14: Gemini

"So are you two together?" Liz asked panting her nails while the guys were off talking.

"After everything that has happened, do you really need to ask?" Maka asked sitting next to Gemini.

"Well…um… no." I said, blushing and scratching the back of my neck.

"What!" Liz, Maka, and Tsubaki yelled. Liz dropped her bottle of polish, the paint spilling onto the desk in front of her.

"Well damn. I hope Stien likes the color green. But what do you means you two aren't together. We could all tell what happened in the clinic before we all walked in." Liz said, blowing on her nails to dry them.

I dropped my head on my desk. "I really don't know." I said to the desk. "I don't even know how I feel about him!" I looked over at the guys, who were fighting about something. Kids back was to us, but the moment my eyes landed on him, he turned around and saw me looking at him. God the smile that he gave me was amazing.

"That's not a normal Kid smile." Patty laughed. And as per usual, she didn't know what was going on, she was too busy coloring.

"She's got a point, kind of. That's the same kind of smile when he seeing something symmetrical. He's got the hots for you." Liz said.


"So when you gonna asked her out." Soul asked, as Kid turned back out.

"I don't know. I really don't know how she feeling about me…" Kid trailed off.

"WAIT! You two have kiss, made out, and-" Black*Star said. Darrin interrupted Black*Star with a cough. "ok… and you don't think that she would have let you do that if she did have any feelings for you?"

"Gemini, Darrin, Maka, Soul, Black*Star, Tsubaki, and Kid, Liz and Patty." Stein called the nine of them to the front of the class. They called meet up with their partners in front of their teacher. "Lord Death wants to see you all."

"I'm sending you all to India." Lord Death said.

"WHAT!" every one yelled.

"Father, what's going on in India." Kid asked, stepping out of the line of students.

"We need some of the stop students to go to India to add in protection for the price. Lately the price has been the target of several attacks by a group of Kishins." Spirit said, his hands in his pockets.

"Sense when do Kishins band together?" Gemini asked, stepping up next to Kid. "For as long as I remember, they were solitary and hated others of their kind."

"You are right. That is another reason we wish to send you and Kid. Kid being a reaper and you and Darrin being Death Scythes." Death said. "Wait I'm sorry. I wasn't supposed to say anything about that was i?"

The color drained from Gemini and Darrin's faces. What would happen if everyone found out that they didn't have to work to become a Death Scythe, let along know that Gemini was a weapon as well. Theses were secrets that the entire staff of the school had agreed to when the arrangements were made for Gemini and Darrin to come back. And Lord Death just threw that all out the window in under two weeks.

"You're a Death Scythe?" Kid asked. Gemini couldn't look at him, she could only nod her head yes.

"Well-" Darrin said.

"It would be pretty nice to have another Death Scythe in the group." Soul said from his sitting position on the ground. "We're more alike than I thought. Cool."

"Yeah, one problem with that Soul. We've finished our training. I didn't know you were a Death Scythe." Darrin said, looking down at the white haired boy at his feet.

"Ok, now that you all are caught up to who's a Death Sycthe, you all leave tomorrow.