of that degree?"
"Yes, Sir. I agree," Edward said to his father. He still would prefer to be spared that punishment, but he had to admit that he deserved it.
"And do you agree that your defiance today is an offence I cannot ignore?"
"Yes, Sir."
Carlisle was – despite the circumstances – proud of his son for admitting to his mistakes. He was glad they were finally getting somewhere without having Edward acting petulant or defensive. "Do you know why?"
"I defied you yesterday and I know you were lenient with me because we just moved here and started school again. You hoped my defiance was a one-off and I wouldn't repeat it anytime soon," Edward said, then paused for a moment. Now he was disappointed and angry with himself for what he did today, and it was hard having to sum it up for his father. "Today I indeed repeated that mistake, which would lead to the conclusion that I don't take you seriously and challenge your authority as my coven leader, because I refused to follow your order."
"What does that mean, Edward?"
"As our coven leader you provide us with safety and ask for our obedience in return. If one of us fails to obey you, it impacts everyone, because there is no relying on that member of the coven anymore." Oh God, he felt so bad. He had defied the person he loved more than anyone, his father and coven leader. The person who had brought him into the world and would do anything for him – the person he could always count on. But Carlisle couldn't count on him, his actions had proofed it.
"Are you a person I cannot rely on?" Carlisle asked after taking a deep breath.
"I don't want you to think of me that way! Dad, please! I did so much wrong that I understand if you don't want to put up with me anymore. I failed you, countless times, in less than 24 hours." And then Edward felt tears prick his eyes. Now that he thought about everything again he realised that Carlisle would have more than enough reason to wish to get rid of him now. He wasn't a good son or a good brother, he wasn't a reliable member of this coven, he - the soulless creature that he was - wasn't even good enough to deserve a mate.
"Edward, I would never send you away. Don't you ever think that, son. I love you, just like I love all of you. Not knowing if you are safe, not being able to see and talk to you ... I cannot imagine what that would be like and I don't want to imagine something like that. Please don't ever think I would want to make you leave - the opposite is the case, son."
"But I defied you, offended you ..."
"Yes, you did and we will deal with that. But the thought of making you leave would never cross my mind. Do you understand that?"
"Yes. Dad, I am really sorry for the way I behaved. I'll do better from now on, I promise. I am so ashamed of myself ...," he whispered and suppressed a sob.
Carlisle reached out and placed a hand on his son's shoulder, giving it a comforting rub. "I am disappointed in you, son. I know you can conduct yourself a lot better and I know that you are a responsible young man. Your behaviour lately left much to be desired, but that doesn't change you being my son."
The time for punishment had come and Carlisle took his hand from his son's shoulder. He saw how sad his son seemed at the loss of his comforting touch and he would have loved to just wrap his arms around him and comfort him until he would feel better - but he couldn't. This next definitely unpleasant part would not be administered like a regular spanking, because Carlisle needed to make sure that his son understood the severity of his actions. But his resolve faltered as he watched his son looking so miserable with thick venom tears in his eyes and hunched shoulders. Edward felt guilty and wouldn't fight him on whatever he would decide to do with him now.
"Edward, I need to make sure that you learn your lesson once and for all. Your punishment yesterday had obviously not left a lasting impression, so now I will see to it that lenience won't cloud my judgement again. You lied to me yesterday by blaming Rosalie, and today you willfully defied me, disrespected me. This will not happen again, do you understand?"
"Yes, sir."
"Unfasten your trousers and bend over the backrest of the sofa," Carlisle ordered while getting up from the desk chair and pushing it to the side.
Edward obeyed immediately.
He got up and unbuttoned his jeans, then stood behind the sofa. Pushing his jeans as well as his shorts down to his knees, he then bent over.
Edward was in position so fast that Carlisle got doubts again, even though he knew he should stay resolute. It was just the way he would have to administer this spanking now. He normally preferred having his children lying over his knees, because he knew they found the contact comforting. But with an infraction like this - defying him, trying to evade punishment - he had to make sure that his son knew he wasn't dealing with his compassionate father right now but with his coven leader.
He found himself standing on his son's left side and took a deep breath. "Give me your wrists, Edward."
Edward, whose weight was supported by the cushioned backrest of the sofa, reached both his arms back and felt Carlisle taking his wrists in his left hand before pinning them to his back. It was a significant gesture, even though it wasn't necessary for administering the punishment. Carlisle would immobilise his son to basically show dominance, whereas Edward's compliance let Carlisle know that Edward accepted Carlisle's position as his coven leader. He showed trust by letting him immobilise him, as well as that he yielded to him completely.
"Brace yourself," was all Carlisle said before letting his hand forcefully crack down on Edward's bare behind. Normally he would ask his children if they were ready or if they wanted to say something before they would begin. But this time he couldn't do that, because Edward had yielded to him. He was the only one in charge now, Edward had no say in his punishment.
As the swats rained down, building up a mean burn in his buttocks, Edward tried to remain stoic. He felt like he owed his father that much after the way he had behaved. And this time he had a lot more to expect because his father told him that yesterday he had been lenient.
Lenient ... and now he was getting disciplined for several misconducts, one of them 'proving' to his father that yesterday's punishment had left him quite unimpressed.
Somehow it was good being in this position right now, because it meant it would be over soon and then he would make damn sure to not find himself in this position again - for a very long time.
Carlisle kept the intensity the same, there was no variation of speed while he covered Edward's behind with punishing smacks, but he was by no means going easy on him. Edward had blown that chance the moment he decided it would be a good idea to go to his room and listen to his favourite music instead of taking responsibility for his actions. Sometimes he really felt more like a five-year-old ... a cowardly child that would seize every chance to get himself out of trouble again, even if it meant that someone else would get the hiding in his place. If Rosalie would have to endure this smacking right now, she would probably go ballistic and then getting teased by her would be the least of his worries.
No, he was a man and he would take this punishment like a man.
A man with tears in his eyes ... a man who had a seriously sore behind by now … a man who wanted his Mom to come home as soon as possible so she could make it all better! Ouch, Carlisle's hand hurt!
He tried so hard not to evade that hand, to show his father that he regretted his behaviour and deserved a punishment. He wanted to ease the guilt he was feeling for being so disrespectful to the man who cared for him so deeply that it hurt. Having disappointed someone was one of the worst feelings in the world and having forced Carlisle to let his coven leader side show could count as one of the most stupid acts he had pulled in a while. That was a lot for one day.
When he got the feeling that Carlisle doled out harder swats now and judging by the pain that was already cursing through the sore flesh of his behind, Edward knew he couldn't remain silent for much longer.
A loud sob filled the air - and it took him a moment to realise that it wasn't his father who had started crying freely. Venom tears blurred his eyesight and rolled down his cheeks, little yelps and sobs escaped his lips.
He didn't know how long he had been lying here already, and he didn't know how many more smacks he could expect to receive from his father.
When his arms suddenly dropped to his sides, he was completely startled and stopped crying for a second. He hadn't fought against the hand that held his wrists to his back, hadn't tried to cover his behind in an attempt to shield it from the painful slaps. He hadn't tried to push himself up from the sofa and he also hadn't tried to wipe at his tears. But nevertheless, Carlisle had let go of his wrists, and then placed his free hand on his son's back, rubbing it comfortingly while still delivering punishing swats.
The hand that was now bringing comfort stilled and put a little pressure on Edward's back. Confused about yet another unexpected change, Edward then learned what his father was planning on doing.
The next sharp smacks were aimed for his sit-spots and thighs. The light pressure on his back was just meant to keep him in place so Carlisle could finish up, delivering the last part of the spanking to this very sensitive area without having Edward squirm away.
Edward bit the inside of his lip; attempting to remain stoic once more was proving harder than he would have thought, because he could taste venom a moment later and a few yelps still managed to leave his lips.
With one last deafening crack, Carlisle's right hand landed on Edward's behind before it dropped to his side while the left hand started to rub comforting circles on his son's back again.
"Ssh, Edward. It's all right, it's over. You did well, son," Carlisle said and removed his hand from his son's back, which immediately drew a whimper from the boy at the loss of contact.
Quickly and carefully, Carlisle replaced Edward's underwear to regain his modesty, even though the sharp hiss that emitted from his lips told him that he probably didn't care at all about his modesty right then.
"Dad," Edward cried when his father didn't put his hand back on his back. He reached behind himself with one arm to check if his father was still standing next to him when he suddenly felt how two strong arms pulled him up into a standing position. Without thinking Edward fell into his father's arms and noticed that Carlisle wrapped them around him, hugging him close while whispering soothing words and 'I love you's', over and over again.
Edward seemed to cry harder at first, but while Carlisle rubbed his back in a comforting manner and placed a kiss on his hair he calmed gradually and his breathing became calmer.
"Come," Carlisle said and guided his son with one arm around his shoulders to the front of the sofa. He sat down and pulled Edward to sit on his knee. It was a little awkward because Edward was already seventeen, but right now he didn't look it. He looked like a contrite little boy that was seeking comfort from his Dad who was more than willing to provide him with love and care.
"I love you so much, Edward, you are my first born and will always have a special place in my heart."
"I love you, too, Dad," he replied while looking into his father's golden eyes and trying not to fidget too much. His bottom was sore and would be for the rest of the day, no doubt about that.
Carlisle smiled a little, then wiped a tear away that was making its way down Edward's cheek. "I hope you understand that I don't wish to have a repeat of yesterday's and today's events. This is so unlike you, son. You are a responsible young man and I fail to understand why you acted out like that. What is going on? What is frustrating you to that extend that you behave like that?" he asked and watched his son glance at him before looking away.
And then Carlisle knew he could still trust his gut feeling. Something was burdening his son, pestering him, and hopefully now he would be willing to open up about it.
"I ... I don't know. It's stupid, I'm just ...," he uttered, seemingly unable to really voice what's bothering him.
"Do you want me to call your mother? It is all right if you don't wish to talk to me about it, but I'm sure you would feel better if you talk to someone."
Edward bit his lip for a moment, noticing that the wounds he had inflicted on himself were already healing. "She's not here."
"No. No, your mother is not here, but I can call her for you, Edward," Carlisle said before he realised that Esme was not the one his son was referring to.
He took a deep breath, then reached out and smoothed his son's unruly hair away from his forehead, knowing Edward had always found comfort in that gesture.
"You'll find her, Edward. If I am certain about one thing, it is that you will find your true mate. There is not a single doubt about that in my mind."
"She's not here."
"She might not be here, but she'll be somewhere, waiting for you just like you are waiting for her."
"What if she hasn't even been born yet? What if ... what if ...," Edward mumbled, clearly distraught about all the possible 'what ifs' there might be, even though right now his mind didn't provide him with more.
"Edward, listen to me. Nobody can tell for sure when or how you'll meet, but it is going to happen."
"It hasn't happened yet ... it might very well never happen."
Carlisle chuckled at his son's stubborn statement, completely startling the boy. "I waited over two hundred and eighty years for you mother, Edward. Jasper waited more than eighty five years for his true mate, Alice."
"So? Rosalie only had to wait for the duration of her newborn phase, not longer. And during that time she didn't even want a mate. And Emmett didn't have to wait at all. Why is that? It's not fair," Edward replied and sniffled once, trying to rid his nose of the excessive venom that was blocking his nose.
"Edward, please don't compare yourself with your siblings. They got … lucky," Carlisle said and patted his son's hair. It was weird to say that Rose and Emmett got lucky, because the circumstances of both their transformations were really more tragic situations than actual luck. But yes, they were meant for each other and it was beautiful to see them being so happy together.
Edward knew he couldn't do anything about finding his future wife but wait patiently until the time would come. Maybe it would happen soon, maybe not.
"You'll find her, Edward."
"The moment I find her I'll be mad at her for letting me wait so long," Edward said and rubbed at one of his eyes – the venom stung a little.
"I think you'll be overjoyed the moment you find her and nothing else," Carlisle replied, smiling.
"I'm not sure." Edward made a face, making his father laugh.
It was great that they were able to spend some time together to do some talking, just the two of them. Yes, what led to them being alone had been something neither of them wanted a repeat of, but thankfully that was all in the past now.
"You'll see, son," Carlisle promised, his eyes twinkling.
Carlisle had stayed upstairs with his son for a while longer. It felt good, it felt like all those years ago when it was just the two of them. They talked and laughed, until Edward 'kicked' his father out. He needed some time to himself to rub the sting out of his behind, change into a venom-free shirt and think about everything once more. So in order to do all that, he asked Carlisle if he could call Esme for him. And Carlisle did, of course. He knew how much comfort Edward found in his mother's presence, and he, too, wanted Esme to come back home. He wanted everyone to come home so they could maybe have a family night, watching a movie or just talk.
"Hey Daddy," Alice said and hugged her father from behind. She had gone looking for him the moment they had arrived home and she found him sitting on the porch, knowing that he was exhausted. That's why she decided to come find him.
"Hello sunshine," he replied and kissed her cheek while patting her hair with his right hand.
She stood up straight again and stepped in front of him, looking at him with a contemplating look in her eyes. "You look tired, Daddy."
He just laughed.
"Can I get you something?" she asked and tilted her head to the side, waiting for him to tell her how she could help.
"No, baby, I am fine. But thank you," he replied.
She squinted at him, her little nose crinkling. She wasn't sure if he was indeed fine, but he was getting better, she could tell.
After a moment of silence she said, "Okay. Can I go see Edward?"
"Of course you can. Go make sure he's all right," Carlisle told his petite daughter, knowing she must have seen what happened on this day. And she had probably checked the future for when Esme would be leaving Edward's room again so she could be the next one to go check on him.
"Oh Daddy, of course he's all right. Don't beat yourself up, you've doled out enough today," she said, then giggled and vanished into the house when he reached out to give her a little smack.
He chuckled and leaned back in his chair, breathing in the fresh evening air that smelled of the forest and the river nearby. With one elbow propped up on the armrest and chin in hand he looked around, and an overwhelming sense of gratitude flooded his heart as his thoughts drifted to his wife and children again and the life he was living.
Thanks to everyone who read and reviewed this story! Thank you so, so much!
I'll try to put the first chapter of my Rosalie/Esme-story up in a few days. It will fill in the gaps, because it is basically a parallel story :-)
Now ... oh! Please review!